
I'm Your Boyfriend

The afternoon rolls around so slowly but you're excited to see Hyunseong again.


Minwoo: *smiling* So are you interested in Hyunseong ah?


You: Aniyo *blushing*


Minwoo: It's alright if you are *laughs* I think you'd be really good with him.


Minwoo sits in the back of the car and colses the door before you can get in. He then winds down his window to speak to you.


Minwoo: You can take the front~ *winks*


You: Pabo! *hit his head gently*


You walk around the front passenger seat and hop in.


Hyunseong: Anneong…


You: *lower your head a bid* Anneong…


Minwoo: Oh hyung, can you drop me off just up here?


Hyunseong: Wae?


Minwoo: I have some things I need to get.


Hyunseong: Should I wait for you?


Minwoo: Aniyo, I'll catch a bus home.


Hyunseong: Arasso *pulls over* See you at home.


Minwoo: *nods* Mmm, see you later~


When Minwoo gets out it turns really quiet and you feel a little awkward.


Hyunseong: Are you… Are you alright?


You: *nod nervously* I'm fine…


Hyunseong: Do you mind if I take you out before taking you home?


You: Where… Where would we go? *nervous*


Hyunseong: Out for coffee or something…


You: Arasso… *your palms go all sweaty*


Hyunseong: I know a nice place but it takes almost an hour to get there so we wouldn't be back before dark.


You: I'll call my oppa and ask if it's alright…


Hyunseong: Oh arra.


You call your brother.


You: Anneong oppa~


Brother: What is it?


You: I was wondering if I could go out tonight. I promise I'll be back before 9.


Brother: Don't you have homework?


You: I've finished all my school work.


Brother: Are you going out with friends?


You: Uhh yeah, I'll be with some friends from school.


Brother: Arasso, be back before 9. Have fun~


You: Mmm I will *smile and hang up*


Hyunseong: Your brother doesn't like you out with guys?


You: It's not that he doesn't like it or wouldn't let me… It's just he'd worry too much.


Hyunseong: Mmm, I still feel a little bad about your brother not knowing.


You: Mmm, it's not easy to lie to him but I think this one time will be alright… I don't want him to worry about me.


Hyunseong: I guess so.


On the way there you fall asleep from your tiring day at school. Hyunseong smiles gently, content with having you by his side. Eventually you arrive at the little café.


Hyunseong: Would you like a coffee?


You: I don't really drink coffee… It's too bitter.


Hyunseong: Oh.. Is there something you would like? Maybe tea?


You: I think I might have a hot chocolate *smile*


Hyunseong: Ohh arasso, do you want marshmallows too?


You: *nod cutely* Yes please~ Here, I have some money.


Hyunseong: *closes your hand back up* Aniyo, it's my treat. You should find a spot to sit and I'll get our drinks.


You: Are you sure?


Hyunseong: *nods* Mmm, I'll bring our things over shortly so just find somewhere to sit *smiles softly*


You find a nice spot in the corner of the café with soft and comfortable. Hyunseong walks over with a tray and set it down on the table in front of you.


Hyunseong: This is my favourite spot in the café *smiling*


You: Ah really? It looked like a nice spot.


Hyunseong: Here's your hot chocolate and I bought a blueberry muffin to share…


You: *smile* Blueberry is my favourite.


Hyunseong cuts the muffin in half and hands you a fork. He sees you look a little cold too so he takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders. He then gets up from his seat that is placed across from you and takes a seat right next to you.


Hyunseong: Are you too cold to stay here?


You: Aniyo, I'm alright… Thankyou for the jacket. *sip on your hot chocolate*


Hyunseong: I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable…


You: Not at all. I'm really happy you decided to come and sit next to me *realises what you've just admitted and blush*


Hyunseong: *smiles to himself* Do you like your drink?


You: *nod* It's very nice and the muffin is yummy too :3


Hyunseong: *eats some of the muffin* Mmm it's pretty good *smiles*


You sit with Hyunseong just chatting and laughing for about an hour.


Hyunseong: It's getting late… We should get going. Do you want to stop and have dinner on the way home? I mean a muffin was nice for afternoon tea but I'm still pretty hungry.


You: That sounds nice.


Hyunseong: *lends you his hand to help you up* Come on then *smiles*


Hyunseong doesn't let go of your hand after you get up and you're a little nervous but soon his fingers intertwine with yours and without noticing you react and hold his hand too. When you get to the car Hyunseong opens the door for you. He then gets in also and he drives away.


Hyunseong: *smiling* I didn't want to let go just now.


You: Hmmm?


Hyunseong: Your hand…


You: Oh… *you blush and decide to take hold of his free hand*


Hyunseong quickly glimpses at you and smiles. You stop for dinner and have a great time with Hyunseong. You get along really well and have so much to talk about. On the way home a song comes on (Ocean Travel) and Hyunseong sings along. His voice sends tingles up your spine and you feel so happy and relaxed in his presence. Your palms are a little sweaty as he makes you nervous to be around. The song eventually finishes and you take your hand away because it's too sweaty and you're embarrassed.


You: What's the time?...


Hyunseong: Mmm about 8:30…


You: How long until we get there?


Hyunseong: Not too long… Maybe 5 minutes. Wae? What's wrong?


You: Nothing…


Hyunseong: I hope you had an alright time. I'd like to go out again some time… *bites his lip as he pulls up outside your house*


You: Mmm I had fun. I better go though… Anneong~


Hyunseong: Wait! *takes your hand* When can I see you again?


You: *your face flushes a red colour* I'm not sure…


Hyunseong: Oh… Okay I guess I'll see you around then *lets go of you*


You: Thankyou for taking me out. *get out of the car and run inside*


Hyunseong drives to the apartment and sits on the lounge slumped.


Minwoo: How was this afternoon?


Hyunseong: It was going really well until about 10 minutes before I dropped her off… We were holding hands and I was just singing along to the radio then she let go of my hand and just seemed like she wanted to get home and then I asked when I could see her again o if she'd go out with me again and she said she didn't know….


Minwoo: Really? Hmm, I'm going to go call her.


Hyunseong: Aniyo! Don't do that. It was our first date… I don't want to seem like a clingy idiot.


Minwoo: *laughs* I wanted to call her anyway. She's my bestfriend so I'm curious about how her first date with you went.


Hyunseong: Don't tell her anything I said arasso?


Minwoo: *calls you* I won't~ *you pick up* Anneong~ -Your Name-?~


You: Oh anneong Minwoo ah, what's up?


Minwoo puts the phone on loud speaker and Hyunseong is sitting close by.


Minwoo: Mmm not much I just wanted to see how your first date went.


You: *can't stop smiling* It was really nice~ I had such a great time. I want to see him again as soon as possible *smiling*


Minwoo: *laughs* Chincha? Hyunseong ah was worried you didn't want to see him again. I think he thought you were a bit distant towards the end…


Hyunseong death stares Minwoo.


You: Oh… Really? I mean I pulled my hand away from him because it was getting sweaty… I was embarrassed and then I got nervous and I didn't want to leave him…


Minwoo: Chincha? That's so cute~!


You: Don't tell him what I said please? I really don't want him to know. I'm already embarrassed enough.


Minwoo: Arasso arasso~ anyway I have to get to bed. We have school tomorrow, we can talk more then. Anneong~ Sleep well.


You: Oh you too, anneong *hang up*


Minwoo cracks up laughing when you hang up and Hyunseong sits there as red as a tomoato.


Minwoo: *laughing* Well I think it's safe to say that she likes you quite a lot. You shouldn't be worried anymore. *smiles*


Hyunseong: *a bit surprised but really really happy* Mmm I own't worry anymore.


Minwoo: *smiles* Wahh she seems so happy.


To Be Continued…. :)


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Chapter 17: Loll pregnant????? Kkkkkkk
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I reallyy love HyunSeong♥♥♥♥♥ Im sure i will be happy to read it.
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