A Concert~

I'm Your Boyfriend

Minwoo texts you while Hyunseong has gone for a shower.

Minwoo text: Hey -Your Name-!!
                    Boyfriend have a concert on tomorrow night. you should come along~ I have someone who'd like to meet you :3

You text: I'd love to but won't all the tickets be sold out? And who wants to meet me??~

Minwoo text: I'll make sure there's a spot for you don't worry. I'll even pick you up on our way in if you'd like (:
                    My hyungs would like to meet my new friend~ So will you come along?

You text: Well I guess if you can piick me up I will. I'm so excited to watch you and to meet your hyungs~ >.<

Minwoo text: It's going to finish really late tomorrow night so would you like to sleep over at the dorm?

You text: Are you sure I'd be allowed to?

Minwoo text: Of course~ Then we can go to school together ^.^

You text: My brother says it's okay as long as he gets to meet you before hand.

Minwoo text: I'll come a little earlier tomorrow and meet him before we leave arasso?

You text: I'm so excited!!

Minwoo: Me too~ I can't wait to hang out with you again.

Before you know it's the next night and Minwoo walks into your house, meets your brother and you leave with your things.

Minwoo: Are you warm enough? *walking to the car carrying your things*

You: *nod* I'm fine. 

Minwoo: Sorry if my hyungs get a little excited to see you *sighs* They're really nice people though. I think you'll like them.

You: I'm sure I will ^.^

Minwoo opens the van door for you and makes sure you get in before him.

Minwoo: This is -Your name-... 

Donghyun: Anneong~ I'm Donghyun

Jeongmin: My name's Jeongmin it's nice to meet you finally.

Kwangmin: Yeah he hasn't stopped talking about his new friend *laughs* I'm Kwangmin by the way and this is my twin Youngmin.

Youngmin: Anneong~ *smiling*

Minwoo: The one listening to his music and sleeping is Hyunseong. 

You: *you make and 'O' shape with your mouth* Oh, arasso. It's nice to meet you all *happy*

During the trip to the venue, you get to talk and have fun with the guys. Hyunseong is trying to act really cool and layed back so he just has his eyes shut and listens to music. When you arrive Minwoo helps you from the van and links arms with you as you walk through to the dressing rooms.

Minwoo: Hyung~

Hyunseong: What is it?

Minwoo: This is -Your Name-. You were asleep in the car so you didn't get to meet her. I have to go and get my make-up done so could you look after her? Thanks~ *walks away smiling to himself about the situation he has created for his hyung*

Hyunseong just sits on the lounge and you follow him but stand.

Hyunseong: you can sit if you'd like...

You: It's my first time to a show like this *smiling as you sit* I'm glad I got to see you again. I never got to say hello the day you picked Minwoo-ah up from school...

Hyunseong: *awkward* Uhm... I have to get changed into my outfit for the show... I'll be right back. You can play on my phone if you'd like while I'm gone..

You happily take the phone and find a cool game to play while you wait. Hyunseong takes too long and you get bored of the game so you click off of it to find it in contacts.

You: Hey that's my contact *whisper to yourself* Is this his phone or Minwoo-ahs phone? *see your picture*

Hyunseong walks back out in his red and black suit soon after.

You: Is this your phone or Minwoo-ahs phone?

Hyunseong: Mine... Wae?

You: Aniyo, no reason. It just looks similar *smiles*

Hyunseong: Oh... 

Hyunseong had his hair and most of his make-up done earlier so now it's just yourself and him waiting on the lounge.

You: Uhm... *embarassed* could you tell me where the bathroom is?...

Hyunseong: It's on the other side of the building... you probably won't find it even if I give you directions...

Hyunseong talks to someone for a second and walks back over to you.

Hyunseong: Come on, I'll take you there. I have plenty of time.

You're a little scared because there are so many people and it looks so easy to get lost amongst them all so you try to stay close to Hyunseong but you get separted anyway. You stand against the wall looking for him but you don't see him anywhere and you don't have your phone with you either. Seconds later someone takes your hand and you're taken away from the crowded area.

Hyunseong: There's a lot of people tonight so it's easy to get lost... 

You: Sorry...

Hyunseong: For what? *looks back at you who is trailing behind*

You: Well I'm being very troublesome *pout*

Hyunseong smiles gently at you while still holding your hand.

Hyunseong: Not at all... I'm glad you came along tonight.

You: You are?

Hyunseong: *walks a little slower to make it easier for you* I wanted to meet you properly.

You: Oh... *smile*

Hyunseong: I'll wait over here for you.

You're in a busy part of the performing center and someone knocks you down.

You: Omo! I'm so sorry *talking to Hyunseong who is underneath you* Are you alright?

Hyunseong: *sits up and his face is quite close to yours* I'm fine... *looks into your eyes* What about you?

You: *go red in the face and stand up* I'm fine. I... I'll be back soon *hurry to the bathroom*

Hyunseong stands by the wall and smiles to himself thinking about how cute your face was just then.

You eventually walk out but avoid eye contact with Hyunseong. The last time your eyes met you felt a little funny.

Hyunseong: Are you alright?...

You: *nod* I'm alright.

Hyunseong takes your hand again to guide you through the masses of staff people. You get tingles up your spine when your hands come into contact again. Hyunseong feels it to.

Hyunseong: I... I should finish getting ready. I'll get someone to take you to your seat.

You: Oh.. okay...

You get to your seat and sit patiently while waiting for the boys to come on stage. They perform  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUXr8tsb67Y

You couldn't take your eyes away from Hyunseong the whole time he was on stage. Every performance they did you tried to look away but you couldn't do it. All you wanted to do was look at Hyunseong and you don't know but he's not just looking at the audience, he's looking at you. Every time he can his eyes find yours.

To Be Continued.... :)


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Chapter 17: Loll pregnant????? Kkkkkkk
Chapter 16: Aww I cried when they cried too thx for updating I almost forgot this fic
Chapter 14: Aww thank youuu I want it to be reallllll
foreverlikey #4
Chapter 13: Update Please
Chapter 13: Awwww wae hyunseongn bad boy? Aigoooo poor me
Chapter 12: Aww thx for update! I love they story btw. Waiting for the next chapter
I reallyy love HyunSeong♥♥♥♥♥ Im sure i will be happy to read it.
b2utifulexotic #8
Chapter 6: Well..... Awkward..... I know what happened.... Dirty Author-nim....... ;D
Chapter 1: Minwoo, please introduce me to him!! Author-nim, you are the best ^^