Trying to Make it up to You.

I'm Your Boyfriend
Youngmin: Her brother is home so you can't really have a proper talk there anyway...
Hyunseong: Can't you text her to come over here?
Youngmin: You know you were wrong don't you?
Hyunseong: I know and I want to fix it...
Youngmin: Arasso, I'll tell her to come over. I'll be at my parents house tonight so you should figure this out and make things right. 
Hyunseong: Thank you so much...
It's pouring down rain later that night when you come over to the boys apartment thinking you'll meet Youngmin. When Hyunseong answers the door you turn around and start to walk away. 
Hyunseong: *grabs your wrist* Can't I talk to you before you leave?
You: I have to get home *pull yourself out of his grip*
You walk off and eventually your feet hit the pavement outside of the apartment block. You walk around for ages, just thinking things over. You end up back at the lot of apartments Hyunseong lives in but you just sit at the bottom of the stairs. You don't return home and it's getting late so your brother calls Hyunseong to ask if he knows where you are.
Hyunseong: She didn't go home?!
Brother: Aniyo, she said she was going to your apartment and that she'd be back before 9pm.
Hyunseong: I'm going to look for her, I'll call you when I find her. 
Brother: I'll go and look too. She shouldn't be too far.
Hyunseong hangs up and races out the front door with his keys in his hand. As he nears the bottom of the stairs he sees a small figure sitting hunched on the last step.
Hyunseong: Kalie!?
You: *look down not wanting to talk*
Hyunseong: Kalie-ah your brother is so worried about you and when I heard that you didn't return home I felt sick worrying about what might have happened to you! *crouches down and holds you tightly*
After a few seconds he releases his hold and calls your brother to tell him he found you and that he'd take care of you for the night.
Hyunseong takes your hand and leads you up to the apartment. You don't say a word and have no energy to refuse to go along with him. You're soaking wet and he wants you to change into some dry clothes. He leads you to the bathroom and truns the shower on.
Hyunseong: Kalie... Please change into this after you have a warm shower. You're going to get sick if you stay like this.
You just sit there feeling numb and don't follow his instructions.
Hyunseong: If you don't get into the shower, I'll undress you and hold you in there myself. 
You hear him but don't move. You're still thinking to yourself but you can feels Hyunseong's warmth as he closes in and removes your drenched shirt. He then gently removes your bra, followed by your pants and underwear. He takes your hand and gently pulls you over to the running shower and guides you into it. You still stand there expressionless so Hyunseong rolls up his sleeves and gently cleans your back for you. After your shower he dresses you in some warm and dry clothing and sits you down on the lounge.
Hyunseong: Kalie, drink this while it's still hot *hands you a hot chocolate*
You: Thank you. *the first words you've said for a while*
Hyunseong: I'm going to put a movie on for you while I go out. I need to get a few things from the shops. Just sit here until I get back. Promise me you won't leave.
You: Mmm *nod your head*
Hyunseong: I won't be long.
Hyunseong returns to see you've fallen asleep. He undoes the packaging of a cute pair of warm socks that he's bought for you and puts them on your feet for you. You wake up as he does this.
You: Why'd you do it?
Hyunseong: Do what?
You: Flirt with that girl... *look away from him and sit up*
Hyunseong: *sighs heavily* I didn't mean for it to look like I was flirting... I saw you hanging out with the other guys so I thought I'd try hanging out with a girl... I don't know what I was thinking.
You: They're your friends too. Why didn't you just come and hang out with us?
Hyunseong: Because I didn't know if you wanted me there, I didn't know if trying to be with you the whole time would annoy you
You: It wouldn't have annoyed me. I like you being next to me all the time.
Hyunseong: I guess I was trying to make a new friend ...
You: It's fine to make new friends but acting like a couple with a new friend is different.
Hyunseong: But you act the exact same way with the guys...
You: You know them and you know they're only looking after me and they wouldn't have had to do that if you were there for me.
Hyunseong: *sigh* I know it was dumb but I honestly didn't mean any harm and I didn't want to upset you.
You: well you did...
Hyunseong: I'm so sorry Kalie, I really am. All I wanted to do was be with you the whole trip but I ruined it.
You get up and walk to Hyunseong's bedroom, get up onto his bed and try to sleep.
Hyunseong: Are you still mad at me?
You: Let me sleep.
Hyunseong: Kalie please, this is killing me. I hate being like this with you. 
You sit up and face Hyunseong which startles him.
You: Promise me you'll not do things like that and make me jealous again?
Hyunseong: I promise. I promise you I won't do things like that in the future. I'm going to be extra concious of your feelings from now on.
You: Arra, now let me sleep. *lay back down* I walked for a long time.
Hyunseong: Can I kiss you goodnight?
You: Mmm.
Hyunseong leans down and kisses your cheek.
Hyunseong: Good night Kalie... Sleep well.
You: *turn and face him and kiss his lips* Goodnight oppa.
To Be Continued.... (:
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Chapter 17: Loll pregnant????? Kkkkkkk
Chapter 16: Aww I cried when they cried too thx for updating I almost forgot this fic
Chapter 14: Aww thank youuu I want it to be reallllll
foreverlikey #4
Chapter 13: Update Please
Chapter 13: Awwww wae hyunseongn bad boy? Aigoooo poor me
Chapter 12: Aww thx for update! I love they story btw. Waiting for the next chapter
I reallyy love HyunSeong♥♥♥♥♥ Im sure i will be happy to read it.
b2utifulexotic #8
Chapter 6: Well..... Awkward..... I know what happened.... Dirty Author-nim....... ;D
Chapter 1: Minwoo, please introduce me to him!! Author-nim, you are the best ^^