Chapter Two

You ruined my holiday, Horse!

Siwon was walking to the boarding gate, looking for the rest of his group when he saw something fall in front of him. It was a silver flower bookmark. the girl who dropped reached for it but Siwon was faster. He smiled as he handed the bookmark to her. His smile grew when he saw that it was the same girl he ran into at the check-in counter ealier.

Siwon has met some of the most beautiful women in the world, but somehow the girl blushing in front of him right now seemed more interesting than all the other women he met before. Since she was sitting near the same boarding gate, he assumed that she was on the same flight.

It would be fate if we were sitting next to each other on the flight, thought Siwon as he smiled at the girl. She took the bookmark with a barely audible thank you and ran away.

Siwon was surprised when she got up and ran away. It was the first time a girl had ever done that. Usually they ran to him. Actually it's the second time. She ran away ealier too, thought Siwon.

"Siwon, what are you staring at? They are boarding the business class passengers. Let's go," said Sungmin who was standing behind him. Siwon looked at his group member and shook his head. They boarded the plane together.

On the plane, Siwon noticed that he had the aisle seat next to an empty seat. Since most of the business class seats were occupied, he assumed that the seat was empty. He  put his bag on the empty seat and made himself comfortable.

He was engrossed in his book that he didn't hear her the first time. "Excuse me!" said someone so loud that the nearby passengers stared at them. Siwon jumped and hit his head on the overhead compartment.

"Ouch!" exclaimed Siwon as he rubbed his head. He looked at the person who shouted at him. His eyes went wide with shock.

"You!" said both of them together. Silver and Siwon stared at each other in shock, not believing their luck... or fate.

I'll be away for a few days with no internet access. So I thought, maybe a short chapter before the holiday. I welcome your comments...

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