I'm older than you!

Boyfriend's Hello Baby In We Got Married


Your POV]

“Yeah, we’re gonna leave you guys here” The PD said as if it was nothing “You got to be kidding me”


“I suppose you know better that I’m not kidding” The PD smirk and get into the van, How I hate this guy! I saw my manager down there “Oppa!” I yelled up from the so-called-woody-balcony. “Taejun Oppa”


“Mian ____-ah” Taejun my manager apologize, I look into his eyes and pleaded. He sigh and shook his head. “I’m going to pick you up tomorrow ne?” he said and get into the SUV,

Great, now everyone left, let me see. What do we have here? Giraffe, Me, Wood, tree, and camera. “Huh” I sigh wait the second. just now he didn’t even object about me and him left in this tree house.


“Oho~ so you enjoy being left here with me?” I mumbled and rolled my eyes. Okay, I walk into the tree house from the balcony and, right. No bed just a blanket and a sleeping bag. Oh great did I mention one single blanket and one ing sleeping bag? God, This show is insane, the PD is insane, the director is insane and even Mr. Yang(YG Ent. CEO) is insane for letting me join the show.


They want me to live in the same house with someone I didn’t know and (to my luck) younger than me? Just so you know, I’m not interested in young idol, well except for the- what was his name? min.. Minwoo? Ha! Minwoo. That squeezy cutie pie. Gosh this tall monster is ing rude, I’m supposed to be a Noona, and he should and must respect me (in which he is not).

Without knowing “Huh” I stared at the monster giving him my most annoyed face.


“You really has this ability to irritates people aren’t you” He pointed out as I get back to my sense.


“Yea, especially to someone I entirely dislike” I said then again the thought struck my mind. “You lit- I’m not your friend, talk to me formally! I’m 4 years older than you! Can you at least respect me?”


“Actually, you’re so much smaller than me, you know, and seeing how immature you act, I didn’t think you deserve it” My blood started to boiled up. Up to my brain.


“’Really?” I walked slowly towards Youngmin. He was sitting on the floor staring at me as if he challenge me to do what I was about to do which is. I grabbed his collar and pull him up.


“Just so you know, you messed up with a wrong person” I glared at him, I was startled as a smirk form on the corner of his lips. “You shorty, you better let go of me, before-“  “What?” I dared him. Right in the moment when the words escape my mouth I was turn and got into uncomfortable position, okay let me reverse.  Was turned around, wait he grab my arm+ turned around+big arm around me= weird position.

My hand was hold tightly against my chest with his hand while the other hugged my waist from back.


“I told you, you shouldn’t dared someone who is bigger than you, it’s a common knowledge missy” he teases as he like making me miserable, “Let go of me! Yah, its also a common knowledge for you to respect people older than you! STUPID!” I tried to struggle to loose from his arm.


“Not before you surrender! And be my slave” he whisper seductively at the words ‘Slave’ send a shiver, GOSh I was about to throw up, “YUCK! DON’T SAY YOU ALREADY FALL FOR ME!” I tried to sound creepy rather than showing how scared I am, For god sake I have to admit that he’s kinda big. (well atleast compared to me)


“don’t worry, I don’t take you seriously, so just listen to me” “I have no choice do i?” he replied with a slight nod, so I have nothing to say but to agree, since no one can help me here,  you know, I’m kind of attractive so he could always step out of his mind, grrr scary.


The rest of the day, he make me cook for him, set the bed for him, fan him, massage his shoulder, get him a drink, everything that he know could piss me off.


“ahhh” I groan, I need to get to the toilet but seriously, what if a bear catch me down there.  “Yah, accompany me to the toilet” I said coldly at sleepy Youngmin, more like ordering him around. “Stop bossing me around” he pulled the blanket up to his face.


“come on, I need to go to the toilet” I pulled the blanket away from him, “Yah! You knew so well that I have a night blindness.”


“I don’t care! I need to go to the toilet, if you don’t go with me, I’m going to tell your manager!” I crossed my arm, he sigh and get up “make it faster” I get down first, its quite dim down here, he might not see, but I can see him clearly. “faster” he hold onto the rope and slowly get down. He walk like a blind person, I can’t take it anymore, I grabbed his hand and hold it before lead towards the toilet.


“you wait here”.


Few minutes later

I came out just to find Youngmin with his hand against the tree. I walk toward him. “Yah, is it you” he asked, “umm,” I answered. “Come on” I rushed him as he walk slowly. “I CAN’T SEE!!!” he yelled getting annoyed by me.


“Yah! Did you just yelled at me! Yah I’m older than you!” I yelled in a high-pitched before start hitting him on his chest. Gosh, I would grab his hair if I can reach it.


“yah! Lets fight in the house! Where I can see, so its fair and square!” he tried to stop me from hitting him, he manage to grab both of my hand, now I’m using my leg, without knowing I manage to hit something with my knee. I felt the hands that grab me suddenly lose. That when I realized that I’ve hit his private area.


“Omo,” I see him now fall with his body curved in a circled.  He doesn’t say anything, nor is he moving. Is he die already? Am I hit him too hard.


“Yah! You okay?” I asked on my knee. He slowly turned his body and look at me before grab my hand and the next thing I know I was on top of him, with my face right against his chest, I can’t help but blush. A pairs of big arm was placed around me.


“YAH!!! LET GO ME!!!” “You gonna pay for this, I swear”




Wil update the next chapter if i get enough comment:)


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YoungKwangJessch8281 #1
Chapter 7: awwwwww!!!! so cute!!!! plz update soon!!!
Awwww.....so cute!!!!
Update soon~
1say16 #3
update soon
I'll wait for your update.. I like her moment with minwoo :))
aicaheartyoungmin #5
Oh gosh \m/ My bias is Youngmin. I so love your story^^ Please do update soon~ ^^ <3 Rose- a flower of LOVE. Gosh?! Sistar-in-law?! OMG! I'm going to be married to Youngmin ! <3
updateee soon , ur so story is shooooo interesting^^
1say16 #8
pls update
Omg, this is interesting.<br />
And so cute. Minwoo, beware of the pedonoona! <br />
Namely, me. >< <br />
LOLJKS. I'm actually younger than him. But he likes noonas..:((<br />
Anyway, please update soon! :))