Dance time with yho


Seungho was staying late in the practice room tonight to practice a new dance for their new song "Dress Up". Finally he came home around midnight and slammed the door shut. You come out to check on him and he says, "I'm sorry baby. I'm just really frustrated with this one dance move. I can't get it right and we are shooting the video tomorrow." He begins pacing the room and you come up behind him to give him a hug. You can feel him going from tense to a little more relaxed at your touch. "Oppa, how can I help?" Seungho turns around and thinks a minute. "Well, let me show you the dance move and you tell me what you think. I think the problem is my hips, I'm supposed to be more feminine when I do it they say but I'm a man!"
Seungho moves the sofa aside and clears an area. He starts to dance, spin and groove to the music. He gets to part that has been giving him problems and he wiggles his hips awkwardly. "Oppa! I see the problem. I'm a woman so let me show you how to move your hips there. He turns the music back on and you to start to move your hips like a y Latin dancer. Seungho's eyes get wide and he says, "Baby girl, I didn't know you could move like that." He walks over to you to get a closer look and you put his hands on your hips so he can feel the movement. He is behind you and he starts to move his body in time with yours. You turn around and put your hands around his neck and get even closer so that you are grinding on each other now. You both start to sweat and the song ends. However, you both still move your hips in the same way and finally Seungho takes possession of your mouth. He picks you up and carries you to the bedroom saying "Practice time is over."
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2036 streak #1
Chapter 1: A good one :)
I meant Nice*
Nieces and simple