
Heaven Is Everywhere You'll Be.

Kris tried not to focus on the hand holding his as Yixing led them through the city. The smaller boy seemed to be obvious of Kris's awkwardness and and continued twisting and turning through the streets. Finally, they stopped and Kris looked around. They were in the considerately empty part of town. The only thing around were a few empty buildings and homes.

"Voi-da~" Yixing gestured his hand towards the ground. Kris gave him a confused face.

"Did you just combine voila and tada together ?" he asked the smaller and now it was Yixing's turn to be confused. Kris just shook his head as looked down to wear Yixing's hand was gesturing.

"A flower ?" Kris deadpanned. Was this really the something special that Yixing wanted to show him.

"Yes Wufan. A flower." Yixing said. His voice soft.

"What's wrong with it ?" Kris asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Then why are you showing me it ?"

Yixing was quiet for a moment before looking at Kris.

"Looking around Wufan, what do you see ?" the small angel asked. Kris did. He looked at the deserted houses and the rubbage on the streets. The broken windows and rusty metal doors.

"You see disaster. You see vacancy. You see nothing." Yixing spoke. "There's nothing here Wufan. There probably never will be. Nothing to fix those windows, rebuild the school down the road, stop the squeaks on the pipes. Nothing to cut the grass, mow the lawn, water the flowers." his eyes softened at the last part. "Shouldn't this be dead Wufan. This flower. In disaster and nothingness shouldn't this be dead. You know why I like this flower ? Because it's living Wufan. It living through all the sadness, the loneliness, the pain. It's thriving. Blooming. Nothing around to pick it up so it picks itself up. This flower is living for itself and no one else. It might be a bit selfish but when all is gone who do you have but yourself ? One day another flower will sprout. It'll be small and tiny, not noticeable but it will make a big impact on the other flower. Because suddenly the other flower isn't alone anymore. It can forget the past and look forward. Now it has someone else to live with. To live for. I like this flower Wufan because it's moving forward not giving up. Never giving up."

Kris stood shocked at the words Yixing were telling him. They hit him with a strong force every sentence. Kris didn't even realize he was done talking until he was right next the smaller male. Yixing was busy looking at the flower.  Watching as the petals wavered in the wind. Kris watched golden brown hair dance around the smaller's face.

"Where are you from ?" Kris asked amazed with a boy he barely knew. Maybe it was the words that were affecting him but Kris suddenly wanted to know a bit more about mysterious boy.

Yixing looked up at Kris with wide eyes before smiling. His eyes crinkling up into crescents at the question.

"That's a secret."

Kris smiled back because maybe, he just might try to find out that secret.




Yixing pulled the scroll away quickly. He had one more person on the scroll and then he'd be done He'd finish one of God's plans. The excitement flushed through him as the sky cracked with thunder. Peering up in the sky, Yixing smiled. The view of a storm was so much different form Heavens. You could see it much fully down here.

Taking off, Yixing had to be careful of the lightening. Though it wouldn't kill him, the sting would hurt. Thanking that the scroll at least put an address on where the last disciple was at, he soared in the sky. He watched as lightening flickered in front of him and dodged between it. Carefully he reached the house of the last human. Yixing's eyes flurried up as the house was a bit, well more then a bit magnificent. Flying up to the doors, Yixing looked in and found a boy. Yixing stopped wondering why all God's choices so far have been male a while ago. Floating through the thin wall, Yixing tried not to gape at the large palace like home. It fairly reminded Yixing of his last visit to earth from the traditional structure of it.

Turning his attention to the boy, Yixing flapped his wings softly to float above the child. He watched the boy dip his brush in the ink and quickly write something in calligraphy like Korean. Though the characters were smooth the boy's writing was anxious. Like he was trying to quickly get it done and over with.

The slamming of a door caught the boys attention and he almost spilt his ink from him jumping. The thumping of footsteps came closer and boy's hand began shaking harder.

"Kyungsoo !" a voice called loud and threatening outside the door. It slid opened and Kyungsoo turned to look at the woman who entered the room.

"E-eomeoni." the boy sputtered quickly bowing to the woman.

"Where were you today ? During the meeting." She asked her on her hips.

"I-I was-"

"You were with that girl again weren't you ?"

"No no I- we weren't-" it wasn't a voice that cut the child off this time but a slap to the face. Yixing watched as the flesh redden beneath Kyungsoo's fingers.

"Stupid boy. You're so stupid." another slap. "Don't you understand why we tell you to stay away from her. From them. Our companies are at war. They are trying to steal what our families have build for decades. Your house, your clothes, your food all gone in an instant Kyungsoo. They will tear you down. But you don't listen. Your father thought taking away your electronics would help but you're still so rebellious. I'll show you what happens to children who do not listen."

Yixing watched as he Kyungsoo tried to get up from his seat from the ground but the woman grabbed him by the leg, pulling him out through the open door and threw him on the wooden surface.

"Eomeoni please !." Kyungsoo cried trying to get up but the woman just kicked him down again. Kyungsoo made a choked like sound as he couldn't breathe.

"Shut up boy ." The boy's mother grabbed him harshly by his collar and pulled him towards the small pound in the middle of the yard. Kyungsoo tried struggling out her grip as they got closer and closer to the pound. Yixing watched in horror as the small boy cried pleads of help and begged, begged for mercy that wasn't coming. Yixing could do nothing. This wasn't on his job. He was here to heal. So sadly he watched. He watched as Kyungsoo was thrown into the pound. His black suit getting soaked to the bone as he lifted himself up from the shallow water. He watched as the mother pushed him back down, grabbing him by the back of his head and forced it down in the water. He watched as maids and servants slid their doors shut and turned away. How Kyungsoo tried to get as much air as he could before he was forced down into the water again. Yixing watched until he couldn't anymore and closed his eyes. The only sound was the splashing of water and hurtful mutters.

When it was silent, Yixing looked back again. The woman tisked down at her son, her face full of anger as she stood up. Her skirt soaked with water and her stocking a bit tore from the rough grown. Kyungsoo was laid out face first. Half way on the ground and half way still in the water.

"Learn from this Kyungsoo. Try to ruin our family again and there will much worse." the woman said walking away. Maids quickly rushing to her side with towels and a clean pair of clothes.

"Leave him there. If he doesn't get up then he shall sleep with the fish tonight."

Yixing waited till the last maid was gone before flying over to Kyungsoo. He touched the boys neck checking for a pulse and let out a shaky breath when he found one. It was weak and the boy was barely conscious. Flipping him over carefully, Yixing placed his hands above the boys chest. His hands began to glow and he leaned forward to place them on the boy.

But before he could, hands stopped him.

"Please." Kyungsoo pleaded in a hoarse voice.

"Y-you can see me ?" Yixing whispered. That was never good. You can only see angel if three reasons. If you are their guardian angel, if you are in your solid form and if they are a breath away from death.

"P-please. Don't." Kyungsoo coughed. Water floated through out his mouth and he choked slightly. "Don't heal me."

"But I- I have to." Yixing breathed out. His voice in slow Korean as he tried to explain to the human that he was here to heal. Here to fix and patch Kyungsoo up like brand new. But Kyungsoo did not want that. Not like this.

"Kill me please." Kyungsoo begged.

"I can't." Yixing sputtered. This was the first time anyone asked for death from him.

"I'm going to die anyways. That- that monster will just beat me over and over again. Like she's always done. End this for me. Please Angel. Heal my mind. Give me peace." Kyungsoo's lips were slightly blue now and Yixing had two choices. Heal and let him live through a life of suffering or, or give him peace. Send him to the City in the Clouds.

"Okay child. I'll give you peace." Yixing soft voice rang through Kyungsoo's ears like a melody. Yixing placed his hands on the boys head, the faint glowing admitting from his palms.

"Thank you." was Kyungsoo's last words as Yixing send his power straight to the boys brain. The watched as Kyungsoo gasped as his eyes glowed with light before he flopped back on the ground. He had stopped all of Kyungsoo's brain nerves until there were none left working. In a instant Kyungsoo was gone.

The sky erupted in thunder once more. Water poured down and going through Yixing and wetting Kyungsoo's already wet body.

God was crying in sadness and joy. Earth lost a child but Heaven had gained one.




Kris sometimes wanted to bang his head against a wall. Every time he had met with Yixing he had failed to get the other boy's number. How else would he get in contact with him. He didn't even have a last name to look him up in the phone books or to google him.

"Your whining is getting on my nerves Kris." Jongdae cried from the other couch. He was directly across from Kris but his face was buried in a pillow and not a laptop.

"You can at least call me gege."

"I'm not even Chinese."

"Well hyung."

"No, you're not worthy." Jongdae muttered back before groaning when another clap of thunder boomed in the sky. "It's been raining for like three days now. We can't even go out to get the juice, which may I remind you, you drank all of it."

"Sorry that I like juice." Kris huffed. He was getting slightly annoyed with Jongdae's whining and he couldn't even find anything on Yixing. Jongdae was about to reply with a snarky comment when thunder and lightening flickered simultaneously with a large boom before the lights went out.

"What the hell ?" Kris muttered to himself. Suddenly there was an abrupt knocking on the door. Jongdae, using his cell phone as light looked over at Kris. He let out a squeak when Kris began walking to the door.

"Hyung don't leave me." Jongdae said clasping onto Kris's arm from behind. The knocking was heard once again before it stopped. Kris, telling Jongdae to put the light at the door, unlocked in and looked outside. The cold, wet air hit both of their faces and Kris looked out into the night. Seeing no one was there he was about to shut the door before a groan was heard.

Jongdae, peaking beside Kris gasped when he saw a small huddled figure.

"Bring him in." Jongdae said.

"Are you crazy. What he's a killer. Or worse, a hobo."

Jongdae rolled his eyes at his hyung. That boy dare call him a drama queen. "Well we'll see when he's on the verge of death." Jongdae said

"Fine. But god or whatever holy bastard up there better thank me for this." Kris muttered before stepping outside. He quickly picked up the wet body before rushing into the warmness of the house. As soon as he stepped in the lights and tv began to flicker back on. Jongdae gave him a face before setting a towel on the couch. Kris placed the boy in his arms down gently and almost gasped when he recognized the face.

"Yixing !" he cried.

"Who ?" Jongdae asked confused.

"Kid from the restaurant." Kris explained.

"Oh yeah !." Jongdae snapped his fingers as he remembered. "What is he doing out in such a crazy weather. I knew he was weird but this is outrageous."

"I don't know but he's shivering. Give me more blankets." Jongdae complied quickly. Taking all of Kris's blankets and shuffling back into the living room.

"He can't stay in those clothes Kris. He'll get sick."

"Right. How do you know this ?" Kris asked but stood there awkwardly because he's about to undress the guy he's been obsessing with for days. Jongdae pushed him forward because the more time they waste the colder Yixing gets. Stumbling a bit, Kris glared at Jongdae before looking back at Yixing. The small boy was a bit pale shivering and..is that blood ?

At the sight of blood Kris's quickly put his hands on the other's legs. Straightening them out, Kris noticed he had a belt on. in some air, he moved up to the boys hips and carefully unbuckled the belt. He slowly ed the button on the brunettes jeans before pering them. Kris felt so wrong undressing the boy like this but it has to be done. He tugged at the jeans from the boys waist and began pulling them down. Another sharp intake of air came from Kris at the sight of Yixing's toned thighs and legs. He was so pale. Not deathly pale but a milky kind. A pale that made Kris wonder if the boys legs ever saw sunlight.

"Sometime today Kris." Jongdae's voice called from aside him and the taller boy huffed before tugging the pants off fully.

"I can't do this. You take of his shirt." Kris said stepping away.

"What ? No. You know him better than I do. I don't want to undress some random stranger. No matter how hot he is." Jongdae stubbornly retorted.

"Can't we just leave the shirt on him ?"

"He'll get sick."

After a few more minuets wasted on Kris whining, they finally got Yixing's shirt off. Now he laid on the couch blankets piled overtop of his shivering body. The angel didn't seem to be waking up anytime soon so Jongdae occupied the other couch flipping through channels and Kris staring at Yixing. He had tried to see where the blood stains came from earlier but all of Yixing's visible skin was perfectly fine. He hoped it wasn't someone elses blood. Being a cold stoned killer didn't exactly suit Yixing.

Hours later and Jongdae was snoring softly. His legs laid limp on Kris's lap while the other half was on the couch. Kris dozed off a while ago and his head had fallen slump on Jongdae's . The sun had just begun to peak from the horizon when Yixing began to stir. He groaned a little, feeling a bit stiff and swore. He opened his eyes because he was laying on his back. Angels never lay on their back due to wings. It wasn't very uncomfortable and made the wings bend at a weird angle.

But then he noticed he didn't have any wings. And where he was sleeping at was not on a cloud but, in a room. Turning his head Yixing's eyebrows scrunched at the sight of the two humans sleeping weirdly on the other couch. Images of last night rushed back into his head when he saw Kris's face.

"Wufan." Yixing said softly.

So the older did open the door that night.

Brown eyes looked out into the sky through Kris and Jongdae's large living room window before sighing. He has to go soon. The quest for God was fulfilled. All he needed to do was give the scroll back to Joonmyeon and let him know everything went as smoothly as healing three differently broken humans could get. Sitting up, Yixing eyes widened and he squeaked when he realized he was almost save for his underwear. He tipped over a little too much and fell of the side of the couch, landing on the hard wood floors with a thump on his head.

"Ow." Yixing groaned.

"Kris someone's robbing us." the sandy brown haired one mumbled sheepishly.

"No one's robbing us what are you doing in my room." Kris groaned back.

"You're in my room."

"Yes you are. Get out."

"Um..." Yixing said awkwardly. He didn't know humans could converse while sleeping but it was kind of funny. Kris opened his eyes looking right at Yixing, who was a big lump of blankets on the floor with his head peaking out.

"Y-Yixing ?" Kris said confused at looking at an upside down Yixing.

"What are you doing on the floor like that ?" Kris asked rubbing his eyes and lifting his head from Jongdae's bottom.

"I-ah !" Yixing let out a small scream as his body fell sideways making him lay on the floor. Kris could laugh at the sight. But he decided to spare the small boy the embarrassment and helped him up. He untangled him from the covers and Yixing wrapped them around his body as he had no clothes. Kris grumbled out a sorry before going in the back rooms to see if the brunettes clothes had dried. When he felt they were still soaked he sighed.

"You're going to have to borrow some of Jongdae's clothes since you're about the same size."

Nodding Yixing just stood there because he didn't know what to do. Kris came back with a long sleeved sweater and jogging pants. Pointing to the direction of the bathroom, Yixing wobbled in there and when he came back out he was warmly dressed. Jongdae had woken up around that time and gave Yixing a look before shrugging and flopping back on the couch tired.

Kris looked back at Yixing and the other's eyes met his. They stared at each other for a long time before Kris opened his mouth.

"Thank you for the hospitality Wufan, but I have to get going." Yixing said with a bow. He had neatly folded the blankets and they were sitting on the couch. Kris was at lost for words because the boy just came in last night on the verge of death now he was leaving without saying a word. Yixing bowed one more at Jongdae who was dead to the world before scurrying to the door. 

Blinking, Kris rushed after the shorter. He called after him as Yixing was making it down their walk way.

"Wait Yixing !" said boy looked at him with needy eyes. Like he needed to be someone fast. Kris cleared his throat. "May I have your number ?"

Yixing tilted his head as he began moving further down the street.

"I don't have one !" he shouted. And then he was gone.




Yixing reached the gates of Heaven fairly quickly. Considering standards last night he wouldn't have been able to make it. It was raining so hard those nights and the lightening wouldn't give up. He was trying to find shelter but instead got struck by a lighting bolt. It tingled all through his wing and before he knew it he was falling. When he came to, it was still raining hard. Struggling, he had gotten up anyway and blindly walked the streets. He didn't realize where he was at until he was weakly knocking on the door. The last thing he remembered was the loud booming of thunder before his world became black.

He was grateful to Wufan the human. He had helped him in time of need and he will surely be repaid for that. The gates slowly opened when one of the guards finish checking that Yixing was not a threat. Floating through, Yixing wings flapped leisurely over small homes and buildings that blended with clouds. He stopped flying and landed gracefully in front of one of the most important places in heaven. God's castle. Though rumors had it that even though this was his home he did not stay there.The only others who lived there was God's treasured children. And the only treasured child was Joonmyeon. Soon Yixing would be living there.

Waiting for the guards to open the doors, Yixing's fingers played with the scroll. He had done it. He'd finished one of God's deeds. Handing this in would complete his way on being a treasured child. They let Yixing pass with a bow and he bowed back. Walking into God's castle was everything he dreamed of. It was large white and elegant. It was holy and poor Yixing only felt that he would taint something if he touched it. Walking through the halls he was directed where to go by a few scholars before he was greeted with large gold doors.

He knocked softly and heard a faint reply of 'come in' from somewhere in the back. Opening the doors, Yixing floated over the marble floor before stopping in front of a large desk that was filled with papers and scrolls of all sorts. A head popped up through all the mess and the angel smiled at the other.

"Yixing. You're back." Joonmyeon greeted. Yixing was glad to hear a familiar language because all the Korean was getting to him. Angels had their own language. One that only they understood. It was kind of musical. The tones of the angel language could rise high and swoop low but sound like a song. To Yixing it was just talking. Angel's only spoke two languages. The angelic one and their native. Though when you become an angel you forget all about your past life. The only thing connecting you and your past life is your native tongue. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you're reborn again. The chances of remembering heaven are low but those who do become scholars or prophets. Shaking out of his thoughts, Yixing bowed at Joonmyeon.

"I have finished the healing." the healer said handing over the scroll. Joonmyeon took it with a smile and opened it. The three human's faces all had checks next to them. Joonmyeon's eyes scanned over the last one before rummaging through his desk. He made an 'ah' sound before picking up a blue box. Opening it, he picked up the stamp before squishing it in the ink. Moving back to the scroll, Joonmyeon stamped over the last human's face. Pulling the stamp back both angels watched as the ink turned from black to a shimmering gold. The golden wings over the boys face made Yixing's heart thud.

"Congratulations Yixing. I'm sure you have made our father happy. For this you have become a treasured. With a final bow, we will have become equals." Joonmyeon stood up from the desk. He floated over to Yixing looking him in the eyes before giving a bow. Yixing bowed back before he was suddenly pushed to the ground by an invisible force.

"W-what's going on ?" Yixing asked when he realized he couldn't move.

"The second part and last part of becoming a treasured Yixing. The cleansing. Though you are pure, the lord needs you to be a bit purer. Please bare with it a little while longer. I'll see you when you wake up." Joonmyeon's last words echoed through the room before he felt pain in his wings. This was not the pain of sleeping on your wings or getting struck on them with lightening. No, this was the pain of all his feathers feeling like they were getting plucked harshly one by one before being burned. Yixing screamed in agony as half of his right wing was already defeathered. It wasn't just his wings that were getting tortured. It was his skin as well. His skin seemed to be pulling off into layers until he could see his flesh. The pain was just to much for Yixing and before he knew it he was into darkness.



"Sir...sir wake up." Yixing groaned at the light tone and prodding hands. He blinked his eyes open and flinched at the all white room. He blinked to focus his eyes and looked to see a female angel standing beside him. Yixing gave her a small smile as she laid down a plate on the stand beside him.

"Good evening." she said bowing. Yixing tried to up but she put a hand gently on his shoulder. "Rest a bit more. Joonmyeon-ssi will be here shortly." she said. Yixing nodded and watched her float out the room. Memories of what happened stayed in Yixing's mind as he laid there. So that's how you become a treasured. It was so painful. Yixing's sure no one would want to go through anything like that.

He was laying on his stomach. His wings and skin seemed perfectly fine now. Though they had a bit more glow to them and his feathers a bit whiter than before. He also had the mark of a treasure wrapped around his wrist like two soft wings. Joonmyeon came about ten minuets later. He apologized greatly for the pain Yixing had to go through but he continuously told him that any treasured will have to do the same thing. It was like a stamp for god to know who was his treasured and who were just his children. Though he loved them all equally, his treasures were for his personal matters. Yixing nodded at the words because okay, he can understand that. When Joonmyeon finished explaining the details of being a treasured Yixing only had two requests.

"Anything." Joonmyeon said. "We are family now."

"This room..it's my own right ?" Yixing asked. Joonmyeon nodded. "Please add some color to it. Please." Joonmyeon chuckled at the younger but nodded. He would gotten tired of the white too.

"Also..eariler you said being a treasured we can go back and forth between heaven and earth for good reasons. Well I have a great one. I need to repay a human who saved me."

"What would you like to give that human ?" Joonmyeon asked. Interested because Angels were very generous but not without a reason behind it. Yixing thought for a moment before he smiled.


"So it's been four days and I guess I'm never going to see my jogging pants again." Jongdae said sadly to Kris who was trying to do homework that was due tomorrow morning.

"Could you care less about yourself and more on how he just left. He was bleeding maybe and he just left." Kris said scratching out doodles with his pen. Maybe he wasn't trying. Jongdae huffed.

"I don't know why you're so obsessed with the guy. I don't see anything special about him."

"You don't know him like I do." Kris said getting up because he was getting tired of Jongdae's attitude.

"He doesn't know you like I do." Jongdae said lowly but Kris heard him. He didn't stop walking away.

Their campus was fairly big with lots of nice sights to see and great for tourist to walk by. One of the many sights that Kris loved about campus was the small lake they had. The gardeners kept the grass around it nice and flowers bright. Kris likes to go there sometimes when he was having problems with his major. He was majoring in modeling but sometimes things didn't always work out. Sometimes the clothes didn't fit or agencies didn't like what he was giving off. Sometimes his hair was the problem other times his feet. It was stressful along with other added classes. The lake was just what he needed.

He was glad no one else was around because then he get's to stare in the lake and talk about his problems with out getting judged. He carefully walked down the hill that catered around the lake until the surface was flat again and the lake was about ten feet away. The blonde boy sat down right beside the lake and dipped his hands in it. The fish didn't seem to be on this side and he was a bit okay with that because sometimes they liked to bite. Taking a deep breath he looked at his reflection. It was a bit wavy but he could see how tired he looked. He wish he wasn't so tired. He sure he was done being tired with Tao but apparently that wasn't the case. He hasn't really sleep good in a while and maybe if Jongdae wasn't a pain half the time he could go with more then four hours every day.

"This ." Kris said. His hand curling up slightly on this lap. "Everything . School , sleep , Jongdae . Tao ." He stopped at that. His fingers in a lose fist. Tao really did . He doesn't even want to think about the boy but here he is. It made his heart ache. Knowing that he still isn't over the Chinese boy. Why couldn't he though ? It doesn't seem that hard. Just find someone else to take away the pain. To make him smile, laugh. To make him awe in their beauty. To make his heart forget about Tao and learn about them. But his heart was broken and there was nothing he could do. He looked back at his reflection, not remembering when he looked away. Kris jumped in shock when he noticed a another reflection next to his.

"Yixing ?"

"Hi Wufan." the brunette said. Kris turned to look at him fully.

"Wha-you-here-why ?" Kris sputtered. A smile graced on Yixing face and he sat on his knees in front of the taller male. Kris's flinched slightly when Yixing's hand came to touch his cheek. He closed his eyes shivered at the cold touch.

"You're crying." Yixing noted.

"You're freezing." Kris replied. He grabbed Yixing's hands and placed it between his trying to warm them up. Regretting not grabbing his gloves this morning. Yixing smiled grew a little wider showing off his cute dimple.

"Now you're staring." Yixing said and Kris flushed because he usually didn't stare. Looking away he cleared his throat.

"Where'd you go so suddenly ?

"Secret." Yixing grinned. But then it flattered. "Enough about me. Why do I always see you upset ?" Yixing asked.

"I'm not upset." Kris muttered looking down.

"Don't lie to me. Look at me." Yixing's soft voice was commanding and it stirred something in Kris. He looked at the brunette and Yixing's hand held one of his tightly.

"You're hurting." the angel proclaimed.

"Maybe." Kris's heart was in crumbles. He doesn't know why he was still hurt. He was already broken.

"I'll fix you." Yixing said as Kris looked at him in awe. "Starting with these tears." The smaller boy place both hands on Kris's cheeks and wipes them way. "Then with a few kisses of luck," Yixing pressed his lips softly on Kris's cheeks before pulling away. "you'll be better again."

Kris's eyes shut at the feeling of Yixing's lips on his skin. It was innocent and it touched Kris. Like a spark shooting from the smaller's lips to his body. He opened them when Yixing bumped there noses together.

"May I show you something special again ?"


Kris had to keep his eyes open because special with Yixing could be anything. It could be a bug or a rock. It could be a dog or a whale. You may never know with this boy. He was random and that kept Kris on edge. He wasn't used to random. He was used to simple. Simple like Jongdae's pranks or modeling. Something that he was used to.

"Wufan this way." Yixing said tugging him down the roads. He liked the way Yixing said his name.They both may have been Chinese but he had an dialect in it. Very similar to how people spoke when he visited Changsta a few times. He didn't realize Yixing had stopped walking until He bumped into the smaller's back.

"Duìbuqî." Kris apologized.

"It's alright. Wufan how do you get somewhere far quickly ? Walking would take forever and I can't fly.." Yixing muttered the last bit and Kris looked at him weirdly.

"A car, bus, train, plane. Do they not have those where you are from ?" Kris asked.

"No. We just fly."

"So you guys use planes ?"

"Mmm." Yixing hummed out because he didn't understand what Kris was talking about.

"Uh how far ? We can take the bus since I don't have a car since everything I need is kind of in walking distance."

"Here." Yixing said pulling out a map and showing Kris the place. Kris thought about it because for a flight that was almost two hours but for a drive it was much longer.

"Do you even have money for a flight ?" Kris asked.

"Money ? You mean this paper ?" Yixing said pulling out a stack of won out of his coat pocket.

"Woah what the hell did you rob a bank ? No one carries that much money on them." Kris exclaimed seeing all the zeros and stuffing it back in Yixing's pocket.

"I don't know what that is but let's use a plane since plane seems to be the fastest."

Kris doesn't know why he agreed but he did. So now here they were after a few hours of waiting and explaining to Yixing what a passport was because the boy claimed he didn't know. Maybe Kris agreed because he wanted to see what Yixing had to show him. The boy seemed to be good with words (what little that he said) and inspired Kris a bit.

The blonde boy laughed at Yixing for squealing when the plane took off. He huffed at Kris because it felt weird. Like his stomach was getting out of him and he didn't like it. They arrived a while later, with Kris sleep head flopping and Yixing stuffing his cheeks with cookies because they were really good. Angel's don't eat much but when they do food is ironically heavenly.

Before they left Seoul, Kris had called someone to come pick them up because he was fairly sure Yixing did not know his away around the island. As they landed, Yixing gripped Kris's wrist tightly. His first time on a plane and he was sure the worst parts were the take off and the landing. Kris's awoke at the nails deep in his skin and jumped in shock.

"Good Wufan. We're here." Yixing said. It was snowing in Jeju when they got out the air port. They found a guy waiting for them with their names on large white sign in mandarin characters. The male then took them to the car and asked where too. Yixing leaned up from the back seat and pointed to the spot on the map skillfully hiding it from Kris.

 When they reached the destination Kris was glad he wore his snow boots today. Buttoning his scarf tightly, Kris followed Yixing down the snowy trail.

"Yixing wait for me !." Kris said walking faster to the jumpy boy. He grabbed Yixing by the elbow to keep him from running off again.

"It's just up this road." Yixing said. Kris sighed but didn't let his grip go. Yixing seemed like type to get lost. The walked up the frozen road a bit more. The only sound was the crunching of their steps and and a few children's laughter in the distance. Yixing them stopped and grabbed his scarf before wrapping it over Kris's eyes. He caught a glimpse of "Halla Mountain" before it went dark.

"It'd be better to see as a surprise." Yixing whispered before grabbing Kris's hand and pulling him towards the destination. It seemed like forever to Kris but they reached it fairly quickly. Pulling Kris into a good place to stand, Yixing stood on his tippy toes in front of him. Kris could feel the warm of his breath on his face.

"Voi-da." Yixing sang. It was barely a whispered but Kris heard it. He rolled his eyes because "it's ta-da silly." His eyes met Yixing's as the scarf dropped from his face. They were so close. He wasn't going to question it because Yixing's warmth was nice. He could see the smaller's face perfectly. Yixing's face was perfect really. Blemish free and adorably flushed on his small nose and cheeks at the cold. His lips were a nice pale pink. What Kris really liked where his eyes. They were slightly doe and pretty lashes but that wasn't what all what Kris liked. They were expressive. Filled with wonder innocence and confusion.

"Sorry." Kris muttered pulling away before looking around. He breathed out a wow because wow. They were surrounded by beautifully frozen trees. The ice and snowflakes that covered them gave an very mythical sight. The blue sky matched wonderfully with the white snow and Kris couldn't help but feel refreshed standing here.

"How do you know about this place ?" Kris asked.

"I go places." Yixing said unraveling his scarf from Kris to put it back on himself. They stood there for a while because it was nice. A bit cold but when Yixing scooted closer to Kris, the taller didn't mind.

"So, no great speech ?" Kris joked. Probably the first joke he said in months. Yixing side glanced him.

"I didn't take you here for a speech Wufan. I took you here so you can feel better. You feel it right. The healing ?" Yixing asked him.Healing ? Did he feel it ? He didn't know. He felt something. It was small but fluttery and it made him even just for this moment feel a small spark of happiness.

"Yeah Yixing. I feel it."




Yixing decided the spending time with Kris was fun. Even though he was trying to heal him he didn't know exactly what he was healing. He knew Kris was upset. Unhappy for some reason but talking to Kris about feeling was like talking to a brick wall. He was stubborn and closed up but Yixing could see a lot through him. If he pushed the right buttons he could make Kris smile or even laugh. Their talks were good though both of them didn't talk much. Kris in his thoughts and Yixing in his own world. But when they did talk it was meaningful and deep and somehow Yixing could see Kris brightening up. It was barely noticeable but the angel could see it. Could feel it. It gave Yixing a fuzzy feeling knowing he at least had an impact on Kris.

Weeks went by and weather was going from cold to ice cold. Kris took Yixing shopping when he found out that Yixing wore the same two outfits everyday. Little did he know that's only because he didn't know any other clothes to conjure up in his human form. Kris had him try on shirts coats and jeans. He even brought him new boots. Yixing was fascinated with Christmas and New Years. In Heaven they did not really celebrate them. Most angels went down to earth to wish humans good luck and help a few out but that was probably all.

Kris found out Yixing had a bit of a purple obsession with all the purple items he kept picking up. It was cute. Another thing Kris wanted Yixing to get was a cell phone. He tried to convince the boy that they were important Yixing insisted he didn't need one. If Kris needed him he was a whisper away.

Yixing met Jongdae properly. It started off awkwardly due to Jongdae not knowing mandarin that well and Yixing's Korean wasn't the greatest but they made due. Jongdae liked to call Yixing hyung sometimes to make Kris jealous because he barely called the oldest male that and Yixing would just laugh. Yixing thought Kris and Jongdae's friendship was just downright adorable.

Jongdae was obviously the jokester of the two while Kris would be bluntly serious. Most times they would argue on little things and Yixing would just watch with a mug of hot chocolate between his hold hands in interest. Humans were very entertaining. Sometimes Yixing would come over in his angel for and see them sleeping in awkward postions against each other. Their sleeping habits were cute. Jongdae would sometimes snore snore softly before abrasively stopping to change his sleeping position before starting back up again. Kris would whisper in the many languages he knew.

Yixing liked Kris's sleeping habit. When he'd come in the evenings and Kris was tired Yixing would tell him to rest. Then he would lay down next to him playing with his fingers as Kris grumbles out quietly in English Cantonese and Korean. Rare times he would speak in Mandarin but it would be sad and melanchonic. He'd then have to wake Kris up by then. Tell him that he's bored or cold. Then Kris would pull him into his arms and Yixing would curl up into the taller because Kris is warm and the flat was cold. He would lay his head on Kris's chest and listen to the heart beat. Yixing then would frown because he could feel it, right inside Kris. The pain that Yixing somehow wasn't healing and it killed the angel. He hated knowing Kris was in pain and he couldn't take it away. That doesn't mean he won't try. So Yixing would move closer to Kris and put a hand over his heart and sing soft angelic melodies. Lulling Kris back to sleep but also trying to heal.

Up in the sky it was a different story. He wasn't just Zhang Yixing. He was Zhang Yixing the treasured. He would go to the infirmary and heal but they wouldn't let him do as much as before.

"Save your powers." they'd say. "You are a treasured you are of need for greater things." Then they would send him out on his way. He would walk for a while around the kingdom. Walk past his old house, walk past the gate, walk past God's thrown. And then he would stop to looking into the pound to see how the human world was going. He would smile at Kris groaning and yelling at Jongdae for putting snow in his boots and Jongdae would laugh heartily before hiding from the other.

"Humans are special aren't they." Yixing looked up at the voice before nodding. "How's your healing going ?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Good." Yixing answered. Because it was going good just not good enough.

"Your human, he seems very dear to you." Joonmyeon spoke looking at Yixing who was busy staring into the water. Yixing snorted.

"He is not mine." the younger retorted.

"But you two are close are you not ?" Yixing's eyes narrowed at that.

"What are you getting at Joonmyeon ?"

"Remember the last rule Yixing." Joonmyeon began.

"You think I have fallen for him ?" Yixing asked.

"No. Not fully. You feel for him though. I don't want you to become a fallen. We are brother's now Yixing. Be weary of yourself."

Yixing tisked. His hand quickly wavering over the pound to stop the images before he got up. His fist clenched tightly.

"I have not fallen for him. Brother." the last word was used with sarcasm that made Joonmyeon flinch. He wanted to say something but Yixing was already gone. His wings flapping in the distance.



Yixing was hesitant to see Kris again. Darn Joonmyeon for putting those thoughts into his head. He did not feel for him. And if he did it was friendship or brotherly feelings. Nothing more. His wings flapped harshly as he landed on the balcony outside his bedroom window. He may had scared one of the cleaners because the sounds of something falling where heard in his room.

"I'm sorry." the woman bowed picking up the books she was fixing. Yixing said nothing as he flopped face down on his bed and groaned in annoyance. Tomorrow he would see Kris and try to see if those feeling were true. Which they weren't. With that thought Yixing drifted to sleep.

The next morning he popped up on earth. He decided to wear one of the outfits Kris chose for him because they kept him warm. He knocked on Kris and Jongdae's flat door before Jongdae opened it.

"Oh hey Hyung. Kris is in his room. He doesn't have classes today." Jongdae explained before leaving. Good, Yixing thought. He would need as much time as he could to see if he really did fall for Kris. Which of course he didn't. Right ? Walking through the house, Yixing went to the door on the far right that led to Kris's room and knocked on it.  He let himself in when he didn't get a reply and soon as he did Kris was walking out of his connected bathroom with a towel wrapped around his neck and his flannel draw string plaid night pants on.

"Where is your shirt ?" Yixing blurted out after five minuets of staring because Kris's body was nice. Nicer then he expected it to be.

"Sorry just came out the shower you know." Kris said before rummaging through his dresser. Yixing blew a raspberry as him before taking of his jacket. He gently placed in on Kris's desk chair before walking over to the taller. He grabbed at the towel around the older's neck and placed it on his head. Kris pulled back from his dresser, shirt in hand, standing up straight. Yixing whined when he was now on his tippy toes toes to dry the older's hair. Kris laughed before pulling the shirt on and sitting on the floor. Yixing sat on the bed above him and began drying his hair. The dark blond locks were a bit longer and you could see Kris's black roots. Kris one explained to Yixing that blonde wasn't his natural hair color and he used dye and Yixing was so confused because what Kris was telling him was that lady before with the purple hair wasn't actually purple. He couldn't believe it until Kris took him to the hair shop and had gotten his hair re-dyed.

Blinking away that memory Yixing didn't realize he stopped drying the other males hair until Kris turned around leaning between Yixing's legs to ask him what was wrong.

"Nothing." Yixing mumbled. His hand ruffled Kris's hair. "You should dye it again. Lighter though."

"Sure Xing." Kris said getting up from the floor to change into a pair of jeans.Yixing blushed at the nickname but didn't mention it. Yixing had told him he wanted to go out so Kris took him out. They went to one of the many cafe on the street and Kris ordered cookies and choco because Yixing liked sweets. He ordered himself a coffee with two squirts of cream. They sat on the high chairs and Kris pointed out that Yixing looked fairly cute with a whip cream mustache. Yixing it off with his tongue but missed a part so Kris wiped it off. The waitress brought back more cookies and an added brownie because they were cute together. Yixing heart fluttered at that.

They spent the rest of the day walking until Yixing spotted the park and he ran to the swings. He brushed the snow off with his coat and sat down. He gestured Kris to sit on the other side since it was a two seater swing and soon they were gently moving.

"This is nice." Yixing whispered laying his head on Kris's shoulder settling the mood. He shivered as the wind blew Kris's sent his way.

"Cold ?" Kris asked wrapping an arm around Yixing's waist bringing him closer. Which probably wasn't  a good idea because the swing wasn't balanced and Yixing slipped and now he was falling. Kris fell with him because he was suddenly crushed with the giants weight. If the fall didn't hurt now it did. Yixing groaned.

"Sorry." Kris said pulling back looking Yixing in the face to see if he was alright. The youngers eyes fluttered before opening and began hitting Kris on his chest.

"You big doof." Yixing said making Kris laughing bumping his nose with the brunettes. The laughter stopped when Kris felt Yixing's breath mingle with his. Doe eyes were staring at him widely because Kris was leaning in. He tilted his head closer and Yixing shut his eyes preparing himself. He felt soft pressure on his lips and that's when he lost it. His arms wrapped around Kris's neck bringing their faces closer adding more pressure to the kiss. It was innocent cold sweet and everything Yixing wanted. His legs wrapped around Kris's waist and before he knew it, he was pressed up against the slid. Kris's arms tight around his waist as his fingers raked through the taller's hair. Their tongues battled heatedly and Yixing moaned when Kris brought him closer. Teeth clashed, tongues were , lips were bitten. Yixing could feel it all. Everything was so perfect but then Kris pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry."

And Kris was gone. Leaving Yixing with bruised lips, a pounding heart and one thought. He had fallen for the human.


"Well you're stupid." Was Jongdae's reply to the whole thing the next day after being told the story.

"You're such a great friend." Kris said trying to suffocate himself with a pillow.

"Well you are. It's obvious you like Yixing and from the way you described him reacting he must like you back. I don't see the problem." Jongdae said taking the pillow away from the older.

"But I-Tao.."Kris muttered. Jongdae snapped.

"Tao. Tao this Tao that. Tao Kris him ! He's gone and honestly he might never be coming back and you need to get that through your head. Tao left because he wasn't good enough and now Yixing comes along and he's good enough. He's everything Tao isn't and that's everything you need Kris. But you're so on Tao that you can't see that. He's perfect for you Kris and quite frankly I like him a lot more then I did with Tao. You better think about this quickly. I don't think Yixing can handle any more waiting." Jongdae left  going to his bedroom.

Kris stuffed his face back into the pillow.

Meanwhile Yixing was practically hyperventilating. He had flew up to heaven quickly because the gravity on earth was too much. He wandered to the empty side of heaven Where there would be only you and the clouds. That's all Yixing needed. He needed to think. Sitting on a cloud he sighed. Falling for a human was never planned. He didn't want to turn into a fallen. Fallens usually end up in hell never to be seen again. He wasn't ready for that. Plus he was a treasured. Could it get any worse ? What if Joonmyeon found out. He would be so disappointed. Yixing angrily punched a cloud but his hand just went right through it making him frustrated.

"Some people vent to let out anger." an unknown voice stopped Yixing from trying to kill a cloud. He turned around quickly and his eyes widened at the sight.

"K-Kyungsoo ?"

"Angel-ssi. Its you. You speak better now." 

"We're not speaking Korean now." He watched as Kyungsoo fluttered his white wings while walking closer to him. "I see you made it here."

"Yes. Thank you." Kyungsoo said bowing.

"No need to thank me." Yixing said flustered but Kyungsoo shook his head.

"But I do. You healed me. They said I should remember nothing of my life but I remember you. You're a great..angel." his lips twitched upward. "Maybe I could help you."

"I.." Yixing didn't know where to start so he told it all. He knew it was troublesome spitting out things like this but once he started talking he couldn't stop. He told about his mission and healing and most of all Kris.

"Sounds like love to me."Kyungsoo said sitting next to the older male. Yixing sputtered.

"L-love ?"

"Yes love. You know. The fluttering of stomachs, the pounding of hearts, the flushing of cheeks. Love."

Yeah. It did sound like love. But Yixing couldn't have that type of love. Not as an angel.

"I don't want to be a fallen Kyungsoo." Yixing tried to explain.

"Yes but who said you have to be ?"

"W-what ?"

"You see what I came up here I was happy. At peace. But the first thing I did was learn about the way of an angel. Learn about missions, secrets, powers, hell. I learned about the fallen too. You guys have a lot of records of angels falling and turning into dark angels but the more I read the more stupid it all became. Just because you fall in love with a human doesn't make you a fallen. It's like a mind trick. All in your head. Most angels get scared when they fall for a human because they think they're going to become evil or turn into something dark. That idea sticks in their head and suddenly they are turning evil, they are becoming dark. Get it out your head Angel-ssi. It's love you are in, not the fallen." Kyungsoo explained.

"But...he doesn't love me." Yixing responded.

"Are you sure ?" Kyungsoo asked. His large eyes looking at Yixing curious.


"See you do not know. Don't assume the worse Angel-ssi. You'll never have hope that way."

Yixing sighed because Kyungsoo was right. The older chuckled because a new born angel like Kyungsoo had so much intelligence.

"Thank you. Kyungsoo." Yixing said taking Kyungsoo's hands between his gratefully. He looked down and gasped when he saw the mark.

"You're a treasured." Yixing whispered. His fingers brushing the mark.

"So are you, brother. And so you shall forever will be. Go see your human. Time flies by quicker down there he must be looking for you. I'll keep Joonmyeon-hyung at bay. But you will have to explain to him fully." Kyungsoo said squeezing Yixing's hands for luck.

"Thank you. Again Kyungsoo thank you. A hundred times thank you." Yixing said bowing as he pulled apart. His wings already fluttering, lifting him in the sky. Kyungsoo laughed softly before bowing back.

"You're a hundred times welcome. Till later Angel-ssi."

"Till later, Kyungsoo."


This is one of the many reasons why Kris wanted Yixing to have a phone. Serious it wouldn't be so hard to find the kid if he had a cell phone with a GPS tracker installed that only Kris knew about. But no, Yixing did not have one so here he was walking through the cold streets of Korea looking for a small Chinese male that didn't exist on Google.

He had checked the cafes and the the roof tops and the park. He even checked where Yixing showed him the flower. He smiled when he noticed it still alive and thriving. But Yixing seemed to be nowhere near. Not even the mall. The only place left was the restaurant. He quickly walked into the city. It was a busy Saturday evening and more people were coming out of the house to mingle and do other things. Kris got to the restaurant and noticed it was packed. Luckily fate was on his side and they had a two seater table left. After sitting down Kris sighed.

He had thought through all yesterday and way into the night over this. Jongdae was right no matter how bad he didn't want to admit it. The little brat hit Kris right in the heart with his words and he was glad because he kind of needed that wake up call. Tao, that boy should-would be old news. He was gone. He's never coming back. Kris just needed to let him go. He was kind of happy that Jongdae made him go up to the weird boy with the upside down menu because if he didn't Yixing and his world would have never collided.

It was fate, chance and the will of God that brought them to. Now all he needed was the boy so he could explain.

"Ahem." A voice cleared their throat. "May I take your order."

"Sure. I'll have the-" wait a minuet. This was a Korean restaurant so why was the waiter speaking mandarin. Looking up Kris sputtered.


"Wufan." the smaller greeted sitting down across from him.


"Maybe I should speak first. But not here."

So they got up and left. Kris followed Yixing awkwardly. Usually he would have a hand wrapped around him or Yixing holding his arm but now he wasn't sure if that'd be a good idea so he let his long limbs hang by his side. They ended up at the bridge. Kris's heart beating while Yixing frigidity with his hat. He cleared his throat before opening his mouth.

"I'm not human." Well this conversation is not going how Kris pictured.

"What ?" Kris asked confused.

"I'm an angel." Yeah this was getting really weird.

"Yixing I don't know what you're trying to do but-"

"Please. Let me just get it out."

Yixing took a deep breath. "I'm not human. I'm not even sure if I'm considered alive. I'm an angel. I came to earth on a mission from God and- stop laughing this is serious."

"Sorry, sorry." Kris said before composing himself.

"Anyways I had to heal three people. I was on my way to heal the first one when I got hungry and met you. After healing the second person I met you again. But you were sad and I knew I shouldn't have but I wanted to help you. So I showed you the flower. Then I went to heal the third person and it was storming and raining and lightening but all I could think about was you. I got struck in the wing and I needed help and with you on my mind you were my first choice. I didn't expect shelter or clothes or anything but I thank you for that. So in my thanks I wanted to heal whatever that made you upset, unhappy, unwanted. And then I felt what it was. Right here." his hand placed gently on Kris's chest. " At first I didn't think I could do it. I still don't think I could do it. Heal a heart ? Impossible. But I healed the impossible before." he took a deep breath. " I fell for you somewhere in between random meetings and wonderful inspiring life quotes and trips. Between the hugs and soft touches, the smiles and the laughter. Somewhere between the sleep talking and cuddles and I knew I was neck deep with love for you. I love you Wufan."

Kris was stuck because Yixing loved him. He actually loved him but..

"You're an angel ?" That was more than a bit impossible. Angels may exist  but they don't fall for you right ? Yixing nodded but he knew Kris would want proof. So, he closed his eyes and transformed out of his human skin and into his natural self. He heard Kris gasp and he opened his eyes to see Kris looking at him in awe.

"You're beautiful." Kris finally got out through the jumble of words in his head. Yixing looked at him as if he was missing something.

"So, you're not terrified ?" he asked.

"Why would I be."

"Because I'm a thousands of years old angel."

Kris frowned at that. "No you're my twenty something (cause you never told me your real age) year old Yixing who I fell in love with but couldn't say so because I was stuck in the past with a broken heart. I'm glad you came along Yixing. You helped me forget and start something new. You inspired me and awed me one to many times and you continue to now. You make me happy and I'm happy to say that human or not I love you."

Yixing eyes began to water and Kris thought he said something wrong but Yixing let out a sob before he jumped on Kris, wrapping his legs and arms around him and he began kissing the older. Kris pulled back with a laugh before kissing Yixing with as much passion as Yixing had. The separated but stayed close as Kris wiped the tears off of the angels face and Yixing planted kisses on Kris's hands every time they past his lips.

"I love you." Kris said again looking Yixing deep in his eyes and Yixing felt his heart burst.

"I love you." Yixing pulled him into another kiss before pulling away. "But, there's someone you have to meet first."

Kris looked at him weirdly. "Who ?"


"You didn't tell me we were going to heaven." Kris hissed. Early that morning, Yixing had woke him up hurrying him to get clean and dressed in the nicest clothes he had. Kris groaned but did as he was told before Yixing grabbed him by the hand and they were suddenly floating up through his house into the sky.

Yixing just smiled as Kris as he flapped his wings to soar higher. They were greeted at the gates by many guards and Kris looked in confusion when Yixing suddenly disappeared.

"Sorry. You wont be able to actually see heaven until you die but your sight of me will return soon." Yixing explained. Kris nodded and blindly walked through the gates as Yixing grabbed his hand. He saw nothing but clouds but he knew there was more to just that when he could actually feel something solid underneath his feet. Yixing made them fly the rest of the way and soon they were in front of God's castle.

They walked into the main room and Kris gasped when he could finally see more then clouds. Yixing was next to him, glowing brightly against all the white but he then noticed they weren't the only ones in the room.

"Bow." Yixing whispered and Kris did as he was told. When he stood back up the other angel was about two feet away from him.

"Yixing. Do you know what you have done ?" the angel asked and Kris was confused because he did not understand. Though he did know body language and that was the language of being upset.

"I know Kyungsoo explained most of it."

"That's just a theory."

"No it's not and you know that. If it was wouldn't I be half way a fallen by now. Dark dirty and evil ?" Joonmyeon's eyes softened at the words.

"But Yixing this has never happened before. Ever. And then he knows what you are. I don't know what to do."

"You do nothing." Yixing exclaimed. "Do nothing."


"Do you remember what you said to me. Before I went to earth. You said God was watching. He was watching me Joonmyeon. He was watching me heal , watching me break, watching me fall in love. He knows and he doesn't care. Because maybe this was meant to be. I was meant to fall in love with a human. Maybe this is another one of God's plans because if you have forgot, I am a treasured." Yixing's eyes softened too. "Let it go Joonmyeon. If Father did not approve then he would have already done something."

Joonmyeon thought about it. He really did. But when he saw the human take Yixing's hand in his in a reassuringly manner with love filled in both of their eyes he knew. This was not a problem to fix. It was not a problem at all.

"Fine. But let me lay some rules down on him."

"As you wish, brother."

Joonmyeon looked at Kris and the taller seemed to awkwardly look back at him.


"Kris."Kris said. Just because this guy was an angel doesn't mean he was going to be addressed as human.

"...Kris-goon." Kris rolled his eyes at that. " You know the truth about our nature and the reason behind Yixing being down in earth. I will let you two say together but you have to promise me a couple things."

"Sure. Anything." Kris would do anything to be with Yixing.

"One, you must tell no one of this. Not even Kim Jongdae. Two, Yixing can not always be with you because he is important of us and he will need him many times so if he says he must go you must let him. Lastly, you might be addressed with some danger being with an Angel because most of our kind and other kinds do not approve of such...relations. If that does happen you must fight because they will not hesitate to kill you and Yixing. Protect him."

"I will do my best beyond death." Kris said bowing.

"Big words for a human. Also hurt my brother and I hurt you." Joonmyeon whispered. Kris stood up with a grin on his face. Oh boy, Yixing's big brother was like the head of the angels. If he hurt him, Kris was sure Joonmyeon would personally send him to hell. Joonmyeon turned back to Yixing grabbing his hands.

"Are you sure you want this ?" he asked.

"More than anything." Yixing answered. Joonmyeon patted his hands.

"Then I give you my blessing. Be safe on earth. It's wicked down there."

"Yes brother."


"And that star right there is Jupiter. Jupiter is said to be the ruler of the universe. Though he seems tough he's just a squishy grandpa." Giggles were admitted in the air and Kris smiled from behind the door before opening it.

"Time for bed you two."

"Baba. Mama was just showing me the stars. He knows a lot about the sky." the young boy ran into Kris's arms.

"Is that so ? Well stories are over. You have school and Mama has some important buisness to attend to tomorrow. Into bed you go." Kris said tucking the small boy in his bed. He placed a soft kiss on his head before the mama did to and they both walked out the bedroom.

"Why would you do that Fan ? You know he loves astrology."

"Yeah a little too much Xing. But lets discuss this tomorrow when I'm not half away." Kris said cuddling closer to the smaller body. Yixing smiled kissing Kris on the lips.

"He might be scholar." Yixing whispered.

"Oh jesus no. Then I'll never be able to see my son." Kris groaned. Yixing giggled.

"Goodnight Wufan."

"Goodnight Yixing."

The next morning when the sun was just beganing to peak over horizan. Yixing opened his eyes and smiled when he felt Kris's tight told on him. He placed a hand over the two wrapped around him and brung one of Kris's hands up to kiss. He pulled back and eyes glaced at Kris's wrist with a gasp.

"Wufan get up !" he cried shaking the older.

"What ? What is it ?" Kris sat up in shock. Yixing pointed to his wrist.

"You're marked."










AN- Konnichiwa  ! This took forever but I am finished ! Yay !  I'm thinking of making this a series or something like that. Wouldn't that be cool ? I just need a title for it. Any suggestions for the series title ?

Ja Ne~

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Chapter 2: Aaaaw,such a cute and loving story!
It made my heart melt~
Btw,the end,it says Kris is marked? Does this means he's a treasured too? Or something else?
Nd i'm curios bout the little guy~
How did they got him?
Chapter 2: *-* Amazing... Simply amazing♥... I would love to read more about them
Chapter 2: I loved this story so so much!!! I liked it so much that I read it in one-go!
Moreover ---> Angels+Kray=PURE LOVE <3

Thank you for this wonderful story :3
bebebe #4
Chapter 3: yeay yeay sequel ! >\\\\<
thank you author shii ^^
Chapter 3: The link for the added series is not working for me. Would you mind give another link? Or was it only me? Sorry ...
Chapter 2: THE SERIES YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!i'm gonna sub it! please please, because this is beautiful and i can't help but squeal around my house!
Chapter 2: seriously this is super beautiful! thank you for feeding my kray feels, author-nim <3 <3 oh i'm so in love with this fic. and a series sounds great! :D i'll be waiting for your series then :)
thank you for this fic, author-nim :D
moonfairy #8
Chapter 2: yes please a series please please