
Heaven Is Everywhere You'll Be.

"Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the words without tune, and never stops at all." Emily Dickinson.


"Chug ! Chug ! Chug ! Chug !" the crowd cheered.  Two males currently in a drinking competition. They both seemed to be having a good time but this was serious. One had to win and the loser had to go skinny dipping in front of the whole university. The crowd cheered louder when one of the competitors gave up and the taller male put his hands up in victory.

"Kris ! Kris ! Kris ! Kris !." they cheered his name. They'd forget it tomorrow. When the music was long gone and the hype that they were in done for, they'd forget.

"Kris ! I told you this isn't a good idea." A smaller boy ran up to Kris and tugging him out the crowd. The taller boy smiled once more at the crowd before he was dragged fully outside.

"Hey get off me." Kris slurred. The affect of the liquor already coursing through his system.

"We need to go home." The smaller one said. Kris shook his head but then stopped because the room started spinning making him giggle. "Kris !" his friends fingers snapped in his face making him focus back on him.

"No. We came here to party remember."

"I came here to party. You came here to forget and look how that's working." Kris frowned at his friends words and almost tripped down the steps of the frat house.

"You're so not a good best friend." the tall blonde male mumbled and the smaller boy rolled his eyes.

"I am if I'm trying to take you home right now. I was going to leave you some asprin for that hang over tomorrow but now since you're being a .." the smaller trailed off. Kris just bruised him off.

"I'm going for a walk." he said.

"Kris wait !" but his friend was already half way down the street. The small boy groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. This was going to be a long night.

Kris on the other hand had a one mind track. One name replaying in his head over and over again. His eyes ran over the street addresses and he kept on walking. He stumbled over a small red fire hydrant before ending up in a familiar yard. Picking himself up he walked up the walk way and up the four steps to the porch. The name flickered through his brain again. Pressing the door bell he waited a few seconds. When no one came he pressed it again and again and again until someone rather angrily opened the door.

"What ?! It's two in the morning what the hell do-...Kris ?" the angry voice turned confused.

"Hey babe." Kris giggled. His eyes crinkling up into a smile.

"You're drunk." the other boy pointed out with a serious face.

"Correct." Kris said happily wiggling his fingers a little. "No wait no. Maybe. Just a little." Kris tried to correct himself. The other boy sighed before moving back some.

"Goodnight Kris." he said and began shutting the door.

"No wait babe please." Kris said moving past the screen door to place his foot between the other to keep it from closing.

"Kris it's late. And stop calling me that." the slightly smaller boy said.

"Just hear me out." Kris said.


"Tao please. Please." Kris begged. His eyes doing that cute puppy thing that Tao admired. He almost gave in. Almost.

"No. I have a test in the morning. Goodnight Kris." Tao said again kicking Kris foot away.

"Wait Tao please. I miss you. So much. I miss holding you, I miss kissing you, I miss touching you. I miss you. Come back to me." The begging tone stayed in Kris voice and he looked so desperate. So so desperate. But Tao was desperate once and look where that got him.

"Go home Kris." he said softly. His arm wrapped around himself a bit protectively. Like he needed the self comfort. "You won't even remember this tomorrow cause you drunk." Tao laughed dryly. His eyes closing for moment before he opened them again. They were a bit watery. He pulled the screen door back and locked it.

"Goodbye Kris. And please, don't come back."




"We have the last two coming in your way. Severe injuries." a woman spoke. Her face covered by a white mask and the clothing she had on way slightly stained. The person she was talking to nodded. He quickly finished working on the person laying in front of him before, just like he was told, two more people were pushed in on stretchers.

The boy looked at them. One had a gash going from his chest to his abdomen. The blood was pouring out rapidly and it was staining the white that surrounded them. The other was a female. She seemed to be fine minutes the face that had a huge hole in . It was as if someone tried to rip her esophagus out and succeeded. How was she even alive.

Quickly getting to work. He signaled the workers to removing the clothing from the male and clean up the female so they could see clearly. Once that was done. He closed his eyes. A wave of power surge through him. Tingling his body as it rushed from his toes to his nose before he focused the power to his hands. Opening his eyes he pushed past the workers and put his hand on the males chest. The soft blue almost white glow burst from the palm of his hands and into the male. He could feel everything wrong. How the white blood cells seemed to be clogging up but not fast enough. How he didn't have enough ATP. How his pancreas was swollen. So he fixed it. He unclogged the blood cells, he gave more ATP, he made the swelling go down. He healed.

"Sir, the woman."

Right. Watching as the last of the skin stitched back up under his hands he pulled back and turned to the female. She seemed to be fairly conscious though her eyes looked a bit faded and unfocused. Quickly getting to work, he placed his fingers gently around the hole. The gather more of his power easily and pushed it all out. Heal heal heal. He wanted to fix her. Make her all better. Stop the suffering. When the last of the hole stitched itself backup, he pulled away.

"Good job sir." they congratulated before pulling the last two out of the room. He looked down at his blood stained hands before sighing. Walking over to the running water, he dipped his fingers in it and began scrubbing. His eyes watching as the last of the pink water swirled down the drain.

It was a bit later, when the day was almost over that his work was done. He slipped off his coat and turned off the lights before walking out the building.

The sun was on the left of the sky. It's rays making everything in it's light a orange or pink color. It was much better than the usual white in his opinion.

"Yixing !" a voice called him and he turned around to see someone coming towards him.

"Joonmyeon-huixia hello." Yixing greeted politely bowing to his superior.

"Ah don't bow for me Yixing. I heard you did a good job healing today." Joonmyeon said smiling at the younger. Yixing smiled back because it was nothing. He liked healing. It felt as if he could save everyone.

"Thank you." Yixing said and they continued down the path. "But, that's not your reason for talking to me. I'm sure you have far more important thing to do."

"Ah but that is not true. I have something important for you to do." Joonmyeon answered. The wings on his back fluttering slightly. He was floating unlike Yixing who like to walk during this time. He enjoyed the colors and he had no where to be so he wasn't in a rush. The words caught his interest though so he turned his head at the older male.

"And what might that be ?" Yixing asked. Joonmyeon smile widened.

"A mission to earth."

Yixing stopped in place and looked at Joonmyeon with wide eyes. "Really ?" He hasn't been to earth in years. The last time he had been was to heal a future prophet. He'd wonder if that's what he'd have to do again.

"Yes. The Lord wants you to heal a certain few people that will be of need to him in the future." Joonmyeon said. The smile never leaving his face because he was happy for Yixing. Though angels go to earth all the time as guardians or to help a few humans it was rare for them to get a order specially from Him. Those who did were staid to be one of Gods treasured children. So far the only treasured child was Joonmyeon. The rest were said to be found for a greater deal. And now Yixing was one. A treasured child.

"I will do my best." Yixing said bowing twice this time. His wings twitched in excitement.

"I'm sure you will. You start tomorrow. Meet me at the gates when the sun reads 8." Yixing nodded at the words mentally storing them into his head.

"Goodnight Yixing. Get lots of rest." Joonmyeon said bowing to the younger before floating a bit higher.

"A-ah yes." Yixing sputtered. He bowed back. "Good night Joonmyeon-huixia." He smiled as he watched the other fly off. His wings spread wide as they flapped up and down leisurely. The step in Yixing walk home was bouncer than ever.

The next morning, Yixing awoke with a smile on his face. His buried his face deeply into the plush blue pillow. The covers wrapping around him as he giggled. He was excited for today. Peaking out the window he noticed the sun wasn't in the place he needed it to be at. He had about two hours to get ready. Pushing the white covers off, he slipped out of his bed and into his bathroom. He took a quick bath. Carefully cleaning his wings until they were the pruest white. He rinsed off before going back into his room. Since he was going to earth he would have to wear his best clothing.

The tunic he chose was laced with gold. His pants were tight white but stretchable making them easy and comfortable to fit in. He slipped on a few gold bangles and anklets. He looked at the sky and jumped in surprise. He had thirty minuets.  Quickly stuffing his breakfast down, Yixing grabbed his satchel. He ran out his door feet lifting off the ground as his wings pushed in up into the air.

Yixing soared off. He flew across the place many called Heaven. He liked to call it the City in the Clouds. That was his first thought when he got here. That he reached the City in the Clouds. Waving happily to the angels below him, Yixing speed up. He soon saw the gates and swooped down. His wings arched back and spread out wide as he touched the soft cloudy road when his bare foot.

"Yixing right on time." Joonmyeon greeted the younger. He stopped Yixing from bowing and patted his shoulder.

"No need to bow. We're on the same level." Yixing nodded and almost bowed in apology but Joonmyeon caught him. He then bowed in apology for almost bowing. Joonmyeon laughed.

"Ahh Yixing I'll miss your manners the most." Joonmyeon said making Yixing blush slightly before getting down to business. He pulled out a scroll.

"Your mission." Yixing glanced at it with glee. His wings fluttered slightly when Joonmyeon handed it over to him.

"Thank you." Yixing said looking Joonmyeon in the eyes. Joonmyeon smiled softly back.

"Let me quickly go over the rules. First, you are to only be in contact with the ones on your mission. Do not associate with other humans. That most likely won't be a problem because they cannot see you unless visible but still keep that into consideration. Second, do not drift away from your mission. You are not on Earth for you personal needs. You are there to do what the Lord tells you. Thirdly, do not let them know you are an angel. Humans do not react greatly to the supernatural. I'm sure you know that all too well. And last but not least, do not fall in love. Many angels tend to find a human to convert them and they have fallen. Being a treasured, you cannot and will not do so." Joonmyeon recited the rules with all seriousness. Though there was only four, they were very big and if he did not follow them consequences will follow. But he wasn't worried about them. Yixing knew he could do this mission.

"Good luck Yixing." Joonmyeon said stepping aside. The gates were opening for him. Yixing stepped through them before looking back at Joonmyeon. The older male smiled.

The last words he heard before stepping off the edge of a cloud and flying down towards earth made him shiver.

"Remember. God is watching."




"Kris. Kris dude get up." a hand shook Kris's shoulder making the taller male groan in annoyance.

"Leave me alone." he mumbled into his pillow.

"It's been a week. I'm not gonna let you die his. Plus you stink."  Kris rolled his eyes at his friends exaggeration before sitting up. It may have been a week but that still wasn't enough time for him to heal. He remembered everything that night. He should have stayed home. Images of Tao telling him to leave flickered through his head.

"Leave me alone Jongdae." Kris said throwing a pillow at the smaller who dodged it easily.

"You ." Jongdae said kicking his room mate. "I'm trying to be a helpful friend and this is how you repay me ?"

"I never asked for your help."

"Yeah well you need it. Go take a shower. We're going out today. Not drinking because we all know how that went." Jongdae said matter of factly. Kris threw another pillow before slumping back into bed. He doesn't want to get up.

But he did anyway when Jongdae threatened him to tell Jessica from Physics that he was very much in love when her when he very much wasn't. Exiting the shower, Kris slipped into something warm and casual for the breezy day. A pale blue button up with white skinny jeans was his choice of clothing before he stepped into their living area. Jongdae and him shared a flat that was fairly close to campus. It was big enough for three people so they had extra space with just the two of them. Jongdae was already putting on his coat when he glanced at Kris. The older male grabbed his keys and slipped on his shoes.

"Ah ah ah we're walking." Jongdae said.

"Really ?" Kris groaned. Though he was skinny Kris was lazy. Lazy and walking didn't go together. Jondgae just pushed him outside, locking the door behind him.

The cold air brushed at Kris nose and he was glad for grabbing a scarf. Jongdae on the other hand was neatly tucked into a pink knitted wool hat. The sides covering his ears and a cute fluffy ball on the top. He wore thick framed glasses and Kris couldn't help but smile at his cute friend. That smile soon turned upside down when Jongdae pulled him across the street. It was morning time but most people seemed to be running the busy streets. Most likely going to work. Kris and Jongdae being the rare college students with money did not have to work just yet. Though it was Saturday so they didn't have school either.

"Remind me why we are out again ?" Kris asked as they entered the city street.

"To keep you from being depressed. And to keep your mind off a certain someone. Did you bring money ?" Jongdae asked.


"Good." Jongdae said making a sharp turn entering one of the shops. Kris sighed before following. Maybe this was good for him.

They spent a good amount of time going in and out of shops Buying a few things here and there. Kris almost killed Jongdae when the smaller boy popped out of no where with a scary mask on frightening Kris. Said boy then pulled the mask of a laughing Jongdae and smacked him upside the head. Jongdae was still giggling when they left the store.

"I'm hungry." he then said emotions changing quickly.

"There was a small restaurant down the street." Kris said and Jongdae pulled him further through the crowd.


Yixing stopped tiredly on a building roof top. He had read the scroll a while back. He knew exactly who to look for he just didn't know where to find them. Sometimes he wishes he was a tracker angel. Their lives must be so easy. But he wasn't. He was a healer and soon as he finds the person in need that's what he must do.

Looking down at earth he was fairly confused because things were way different from last time he was here. There were way more people and many devices that he has never heard of. But, he was positive that he was in the right area. That's what the scroll told him. It also showed him pictures of the three people he would be healing. Yixing wonder if it wondered if it was physical or mental healing these humans needed. He was more hoping for physical because he wasn't so good with mental. But it was a task from God and he shall do his best.

Shaking his head, Yixing jumped from the edge of the roof top and soared over the humans. There were a lot of them but he could tell none of them were the ones that he needed. His attention quickly went back to his surroundings as he almost flew into a pole. Dodging it, Yixing kept flying. After about an hour or so of not seeing one of the humans he needed to heal, his stomach growled. Looking at the sun, it would be lunch time for him up in heaven. Deciding to take a small break, he floated down in front of a place that hopefully gave food.

Yixing shivered when a human walked through him. Stepping closer to the entrance he reached in his satchel. Joonmyeon had gave him human currency to be able to pay for things like food and water while he was down here. Yixing walked through the doors and instantly smelled food. His stomach growled slightly and he chuckled to himself. He walked past the people sitting down at the tables and went into a closed room. He'd have to make himself visible to order some food. Faintly remembering what some of the humans were wearing, he conjured up a pair of black pants and a long sleeved gray shirt. The coat he was wearing went mid thigh and it was an ash black color. He slipped out of the empty room and walked up to the woman behind the counter.


"Table for two ?" the girl asked looking at Kris and Jongdae with curious eyes. Kris nodded and she grabbed two menus before telling them to follow her. She seated them nicely in the middle. They both sat down and Kris had to admit this was a nice restaurant. It was snug and warm giving a comforting feeling. After ordering drinks, they both took off their coats.

"Can I keep my hat on ?" Jongdae asked with a whine.

"No it's rude." Kris answered simply.

Then Jongdae pulled him into a conversation filled with school money and that cute boy in communication.

"No I'm telling you, Sunny and Victoria were fighting because Sunny thought Vicky was the one who kissed Taecyeon but it was actually Kyrstal." Jongdae said chewing mouth wide on his food. Kris watched him in disgust and listened to him half interested. His eyes began to roam around the restaurant. It wasn't packed but it wasn't full. Most people where either eating or waiting to eat. The conversations in Korean had Kris slightly confused until they translated in his brain.

The faint use of mandarin caught his attention and Kris turned his head at the sound of it. 

"Kris what are you looking at ?"Jongdae asked when he noticed Kris attention was not on him. He turned and followed where Kris's eyes were. His vision landed on a boy's face was scrunched up in confusion as he held the menu upside down. His hair was a chestnut brown color. Sweeping gracefully above his eyes was his fringe.

"Oh he's cute." Jongdae said simply.

"He's reading the menu upside down." Kris pointed out.

"...weird but cute ?" Jongdae tried again. Kris shrugged. Why does he care always. He was just in a relationship and ed up badly. Why would he try to start another one.

"Go talk to him." Jongdae pushed.

"No." was Kris immediate reply.

"Please. At least help the kid out with his menu."

"No." The taller said again. More stubborn. Jongdae sighed.

"You need to move on. And making a new friend won't hurt." the smaller said softly. His hand placed on top of Kris's comfortly. Kris sighed too. He knew that was true but...he wasn't ready. Not today, not tomorrow, maybe not for a long time. His eyes glanced up at the boy. He seemed to have gave up on reading and was looking at the pictures intently. Maybe helping him out with his menu wouldn't be so bad.

"Fine." Kris agreed pushing his seat out. He brushed his fringe quicky out his face before walking over to the male. He could hear soft mummers in chinese come out the other boy as he walked closer. Clearing his throat to get the other's attention, Kris gave a small smile.

"Hello." he said in mandarin hoping it wasn't too awkward. The other boy seemed to be shocked to find someone else here that could understand him. Kris watched him gave a small smile back. It was awkward as Kris justs stood there standing while the other was looking at him. He could faintly hear Jongdae snickering in the background.

"Uh, do you mind if I sit ?" Kris asked gesturing to the other seat across from the boy. The brunette shook his head slowly and Kris sat down exhaling.

"I'm Kris."


"Ah call me Wufan. It'd be much easier for you to say." Kris explained. He didn't want to make the guy feel more uncomfortable. Yixing nodded. His fingers playing with the menu. Still holding it upside down in his hands. Looking at him Kris remembered why he was over here.

"I'm taking it you don't know korean well." Yixing blinked at the words.

"What makes you say that ?" the brunette asked. His voice was soft.

"Well one you're holding the menu the wrong way." Kris pointed out. He watched as red flushed on the other's cheeks. Quickly turning it the right way, Yixing cleared his throat.

"Is that your reason to come over here ? To make fun of me ?" Yixing asked. Bright eyes looking into Kris's.

"I um no." Kris sputtered putting his hands up in defense. "I actually wanted to help you."

"Oh." was Yixing's quiet reply. He then got up and sat down next to Kris. "You could help me by telling me what this is." Yixing said, slim finger pointing to a picture. Kris glad that the other left some space between them and he looked at the picture.

"Oh this is Jjajangmyun." Kris explained. His tongue rolling over the korean easily.

"J-jiamyen." Yixing tried. His lips pursing up. He raised an eyebrow at Kris to see if he said it right. Kris chuckled slightly before saying it again.


"Jiahjamyen ?"



"Excuse me sir are you ready to order ?" A waitress asked. Yixing seemed to understand that much because he nodded.

"I'll have the Jiajamyon please." Yixing said with a small small on his face. The waitress laughed slightly at his accent but nodded. She then asked Kris if he would like anything but the blonde male shook his head. When she walked away, Yixing moved back into his seat.

"Thank you for your help, Wufan." Yixing said. Kris nodded, realizing things would get awkward if he stayed longer. Getting up, he bowed slightly and scurried back to Jongdae.

"That was amusing." Jongdae said.

"Shut up." Kris said the gestering his hand up for the check. As they left his eyes caught a glance of Yixing a noodle up slowly between his pink lips. Their eyes met.




Yixing had no time to be playing tourist. His had already wasted a day and had no luck. Today would be different. The faces on the scrolls looked fairly young so he flew past the nursing homes and such. His wings seemed to take him to the hospital. Surely everyone in here would need to be healed but Yixing was on a mission. He flew through the walls and entered the building. He tried not get distracted with the devices that were hooked up everywhere and the glowing box that seemed to catch a lot of the humans attention. Flying up to the next level, Yixing past rooms. A feeling inside him told him that one of his tasks were hear. Turning the corner, Yixng wings flapped once before his feet touched the hospital floor.

He had stopped in front of the last room on his floor. Walking in his noticed only one occupant. A boy was laying on the bed. Yixing took a step closer and noticed his was thin and pale. Sliding the scroll out from his satchel, Yixing opened it. Yes this was the right child. Stepping closer so he was right next to the boy, Yixing wondered what was wrong with him.

The angel reached down and touched the boys face. He pulled back quickly when the human opened his eyes. He stared right in Yixing's direction before looking around.

"Hello ?" His voice croaked. Coughs soon followed and Yixing  frowned when blood seeped through his fingers that was covering his mouth. The boy stopped coughing a pulled his hand back. His face was impassive as he reached over to grab a tissue and wiped the blood away.

So the problem was internal. The boy laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. Soon a nurse came in and smiled at the boy. She seemed to check at the tubes. When everything was checked she was about to walk back out again but something caught her eyes again. The blood stained tissue on the nightstand.

"Minseok. You told me the bleeding had stopped."

"It did." the boy mumbled turning around. Yixing watched as the nurse sighed before walking back out.

"Oh Dr.Bang !" she called stopping the doctor in the hallway. Yixing drifted over towards the door to their conversation.

"The bleeding is back." A sigh was heard.

"I don't know what to do. We've tried everything. Every medication, every surgery."

"I know sir."

"He's not going to last long. Maybe a day or two. Three at best."

"I'll go call his parents."

The conversation faded down the hallway. Yixing turned back around when he heard Minseok's voice.

"Idiots. Can't they lower their voices." his voice shook at the end and Yixing noticed tears glistening down the other's chubby cheeks. A loud sniff was heard and Minseok wiped his face. More tears seemed to come out faster and faster and Minseok was just so weak. He couldn't even wipe his own tears away anymore. So he cried, sobs pouring out his mouth and Yixing could just tell that he was in pain.

"Shush child." Yixing whispered though the other did nothing but cry harder. The instinct to heal rushed through Yixng quickly. His held up two fingers. They glowed a light blue and he touched the side of Minseok's head knocking the boy out. He then placed his hand gently above the boys stomach and pressed down. The blue glow grew white as Yixing healed. He was not going to let this boy die today. He was needed for the Lord and the Lord could not use him if he was dead could he.

So Yixing healed. He healed the bad, the dirty, the sickness that was spread throughout Minseok until it was nothing left. Until he was healthy. Until he was healed.

The white glow turned back blue and Yixing pulled his hand away. The angel then took a step back and bowed.

"Goodbye Minseok, and goodluck."




Kris fingers shook. He didn't know if it was from the cold or anxiety. Probably a mixture of both. He was about ten minuets away from campus and here he was sitting on a public basketball court smoking. He was on his third cigarette. The other two dropped. If you're wondering why he was so shook up you'd have to rewind about half an hour earlier.

He had just told Jongdae that he'd see him after classes like normal and was headed to the campus diner. He needed a quick espresso before going to his next class. As he entered the diner he quickly ordered his drink. Extra cream because he liked things a bit sweet. After paying he was about to get out of there before his ears caught onto familiar laughing. He knew he shouldn't have looked. But he did. And he regretted it. There was Tao. His face was scrunched up with laughter and he was leaning onto an unrecognizable person. 

Kris was about to speak up, say something about the arm around Tao's waist or the lingering hand on top of his but, he didn't. Kris swallowed down his words. Tao looked happy. Really happy. Much more happy then the last time he'd seen him. Red eyes and dark eye bags replaced with bright eyes and less noticeable eye bags.

Their eyes connected for a split second and Kris could feel the sadness hatred and most of all pain rush back into Tao.

"Hey what's wrong ?" the guy asked Tao.

"Nothing." the younger male said eyes watching as Kris exited the diner quickly. "Nothing at all."

So here Kris was, third cigarette trembling between his fingers as he tried to keep his emotions intact.

Why couldn't he move on. Tao obviously did so why couldn't he. Nothing was simple for him. His heart wasn't but knew one thing. It was broken. Mostly his fault. Of course it had to be his fault. If only he could go back and change everything that day.

"Smoking isn't good for you."

Kris looked up at the voice.

"Yixing." Said boy caught Kris off guard. He quickly wiped away on coming tears and took another drag. The smaller boy walked up to Kris. He stopped in front of him and bent down. Thin fingers plucked the nasty habit out of Kris's hand and set it down.

"You seem upset."

"It's nothing." his muttered. Eyes not meeting Yixings. The smaller boy just hummed in response.

"Why are you here anyway ?" Kris asked. Yixing shrugged, He had just finished the second person on the list. A kid named Sehun. He was paralyzed from the waist down due to a horrible car crash. They said he would never walk again. Tomorrow they'll be saying it's a miracle he can walk. He was in the middle of inspecting the scroll when he smelled a horrible smell. Looking down he noticed Kris. He heard the sobs and the mutters. He didn't know why but he took some time to turn visible again and talk to the human. He knew he shouldn't. But one little pick me up wouldn't hurt anyone would it ?

"You're feeling down ?" Yixing asked.

"Not really." Kris said trying not to feel like a child under the smaller boys eyes.

"Stand up Wufan." Yixing said holding his hand out.

"Why ?" the taller boy asked looking at Yixing's hand weary.

"Please." Kris looked up at the smaller. The sun cascaded behind him softly. A smile on his face with his eyes closed Yixing was reaching out to him.

He might regret. He might not. Kris had to admit he was a bit scared. He doesn't know Yixing and Yixing doesn't know him. This was their second meeting. A meeting that was unexpected but not unwelcomed. And since it was unwelcomed, Kris clasped his hand with Yixings smaller one. Ready for whatever journey came afterwards.

Yixing smiled.

"Let me take you somewhere special."







AN- Konnichiwa. So this is looking to be a two chaptered one shot. I'll update soon as I get back from vacation. Please enjoy this for now.

Ja Ne~

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Chapter 2: Aaaaw,such a cute and loving story!
It made my heart melt~
Btw,the end,it says Kris is marked? Does this means he's a treasured too? Or something else?
Nd i'm curios bout the little guy~
How did they got him?
Chapter 2: *-* Amazing... Simply amazing♥... I would love to read more about them
Chapter 2: I loved this story so so much!!! I liked it so much that I read it in one-go!
Moreover ---> Angels+Kray=PURE LOVE <3

Thank you for this wonderful story :3
bebebe #4
Chapter 3: yeay yeay sequel ! >\\\\<
thank you author shii ^^
Chapter 3: The link for the added series is not working for me. Would you mind give another link? Or was it only me? Sorry ...
Chapter 2: THE SERIES YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!i'm gonna sub it! please please, because this is beautiful and i can't help but squeal around my house!
Chapter 2: seriously this is super beautiful! thank you for feeding my kray feels, author-nim <3 <3 oh i'm so in love with this fic. and a series sounds great! :D i'll be waiting for your series then :)
thank you for this fic, author-nim :D
moonfairy #8
Chapter 2: yes please a series please please