The Fair

What Does This Button Do?

"Hyung, you're coming on the school trip to the fair right?" Sehun tilts his head cutely and flutters his eyes, pleading.

"I don't really want to Sehun," Chanyeol chuckled, packing his book bag. They were currently at Chanyeol's house, Sehun was waiting for Chanyeol to hurry up and walk with him to school. The aliens were discussing something of their own in the kitchen.

"B-But You have to!" Sehun insisted, folding his hands together and dramatically falling on the floor. Chanyeol rolls his eyes at his friend's desperate act.

"Why do you need me there so badly anyway?" Chanyeol zips up his book bag and ties on his shoes. Sehun was still on the ground, this time he was putting on his aegyo, pouting and giving a puppy expression.

"Who else am I going to hang out with? Luhan?" Sehun scoffs and rolls his eyes. Chanyeol shoots him a disapproving look.

"Sehun-ah~ I'll hang out with you!" Tao chimed, skipping to Sehun and hugging him. Sehun struggles out of his iron grip.

"Yeah, you can get Tao to hang out with you if you're that desperate," Chanyeol smirked slyly. Sehun grumbles under his breath and gets up from the door. He catches Chanyeol at the door and walks out with him.


"Hyung, I'm being really serious now," Sehun has seriousness etched onto this face, eyebrows furrowed and lips pressed into a straight line. Chanyeol points to his face and laughs loudly, catching the attention of other people on the block. "Yah! Hyung."

"What," Chanyeol meekly grins. Sehun pauses and looks around before begging,

"Hyung please! I'll be all alone if you don't come!" Sehun pouted and kicked a poor rock that was in his way.

Chanyeol chuckles before smiling sincerely, "Fine, but you know I don't like fairs. I wish we could go tomorrow instead of today." Chanyeol pats the younger's head. He responded with a bright eye smile and they both strolled to school, talking and enjoying each other's company.


"Kris?" Tao announced, "Why are you so quiet?" They were eating breakfast in Chanyeol's house.

Kris swiftly took a sip of orange juice, "There's a lot of stuff on my mind."

Tao swallowed his toast and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Kris looks up at his friend, his head resting on his hand. Tao stares at him for awhile, eyes glowing lighter. "Stop reading my mind! That's invasion of privacy!"

Tao chuckled knowingly. "I know."

Kris tries to think of something different. Like how Sehun's pants were bright neon pink the other day, and how it blinded his eyes. The thought of Chanyeol always wandered back into his mind though. Tao's smirk grows wider and it worries Kris.

"What did you read from my mind?" Kris gruffly grumbles, bringing his fingers up to massage his eyebrows. Tao chuckles and pats his friend's shoulder.

"It's okay to be madly in love with Chanyeol, I won't tell him your secrets... Maybe," Tao promised, raising his right hand to pledge.

Kris groans loudly and puts his head into his arms. "The problem is, he already knows."

Tao blinked and stared hard at the motionless alien in front of him. "Oh..."

"He's not treating me the way he did before, and I miss that." Kris sadly admitted. Tao looks at the sulking man with pity, patting his back.

"I think I can help you win him over."

Kris' head rises from his crossed arms. He studied Tao's smug expression. "What? How?"

"You can save him from a dangerous situation. You'll play Prince Charming while he can be your Damsel in distress," Tao smirked.

"How is that going to work?" Kris narrowed his eyes and leered at the younger male.

"Don't worry about that. Just know that we'll be at the fair."


"Oh my god. How did you get Chanyeol to come anyway?" Luhan laughed, putting his arms around Xiumin's shoulder. They were currently at the fair searching for shops to find some food to eat first.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm so cute," Sehun squashed his cheeks together and blinked cutely at his Chanyeol hyung.

"Ugh please. I just accepted because you kept whining about being a lonely loner," Chanyeol pushes Sehun's face away and rolls his eyes. Chen laughs and points at Sehun's offended face. The group of friend's approach bakery just across the street from the fair. They decided that it is a good place to eat before doing any activities.

"Yes, two strawberry shortcakes, a slice of mango cheesecake, three chocolate mousses and a jumbo vanilla milkshake," Baekhyun ordered. The lady hands them their food and they take a seat on a round table by the window.

Chanyeol happily sipped his vanilla milkshake as the rest of this friends ate their desserts. He almost didn't notice two particularly familiar figures walk pass the window. He raised an eyebrow. Although he couldn't make out who they were, they looked like someone he knew. 

"Chanyeol gimme some of your milkshake," Luhan rudely grabbed the vanilla milkshake out of his hands. Chanyeol shot him a glare as Luhan inhaled almost half of what he had left. He his teeth and snatched his precious milkshake away from Luhan, forgetting about what he witnessed previously.

Right after they were done, they played at the fair. Chanyeol didn't go on any rides except rides that were near the ground. He had a fear of heights. Sehun stayed with him most of the time. The group of friends laughed and talked as they walked to various rides and attractions.

"Mmm, I need to use the bathroom. Meet you guys back at the Ferris wheel," Chanyeol excused himself. He drank too much of that jumbo milkshake. He gave his friends a wave and quickly trotted to the restrooms.

He hastily stepped into one of the cubicles and relieved himself. He heard footsteps from outside slowly walk in the restroom. Chanyeol quickly finished up his business and opens the door. He  washes his hands in hopes to get out quickly. The sketchy bathroom had a weird vibe. He flicks the water off his hands because there were no towels. He was in such a rush as he didn't notice a man behind him, he bumps into the man.

The man had a ski mask on, and wore baggy black clothes. On his face were various piercings and a jagged scowl. Chanyeol could not tell who the man was. He didn't want to find out.

"Oh sorry, excuse me," Chanyeol nervously chuckles, trying to move the other way. The man grabs his thin wrist and slams him back into the wall. His head was smashed into the hard surface. Chanyeol chokes on his breath, falling to his knees. His vision turned blurry as tears welled up in his eyes. He clutched his aching head. Why is this happening? The attacker's face wavered for a bit, but turned back into a crooked smirk. He pulls out a metallic object from his pocket, Chanyeol identified it as a knife. Chanyeol gasps and backs away, he stops when he felt the cold object come in contact with his neck. The man fisted his fingers through Chanyeol's brown hair, pulling his head back and exposing his neck. The knife pierces into his skin. Crimson liquid seeped through the little cut. Chanyeol chokes on his sobs and bites his bottom lip. How he wished someone could just come in and save him. A strangled whine escapes his mouth. The stranger puts one of his hands on his mouth to shut him up.

Suddenly, as if someone granted his wishes, his savior walks into the bathroom. As if he expected this, he turns to look at Chanyeol for half a second. Chanyeol's eyes widened when he figured out who it was. It was Kris.

With a flick of his hand, the attacker's body lifts off the ground. The stranger drops his knife. Kris narrows his eyes and scowls at the man before he waves his hand. The floating man was immediately smashed against the sinks. He grunts as his back slams against the edge of a sink. The impact created a loud cracking sound that sounded the restroom. Chanyeol puts his hands on his mouth and lets out a gasp. Kris turns back to give him a relieved sigh.

Still on the ground and scared, Chanyeol touches his neck. He widened his eyes as he felt the blood drip down to his collar. The attacker scrambled out of the bathroom. Kris approached Chanyeol cautiously. Chanyeol looked up at Kris teary eyed, biting his pink lips. Kris wraps his arms around the younger and brings him up. Chanyeol's legs feel like jelly, unable to hold himself up. Chanyeol holds him back tightly, gripping his shirt hard as if he would fall into somewhere scary if he lets go. Kris places one of his hands on the back of Chanyeol's head. He grunts as he felt his shirt getting wet from Chanyeol's tears. Chanyeol continues to sob into his shoulder, Kris hugs the younger male tight. How could Tao go so far? He was only supposed to hold out a knife and demand for Chanyeol's money. He will remember to talk to Tao about this later. The only thing he cared about most right now was comforting the crying male in his arms. Then a voice interrupted them.

"Kris are you done in there? We still have to do the plan you know. You were taking so long so I came to check-" Tao stopped in his tracks. "oh.."

Kris turns to the other man, eyes widening. Chanyeol looks too. Tao standing in front of them, with a black ski mask and a knife.

"T-Tao, what are you doing?" Chanyeol trembles, loosening the hold of Kris' shirt. Kris looks at Tao, confused.

"Wait, that wasn't you before...?" Kris stammers, pointing to the cracked sink. Chanyeol turns to Kris, even more confused now.

"What are you talking about? I just came in," Tao explained, then focused on Chanyeol "What happened to Chanyeol?" Tao runs over and examines Chanyeol. Chanyeol winces in pain as Tao touched his gash.

Kris was dumbfounded. That person he smashed into the sink was not Tao...So that means he actually saved Chanyeol from real danger.

Chanyeol, however, was still confused out of his mind. "Tao, why are you wearing a suspicious ski mask and carrying  knife around?"

Tao laughed, patting Chanyeol's head of hair. "You don't need to know, Chanyeol. It's better if you don't"

Then five people barged into the bathroom. Kris tightened his hold on Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol! Why were you taking so long? Were you taking a ?"

"Must have been some bad constipation."

"Who are these people? Chanyeol?"

"We waited for you at the Ferris wheel for like, freaking days Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol, why are you bleeding?" Xiumin gasps, pointing at the red gash on Chanyeol's neck. Everyone stopped their rambling and directed their attention on Chanyeol, who was still in Kris' arms. They all ran over to Chanyeol and looked at it worriedly, Luhan too. Chanyeol bit his lip and put his head on Kris' shoulder, hugging him tighter to conceal the cut. He didn't want his friends to worry. Kris was more than glad to comply, hugging tighter and lowering his head to cover Chanyeol's.

"What is this? Some gay bathroom party?" An old man walks into the bathroom, looking at them grudgingly. He gets some judging glares back. Shrugging, he disappears in one of the stalls.

"Comon, lets get out of here," Chen suggested, leading the way out of the bathroom. Kris breaks the hug, quickly gripping one of Chanyeol's hands before heading out of the restroom.


"Hyung, I'm sorry," Sehun sighs dejectedly.

"It's not your fault Sehun," Chanyeol reminded, patting his dongsaeng's back. They were walking home right now. "It's no big deal."

"Chanyeol, you got hurt. And I'm the one who made you go to the fair anyway," Sehun justified, crossing his arms.

"The cut wasn't even that big, and I made myself go. Now get over it," Chanyeol finished. Sehun hung his head low, sighing. Tao pats his back lovingly and Sehun looks at him gratefully.

When it was finally the time to separate, Tao spoke up.

"Chanyeol, I'm going to stay over at Sehunnie's tonight. Is that okay?" Tao smiles sweetly, then he smirks slyly at Kris.

Chanyeol falters for a second. "U-Uh. Yes. That's fine. Did you ask for Sehun's permission?" Sehun looks up at the mention of his name.

"Um. I guess he can," Sehun looks at Tao, who smiles brightly back at him. Sehun's lips slowly twitch into a small smile.

"Okay BYE!" Tao drags Sehun away, waving back at Kris and Chanyeol. Chanyeol waves back before he turns back around and heads to his house. Kris walks besides him closely, their shoulders brushing occasionally. The walk home was silent.


"Thank you."

Kris hesitates. "For what?"

"Saving me before," Chanyeol smiles at Kris gratefully. Kris sighs deeply, trying to gather his nerves.

"It's nothing," Kris flips through the channels on the television, looking for something to watch. They were both on the sofa watching T.V right now.

"No it's not. I could've gotten killed," Chanyeol absentmindedly touches his bandaged neck.

"Don't talk like that," Kris turns to him and gives him a serious stare. Chanyeol lowers his head and smiles softly.

"What can I possibly do to repay you?"

Kris hesitates for a second, but it's obvious what he truly wants.

"You can kiss me."




OOOOOOOO whaaaaa? So muchy drama hurr.  What is our yeolie going to do? :D

Okay let me repeat the same message from all the other chapters.  

Thank you for reading~ By now, you guys probably know his by heart but, I appreciate everything you do! You guys make me so happy when you comment because then I know there are real people reading my crap. REAL BREATHING WALKING PEOPLE! WITH ARMS AND LEGS! 

Thank you again~ TAEK MA LURRV



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Chapter 20: OH MY GOD,THIS IS SO ADORABLE. Chooo chweeeeeeet.XOXO~
Chapter 1: im actually reading this again :)
Chapter 20: Omg. Why I just found this now ??
This is really amazing.
Kris as an alien just asdfghjkl.
I still remember how much he loves galaxy and this character really suitable for him.
I really love Kris attitude in this story. He's so in love with chanyeol. He's a protective and sweet boyfriend that everyone need.
You are a great author.Write more krisyeol pleaee.
Chapter 20: Awww the ending really made me smilee :'))) love it very much Author-nim!! Saranghae~ i'm waiting for more stories of krisyeol~ fighting!
Chapter 20: Awieeeee i so love thisssss <3
Krisyeolsdaughter #6
Chapter 20: This was so friggin cute!!!!!! I lavvveeee ittttt <3 <3

Now I'm craving toast -.-
lmao the photo is so cute daebak <3
lateefaalnuaimi #9
Chapter 20: Waaaah!!~

Your story made me smile so DAMN much!!!

I L.O.V.E.D IT!!!

thank you very much for the lovely story *hugs you*
Chapter 20: aww I was on hiatus and this story ends already ;;
btw this is nice, you know it's one of my favorites... thanks for writing ^^