Movie Marathon

What Does This Button Do?

"Sehun-ah!" Chanyeol smiled at his best friend. Kris eyed the shorter man. He quickly assumed that he was nothing but a friend. Sehun looked like a cool guy. He had bleach blond hair and a small face. He looked younger than Chanyeol.

He watched as the two friends chatted excitedly. He paid close attention to Chanyeol's happy face as he chattered to his friend about who knows what. He catches a few words here and there. Something about a school trip to a fair and something about a person named Luhan or Chen or whatever. He could care less about what they were conversing about.

He catches a few glances that were directed to him by Chanyeol's friend. Chanyeol seemed to notice and turn his attention back to his neglected other friend.

"Uhh this is Kris," Chanyeol introduced, " He's a friend."

Sehun narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Chanyeol. Chanyeol gave him an open eyed look feigning innocence. There was another moment of awkward silence before Kris piped up.

"Hey," Kris offered the stranger a toothy smile. He prayed that Sehun wouldn't think he was weird. Sehun seemed to relax, his tense stare softening into a bright eye smile.

"Hi," Sehun waves cutely. Chanyeol makes a strangled gurgling noise, unable to resist his friend's aegyo.

"Ahem, anyways. I was just heading to the supermarket with Kris," Chanyeol remembered, "Do you wanna tag along?"

Sehun seemed to ponder the thought, but agreed immediately because his hyung was going to treat him to ice cream. All three of them walked to the supermarket together, talking and getting to know each other.




"Hyung, Chanyeol."

"Chanyeol hyung," Sehun called. Chanyeol beamed an irritated glare at the younger. Sehun made a baby face and pointed to a box of Coco Puffs.

"Sehun, I'm not buying you more cereal," Chanyeol pointed to his cart which already contained Fruit Loops and Cheerios. "We have enough." Taking Sehun grocery shopping was a terrible idea. His cart was full of random crap that Sehun thinks he needs. Somehow he convinced Chanyeol that he needed a cupcake pan, tape measure, brownie mix, mayonnaise, jello, and a spatula. None of which were on his list.

Chanyeol huffs in annoyance and searches for his list of things that he was supposed to be here for. He decided to add bread to the list because he was thankful for Kris helping him clean Hambougi's room. He heads towards the bread section of the store. He pushes his cart and the two friends follow behind. When he was finally in the right place, he grabs a loaf of bread and throws it into the cart. Kris' face lights up and he smiles to himself.

Finally they were done shopping. Chanyeol feels like a mother, taking care of her two annoying kids that whine and plead her to buy them things. Like a good mother, Chanyeol does not give in and instead, walks on line to the check out section.

When they were finally out of the store, Chanyeol balances the groceries on line hand while keeping his other hand on Hambougi's leash. Sehun and Kris helped of course. They walked the long and tiring way home.

When they were finally home, Kris decides it was okay to toast 5 pieces of bread. Chanyeol concluded that Kris' stomach was a never ending black hole. He sinks his tired body on the couch, sighing in relief when Hambougi brings him the remote. That dog can really read his mind. He surfs through the channels until he can find something that he can watch. He settles for the news. Chanyeol raises his eyebrows at the headline.

Scientists Discover Walrus Abduction

From across the room, he can see Sehun playfully talking to Kris. Both looking happy and immersed in their conversation.Chanyeol decides to just ignore the television and join their conversation.

"Guys I'm bored," Chanyeol said, "Lets do stuff."

"Watch a movie!" Sehun bounces excitedly. That wasn't such a bad idea.

"Movie marathon," Chanyeol grins. He and Sehun both know what this means. It was one of their favorite things to do with friends, watch the scariest horror movies until someone chickens out. Chanyeol cackles evilly, he microwaves two bags of popcorn and Sehun turns on the T.V. Kris could only stare and wonder what these over excited humans were doing. While Chanyeol was closing all the windows and shutters, Sehun was flipping through movie suggestions on the T.V. Seems like they do this often. All Kris could do was stand in the living room awkwardly and wait for further instructions. Then Sehun calls for him to sit down on the seat next to him and he obeys.


The room was very dimly lit with only a bit of sunshine seeping through from the windows. The television was the only light source in the dark room. They were all curled up on the sofa with a thin blanket and two bowls of buttered popcorn. Sehun sat in the middle between Kris and Chanyeol, holding the popcorn bowls and the blankets. They have been watching for thirty minutes now. Chanyeol had the blanket up to his face, peering over the blanket.

Every time they watch movies, Sehun does not allow watching movies twice, it would be kind of lame if they knew what was going to happen. This movie was about a serial killer that kills people. But the killer has a thing for scared children, so he forces children to watch as he slices their parents in their sleep. It was sad, really. Sehun curls up with Chanyeol and they both hide behind the blanket.

Kris  however, seems unfazed. He watches with an indifferent face as the murderer approaches the family's bedroom. A hand raises into the scene. Sehun squirms closer to Chanyeol and Chanyeol hugs him. The hand lunges down with a slicing, stabbing noise and shrieks fill the room. Both from the movie and from Sehun and Chanyeol. The hand repeatedly stabs into the bodies of the parents, twisting and turning the blade into the fleshy bodies.

Chanyeol hugs the younger, hiding his face into the boy's shoulder.  Kris seems rather unaffected by the scary scene and just peers to look at his terrified friends. He narrows his eyes at the seemingly intimate scene before his eyes. Sehun was hugging his hyung, rubbing soothing circles onto Chanyeol's neck. Chanyeol's legs were on top on Sehun's and his head was buried deep into his dongsaeng's neck. Kris concluded that Chanyeol at handling fear. They were both hugging each other very tightly and Kris can't help but get a little jealous of Sehun.

It has been another forty minutes and the movie was taking a turn for the better. The killer stumbles into a family of police, the parents were both cops and their two children were masters of self defense. In conclusion, the parents wake up before anything happened, located the murderer in their house and kicked his . But a scary movie is not a scary movie if everything goes right in the end. The guy they captured was not really the original killer, but a person paid to do dirty work. And so, the real killer was still out there, and the movie ended with that. 

Kris was not impressed by the movie. Was this supposed to be frightening? It failed according to Kris' standards. He glances at the two younger humans. Their faces were a little pale. Kris smirked as the two humans looked back at him. Kris smirked at Chanyeol and Sehun. They looked like they just saw a ghost. Kris chuckles.

"This wasn't even scary at all. I've seen scarier," Kris bragged.

"Okay! Then lets see if this works!" Sehun flips to another horror movie. He huddles up to his best friend again.

This was a movie about a babysitter. She was paid to babysit someone's kids while they go out to some very important meeting, or something. When she was tucking the kids in for bed, she spots a clown behind the open door. Its eyes were all black, it was tall and it had a big red afro. It sported a frightening wide smile on its white face. It was not moving so she assumes it was some creepy decor. She didn't remember it being there in the morning though. Disturbed, she goes downstairs to use the family phone and calls the one of the parents. The parents then told her to quickly get the kids and get out of the house before calling the police. The parents then informed her that the kids were reporting seeing a tall scary clown in their room for about five months now. The kids complained how they saw a black eyed clown, standing next to their beds with a bloody knife and watching them sleep. The parents dismissed this as a kid's overactive imagination.

This was a little scarier than the last movie, Kris admits that, but he remains unfazed by the 'horror' movies. Chanyeol and Sehun however, were morbidly horrified, and clutching each other for dear life. The movie ends and Sehun jumps out of his seat on the sofa.

"Uhh... I need to use the bathroom! So uhh, break time!" He announces and sprints to the bathroom.

When he was gone, Chanyeol snickers, "He is scared of clowns." Kris chuckles and unconsciously scoots closer to Chanyeol. Sehun comes back and plops himself next to Kris, unaware of the sudden seat change. They turn to another movie and by now, the day was getting darker. The room became even dimmer. Sehun suggested watching another horror movie.

Half way through the movie, Chanyeol began pulling the blankets over his nose and shivering, scared out of his wits. He subconsciously scooted closer to Kris, eyes glued to the television screen. Kris couldn't pay attention to the movie, he was busy paying attention to Chanyeol. Chanyeol's eyes were wide with fear and his lips were agape. His heat was radiating off of his body and coming in contact with Kris'; Kris can feel Chanyeol's heat. Kris assumed there was a scary part because Chanyeol screamed leaned even closer to Kris. Kris cautiously wrapped his arms around the shaking human, careful not to scare him. Chanyeol tensed for a bit, then settled into Kris' secure, warm hold.

Kris sighed in comfort as he laid his head on the curled up human. He molded his body closer to Chanyeol and the younger sighed in ease. 

The movie went by too fast, Kris thought. Before he knew it, the movie marathon ended because Sehun decided to chicken out. Chanyeol pulled away to tease Sehun and clean up from the mess Sehun made. Popcorn was all over the floor because Sehun decided to chuck the bowl of popcorn at the T.V after seeing the monster pop out of nowhere, surprising him. The dogs were helping in the cleanup by eating some of it off the floor.

Kris grumbles in frustration because the heat from Chanyeol was now gone. It was almost night time and Chanyeol was getting ready for bed. Kris brushed his teeth and Chanyeol slipped into his set of comfy pajamas. Kris heads to the couch, making the best of his situation by covering the couch with sheets. He eyed Chanyeol before he disappeared into the bedroom. He seemed a little uneasy about going to bed. Kris shakes it off and snuggles into the squishy sofa.

Two hours later, around midnight, he hears Chanyeol's voice calling for him.

"Kris? Are you still awake?" Chanyeol was still awake at this time, unable to fall asleep because of the clown movie.

"Chanyeol...? Uhm I'm awake," Kris croaked. He actually just woke up from his slumber.

"I'm...scared," Chanyeol admits. Kris sits up on the couch and groans, his stretching his sore aching neck muscles. A couch is not meant to be slept on. He rubs his eyes and grabs his pillow. With half lidded eyes, he yawns heads to Chanyeol's room.

When he enters the room, Chanyeol was a bit startled by his presence, but quickly relaxed when he revealed his face.

"Kris I'm scared," Chanyeol squeaked and fisted his blankets. His eyes quickly scanned the room before he looked at Kris.

"And what do you want me to do?"

"Can you... stay here for the night?" Chanyeol nervously asked, biting his lips. Kris finds it hard to resist the offer since this was what he wanted in the first place. He can totally see how this can be scary for Chanyeol because he was all alone in the room and all alone in the house if it were not for Kris. He walks around the bed and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Is this really what you want?" Kris asks Chanyeol. Chanyeol turns to him without hesitating and furiously nods his head.

"Alright," Kris lifts his leg over on the bed and grabs the covers, Chanyeol quickly joining him. He lays on his back and Chanyeol was on his side, facing him with his eyes closed. Should he or should he not? He quickly musters up the courage and  gingerly  wraps a hand on Chanyeol's waist, bringing him closer. The other boy tensed at first, but soon relaxed as Kris' other hand slips under his neck and pulls him closer. His forehead was now in contact with Kris' shoulders. Kris breathes deeply when Chanyeol places an arm carefully around his waist and a hand on his chest. They seemed to fit perfectly together. 

Chanyeol falls asleep quickly with the sound of Kris' heartbeat.


Over the next  week and a half, their lives have been the same. Sehun frequently visited, and they watched movies together. They invited him to the coffee shop where they liked to go. Chanyeol refuses to let him sleep on the couch, instead, he invites Kris to sleep with him on his bed. The week has been enjoyable. He and Chanyeol got closer in terms of relationship. Kris forgot all about his mission.

"Sirk!" Oat's face invaded his eyesight. He blinks twice to answer the call.

"What do you want?" Kris was in the middle on eating breakfast with Chanyeol at the moment. Chanyeol looks at him curiously.

"Whoa. Did you gain weight? Oh my god I swear you gained weight," Oat laughed at him. It has been awhile since he has seen his friend.

"Oat," Kris started.

"Sirk," Oat playfully replied.

"My name is now Kris," Kris said, a smile gracing his thin lips. Oat looked at him with a confused expression.

"What? Why?" Oat asks, eyebrows knit together.

"Well long story short, I met a human and now I'm well acquainted with him. He gave me a suitable name and it sounded cool so I ditched my old name."

"How are you doing with the mission?" Oat changes the topic. Kris froze. He hasn't done much. He looks across from him and Chanyeol is staring at him like he was crazy. He blinked three times to project the call from his eyes. Chanyeol's mouth forms a O and he nods in understanding.

"Well I didn't do anything..." Kris rubbed his neck. "Oh! I collected some info on humans though."

"..." Oat sighed, "I guess that's okay... I collected the DNA of many random huge animals I saw. I went to this place called a zoo and it had a whole selection for me to choose from! It even told me what they were!"

Chanyeol choked on his orange juice, eyes wide.

"Oat. What kind of animals did you get the DNA from?" Kris asked, suddenly nervous.

"Well lets see," Oat held up his fingers," I got DNA from these things called jellyfish, a giraffe, a grey thing with huge ears, a walrus, a really fat pink animal, a...bird,and a lion. I got most of these from the zoo. Oh! And I got some from a bear! The thing that Ohus talked about!"

Kris grinned at his excited friend. "I think that's enough. You did a good job. And plus! I got information about humans so we're basically done with the mission!"

"Yeah..." Oat looked at his feet, "So I'll get to see you again right?"

"You're seeing me right now," Kris stated, smirking at Oat's embarrassed face. He glances back at Chanyeol, who was also looking at the projected hologram, smiling at the alien. 

"I mean in person!" Oat complained, "I'll get to see you when we go back right?"

Kris looked at Chanyeol again, who was poking his toast. He sighed. Something told him that he didn't want to go back. He is already comfortable here...with Chanyeol. "I..It's not like you can't come to me right now! Ohus never said that we couldn't meet each other on the mission."

Oat's face lit up like a light bulb. "That's right! He never said that! I'm so glad."

"Are you implying that you miss me and you want to see me?" Kris smirked, holding a piece of warm toast to his mouth. He watched as Oat's embarrassed expression turn into surprise when he bit into the toast.

"W-what's that? Why are you putting that in your mouth?" Oat stuttered, bringing his hands to his mouth to cover his shocked expression.

"Ohh this?" Kris waves the piece of food in front of him," This is toast AKA the best thing in the universe." Kris grinned as Chanyeol chuckles at his words.

"Ohhh," His eyes widened in fascination,"Hey, was that Chanyeol? Can I talk to him?" Kris looked at his comrade with an irritated expression.

"Am I not enough?!"

"Chill, I just want to talk to him."

Chanyeol butts his head into Kris' face. "Hi Oat!"

"Hi Chanyeol! How are you doing? I hope Kris didn't cause any problems," Oat smiled. Chanyeol chuckles and Kris can't help but find it endearing.

"I'm doing fine! And no, Kris didn't do anything," Chanyeol eyed Kris, " He didn't do anything that bad."

Chanyeol and Tao talked for awhile, Kris didn't pay attention to what they were saying. He was giving attention to the uncomfortable leaning position that Chanyeol was in. Chanyeol's back was curved in order to see the hologram in front of Kris' eyes. Without thinking, he wrapped his hands on Chanyeol's waist and sat him down in between his legs. Chanyeol gasped at the unexpected action. Kris places his chin on Chanyeol's shoulder and the green hologram projects right in front of both their faces. Kris smiles at his accomplishment, now both Chanyeol and Kris can talk to Oat. Chanyeol squirmed a little, face and neck reddening.

Kris' eyes land back onto the screen in front of him. Oat smirked back at him with raised eyebrows. Oat eyed their current position, looking down and then up.

"Kris, my name is now Tao,"He grinned, "It's my name backwards. Chanyeol is a genius!"

A grin graced Kris' lips and he leaned his head closer to Chanyeol's neck, hands still connected around Chanyeol's waist. Chanyeol nervously chuckles, his deep voice tickling Kris' cheek.

"By the way Kris, Chanyeol decided to let me stay at his house!" Tao giggled and waved his arms," It's going to be so much fun learning about humans and stuff and being together. I can't wait to see you because I haven't seen you in like forever an-"

Kris blinked twice and ended the call, tired of Tao's rambling. The atmosphere was quiet for a minute. Kris sighed in comfort as he closed his eyes. He wanted to be in this position forever. Chanyeol felt so warm and relaxing.

Chanyeol didn't want to move from this position either. Was he supposed to be feeling his way? Ever since Kris came in and decided to live with him, he felt less lonely. It felt pleasant to know you have someone else living inside your home; it makes his house feel more like a home and not somewhere you spend the night in. Chanyeol feels weird, a feeling he hasn't felt before. He finds himself leaning into the touch, breathing deeply and relaxing his eyes.

"Why am I feeling this way?" Kris mumbles into his neck, eyes closed.

"..." Chanyeol's face pinked. He can feel Kris' heartbeat on his back.

"My heart beats faster, and at that time, I feel like everything's alright, but it's not."

Chanyeol stays quiet.

"It feels weird in my chest and I get excited at the mention of their name..."

"...My stomach ties itself into knots and my mouth runs dry," Kris inhales Chanyeol's intoxicating scent, his lips brushing against the heated flesh of Chanyeol's neck.

"...I feel funny every time I think of it, that uncontrollable feeling towards someone. I can't get it off my mind.... I can't get you off my mind."

Kris slowly opens his eyes. His hands gingerly Chanyeol's soft cheek before turning his face to face him. Kris stares directly into the brown orbs, his expression was unreadable.


"Chanyeol... I think I love you."






ohmagaahh. He finally sed it finally. So how was it? (: I fianlly finished the outline of the plot of the story. I'm so proud of myself. hohohohoho LOL srry for any mistakes ;--;

I want to thank you guys for supporting me and still reading my stupid story. You don't know how much I really appreciate you, I say this in every chapter /bricked BUT ISS TRUUUU. So thank you :)





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Chapter 20: OH MY GOD,THIS IS SO ADORABLE. Chooo chweeeeeeet.XOXO~
Chapter 1: im actually reading this again :)
Chapter 20: Omg. Why I just found this now ??
This is really amazing.
Kris as an alien just asdfghjkl.
I still remember how much he loves galaxy and this character really suitable for him.
I really love Kris attitude in this story. He's so in love with chanyeol. He's a protective and sweet boyfriend that everyone need.
You are a great author.Write more krisyeol pleaee.
Chapter 20: Awww the ending really made me smilee :'))) love it very much Author-nim!! Saranghae~ i'm waiting for more stories of krisyeol~ fighting!
Chapter 20: Awieeeee i so love thisssss <3
Krisyeolsdaughter #6
Chapter 20: This was so friggin cute!!!!!! I lavvveeee ittttt <3 <3

Now I'm craving toast -.-
lmao the photo is so cute daebak <3
lateefaalnuaimi #9
Chapter 20: Waaaah!!~

Your story made me smile so DAMN much!!!

I L.O.V.E.D IT!!!

thank you very much for the lovely story *hugs you*
Chapter 20: aww I was on hiatus and this story ends already ;;
btw this is nice, you know it's one of my favorites... thanks for writing ^^