The old man’s house was one of the traditional houses that were still standing amongst the high rise buildings in Gangnam District. The chicken house was at the back of the house facing the Han River.

There was no sign of anyone when we entered the courtyard.

It was like I stepped into a different dimension. The noise of the city outside was hardly audible once we were inside the house.

Mr. Park sat at the wooden porch while fanning himself with his old fedora hat. The heat and traffic outside was taking a toll on his aged body.

“Can you get some cold drinks from the shop? And tell Mrs. Jung to prepare lunch for us.”

I passed through a wooden gate and entered another door which turned out to be the kitchen of the chicken house. The smell of fried chicken welcomed me. A man on his forty’s was busy cooking. He didn’t notice my presence at all.

I entered another door and the back of an old woman was facing me. She was busy taking and giving orders. It was past lunchtime but, the line of customers waiting to be served was still long.

“Mrs. Jung.” I called out her name. I presumed she was the person Mr. Park was talking about.

She whipped around to face me.

“Who are you?”

“Mr. Park is asking for some food and drinks.” I told her without telling my name.

“Why don’t you get it yourself? My hands are full at the moment.”

She returned her attention to the customers waiting in line.

“And if you’re done eating, come back here immediately.”

I returned in the kitchen not knowing exactly what to do.

“Just grab anything you want, young man.” The cook told me. He was busy filling the trays arranged on the table.

I grabbed an empty tray and did as he instructed. My mouth was already watering just at the smell of the fried chicken. It had been years since I ate such mouth-watering food. Prison food was hard to swallow.

“Mrs. Jung asked me to help in the shop.” I told Mr. Park after we’re done eating. I finished everything on the tray.

“You’d better remove your jacket. It’s a madhouse in there at this hour.”

I hesitated for a while. I’d rather keep my jacket to hide the tattoos on my arms.

“Don’t worry. They will hardly notice you.”

He got up from the porch and entered his room.

I returned to the kitchen with the empty tray. I left my jacket in the porch.

The cook tossed me a white apron. He started putting several trays on my arms.

“Get your in there. Move.”

I balanced the trays on my arms. Mrs. Jung told me which table they belong.

“Clean the tables while you’re at it.”

All tables were occupied. Mostly students and office workers. I placed the trays on each table according to numbers. I started clearing the tables of empty trays and glasses. Mrs. Park kept barking instructions at me. I hardly had time to breath. I didn’t even notice how the other customers ogled at the tattoos in my arms, especially the students.

For the first time after three years, I finally felt alive again.

“What is your name, young man?” asked Mrs. Jung. There were only a few customers left eating. The rush hour had passed.

“Kwon Jiyong.”

“You’re doing well on your first day. How’d you end up here anyway?” she continued asking.

“Mr. Park offered me to work for him.” I told her. I didn’t know if I was at liberty to tell her the details.

“Mr. Park always has a soft heart for strayed puppies. Just don’t do anything foolish if you want to continue working here.”

I didn’t say a word. I didn’t know if they will let me stay if they knew where I came from.

“How’s the business?”

We both turned our heads to where the voice was coming from. Mr. Park was standing by the kitchen door.

“Same old, same old.” Mrs. Jung answered.

“How’s your new apprentice?” He asked again.

“He came on a perfect timing. Mr. Lee and I couldn’t feed all those hungry people by ourselves alone.”

Mr. Park roamed his eye around the shop. He focused on the signage at the glass window.

“That sign need some fixing. Do you know how?”

We were taught some basic electrical know-how inside the prison.

“I’ll try fixing it later.” I told him.

“Good. I’ll leave you alone now. I know you’ll be busy preparing for dinner.”

“Be careful on your way out.” Mrs. Jung said. The old man just laughed.

“By the way, you can occupy the room at the left. I already prepared the beddings for you.” Mr. Park said before turning his back.

“Thank you, Mr. Park.” I bowed at him.

He dismissed me with a wave of his hand.

“That’s Mr. Park for you. You’re lucky he took you in.”

The kitchen house closed at ten. Mrs. Park and Mr. Lee left immediately after closing the shop.

I only saw Mr. Park during dinner when I sent him his food. He must be sleeping by now.

I took a shower at the bath outside. I removed all the dirt from my tired body. I was totally refreshed and was ready to sleep.

The room Mr. Park gave me was big enough for four people. It was bigger than my cell in prison. The blanket he gave me smelled fresh and comfortable.

I have been lying on the bed for an hour but, my eyes were still wide staring at the ceiling above me. My mind kept rewinding what happened since I met Mr. Park. Two days had passed and here I am comfortably lying on his bed. I don’t need to worry anymore. I have free food and lodging. What else can I ask? I don’t even need to ask for a salary. I already have what I needed.

Sleep still evaded me. I decided to get out. I sat on the porch without switching on the light. I didn’t want to wake up the old man. I lighted a cigarette Mr. Lee gave me before leaving. I was on my second stick when I heard the wooden gate opened. The newcomer carefully closed the gate and tiptoed her way to the house.

She was about to climbed to the porch when I decided to reveal myself from the dark.

She jumped back almost falling to the ground. I was able to grab her wrist.

“Where have you been all this time?” I hissed at her.




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