“We’ll call you.”

Yeah, sure. I heard that a hundred times. Empty words coming out from every establishment owner I tried offering my services to.

Cowards. I mocked them silently. Too afraid to turn down an ex-convict like me. Who would want to employ a criminal anyway?

I lighted my last piece of cigarette as I thought of where I should go next.

Life hasn’t been easy on me since I got my parole. I couldn’t get a job that would at least sustain my daily needs. The money I managed to save while I was in prison was depleting inside my pocket. I had to find a job as quickly as possible. I might find myself sleeping on the subway anytime soon.

I looked at the cloudy night sky. A cold wind blew my direction. It will be winter in no time. I have to find a warm place for lodging. If I stayed jobless, I wonder how I would survive the cold.

I pulled my leather jacket tighter to warm my body. As I was about to cross the street, I noticed an old man limping on the opposite side of the road. I watched him as he collapsed on the concrete pavement.

There was no one around except me. I hesitated to approach the dying old man. I could be in trouble if I get myself involved. For a paroled criminal to meddle with such situations isn’t a good idea.

I was about to go the other way when I heard the old man spoke. My feet froze on the ground.

“Please. Help me.” He pleaded. My conscience got the better of me.

I decided to help the old man.

“My medicine. In my pocket.” He said.

I searched for the medicine in his pocket. I quickly put a pill in his mouth. He was having difficulty swallowing the tablet.

I searched for his pockets again. Luckily, he’s carrying a hand phone with him. I quickly dialed 911.

I could have just let the ambulance take him to the hospital. My job as a good citizen was already done. I have nothing to do with him anymore. Still, I found myself waiting outside the Intensive Care Unit. His hand phone still on my hand.

There were only two contacts in his phonebook. I dialed the first one on the screen.

It just keeps on ringing. I tried several times but, no one picked up the call.

I dialed the other number but, I was forwarded to an answering machine.

I was about to call again when the doctor came out from the ICU.

“Are you his family?” The doctor inquired. I could see prejudice at the way he looks at me.

“N-no. I just helped him.”

His eyes darted at the phone in my hand.

“Is that his phone?”

“Yes. But, no one’s answering the call.”

The doctor instructed the nurse to take the phone from me. I gave her the phone without hesitation.

“Wait here until we contact his family.”

“Is he alright?”

The doctor exchanged looks with the nurse. He’s starting to irritate me.


And then they just walked past me as if I was not there.

So much for being a good citizen. I sarcastically applauded myself.

Hours passed and yet nobody came to see the old man. He was already transferred to a small room. The hospital had no choice but, to make me sign the necessary papers and stood as his guardian.

I should be on my way long time ago to search for a job but, I just can’t make myself leave the hospital. The old man looked so pitiful without his family by his side.

I was already dozing off when the old man became conscious. He was talking incoherently under the oxygen mask. I slightly removed the mask from his mouth.


I frowned. He was calling for that person in his hand phone. I suddenly developed a certain dislike to that person.

“I’ll call the doctor.”

I returned his mask and was about to call the doctor when I felt a tug on my arm. He motioned me to come closer.

“Don’t tell, Nabi.”

I stared at him for a long time. I don’t understand why he had to hide his condition from that person. A family member should at least know where he is.

“I’ll tell the doctor you’re already awake.”

“Please, don’t tell my Nabi. I don’t want her to worry.” The old man pleaded once again. I found myself nodding at his request.

Why is that person not answering her damn phone? I stared impatiently at the old man’s hand phone. I even tried calling her using the hospital phone. The old man has been in the hospital overnight. Isn’t she wondering where he is? She should be looking for him already. Isn’t she a bit concerned?


The nurse assigned to the old man called my attention. I cancelled the call before approaching the nurse.

“Mr. Park will be discharge this morning but, you have to pay the hospital bill.” She informed me. She kept her eyes at the paper between us. She was avoiding eye contact with me.

“I’m not related to him. I just-“

“Hospital policy, Mister. You have to settle the bill before you leave.”

She handed me the copy of the hospital bill and walked away.

I stared at the figure at the bottom of the paper. Where in the world will I get that money? I don’t even have a penny to last another day.

I returned to Mr. Park’s room. He was standing by the window watching the scenery below. He turned around when he sensed my presence. His natural color had returned. There was no sign of his illness. He smiled at me.

“I thought you already left.” He said.

“They said you can leave this morning.” I told him. I was hesitant to talk to him about the hospital bill. He noticed the paper on my hand. He didn’t say a word and just went over his stuff. He motioned me to come.

“Here. Use this to pay my bill.” I just stared at the gold card he was handing me.

“I think you should ask the nurse to come. I-“

“Can’t you do this little favor for me? You already helped me a lot. Can’t you do it until the end?”

He was still smiling at me. There was something in him that easily persuades me to do whatever he asked.

“Take it. I’m itching to go home already. My granddaughter must be worried already.”

I took the card from him and returned to the nurse station. I asked the nurse to pay the bill instead.

“Where did you get this?” She asked. Her tone was skeptical.

“The old man gave it to me.”

I was merely holding my temper. Everyone was giving that look of distrust. How can people have such prejudices? They didn’t even know. They didn’t even acknowledge the fact that I just helped a dying old man on the street.

“What is your name, young man?” Mr. Park asked while I helped him get dressed.

“How rude of me to ask just now, am I?” He chuckled.

“Kwon Jiyong.”

“And what do you do for a living?” He asked again.

I didn’t answer. He doesn’t have to know. We will not be seeing each other anymore after today.

“Do you want to work for me?”

I straightened at the thought of earning money. He was seriously staring at me.

“I have a small chicken house. I need extra help. My heart can’t handle such tedious work anymore. You’ve seen me last night.”

“Are you serious?” I still asked. I was desperate to get a job after all.

“It’s the least I can do for you. You saved my life.”

“You don’t know me.”

“What else is there to know? The fact that you saved my life tells me everything about you. Not many people do that anymore.”

“It just happened that I was the only one in the area.”

“And I kept thanking God it was you.”



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