Is it my fault?.

Life is unfair, Love.

Taemin's POV;

I got up as soon as the teacher walked in the class, telling everyone to sit down and take our their books. I pulled my own chair back infront of the school table, sitting down on it. I haven't been doing well in school, I used to be the nerd with the good grades. Most parents would get pissed if their kids changed like that but my parents never cared. It was all about money. I turned to look out from the window, smiling for no reason. ''Taemin!. Stop day dreaming and answer the question.'' I jumped a little when the teacher said my name out loud, making everyone laugh while looking at my face. ''W-what question.. ?''. The teacher sighed and got up. ''Look, I'm already in a bad mood and if you're going to make this day even harder for me then go out right now!.'' The other students started laughing even harder and louder, some of them was even smirking at me. I grabbed my school bag and ran outside from the classroom, out from the school. I was already crying, I didn't notice that until I tasted my own salty tears. I was looking down, not bothering to look anywhere else. I don't want anyone to see my ugly face, I look so ugly when I, I look ugly all the time.


Minho's POV; I was sitting outside with Jessica, our class ended early today. We are planning the wedding we are going to have soon in the future. I looked up, Taemin walked right past us. He was crying, but why?. ''He is so weak and girly.. crying and running away all the time.'' Jessica started ing about him while I was thinking what's the reason, he never walked out from school even though he was getting bullied and pushed around. Suddenly my friends walked right after him, winking at me. Jessica giggled. ''Can we go with them too?, pleeease.'' I rolled my eyes and got up, pulling Jessica with me. I'm not going with them because I want to see them making fun out of Taemin, but I want to see what's gonna happen. Is he really that weak?. 


Taemin's POV; 

I was angry, angry at myself. I was walking towards my house fast, I was happy I finally had the chance to do it again. The happiness flew away as I was pulled by someone and pushed against a wall, hitting my head hard against it. ''Aah.. '' I whimpered, looking up just to see Minho's friends. ''Please..l-let me go.'' They laughed, I knew what's coming so I closed my eyes and curled up into a ball. Soon enough I felt them kicking all around my body, I felt someone's shoes over my head, pressing me down against the ground, it was painful. I got pulled up by my hair, getting a final punch to my stomach. I coughed out blood, watching them walk away and there was Minho and Jessica. They have been watching this all the time?. So..they planned this?. The pain in my heart somehow hurted even more than the bruises around my body. I got up and walked away, holding into my school bag. 


Minho's POV;

I watched them beating him up, kicking and punching him without doing anything to stop them. I sighed once they were done and walked away, I was sweating. He slowly got up, clearly in pain. I turned to look at Jessica's ugly grinning face. ''What?.'' She smirked at me. ''Let's go buy an icecream, this show was perfect.'' She said and  I walked away with her towards the icecream shop.



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It won't be tae kai but 2min rite? <3
Chapter 4: Yay! Kai to the rescue! Omo?! Yay! You update for me! Haha great update! Cant wait for the next one!
shawolmint06 #3
Chapter 4: it's really good!...pls update soon
Chapter 3: Omo! Imma bout to punch both of them! Taemin, mommas on her way! Haha update soon!
Chapter 2: So sad! My eyes are tearing up! Haha update soon!