Make a wish

Seven years

Yunho woke up and the the first thing he realized was that he felt pain. His body and heart ached.

After the night when they got rid of their secrets, Yunho hadn’t talked often.
Most of the time he just sat there and stared like there was something at that
spot but there was nothing to see. The other members were worried about him but
he didn’t recognize it.

He stood up and made his bed, took a shower, got dressed and went into the
living room.

”Hyung....are you okay” Junsu asked who obviously was hiding something behind his back.


”Hyung...where are you going?”


”Take care” Junsu almost whispered but Yunho could still hear it.

Yunho closed the door of the apartment and went to his favorite music store
and searched TVXQs first single. He didn’t realize that someone was watching
him the whole time. It was really hard to find it but he knew if he would find
it then it was there. After about 30 minutes he found it and went to pay for it.

”Ah, Yunho-shi! Long time no see”

”Yes. Hello”

”Are you alright? You look pale”

”No. I’m fine, thanks”

Yunho payed for the CD and went out of the store. It wasn’t save to walk across
Seoul’s by himself so he had to drive with his car. While he was driving he
still didn’t recognize that a car was following him.

After Yunho had parked his car he got out of it and took the CD.

He stood in front of the huge door of “Seoul’s Graveyard”. Yunho sighted

Yunho went straight to her grave. He had paid a lot of money to keep it clean
and for someone to take care of it.

Her grave was the only one where, instead of a simply religious stone or a cross,
a fairy was holding a teddy bear. The fairy and the teddy were also made of
stone and many visitors had complained about it but Yunho didn’t care since
Jiyul always loved fairies and her favorite teddy bear.

When he was standing in front of her grave he suddenly lost control of his legs
and fell down.

”Ouch....” Yunho wanted to stand up but he only managed to kneel in front of
her grave.

”Jiyul-ah......It’s appa. Do you recognize me? It’s been a long time.....”

There was no one else at the Graveyard so he continued “ Jiyul-ah...You know
that I’m sorry right? You know that I’m sorry that I've never visited your grave?
Appa is just a week person who pretends to be strong. Appa was afraid of
visiting you cause all the memories I have with you. You know they destroy me in some
ways. It hurts to think about you since you’re not here anymore. Appa loves
you. More than you can even imagine but ....but I’m week”

A tear was falling down his cheeks. Yunho handn’t cried since the day when
Jiyul had been buried. “Did Jaejoong take good care of you? Did he visit you?
He’s a better father than me....It is my fault that you’re dead. If I hadn’t
left you alone that day you wouldn’t be dead now. Everything is my fault. Even
Jaejoong warned me that day that something was wrong but I just ignored it.
It’s my fault that Jaejoong is killing a bunch of people once in a week just to
find the person who killed you ......”

Yunho almost couldn’t breathe of how much he was crying. It felt like
thousand of knifes tried to kill him.“Jiyul I love you. How am I supposed to
live like this for the rest of my life?”

He kept crying for a while until he heard someone breathing behind him. “Yunho”

Yunho didn’t want to turn around. He was ashamed of himself.

The person came closer and hugged him and his hair. “Sht....Yah....It’s
not your fault”

”It is Yoochun! If I ......”

”You didn’t kill her so it’s not your fault. You love her. You took care of her
as much as you could”

Yunho continued to cry for a while. It was the first time Yoochun had seen
their leader cry. Right now Yunho remained Yoochun on Yoohwan when they were
kids and Yoohwan always came to Yoochun to cry because he trusted his older
brother and felt save by his side.
After a while Yunho stopped and sobbed “Uhm...what are you doing here?”

”I followed you.”


”Cause I’m were behaving like a zombie all the time”


Yunho stood up and so did Yoochun when they heard someone enter the graveyard.

”Y.....Yu....Yunho?” Jaejoong fell onto his because of the shock.

”W...what” Jaejoong couldn’t even finish his sentence. He
just kept staring at Yunho like he’d seen a ghost.

”I’m visiting our daughters grave.”

”You never did before.....did you?”

”No” Yunho looked at his shoes because he felt ashamed again.

”Why are you here now?” Jaejoong finally managed to stand up. He looked confused at Yunho and Yoochun.

”I....I don’t know”

”Uhm.....well I wanted to bring Junsu and Changmin along and wanted to ask if
you would like to go with us too but since you’re already here”

Yunho was confused “What?”

”Wait” Jaejoong ran away for a moment and after he came back and he was holding Changmins arm with his right hand and Junsus with his left hand. Both of them couldn’t believe their eyes “Hyung?”

”Hey Junsu. Hey Changmin”

Yoochun continued to speak “Since we are all here like the FAMILY we
are....let’s concentrate on Jiyuls ghost now and pray even if Changmin is a

Each of them started to laugh. Even Yunho. They prayed for a couple of minutes when Junsu asked “How was she?”

Yunho wanted to answer him when a female voice startled all of them “I could
show you”

They all turned around and what they saw made them sort of aggressive and

”Get the hell out of here!” Changmin yelled and Jaejoong rubbed his ear because
Changmin had shouted into his ear.

”Changmin-shi! I was just trying to be nice” Jaehwa smiled playfully.

Yoochun was confused by the whole situation and asked her” Wait! Why are you
here and what did you mean with you could show us?”

Jaehwa stepped forward to face Yoochun “I’m bored Chunnie and since I’m nice
I have a suggestion how to save you guys” She looked at each of them and smiled “Did you guys even think about a solution how to save TVXQ?”

Changmin dangerously took a step forward and shouted “Of course I did!”

She laughed” Yeah. Well you. Smart guy. Did you find one?”

There was silence for a moment and she kept smiling and nodded “Like I thought”

Yoochun started to shake because he got scared that she would do something to
them.”What suggestion?” His voice was calm but actually he was scared to death.

”I’m so nice. Did you guys know that?”

They all just snorted and she laughed. “Okay....before I tell you guys. Did you
even recognize that there are just 6 days left?”

TVXQ were silent because they've  forgotten about the time limit.

”I see...” She smiled in a certain way which scared Yunho. “Okay, okay. So guys
what would you say if I would make your biggest wish come true. Uhm expect the
one to save TVXQ of course. Well the thing is after the 6 days past you guys
will have to let Yoochun save your souls or all of you will die”

Yoochuns eyes widened and he shouted” No way!” he wanted to continue but Yunho
hold him back “Wait. Let her explain everything first”

Jaehwa smiled again “Thanks Yunnie. So where was I? Ah, yeah. It’ll be like a
game and Yoochun has 5 lives. You guys won’t know each other expect Yoochun and
Yoochun will have to save Changmins life first. If he failes he’ll have to
save Junsus life and if he failes again he’ll have to safe Jaejoong and so on.
And guess what? He just has to save one of you to save all of you and Yoochun
will be free. TVXQ will be like before and I will disappear and leave you guys
alone. So...what do you think about it?” she asked excited.

Junsu was the first one who found his voice to speak “I’m fine with it”

Yunho turned him around and shouted “What? Are you insane?”

”No but if TVXQ will be without Yoochun.... sorry Yunho but I would rather die and
don’t slap or hit me now cause it’s true. He was the person who saved me and
now I will help as much as I can to get him out of this ing contract” Junsu
looked at Yoochun who seemed shocked “Yoochun!”


”Yoochun you are my best friend. I......just...”

”I know Su”

”Good” Junsu nodded in relief.

The devil seemed to be totally amused by the whole scenario.”So.... is anyone else

The graveyard was silent again.

”I’m also okay with it” It was Changmin this time.

Yunho couldn’t  believe his ears “Changmin?”

”Do you have a better idea hyung? The only thing I can do now is to trust

”Yeah you’re right” Jaejoong smiled and looked at the devil “Jaehwa I’m also

”Good and what about Yunnie?”

Yunho felt like he was alone but at the same time he exactly knew that he wasn’t. “Fine”

Jaehwa looked at Yoochun “Nice friends. Okay. I’ll grand each day one of you a
wish and the first person will be....uhm......” she pointed at Yunho.

”Me?” Yunho was totally surprised.

”Yes. Write your wish on a paper. Each of you will write it today okay? You
guys have to say my name after you wrote your wish on that paper. I’ll go now
see you”

She disappeared and all of them just were silent until Yunho couldn’t stand it
anymore.”Yoochun you know that I’m the leader and I’m supoosed to protect you
but in this case I can’t so please.....I don’t even know what to say”

”I know hyung. Let’s just go home. You will go with me since you’re not in the
condition to drive now. Jaejoong and Su will go with Changmin okay?”

They all nodded.

At their apartment they sat together like the day when they told the other
members everything about their secrets.

”Let’s write our wishes on that ing paper” Jaejoong suggested.

They all nodded. Since it was Yunho who was the leader and who will be the
first one whose wish will be granded he wrote it down first.

I want my daughter Jiyul back

He closed the paper and told them what he had wrote down. Now it was Junsus turn.

I want to see my parents again without them
scolding me or something. I just want them
to listen to me.

Junsu left the paper opened on the desk so they could see what he had written down.

”Su are you sure about this?” Yoochun asked who was worried about Junsu being taken away from them.

”There are just 6 days left. What could happen to us?”

Changmin wrote his wish on the paper while Junsu and Yoochun had been talking
about it.

I want to meet Moon MiCha

Jaejoong panted Changmins shoulder when he read the paper and wrote his
wish on another paper.

I want to see our leaders smile. The
one when Jiyul was still a part of
our family. Ah and of course to really
mean that smile.

Jaejoong folded his paper and didn’t want to tell so he told them that he had wished to find the murder of Jiyul. Yunho just shook his head but Jaejoong didn’t want to tell
them the truth.

The last one was Yoochun.

To Jaehwa,
You said the only thing I couldn’t wish
 for was to get me out of this contract
right? Good. I want them, if I can’t save
one of their lives, to stay alive and remember
each other except me. Junsu should think that
he was at Changmins place the whole time
and he should have memories (faked ones of
course) about that time. My family should not
remember me and TVXQ as well. You didn’t say
that the wish has to be for the time before the game
starts or afterwards. And well mine is for the time
after the game has ended.

Yoochun read the note again. Checking if he had forgotten something and
added Yoochun in the end of it when suddenly a red and bloody note
appeared on it.

Smart guy. I thought that Changmin was the
smart kid here? Well, it seems like you ask
me to torture your soul after you loose that
game. Good luck! You will need it.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. “What’s wrong? What did you write?” Junsu asked.

”Huh? Uhm I want you guys to be happy” this was and wasn’t a lie at the same time.

Junsu stood up and hugged him.

”Chunnie, I....”

”I know Su”

”Uhm guys I think we can take this week off right?”

They were looking at Yunho.

”Huh? Of course!”

TVXQ started to laugh. They spend the day talking about everything they had on
their minds.

”Yunho hyung? Can I sleep in your room tonight? I want to be alone.” Changmin
asked unsure.

Yunho smiled at him” Of course you can”

”Thanks. I’ll go to bed now since it’s late”

”Okay, sleep well”

”Thanks. You too”

Changmin yawned and went straight into Yunhos room.

”Uhm.....I know this isn’t suitable but will he sleep or in clothes”

Jaejoong asked teasingly and watched Yunhos reaction.

Yunhos eyes widened and he ran to get Changmins pajamas. He opened the door of his room and saw Changmin lying on his bed.


”Uhm....your pajamas.....” Yunho gave Changmin his pajamas and smiled.



”I’m scared”

”Me too Min”

”You rarely call me Min”

”I know”

”You don’t always have to pretend to be strong in front of us”

”I know”

”I wonder what will happen tomorrow”

”I hope that she'll keep her promise”

”Yeah....goodnight Yunho”

Yunho smiled “Just call me Yunnie”

”Okay” Changmin laughed. “Goodnight Yunnie”

Both of them started to laugh. Yunho went out of the room and closed the door.
“I really hope that she'll keep her promise”

to be continued......

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Chapter 10: oh noo, now jaejoong died too
Chapter 9: aaaaa, why stopped there...???
Chapter 8: I already am in love with this story. I can't wait for the future chapter.
Chapter 3: you are reuploading old chapter right??
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I want to know how yoochun's deal with devil end