What the Heart Wants



Song Sukhee: 23 years old

  • A bubbly 23-year-old girl who was dating Luhan but was forced to marry Kris.
  • She acts cold towards Kris because she wants him to know that she doesn't love him.
  • Heiress to Korea's top car manufacturing company.


Wu Yi Fan: 25 years old

  • A cold hearted man that doesn't care about anything but his company.
  • Married to Sukhee.
  • Has feelings for Sukhee but sees that she possesses no feelings for him whatsoever.
  • Heir to China's top car manufacturing company.


Luhan25 years old

  • Possess a child-like innoncence but is really manly by nature.
  • Was orphaned as a child but doesn't dwell on it much. Doesn't talk about his past to anyone but Sukhee.
  • Started dating Sukhee during her freshman year in college. (They dated for 4 years)
  • Best friends with Sehun.


Oh sehun23 years old

  • A spoiled brat that was Sukhee's classmate in college.
  • Met Luhan through Sukhee.
  • Doesn't really like Sukhee but he tolerates her for Luhan's sake.
  • Heir to a large loan company in Korea.

A/N: The rest of EXO may play small roles like company employees. Some Infinite members may make a cameo as well, depending on the flow of the story.

Update: Thanks to the "whispering desiress graphic shop" for the poster and bg! They do some amazing work so please go check them out if you're in need of a graphic!



Song Sukhee-sshi, do you take Wu Yi Fan to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to him as long as you both shall live?” The pastor boomed.


An uncomfortable silence filled the church as I looked into his foreign eyes. He was beautiful; there was no denying that. But past those deep-set eyes, lay a soul that I could never come to love. No matter how hard I tried, my heart never raced when he said my name, my eyes never looked for him, my heart never yearned for him; Simply put, I didn’t love him.


I scanned the church rows for a familiar face; my heart raced as I found his warm brown eyes staring right back at me.




The man I loved, the man that held a child-like innocence that I’d always wished I possessed, that man that promised to never let me go. It was Luhan. Yet there he was, silently watching as his lover was being married off to another man. It was truly a heartbreaking sight.


Sukhee-sshi…” The pastor gently whispered, bringing me back from my daze.


Every cell in my body screamed at me, telling me to run, yet I stayed. I looked Kris dead in the eye and said the two words that sealed all our intertwined fates forever, “I do.




Ah, this is pleaselovemesungyeol back with my first serious fanfic! Feel free to comment and upvote if you'd like! If you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask me either on my wall, PM, or in the comments. (I'll try my best to respond >w<)

Since it's still early, the already published chapters wont be effected, so no worries! I hope you still stick with his story despite the change! Happy reading~


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Chapter 3: the color scene reminded me of the hunger games LOL
and wow...he confessed..
Chapter 2: OMG KRIS WiTH JUST HIS TOWEL...he shuld take it off- WHO SED THAT!!! kyaaaaa!!! why did she kiss him??? is it because shes gonna pertend its luhan or something idk GAHAHAHHA
u update fast i need more!! ^_^
Chapter 1: hmmm very good :D I'm not usually interested in these kinds of storyline but this one really grabbed my attention ^_^ (maybe because kris is there who knows) but keep up with the good work ill be looking forward to the next chapters