not an update


Hello everyone ! I know you are waiting for the next chapters of my story and I'm truly sorry. Actually I had some chapters written and I wanted to post a double chapter because I made you wait for so long but my computer broke few days ago and I've lost everything...

I don't really know when I'll get a new computer so I'm asking you to wait a little more. I am so sorry guys, I promise I'll udapte 2 chapters in one twice a week next time because of the waiting.

I'm so sorry guys, thanks for reading my story and for waiting the next chapters though I'm really slow, I'm really thankful ㅠㅠ

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Shinee1997 #1
Chapter 11: Yes
taratata #2
Chapter 11: yes yes yes :))))
Shinee1997 #3
Chapter 10: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 10: We will wait don't worry! And good luck with your computer problem x( Hwaiting author-nim~ I hope you will find another one quickly ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Shinee1997 #5
Chapter 9: Update soon please ^^
Chapter 9: Woooooowwww Thanks a loooooot for this update *O* omg ♡♡♡ ㅇㅇ Love this a loooot~ I can't wait for the next chapter~
Shinee1997 #7
Chapter 9: Thank for the update ^^