
Killing an Angel

Double update guys. If you haven't, go back and read chapter 25. ^_^







It has been several months since Canada. I was released from the hospital a couple weeks after my chat with the officer with a clean bill of heath a couple new scars. But scars fade over time, and with the aid of Exo they’re healing even faster. I tilt my head back to the skies and allow the air to wash over my skin.

                I still haven’t returned to full duty as a member of Exo, but management says it will be soon. They originally wanted to find a way to cover up my scars, or even get rid of them completely. But I told them no. I’ve become rather attached to them. People say I’m crazy, that all they’ll do is remind me of what happened.

                That’s the point. Don’t get me wrong, if I could rid myself of the experience I would but just getting rid of the physical evidence won’t stop that. And somehow I need these marks to remind myself that I’m not alone. That everything is finally over.

                Obviously SM had a fit, but eventually they gave in after my fans threw an even bigger tantrum. They said that I should get whatever I want since “I’ve been through so much”. Honestly, I just want to be treated like a normal person…well, a normal famous person. But I’m glad that they care so much about me.

                I glance out the window of the taxi, ignoring the strange look the driver is giving me. It feels weird not having all of Exo with me, but this is something I have to do on my own.

                They’ve all been doting on me to the point some smothering me since our return. Even Kris has been sweet. He’s been more so since I figured out what his issue was. I smile sadly at the memory.


                Kris pulls me aside awkwardly.

“What’s up, Krees?” I ask teasingly. He smirks slightly at my tone and just tugs me into his room.

“I wanted to show you something…” he murmurs, pulling out his laptop. It takes him a few seconds to get it up and running and after a few quick key commands he hands it over to me. I frown as I look at his screen. Why is he snowing me his email?

“Here…” He clicks on a file and opens an email from me. I glance at him in confusion but eventually shrug and read it. Instantly my confusion turns to disbelief.

The entire message is insults. Insults about Kris’ physical looks, about his mental capacities, his leadership skills…insults about his family, insults about his friends; there’s even some about the rest of Exo. I gasp lightly as I press a hand to my mouth.

“I never wrote this!” I cry. “I never would!” Kris nods sadly and points to the screen.

“I know, but look at the date.” I squint and then blanch. The date is the same day of my interview, the same day Kris got so mad at me for nothing.

It’s the same day I was taken.

I turn to him with watery eyes. So this is why he wouldn’t pick me up. I can’t say I blame him. But what’s to say he doesn’t blame himself.

“It’s not your fault, Yifan.” I murmur. That’s the last he can take. Kris breaks down and sobs into my shoulder, crying bitterly and weeping over everything that’s happened.



He apologized profusely for days but I always assured him it was fine, and since then he’s been much happier. Everyone has been. And with the lack of threat hanging over my head I feel strangely free.

The day the officer questioned me he had also told us that they had found a body in the rocks below the cliff. Or at least what was left of it. Apparently a pack of wolves thought that he was delicious. The rest of the area, including the cave had been scoured.

But nothing gave any insight into motives. I know this attack was because of some obsession with “finishing the job” but I don’t know the ultimate reasoning behind my abduction. And I don’t think I ever will.

I’ve come to terms with that and I honestly don’t know if I want to. I’m worried that if I did shadows might return and reasoning would turn into a small, torturing voice that would taunt me forever.

I shudder. Since my return to Korea the voice hasn’t spoken. In fact it stopped the moment he fell into that canyon. And it seems that it may be gone for good this time.

“We’re here.” I glance up as the driver pulls to a stop. I hand him a couple coins and hop out.

“Do you want me to wait or come back?” he asks. I shake my head.

“I’ll have someone pick me up, thanks.” He nods and leaves. It takes several moments for me to muster up the courage to walk through the gates. After everything that’s happened everyone is confused as to why I want to do this.

But they’ll never be able to understand I think.

Swiftly I walk through the grass and trees, relaxing at the sunny atmosphere. Which is a bit ironic considering the location. It takes less time than I expected to reach my destination, and when I do I’m a bit unsure of how to continue. For a moment I just stare at the stone slab before me, my mouth working with confusion.

How do you talk to someone who had such an impact on you, but you barely knew? How do you talk to someone who has messed with your life in such a way that you can never fully recover? How do you talk to the reason that you wake up in a cold sweat at night and cling to your younger friend in the hopes that the nightmares will someday pass?

With all the insanity that my life has become I’m not sure how or where to start. So, I simply say;

“Hello, Eunhyun…”




















*sobs* Its...all over...*bawls* I'm going to miss you guys so much!!! Thank you for reading this for so long and putting up with me! I hope you loved this story and don't hate me for so many plot holes ( >;) ) and delays...

A big thanks to my actors...everyone! Take a bow!

Okay....so that's not really a bow, but whatevs....

Also a big thanks to my supporting cast!

*extras and "kidnapper" bow*

Yay! *claps*

Now. Enough mush (and weirdness)! Its now time for the big surprise.... *evil grin*

First, I'd like to shameless avdertise my now active (finally) sulay fic!

Here's a link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/562750/eventually-drama-romance-exo-lay-suho-sulay-layho

And now...if you haven't already stopped reading because I'm beating around the bush like I always do...









for your consideration and because of your awesomeness...









The prequel to Killing an Angel!!! Now you can figure out what happened in a better way than just me telling you.

*twists shyly* Do you like your surprise?

Here's your link guys! Enjoy! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/583340

The first chapter is already up. THat's why I've been taking so long... XD

Well...I guess this is goodbye...kinda?

Thank you so much everyone!  I love you all!


  - fandomfriends


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Thanks again everyone!!! you're the best readers ever!!! XD


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lily2109 #1
I have read this fanfic for the fourth time...its the best suho fanfic ever! (You know sometimes i thought,this fanfic can be the best exo movies...i always dreaming like that...hehehe ':D)but its is so awesome!chukahe!
FlyingPurplePenguin #2
Chapter 22: all I see when pictures are posted is a cat that says photo not found? Is that suppose to be there?
Exo_Suho1991 #3
Chapter 26: Pretty catchy your story makes you wanna know more and more, how you play with Suho's mind was brilliant, omg I cried when he was . Gosh excellent work.
Anzkiee #4
Chapter 24: Lol. That man died (?) so fast. And I hate the fact that the other members did nothing at all. =.= Suho was still the one who fought in the end. *sighs* All they did was cry. Well, at least they tried.

The storyline was impressive and can hook you easily. I was the type of person that drops reading after a few chapters especially if the story was a long one but that was not the case in this story. It was never boring, although there were a few times I get so worked up on the members stupidity like not calling the police and etc. This is still very AWESOME! My bias is Suho and it really hurts to see him hurt and I did not expect to see the scene. OAO Truly outstanding and impressive story. A masterpiece!
Kudos to Author-nim!
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 26: Oh n I luv u
AdriannaAS #6
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh im speechless n u made me into a blubbering mess n ur awesome u know that rite and ur story was more tha. Captivating n I regret not reading it sooner
Baekyeolx61 #7
Chapter 26: I have never read a full angst fic before cos I'm more of a fluff person so I always avoided them. But I'm glad that I read this cos it's really good! It made me uncomfortable, it made me tear up but I actually enjoyed it! Good job author!!
Baekyeolx61 #8
Chapter 26: I have never read a full angst fic before cos I'm more of a fluff person so I always avoided them. But I'm glad that I read this cos us really good! It makes me uncomfortable, it makes me tear up but I actually enjoyed kt! Good job author!!
xxxpanda #9