Suprise Suprise

My Guardian Angel With a Mistake

Hana's P.O.V

As we entered the practice room I got even closer to Dara.
Suddently all lights were on and I could hear people yelling "SUPRISE!"
I was kinda shocked.
Nobody did anything like that for me.

"Hey Hana!" Hyorim approached me
"We made this 'party' in your honor." the other lady spoke to me
"Wh-what?" I was still in shock
"Well you are the first white person here at the end, and we decided to celebrate two soon debuts too!" Hyorin explained
"Okay okay...wait! Two? I know for Seventeen, but I didn't know for other..." I was a bit confused
"Hehe, it's because we didn't announce it! It's girl group called STG!" Hyorim explained again
"And that stands for...?" I asked
"Sisters of Goddness!" Seojin smiled
"You are a member?" I asked excidet
"Yeah, I am!" Seojin replyed

I looked around to see who's there.
I was amazed.
It looked like all PLEDIS artits, staff adn trainees were here!

"Hana, introduce yourself!" Hyorim smiled and pulled me in the middle

That was an awkward moment for me.

"Umm...My name is Hana...and uhh...I'm specialized at popping and locking?" I said looking at the ground
"Oh Hana! This is the new trainee we made this event for! Our Hana is comming from Croatia and she is very good dancer! Hana show us you skills!" Hyorim smiled
I looked at what am I wearing.
"Oh I don't think so! I can't dance in this!" I looked at Seojin
"Ohh sorry! I haven't think of that! Come girls let's go put something else on! And you", she looked at everyone else in the room, "prepare yourself!" she winked to me

We ran all the way to the room.
Seojin, like she had prepared stuff already, she just gave all of us one outfit.

"Let's all dress in something cool!" she laughed, so did we

Tumblr In the row: Hana's, Ryeoji's, Dara's & Seojin's

"We all look so...simillar!" I laughed
"I know! Isn't that great!" Seojin smiled
"Okay okay, cool! Now can we go???" Ryeoji was a bit excidet I guess

We ran back to practice room.
It was quiet.

"Here they are!" I heard someone's voice as we entered
"Hey I choose the music, if you don't mind." I heard familliar voice.
I looked to that person. It was Soonyoung.
"Yeah yeah! It's fine." I nooded
Oh God! I can't freestyle even in front of my will I do this?

The music started.
I heard Ice Box by Omarion playing.
That's Soonyoung's favourite american artist.
I looked at him with look 'I knew it man'.
He smiled.

I tried to dance.
I couldn't.
I put hands on my face.

"Hana?" Hyorim asked
"Sorry I've never danced freestyle in front of someone before..." I looked into her eyes
"It's okay, just, turn to mirror, and look only in yourself, imagine you are in your room dancing freestyle just for yourself." she whispered to me
"Alright." I closed my eyes and turned to mirror.
The music started again.
Firstly I popped entire body in the rythm of music, than, I became more confident. I started locking, first with my hands and than with my entire body. After that I acombinated locking and popping.
I was trying to not looking in the other people in the mirror, just focusing on myself.
I had an epic finish.
For the end, I did Hyoyeon's sign moves, she was my role model.
I could hear clapping from behind me.
I started laughing.
Now I could hear screaming too.
"Hana!!! You idiot! You were great! I knew you dance great!" Dara came to ma and hugged me
I was shaking.
"Why are you shaking?" Dara laughed
"Too much of adrenalin, I think?" I laughed
"Hana, Dara, come here, I'll introduce you to my members!" Seojin took our hands

She took us to 6 other girls.
"This is Heo Hyosoo, you may know her as Stasha in future", Seojin started and Hyosoo bowed to me, I wanted to be polite, so I bowed back, "This is Lee Sonyoen, or so Ai", Seojin continued, "This is Park Hyori, she'll stay Hyori hehe, she'd our leader, this is Yoo Joona, in future, Lynn, this is Huang Miyoung, Cherry, and this is our Jung Minha." Seojin smiled as she introduced all of them
"OMG it's an honor to meet all of you!" I said admiring them all
"No, it's honor to meet you!" Sonyeon smiled to me
"Is it?" I asked shily
"Yes!" Sonyoen replyed
"Hey..." I felt poking on my back, I turned aroud and I saw Samuel from Seventeen
"Noona, come with me!" he took my hand and I followed him
"Noona, this is Seventeen!" he smiled
"Muel-ah I know! I'm a big fan of you!" I said laughing
"Ahh we know! Ain't we awesome?" it was Soonyoung
"Sorry I'm blind!" I laughed and looked at him, he had some special charisma around him
"So it means you know our names, right?" Jisoo kindly asked
"Yes, yes I know!" I smiled, "It's really an honor to meet you guys! I'm going to meet other trainees, I'll come back to you that!" I waved at them

I went to a group pf girl trainees.
On the half way there, I felt someones hand on my shoulder.
It was Hansol.
"I saw you staring at him!" he winked
"Sorry!?" I asked in shock
"Apologizing for that or?" he laughed
"For what?" I laughed back
"You were staring at Soonyoung hyung!" he explained
"I did!?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you did!" he smiled
"Ok, if he asks something, I fell asleep standing with opened eyes, alright?" I was serious
"Yeah, alright!" he laughed and went back to the boys

I wanted to meed the girls, but Hyorim took my hand.

"Hana, we decided that you'll be on dance lessions in male group, your style is powerful, and you dance all your heart and soul while dancing, so I think you'll have a better success in male dance group." she smiled
"Wh-wh..alright!" I smiled, I couldn't belive this is happening to me, it's like I'm the little version of Hyoyeon, except being white.

It passed more than three hours when almost everybody went to their rooms.
I looked around.
Jihoon fell asleep on the chair, I would too, but it was a party in my honor, so it wouldn't be polite.
There were Seojin and Dara chatting in the corner, and some PLEDIS staff.
I went to wake Jihoon.

"Jihoon oppa! Wake up!" i hit him
"Hey! This is how you treat someone older!?" he yelled sleeply
"Well...yeah! Come on! Your back will hurt if you sleep on the chair!" I explained
"Ahh, you're right, I'll go to the dorm, goodnight newbie!" he smiled.

I went to Seojin and Dara.

"Let's go to the room! It passed midnight." Seojin said
"And you Dara? Will you stay?" I asked her
"Well if I may? I can't go to Jellyfish at this time of night!" Dara replyed
"Of course you can!" Seojin smiled

We went to the room.

Ryeoji was cleaning her face of makeup.

"We need to know everything!" I saw Ryeoji's reflection in the mirror winking to me.
"I need to go for someone!" Seojin said and left the room

I could hear her knocking at the doors of the room on our left side.

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Chapter 2: I know I've already told you this, but I really do love this story so far <3
~your unnie who is very proud of you, Dara