Goodbye Butterflies

My Guardian Angel With a Mistake

Hana's P.O.V

I'm going tomorrow.
To the completely new world.
Starting a new life.

I looked at the clock. It will be 5pm.
I checked did I pack all the stuff I need.

"Mom! I'm going to Ivana, I promised I'll say goodbye." I said as I entered the kitchen
"Okay Hana, be careful!" my mom, always thinking about safety
"Alright than" I replyed and ran outside

It was pretty fresh.
As I came on the street, I turned my head to my house.
I will miss it.
I kept walking.
On half of my way I saw my friend comming back from the town.
I tought I should say goodbye to him too.

"Hey you stranger!" I yelled so he can hear me, he had his headphones on
"Heeey Hana, how are you? What's new? We haven't talk alot lately." he got off his bike and approached me
"Yeah...tell me about it", I rolled my eyes, "I'm good, I'm good, great in fact...I'm moving." I went straight to the point
"What!???" I guess he was a bit too upset about it
"What what?" I asked, teasing him
"How come?" he asked

"Well I-" I got cut off "
And where are you moving anyways?" he had one more question
"Well I", I started again, "I passed an audition for Korean entertainment company, PLEDIS, to be more specific, so, I moving to South Korea." I explained to him
"Ohh~ well...good luck! Have fun and...umm...I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll miss you." he said a bit shily
"Heh I'll miss you too." I hit his arm
"And where are you going now?" I guess he's a curious type?
"I'm heading to Ivana, I promised to say goodbye."
"Ah alright than, bye Hana. Hope you'll success." and here comes the weird part.
He hugged me, so well, oh, I hugged him back, I'll miss him alot, I spent my entire childhood playing soccer with him.
"What was that?" I asked as he pulled back
"What?" he teased me while laughing
"Oh nothing" I hit his arm again
"So..." he was looking at the ground
"I guess this a final goodbye, but I hope I'll see you in the future, or, I'll kill you." I joked
"Sure, hehehe." he smiled

"Okay, bye now" I said as I got back to walking
"Yeah bye" he waved

As I came to Ivana's house, this time I didn't ring the bell, I just entered and greeted her parents.
After that, I ran straingt to her room.

"Yooo! I came to say goodbye!" I said as I entered the room
"Hey! you're going already?" she pouted
"Heeeeeeeey! have some problem?" I asked smirking
"Nope, I don't!" she smiled
"I would like to stay...but...I'll go sleep early as I have a plane to catch early in the morning." I tried to wink, but I guess I looked like a retarded bartender.
"Ahh! Okay! Okay! Lova ya!" she hugged me, I hugged her back
"Love ya too!!!" I hugged her tighter. She was on of my closest friends.
"Hana...?" she laughed
"Bla bla bla...OH! Download KakaoTalk so we can chat for free." I smiled
"Oh I will I will." she replyed
"Bye now." I said and quick hugged her one more time than rushed down the street back home.

Dara's P.O.V

"Ahh! Where is that kid?" I thought out loud while waiting for Hana on the airport with a lady from PLEDIS staff
"Don't worry, she's somewhere there, she can't get lost in here." she tried to calm me. She was a cute lady, around her 30s.
"I know I know. But how long have we been waiting her?" I asked her
"15 minutes." she said smiling
"What??? Oh Gosh! It seemed like 45 minutes!" I said while straching.

I looked at what I am wearing. Dara's outfit

Do I look alright? - I asked myself
Oh who cares! Why does it even matters? She'll be happy to see me even if I'm wearing leafage!

"Hehe so you are excidet?" she approached me
"Kinda yes. I haven't seen her before." I couldn't wait anymore so I started walking around the staff
"Hey calm down. She won't come any sooner if..." she stopped there, "Here she is!" she pointed at a girl with long light brown hair. Hana's outfit

She had headphones on and looked at the ground.
The lady who spoke with me yelled so Hana can hear her.
She ran to us as she saw us.

"Heeeeeey!" she had a big smile on her face
"Yo girl! It's nice to see you! But hey! It's summer! You'll cook yourself wearing this!" I hugged her, she hugged me back
"Ahh! Tell me about it!" she smiled and rolled her eyes
"Well I'm glad to see you!" I hugged her one more time
" come you are here?" she asked rubbing her neck
"I wanted to see you." I smiled
"She was so nice and excidet about your arrival and she litteraly ran into PLEDIS building and pleased us to take her with us. She succeed." the lady smiled and put her arms around both of us
"Agh! I'm so tired!" Hana said while straching
"I feel you!" I agreed as I felt the same last week.
"Ok ok. Now. Let me introduce myself. My name is Heo Hyorim. And I'll take care of you, also if you want a translator, I am here for you!" Hyorim eyesmiled

I was allowed to stay with Hana.
Hyorim took us to Hana's dorm.
As we entered there were two girls in already.

"Hey! So you are the new one?" one of them took Hana's hand and pulled her in the room.
"Yeah." Hana smiled shily
"And you are?" the same girl asked while pulling my hand too
"I'm Dara, Hana's friend." I smiled
"Oh so you know each other?" she asked while she sat on her bed
"Yes we do" I replyed
"My name is Seojin and this is my roomie Ryeoji" she pointed at herself first and than to the other girl. Ryeoji nooned smiling.
"And I'm Hana." Hana introduced herself
"Oh I know that! Everybody knows! You are the first white person in PLEDIS!" she said clapping her hands
"I am!?" Hana looked suprised
"Yes you are!" Ryeoji finnaly spoke
"I guess I'll go now..." I started but Seojin cut me off
"No! Stay! Please!" she took my arm again
"Alright than." I smiled softly
"I haven't seen you around here yet." Seojin said while showing me to sit on the chair
"Oh no! I'm Jellyfish trainee!" I laughed
"Oh! So cool!" Seojin clapped her hands of excidment
"Ok ok ok! Hana! It's 3pm! Take a rest! We need you latter!" Ryeoji said to Hana and pushed her on a free bed
"But I need to unpack..." I started but I got cut off by Ryoji
"Yeah! Yeah! We'll do it for you! Just sleep! Dara, you're staying with us!" Ryeoji secretly winked to me
"Wait Hana!" I heard Seojin
"Don't sleep in that! It's too hot!" she said and opened her closet. She digged trough it and handed a large t-shirt to Hana.
"What the?" Hana laughed
"Shut up and put it on!" Seojin laughed back
As Hana put it on, we all laughed.
She lookes at the title on the t-shirt. <<< t-shirt Hana wore


"Thanks Seojin!" Hana laughed
"Sleep!" Seojin yelled
"Alright alright!" Hana stuck her tounge out


Hana's P.O.V

I felt someone shook me.

"WHAT?" I yelled

"GET UP! We'll be late!" Seojin approached me and pulled me off the bed.
Ain't we a bit too...ahh whatever.
"I'm still sleeping!" I said as I got up from the floor.
"I see that!" Seojin held my hand as she took me to the closet where Ryeoji was searching for something.
"Here, we found this for you." Ryeoji smiled and handed me the outfit.

My Fairy Tale<<

"Oh I won't wear that!" I said and started walking backwards.
"Yes you will!" Seojin yelled
"Why?" I pouted
"Why?!" Seojin asked in a shock
"Because we said so! Now go and dress up!" Ryeoji also yelled
Now I could hear deep breathing from Ryeoji's bed.
I looked over my sholder to see what is it.
Dara was sleeping.
"Questionmark?" I asked Ryeoji
"She was tired I guess." she replyed me
"Oh alright." I nooded
"Dress up!" Seojin yelled

As I dress up, Dara was awake.

"Hey Hana, you look nice." she tried to smile, but failed as she was still half asleep.
"Thanks, I guess." I smiled back.
"Yah!" Seojin rolled her eyes

"Hana, brush your beautiful hair so we can go." Ryeoji gave me the brush
"Em kay." I responded
As I was brushing my hair, I heard the girls' conversation.
"Dara, here, put this on, you'll come with us." it was Seojin
"Are you sure? I won't be an extra?" Dara asked shily
"Not at all!" Ryeoji laughed
"So where are we actually going?" Dara asked.
And that was the last thing I heard, the other was too quiet for me to hear it.
"Hana are you done?" Seojin asked me
"Yes." I said and smiled
"Okay. Okay. Let's go!" Seojin opened the door.

tumblr_mgv5s0jUyH1s2cntxo1_500_large.jpg Seojin's outfit

"Wa! Lookin' nice!" I said and winked to her, well tried.
"Hehe thanks!" she smiled I looked at Ryeoji.

Siamo Bella<<

Those girls really knew how to dress up!
"Come on!" Ryeoji smiled and took my hand.
We were walking trough hallways. They all looked the same for me, how come they don't get lost?
I came to Dara and took her hand.
"Where are we going?" I asked her
"You will see!" she smiled
"Cute dress!" I said when I saw her dress



"Hehe, thanks, but credits to Seojin and her closet." we both laughed
"I don't feel comftrable in dresses!" I sighed
"You'll survive." Dara winked to me

The last hallway was dark, the light was off. What is this? - I asked myself. I think we'll find out now.
Ryeoji oppened the door.
We entered the dark practice room.


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Chapter 2: I know I've already told you this, but I really do love this story so far <3
~your unnie who is very proud of you, Dara