Lesson 3 :: basic graphic tutorial (by roobix)

AsianFanfics University — closed for applications.

the background of your canvas with #98777B

resize your image to get the key parts of your picture in the image

the picture that I used is here

carefully erase harsh lines with your eraser tool. My eraser is at an opacity of 33

set the layer thing to screen (on the right hand side)

get your second image and size it to the desired size.

i used this one and cropped seungri out

set this layer to overlay

erase harsh lines and some of the background so the images blend together.

set the first picture's opacity to 45% and the second's to 45% as well.

*note* you can stop here if you wish.

I duplicated picture 1 and picture 2.

Then I went to filter > blur > motion blur.

I did the motion blur on both image COPIES at an angle of 0 with the length at 135.

Then I cleaned up the lines  a bit by erasing (still at an opacity of 33 for the eraser).

This is only to blend them out a bit to make them less harsh or over tablo's head.

And you're done.


Good luck. :)


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When will you be open to accept applications T T
Chapter 1: I wanna be a student...T.T
Chapter 1: Can I be a student??
Chapter 25: This has been very helpful. Thank you :))
Hellowchanna #6
Chapter 1: I would love to be a student *_*
this looks awesome
This is so helpful for me XD Thank you for this!