The damage done

Not Like the Movies

Myungsoo has been driving for hours now, and they still haven’t found their heart broken friend.

“Where could he be?” Kyungsoo sighed in worry.

“We’ll find him baby, so stop worrying so much okay?” Kyungsoo felt a hand connected to his.

Sungjong suddenly remembered what happened earlier.


As soon as Baekhyun entered the room, he ran to his bed and started to cry, really hard.

“Baekhyun..” Sungjong said, feeling so helpless.

Kyungsoo and Sungjong walked towards Baekhyun.

Baekhyun felt a weight on his bed. He faced the person and broke down on Kyungsoo’s arms.

“I was stupid.”

Sungjong started to Baekhyun’s hair.

“No, don’t say that.”

“We’re sorry. I guess we gave you too much confidence Baekhyun. We’re really sorry.” Baekhyun felt sorry for his friends. They didn’t have to bear this pain with them.

“No, you guys are the best. Thanks for supporting me throughout.”

After that, silence filled the room. The three stayed silent for a while. Baekhyun cried his heart out in Kyungsoo’s arm, while Sungjong comforts him by humming a song.

“He has a girlfriend.” Baekhyun said bitterly.

“Aish, let’s not talk about them.” Sungjong dragged Baekhyun up.

“Let’s just have some fun okay? This is your house remember?”

“Yeah, come on Baekhyun. Let’s try to forget about this.” Kyungsoo said with full of encouragement.

“Who needs him? Let’s find you a new love!” Sungjong giggled in excitement.

“Yeah! How about that Baekho guy? He looks like a white tiger I could just pinch him.” Kyungsoo blushed.

“Or that Henry person? They say he’s biual but he’s into guys more!”

The two continued in exchanging names. Baekhyun didn’t bother to stop them, they looked like they were enjoying themselves. Even with the names, Baekhyun stopped listening.

There was only one person in his heart, and it was Chanyeol.

“How about we just enjoy the party?” Baekhyun wanted to forget about everything and just get wasted.

“Okay!” The other two shouted in unison.

They went downstairs to enjoy the party. People were laughing, shouting, singing, and talking. Baekhyun didn’t mind though. His parents were never home. He’s one of those rich kids whose parents were never home, but the only good side was he wasn’t stupid enough to become a rebel.

As they made their way through the crowd of people, a hand suddenly held onto Baekhyun’s wrist.

“We need to talk.” Chanyeol said.

Baekhyun wanted to fight back, but Sungjong and Kyungsoo encouraged him to talk. They were all best friends, so they didn’t want to waste the long time friendship they had.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol disappeared into a room.

After 10 minutes, Sungjong felt a little worried.

“Should we go check on them?” Kyungsoo checked his wrist watch and nodded.

The two slowly made their way out of the crowd of people.

Sungjong slowly twisted the door knob, but then the door suddenly opened, causing Sungjong to fall on the ground.

“Jongie!” Myungsoo ran to his boyfriend. As Myungsoo was helping his boyfriend, Kyungsoo entered the room, welcomed by a blank faced Chanyeol.

“What happened Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo asked. Even though the smaller was in front of Chanyeol, he still had a blank expression on. “Yah! Park Chanyeol, answer me!”

With Kyungsoo’s shout, Chanyeol was awaken from his trance.

“I...” Chanyeol slowly shook his head. “Baekhyun...He confessed to me.”


“Well, I....I said the wrong words and...” Chanyeol fell to his knees, hands covering his face. “I....I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo sighed and didn’t bother to ask.

“What happened?” Sungjong suddenly appeared.

“We need to find Baekhyun.”

End of flashback

The ringing of Sungjong’s phone startled everyone.

Sungjong answered it when he noticed it was Baekhyun.


“Sungjong...” Sungjong could feel the sadness in Baekhyun’s voice.

“Baekhyun? YAH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Sungjong tried to calm down, but he was too worried for his best friend.

“I’m here at the park, can you please fetch me?”

“Don’t dare move! We’re not far from you. Give us 10 minutes.”

“Okay, thank you.”

The phone call ended. Sungjong gently nudged Myungsoo.

“He’s in the park.” Myungsoo nodded and turned right.

“Of course he’ll be in the park, why didn’t we think of it earlier?” Jongin shook his head.


After minutes of driving, they arrived at the park. Jongin went out of the car and clicked the umbrella open, rushing to the other side and opening the door for Kyungsoo.

Myungsoo went out from the driver’s seat and also took out an umbrella for Sungjong.

The pair of couples carefully walked through the park, searching for their friend.

“Where could he be?” Kyungsoo asked as he rubbed his hands together. The rain plus the cold wind was a bit unbearable.

When Jongin noticed his boyfriend’s condition, he took of his scarf and wrapped it around the small boy’s neck.

“You’ll get cold.” Jongin shook his head.

“It’s okay baby, I can take a little chill.” Kyungsoo blushed as his boyfriend smiled. Knowing that he’s in the arms of Jongin made Kyungsoo feel very safe, and loved.

“Hey, isn’t that him?” The attention was now on the direction where Myungsoo was pointing.

Sungjong squinted his eyes, and when he realized that it was Baekhyun, he broke from Myungsoo’s warmth and ran to the figure.

“Baekhyun!” Sungjong shouted from afar, making Baekhyun slowly wake up.

Sungjong sat fell on his knees, panting.

“Hey, are you okay? You’re soaking wet!” Baekhyun groaned.

“I know, can we please go home?”

“Yah! Byun Baekhyun, where the hell have you been?” Kyungsoo arrived with the other two.

Baekhyun stared blankly at the others. He was still too tired to talk back to them.

“Can one of you two carry me?” Baekhyun pointed at Jongin and Myungsoo.

Jongin decided to carry Baekhyun, while Kyungsoo covered them with the umbrella. Sungjong took Baekhyun’s bag and followed the others.

Myungsoo unlocked the car and went inside the driver’s seat. When everyone was in place, they drove off.


The ride home was painful for everyone. Baekhyun was a mess. They all wanted to give comfort to their best friend, but they feel that it isn’t enough to make the small boy happy and be okay again.

The big gate moved in opposite directions as it automatically opened. Myungsoo stopped at the front door.

“Okay, you guys take Baekhyun to his room, I’ll go park.”

Kyungsoo quickly opened the door and ran to the other side to open the other door for Jongin, who was carrying the sleeping Baekhyun.

Sungjong followed and opened the front door for them. As soon as the door opened, Jongin and Kyungsoo rushed upstairs to take Baekhyun to his room.

“Wow, the helpers clean fast.” Myungsoo entered through the front door.

The party lasted for about 4 hours, and Baekhyun missed the whole of it.

Sungjong and Myungsoo noticed a figure sleeping at the kitchen counter.

“Isn’t that...”

“Chanyeol” Sungjong said, voice almost inaudible.

The tall boy suddenly woke up and pushed the chair, causing a loud screeching noise. He turned around and noticed the couple.

“Where’s Baekhyun?” The voice was worried, sad, and almost desperate.

Sungjong wanted to allow Chanyeol to see his best friend, but he guessed now was not the right moment for the both of them.

“He’s sleeping. You should talk to him tomorrow.” Myungsoo calmly said. Sungjong was thankful that Myungsoo easily understood what he was feeling.

Chanyeol stood there in silence. Sungjong guessed this was the perfect time for him to ask Chanyeol the truth.

“Is Sooyoung really your girlfriend?”


Sungjong knew Chanyeol wasn’t lying, the stare into his eyes were almost sorry and apologetic.

“But, I’m not-.”

Myungsoo cut him off.

“We’re not asking you to break up with her, we don’t want to force yourself, and to top it all off, you're straight.”

Chanyeol fell silent again. He just felt guilty, and it’s eating him up. He just wants everything to be okay again.

“You can talk to him some other time, right now he needs to rest Channie.”

Hearing that pet name made Chanyeol feel a bit safe, he knows the others are disappointed, but they also understand his side. The tall boy knew he had no chance of talking to Baekhyun today, so he decided to just leave.

“Please, update me about him okay?” The couple nodded in unison.

The tall boy started to walk off, while the couple decided to check on Baekhyun.

Chanyeol took his keys out from his pocket and opened his car. He sat in the driver’s seat, but didn’t do anything. For a while, Chanyeol just sat there, painful silence filling the whole vehicle.

He decided to check on his girlfriend.


“Hey Soo”

“Chanyeol!” A small smile slowly crept on Chanyeol’s face. He could imagine Sooyoung smiling like a little kid, even though she was a very tall girl.

“Yeah, you home already?”

“Yes! Thanks for checking up on me. Did they find Baekhyun yet?”

 Hearing the familiar name made Chanyeol tense up.

“Yes, they have."

“Oh, nice to hear that then.”

After that, a short silence arrested their conversation.

“Hey Soo” Chanyeol heard the girl hum. “I love you”

“I love you too Chanyeol.”

The phone call ended, but the phone was still against Chanyeol’s ear. After a while, his hand slowly fell to the steering wheel. He twisted the ignition to start the car.

‘I’m sorry Baekhyun’

With that, Chanyeol drove off.




So hey guys! I managed to update even though I'm super busy with school and all. So about this chapter? Well, I guess you could say that we're slowly progressing here. I mean, Chanyeol has a girlfriend, and it's Sooyoung! Please don't hate her for that, she's one of my biases in SNSD, and I used here because she's tall. Lol

Please leave your comments okay? *hugs you*

PS Have you watched Destiny MV yet? Well, you should!!! The song is what just how I expected it!!! :>

Song for this chapter would be Baby Don't dry by EXO

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Chapter 25: Suho be like „Tomorrow is our date, let‘s not talk about Chanyeol then“. A few moments later “Suho organised a double date with Chanyeol and Sooyoung”
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Chapter 27: kim myungsoo i want to kill you even I am your little idiot and big dump..
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Chapter 1: even chapter 1,I felt pain and sad
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Chapter 47: This story is absolutely beautiful. it so much...thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
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400th sub! I can't wait to read this story~ ^o^