The fight

It was on that very night,in the wee hours,Kris,got into a massive,again,

fight,with Kai.

The fight broke out with a lot of cursing words in the air from each others tongue.

The fight lasted for a few hours.Until the cops arrived.


Kai got his own history,his life,his love life.That was known by Kris.


"You are a ing mad lil' boy!That's why your dead bombass girlfriend left you stupid head! Serve you she's dead mad !"


  Well that got Kai's nerves.

As the next morning at a cafe,"Kill him.For real.Dead or Die.That was his only option."

What they didn't know was that,the cafe,happened to be the cafe May was doing 

her part-time job.Who knew what she's gonna do?

  May eavesdropping their talks.

The time and place was all set.

  May was scared to death,to Kris's death.Her knees was shaking,as Kai's plan

was arranged in the next hour.


Meanwhile,the oblivious Kris who thought everything was fine taking a stroll 

at the side of the road.Thinking about May.He loves her remember?A sudden vibrates woke him out of his own world.It's his cellphone.May's name was on the screen.The edge of his lips was lifted a little bit.


 "May,May,May"with a smile kris chanting May's name.

"Kris where are you?"May uttering the question from his mouth nervously.

 "Urm?I'm at xxx,26xxx.waeyo?"

'Tuut..Tuut'the line ended.


 Why May was not being honest that Kris's life was at stake?Simple.

She had enough with the fight she knew going to explode.She just need to save him!

Well at least that was she thought she ought to do.

The only things running through May's head,mind and heart was only to save Kris.


Several minutes passed,May arrived at the place where Kris was waiting.

A road spare them away from each other as Kris making his way towards May.

Out of nowhere,a black car sprinting rapidly towards Kris.


   May saw it.

May knew it.

   May was numb,or was she?


May ran to Kris and pushed him offside.




May was lying there,on the ground.Thick red liquid flowing from her head.

    No need to express on Kris's expressions.I'm leaving it to your imagination.

Kris's face.



Six Months after.



  Kris retired from that gutter life that he has been living before.Kris's kneeling in front of May's grave with a bouquet of dandelion flowers in his grips.Remembering back the event that happened before his eyes,staring at May,dying in his very own arm.Screaming was the only best thing at the moment he did.But neither that can turn back the time.What would cause more suffer than that?Feeling his heart crumpling and trashed at his own stupidity bin?Kris was so devastated.Realizing that he was beyond obsessed with his mafia lifes that eventually eat his life up,snapping May out from his life.As those tragic incident haunted his life day and night,regrets was over-whelming him.Sense of guilt.Kris never miss the day he would pay a visit to May's grave.Grieving before the stone.After that,Kai got charged in jail for murdering.

   Kris has live his remaining life with that last words from May before exhaling her last breath in Kris embrace.


"Please stay alive." 

Tear streamed down Kris's face each time he thought of May.

 "Mianhae May,mianhae."

Kris was mumbling under his breath knowing it was too late.
























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