A story begun

Her name is May,the girl who were willing to sacrifised everything,
anything to a man who never had any thought of her feels.That man,Wu Yi Fan.
Yet everyones knows him by the name of Kris.

A mafia.A thug.

A gangster.

        Well at least that was what everyone's thought.


A sweet boy.Childish ones.

A gentleman,with a soft touch.

        Well at least that was what May is thinking,expecting,hoping.


Selfish man.Cruel man.

Heartless man,Thoughtless man.

        Well who knows what he actually thinks of himself.


May couldn't hold him from this dark and black life he has been living,

neither can she left him.


They always fought but they never broke,they remain still.Even one side is hurted.

Aftermath,May would be the one who come and asked for forgiveness,even when the fault was not in her hand.

Reminiscing their first met was never forgotten,when they met their gaze in the class at the college,May was clueless about Kris's life that was revolves around 

The Beat and the Beaten.

Shedding blood and bleed.

Hitting,and hitted.

They almost broke when May found out the truth,and that was the only rare-to-see moments,when Kris turned to a real man,and asked her,pleaded her,kneeling infront of her.Thousands excuses was made,countless promises was showered for May to come back into his embrace.

"Kris do have heart.

Gazalions time they fought,

Death is Kris's loves towards May"

"And still,Kris's couldn't leave that cursed life"



Eventhough May was annoyed at the fact that Kris always,always got into fight with the other gangs,she couldn't help but just to keep worrying for his safety.

"Will he be safe?Will he survive?Will we meet again?Is there is tomorrow for both of us?"

Those questions never left her mind.There was once that Kris got into a serious injuries that she had to rush him into the emergency room and was charged a week in the hospital before the doctor discharged him.But Kris was never had it enough.

"Was a mafia,still a mafia,and a mafia in the future."

That is Kris's motto.He was too obsessed with his upside down life. 

With that,Kris's had gathered a lot of rival,making his life viral.

And there was Kai.

The biggest rival of Kris in town.They had been into massive fight quite a lot of times.But neither of them was winning.They both strong.They both got their ego.They both was a short-tempered.They both are not giving up.












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