Chapter 12

With you, it's heaven

It was almost daybreak when Dara woke up. She did not have a very goodnight rest because she was too excited on the thought that finally she’ll be going to find her father. She’s so nervous, she doesn’t how would she react if she’ll come face to face with him. There is lot of questions she would like to ask and she doesn’t know how she would start asking if ever. And what if his father doesn’t even wanna see her? Or what if she would deny her? There’s so many what if’s and it wouldn’t be answered unless she would find him.

She quickly got up and walk towards the glass window. She is overlooking the view of the lake. The sun is slowly rising up but not high enough to fully illuminate the surrounding. The horizon is shaded with a yellow orange ray of light that extends to what seems like infinity. The tiny bits of light that escaped from the clouds gave a dark shade of green to the blossoming pine trees that bordered the lake. There is still left an evidence of faint fog that has wrapped the entire place the night before. And the morning dews started to drop as the chilly morning wind blew a kiss of good morning to everything.

The lake is like a sleeping child that has had a very good night. It was so peaceful, calm and serene.

“ hmmmm.. Beautiful” Dara said as she inhaled the fresh morning air.

She stared at the lake then suddenly remembered Chaerin. “Good morning Chae, hope you had a good night’s rest” she whispered then a dreamy smile flash from her face.

After a while of admiring the view, Dara finally decided to go downstairs to have something for breakfast.

She was walking slowly when she walks past by Chaerin’s room. She stopped for a moment, took a deep breath and slowly, slowly opened Chaerin’s door and peek inside. Chaerin is still fast asleep, she is sleeping on her side facing the door. Dara slowly walk inside, tiptoeing as not to disturb Chaerin’s peaceful sleep. She moved closer to the side to bed and stare at Chaerin. She absentmindedly smiles as she traces Chaerin’s face with her eyes. From her eyes, to her nose, to her rosy cheeks and finally to her lips. Dara leaned down to tuck away the hair that has fallen in Chaerin’s face, and then slowly, very carefully she kissed Chaerin’s lips. It was just a quick one, very gentle, soft and full of that something…that something Dara couldn’t define. She just feels she wants to kiss her and to feel her.

“ Goodmorning Chae, my arrogant, cold hearted girlfr- whatever we are, thank you” Dara sweetly whispered to Chaerin. She gave her one last glance then walk out of the room smiling happily.

She went downstairs straight to the kitchen and found the caretaker already there sitting on the reading a newspaper while sipping his coffee. The caretaker quickly stood up when he noticed Dara’s presence

“ Goodmorning miss Dara, you are up early” He greeted cheerfully

“ Goodmorning to you too Mr. Kang” Dara greeted back politely

“Where’s Miss Chaerin?”

“She is still sleeping”

“Oh I see. Would you like me to cook breakfast for you Miss Dara?”

“ That I so kind of you, but no thank you, I would like to be the one to cook breakfast just tell me where I could find something to cook” Dara said smiling

“Well then, if that is what you want. We have a complete stock of ingredients at the refrigerator. If there is anything else you will need, don’t hesitate to ask” The Mr. Kang said finishing up his coffee

“Okay, thank you Mr. Kang”

“I’ll be just taking a walk, call for me if you need anything else” he waved goodbye and walk out of the kitchen

“Okay!” Dara said while clapping her hand “I hope you like omelets and pancakes for breakfast Chae”


Chaerin stirred from her bed. She was awakened by the chirping sound of birds outside the window. She slowly opened her eyes, stretching herself up. She has this beautiful smile on her face as she remembers her dream. She dreamt that Dara went to her room and kissed her on the lips. It’s not that they haven’t kissed before; it’s just so different when Dara kissed her first without asking her to do so. It feels so special that way, even if it is just a dream. Well she thought it’s just a dream.

She touched her lips smiling and whispered “good morning my cute grumpy girl, I had a really nice dream because of you”

She is stretching again when the scent of food being cooked reached her nostrils. She can hear her stomach rallying inside.

Chaerin quickly got out of bed and went directly downstairs heading for the kitchen.

Dara saw Chaerin approaching her with a wide smile “ goodmorning chae, you are right in time for breakfast” She said cheerfully

“Good morning too, hmmm…smells really good. Did you cook all that?” Chaerin said wrapping her arms around Dara and sniffing what Dara is cooking.

“Yup, so you better sit down and I will just prepare the table” Dara chuckled lightly then snake out of Chaerin’s arms

“Okay” Chaerin said like a kid then peck at Dara’s nose. Dara only giggled then pinch Chaerin’s cheek

Chaerin took a seat putting her chin on top of the back of hand. She is grinning, enjoying watching Dara prepare breakfast “Perfect partner material. If every day would be like this with her, then everyday would be perfect” She thought silently

“There, all set. Let’s eat!” Dara said clapping her hands “Here, you should eat well” Dara happily put food in Chaerin’s plate while Chaerin is still staring at her lovingly

“Thank you” But Chaerin secretly frown when she saw that Dara made a vegetable omelet. She really hates omelet with vegetables. She ate first the pancakes.

Dara noticed that Chaerin is not touching her omelet “what’s wrong? Why are you not eating your omelet?” Dara’s voice a bit disappointed

“ uhmm…. I.. I  really don’t eat vegetable omelet. Sorry” Chaerin said in a low voice trying not to offend Dara

“Try it, it’s good. Besides, it’s veggies so it’s healthy”

Chaerin shook her head smiling shyly “sorry”

“ aisshh Chae, don’t be such a baby. Here eat!” Dara said firmly feeding Chaerin “ Come on open up, say aah”

Chaern is trying to avoid the spoon but Dara shove it into “There, what a good Chae” Dara patted Chaerin’s head like a kid then continue feeding her

Chaerin is just smiling happily even though she doesn’t really like vegetables. Well, Dara cooked it and Dara is feeding her so what can be better.

“Hayz..Lee Chaerin you can’t win against this girl, she always rule over you. But it’s okay I like it when she is this sweet” She thought silently still enjoying Dara’s sweetness.

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by the way it's titled 25 minutes too late?


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Chapter 1: updateeeeeee pls
mikichow11 #2
Chapter 1: Please updateeeeeee
Lynn21 #3
please update T___T
xamclover #4
Chapter 19: Aghhh!!! PLEASE UPDATE !
xamclover #5
Chapter 9: Yah! Im blushing madly right now
xamclover #6
Chapter 1: Good start :)
Liezllalaine #7
Chapter 19: Update please author !! :) i really like this story :) tho i think this will be a sad ending but its ok i love tha story !!! Did a great jod author !!! :) UPDATE PLEASE
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 19: Update author come on!!
This story is just too good to bot update.. please
i will be waiting forever!!
Chapter 19: Please update this story... This is a great story... :(