Please Don't Hate Me

"Suzy , wake up. We're here already." Kai gently shook her shoulders. Suzy slowly opened her eyes.


"We're her already ?" She asked as she stretched her body.


"Yup, so please get out now." Kai made way for her to go out from his car. Suzy groggily got out from the car. Kai led her to a short wall where they sat down.


"Woah," Suzy gasped in amazement as she saw Seoul's night view. The city was covered with glowing lights of different colors. It was simply breathtaking. They enjoyed the view in silence before Kai spoke up.


"You know, you're the first person that I show this place to." Suzy's heartbeat began to accelerate.


"Why ?" Suzy whispered. She wanted to confirm it now. If this was out of pity, sadly this had to end. She didn't want to chain Kai up.


"What do you mean why ?" Kai asked her, facing her. "Because you're my girlfriend."


Suzy looked up to him. " Kai , I want to ask you something. Please answer me honestly." Kai nodded , telling her to go on. "Why did you want me to be your girlfriend ?"


Kai pursed his lips, and turned his head and stared at the view in front of him. "I don't know. At first it was because I sympathized you. I felt bad for you because you were always taken for granted and stepped on. I hated the fact that you were weak. You didn't have any dignity. I wanted to change you, so that you can grow stronger. So that you can be yourself. "  His words pierced Suzy's heart. It hurt so badly. But what hurts the most was the fact that he did it out pity. At that moment, she wanted to run away. She regretted asking him.


"But I don't know when , I started to have this weird feeling around you. I wanted to be near you 24 hours. I wanted to hear your voice all the time. Your voice is like an addictive melody in my ear. It was as if I couldn't live without you. I need you." Kai slowly turned his head and looked at Suzy's eyes. He took Suzy's hands and held it. "Soon , I realized that I fell in love with you. Madly, deeply, truly in love with you." Suzy looked at him and tears began to fall from her eyes.


"Hey , why are you crying ?" He wiped of the tears from Suzy's cheek. He pulled her into his arms and rested her head on his chest.


"I- I thought you didn't love me. I was in trance." She said between her sobs. She weakly hit his shoulder.


 After a few seconds, Suzy calmed down. Kai let go off her and gently lifted her chin up , so that he could meet her eyes. "Let me make this clear now. I, Kai, have fallen deeply in love with you. Bae Suzy , will you go out with me ?" Suzy smiled and nodded her head.


Kai leaned his head to Suzy , and placed his lips over Suzy's lips. He wrapped his arms around her face and waist , pulling her closer to him. The couple broke off the kiss and gasped for air. Kai smiled and pulled her into a hug.


"You don't know how long I've been waiting to have a taste of your lips." He whispered before capturing Suzy's lips again.  


The end :"(. Sorry it took me so long to update the last chapter, I was busy with life. 

Thank you again for supporting this story until the end ,and those heart-warming comments that made me have a reason to continue writing this story. Thank you once again. All my kisses and hugs for you. XOXO

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i may have discovered this story a little late, but if you ever see this i still want to say thank you for writing this story. <3
magloire #2
Chapter 15: Ahhh it's sweet and cute ... Kai oppa you're ideal boyfriend ahhh Suzy unni you're so lucky ... I love this end ... Thanks for made it
veirina #3
Chapter 15: Thanks for this nice story...
Chapter 15: I really love this story. Light, simple and full of fluffiness. No angst or drama.
Kai is so sweet and an ideal boyfriend. :)
Chapter 7: Oohhh. Poor Suzy being locked up on a dark room.
I squealed when he ask her to his GF. Yay!!
Chapter 3: Kai and Suzy is too cute. hha. i hate Suzy for being too nice...
Chapter 1: Heol! Being too nce is suffocating...
AinAinn #8
Chapter 15: Awesome story. I keep re-read this story until now.
I'm kaizy and exozy shipper, glad to found ur fic.. I will drop another comment after i read the first chapter..
kimjobae #10
Chapter 15: Sosweet this story is perfect
Between kai and suzy
Romantic ^^