03. This is what never forgotten

Past, Present, Future

Jongdae wondered if he should actually facebook message the person across the world in Canada right now or just waste his credit to call just to make sure that he actually receives the somewhat invitation. Jongdae has long finished inviting the rest of EXO-M.

Kris – Kevin Li – the Tororo friend was visiting his family over there and paying his Canada branch of his brand a visit. He was coming back to Seoul tomorrow, thus arriving in two days.

Kevin opened up a unique brand of clothing with his friends from Canada a few years back, it's not all that well known yet but still growing. Kevin had given him a set of the latest fashion line at the end of last year, but Jongdae wasn't sure it was his... err... style. It was a common fact that Kevin owned the title “Fashion King” ever since their debut and till now, oh how unique his fashion is.


Jongdae thought of phoning him but went against it. They still had a few days left before the actual get-together and Kevin would most likely go on facebook, therefore he messaged him telling the time date and place, then closed his laptop and got up to leave his house. Today, was going to be another boring day with coaching the trainees seeing their ambitions which reminded him of himself more and more.







On the other side of the globe, Kevin Li was sitting on his coach at home, flicking through the channels waiting for something to happen. Remote in one hand, Americano in the other, it was going to be a boring day. A few minutes of watching something then switching the channel again, he sighed and turned off the television and put down his coffee. From under the sofa he pulled out a charging laptop, which he then pulled the charger off and opened up the lid. The screen lit up after a few seconds, showing a white screen with blue tabs on the top. A red notification popped but on one of the tabs, notifying him that someone had messaged. It was none other than our very own troll – Kim Jongdae.


Dear Kevin hyung (aka Duizhang, Kris, Wufan or… BenBen),



I am honored to say that you are invited to EXO’s 12th anniversary.

On the 8th of April – in two days. I hope that you will be in Seoul by then (if not, get off your arse and buy a ticket), it would be great if you could come.

It will be at Saekbyuk-jib, Apgujeong. Yeah, that place please don’t roll your eyes…


See you then!


And then message ends at that.

He let out a chuckled at Jongdae’s wrong assumption that he was rolling his eyes and his attempt to be formal – which he obviously failed both.


Kevin wasn’t going to miss the chance to meet his long-time friends and see how they were doing. Would his mother be okay here without him? Although, she had always stayed here without him but now that she was aging up, her health was decreasing. It worried him so much.

It was quite evident how much Kevin cared for his mother; together they went through thick and thin but stuck together nevertheless.


He had felt so bad to leave her when he went to train in Korea; his mother was very worried for him as he didn’t know Korean and Koreans didn’t speak as much English as they would have liked. But seeing how successful and what great friends Kevin had made, there was nothing more she could have asked for.


Kevin decided there and then that he would go to the get-together. He got up from the sofa after sending Jongdae a ‘sure!’ followed by a thumbs-up. He thought of bringing along his mother as he walked up the stairs into his plain neat room.


Maybe next time.


Going against the idea, he started packing and picking out the stuff. He was going to be there for a while and he was going there for work – since he was going there before the invitation came anyway – and Kevin obviously didn’t want to leave his mother in his apartment alone all day, where she wouldn’t be able to go out due to language barrier and not knowing the place. He would rather let his mother stay in Canada, a place where she was used to and can communicate.


The rest of the day went by with nothing much to say about. Kevin and Jongdae kept in constant contact asking about their lives and how they were doing with their jobs, relationship statuses – which Jongdae kept complaining that he was still single and Kevin saying he could care less [careless, shoot anonymous anonymous*] and how their family were. Jongdae updated Kevin that his sister-in-law was pregnant with her daughter and who was going to be named Seojung – after her beautiful mother Hajung* – it was evident that Jongdae was excited for this little girl for god knows why. Kevin had asked exactly when Kyungsoo’s wedding is going to take place, which Jongdae couldn’t reply anything else other than ‘in 3 months’, which wasn’t too helpful.


When the sun set in Canada and rose again once more Kevin Li was up and about, showered and dressed ready to leave. He was doing some last minute check before going downstairs to see an elder lady that he loved so much making breakfast.


“Mama, why are you up already?” he asked her walking into the kitchen after putting down his suitcases at the front door.


The lady turned around and smiled at her son; “Am I not allowed to see my son before he leaves for work not coming back for weeks?”


Kevin just smiled at her and went over to the fridge, got out a carton of apple juice, drinking from it. His mother came walking towards him instantly giving him a hard smack in the shoulder; “Haven’t I told you to get a glass?”


Kevin’s smile grew bigger as he stooped down and hugged his mother. Still the same nagging one as 10 years ago. His mother hugged him back and placed to carton on the table along with an empty glass before getting Kevin’s breakfast ready on plate for him. He sat down at the table as his mother served his breakfast. On the plate there was the typical breakfast you would imagine: French toast, sunny-side up egg and two sausages. The eggs weren’t the way he preferred but it wasn’t often that she cooked breakfast for him therefore he wasn’t going to complain. It seemed like his mother still wasn’t finished cooking yet.


Pouring the juice into the glass he asked his mother “What are you cooking, mama?”


His mother simply replied without turning around “Pancakes because I feel like treating you like a kid.” In whish he smiled at her answer. It was as if his mother did not want him to grow up at all – which she probably didn’t.


He started digging into the plate of breakfast filled made with love and care. Soon enough, the pancakes were finished and his mother joined him on the table. She didn’t eat but watched him as he ate. Kevin looked up from his plate giving his mother a ‘why-aren’t-you-eating-too’ look. She just simply smiled at him and brushed his fringe to the side.


“My little boys grown up so unexpectedly. I still remember that day you debuted. I’m so proud to be living to see you grow up so well.”


“Mama, don’t talk as if you’re going to leave me.” He looked at her sternly. He hated the thought of it. He hated not being there to take care of her, ti worried him to no ends.


His mother said nothing but picked up his glass of juice and drank from it, the smile still plastered to her face. 10 minutes past with some small conversations about anything that came into mind and Kevin had finished his breakfast. He’ll miss his mother’s cooking, even more herself, but he had to go.


He got up was about to wash up the dishes but his mother insisted on washing them herself, and that Kevin had a flight to catch, despite his protest and reasoning that he had time to spare. He finally gave up and checked in the mirror one last time before heading to the front door, putting on his shoes. There was a sound of an engine outside, this signaled him that he cab has arrived and he needed to finally go.


Soon after, his mother followed him outdoors. Kevin stopped his tracks and turned around giving her a warm smile. “I’ll be back soon, mama. Take care of your self while I’m gone. I’ll try to come back sooner if I can.” He bent down and hugged her before turning his head to giving her a kiss on the cheek.


He let go of her and walked back to the cab dumping in his suitcases in the trunk. He gave her one last wave not forgetting to shout his good-bye – which his mother simply laughed at – and boarded the cab.








The next day Kevin got off the plan and through the immigration with no problem at all. He picked up his luggage and put them on a cart, through the sliding door like it was something he does on a daily basis.


Through the doors, there were no crowds and crowds of screaming girls waiting for him. There were no cameras or security guards surrounding him. He walked out of the front doors effortlessly. He was casually enjoying the peacefulness until he was gently tapped on his left shoulder by someone. He turned around only to see a woman in her mid-twenties in a business dress examining him.


She gasped loudly and beamed at him. No, she was radiating at him. She stepped backwards and bowed at him. “A-annyeonghaseyo*, Kris-ssi.” She fumbled around in her purse and got out her phone.


“Er, Erm… P-Please can I have a photo with you? I was a really big fan of EXO, I still am, I’ll always be. I met you once really long time ago. Ten years to be exact.” She smiled at him politely. If it were to be 10 years ago, the girl would’ve blurted out how much she loved EXO at him first thing after confirming it was Kris. Now that time has passed, she was a full-grown and (most of the time) mature woman on her way to a business trip overseas.


Kevin realized it was a fan so he smiled and nodded. The fan left an unnecessary distance between them afraid that going close would cause him to become uncomfortable, seeing this he couldn’t help but think of when the fans would come ridiculously close to him.


“I don’t bite, you know.” He gestured her to come closer and offered to take the selca* for her – which she did not refuse. Finishing off the second picture he handed the phone back to her and smiled at her.


“I’m glad you still remember me.” He sincerely confessed to her. Although he enjoyed the peace but he hoped he wasn’t forgotten all that quickly.


She responded to his confession with wide eyes before giving him a warm smile filled with nothing but adoration. “Of course I’ll remember you Kris-ssi. I remember all of EXO. I’ll always remember. You guys had a really big effect on my life. You guys would make me smile and happy by just hearing your songs or just merely thinking of you, even on the worst days…” She trailed off realizing he wouldn’t want to listen to her story. She blushed in embarrassment.


He simply chuckled and nodded his head. “I’m really honored and thank you… For everything, for supporting us.”


“No, no, no. I have to tha-” Her phone went off. “Please excuse me, my husband is calling me, but really. Thank you for everything you’ve done, all your hard work. Thank you for just merely being you. Thank you.” With that she bowed and answered the phone walking away. She kept taking glances behind her with the smile never leaving her face. Kevin was really glad that he could still be the reason for someone to smile after all this time.


He loved his fans to no end, even if they pushed him around and screamed in his face. He would prefer if they didn’t shove him or screech in his face though. Of course, he didn’t appreciate sasaengs. At all.


Kevin decided he should go now and hailed a cab. He told the driver his address and they drove off into the traffic of Seoul*. Even if no one liked the traffic, Seoul wouldn’t be Seoul without it.


Inside the cab stuck in horrible traffic flashes of memories flowed through Kevin’s head. He had encountered a scenario like that before once, it wasn’t even slightly similar except how she told him thank you for being him – it felt similar. He didn’t know why he remembered it so well but he never once forgot.


A few years back at a bicycle rack in Hangang park* in the Jamwon* area, he ran into a fan, he was surprised because she was probably only about 16 and it was late. He was 25 at that time, he would turn 26 later this year but he still had a few months to spare as it was only April.


She had approached him softly asking if he was indeed the Kris of EXO, alongside with the panda maknae* Tao. She squealed her herself quietly jumping up and down excitedly. But instead of asking for an autograph or photo, she started talking about how they had affected her life, how EXO never disappointed her.


“Kris-ssi, Tao-ssi, please know that however long I live, as long as I live, I will always support you guys. Thank you for merely even existing.”


Was what she had said, it stuck in his head. “Thank you for merely existing.” He felt like he was the one to thank her for merely existing, without her he wouldn’t be anything. EXO would be nothing.


At that time, Tao and Kevin had only been there to lock their bikes but ended up talking to her for another five minutes. The two boys were just there awkwardly listening to the girl chatter away expressing her love for then, that was until Tao decided he’s had enough and politely excused themselves. The girl gave them both a panicky look upon realizing what she had done and gave them countless numbers of bows apologizing.


Kevin then asked her if she wanted a photo with them, she beamed and nodded fetching out her phone. She popped up in the middle of them and attempted to take a selca, but unfortunately her arms weren’t long enough so Kevin had to do it.


There was nothing more than an encounter with a fan but somehow the scene had stuck in his head over the years. Maybe it was that “Thank you for merely existing.” That made him realize how much some fans admire EXO. How it was actually the opposite for EXO, well, him at the least.


Kevin never remembered any of the fan’s face, not to mention names, and this one was no exception. She had introduced herself but it wasn’t in his brain at all. He had hoped he’d remember this one, but his hope was only left to hang.


All he could recall that she was slightly chubby in the cheeks and her arms were not what you would call small. Sehun’s might’ve been smaller even. Although, she had cute features. Small lips, small nose, round eyes and long dark hair. She was what he’d called cute. Although her eyes were veiled by her half-fringe, which was absolutely disappointing.


That was all that he had left of the fan at Tao’s and his nightly cycles. He saw her again another night but Tao had pulled him away trying to avoid her word-vomit again. After that he never saw her again.


Now he was wondering how the 10-years-younger fan was doing. She was so young then but now she was probably around the age of the woman he encountered earlier, working, married and mature. His thoughts span around to himself as he reflected his life.


He’s successful.

He’s famous.

He has a loving mother.

He has friend that will not leave him, brothers.

He has money.

He was still single.


Most of his friends were either married with family or dating someone by his age – that was the friends not related to EXO. Kevin hoped he would find someone soon; he didn’t want to die alone even if he had everything most people would wish for. He let out a sigh and looked outside the car window to see an insightful traffic ahead.


The meter on the cab was going up as time passed. He sighed again in frustration, he supposed not only would it be a long boring car ride but also costly one, too.


Might as well plug in.


As thought he put his earphones on with the music on full-blast.











*really unnecessary but oh-well~


*Hajung - in case you’ve already forgotten. She’s the pregnant lady that she bumped into in the middle of the night. Yep, she’s his brother’s wife. [OC]


*Annyeonghaseyo – the polite form of hello in Korean. The non-formal form is An-nyeong. Pronouced: “An-nyeong-ha-se(sae)-yo”.


*Selca – when taking a picture of yourself, taken by yourself. Also known as “selfie” in the western.


*Seoul - 서울the capital city of Korea. Pronouced: “Seo-u(oo)l” but said in speed sounds similar to soul.


*Hangang park – 한강공원 This is the park along side the Hangang. It literally translate to Han River, “Han - 한” is the name and “Gang - 강” means river in Korean. The Han River runs through Seoul. There is a park along side the river; it is the Han River Park. It’s dived into parts, as the park is so big.


 Fun fact: “Gangnam - 강남” means South of the River. The district is located in the south – hence the name. “Nam - 남” means south. It is the more luxurious part of Seoul, known for its high-ends and business area, Apgujeong-dong, Sinsa-dong and Jamwon-dong are located in Gangnam-gu (District).


*Jamwon – 잠원 A park that is part of the Hangang Park it has a lot of facilities including Tennis courts, football (soccer) fields, tracks course, volley ball courts, swimming pools and even a gym! (For? Why do we even have this here…) Yes, and let’s not forget the basketball courts~ They even have Water Sports activities, Yachts for rent and Water skiing. Basically, it is the perfect place to spend outdoors. It has a bike land perfect for cycling alongside the river.


*Maknae – 막내Means the youngest. Pronouced: “Mag-nae”




Hello there, lovlies~

Sorry for the lack of update but I was on a slightly writer’s block and I had problems with computer.

So, here is your well-deserved chapter! Woo~!

I do apologize if it’s boring… And for the long-long-long-long *glossaries*… I just wanted to let you guys know about Korea so… Yeah, I have interest not only about K-pop but also Korea as the country.

So, this is kind of just a little background on Kevin (Kris) loving his mother. How he cares for his mum. And a little encounter with a loving fan.

If you’re thinking about shipping them, no forget it. Please…

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed reading it! <3

I love you~


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Chapter 3: awww i know how that feels. i have a mac and im literally dying to get microsoft office. OTL. I hope you'll get your laptop back and pleasee update asap (when you can!^^) PS; omg that song really is beautiful lol
This is really good!! Definitely recommending it :D Please update soon!~~
i feel kinda nostalgic??? when i read this
no idea why but

maybe im just dreading the day
when that actually happens
i don't know but i love the story
(though i feel somehow angsty and all when i read it)

looking forward!
great job!