Chapter 2

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Kyuhyun saw a puffy eyed Eunhyuk walk into class, head hung low, body slightly swaying, almost negligible but Kyuhyun noticed it. He saw everything.


Because he always had his eyes on Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk looked frail…so weak like that and it made Kyuhyun want to cry at the sight.


It had been a month since then…and a month since Eunhyuk had lost his smile.


They were still together…in some sense Kyuhyun supposed…but then not together either. They shared a room together and try as Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk might, they couldn’t get the dorm counselor to change rooms, or at least shift Siwon into Kyuhyun’s and Kyuhyun into their shared room.


He knew that seeing Siwon every day, being frivolous to no end was crushing Eunhyuks already broken heart…and Kyuhyun had no idea what he could do to take him away…away from that ed up excuse called boyfriend.


Or ex-boyfriend.


Eunhyuk sat down beside him, eyes downcast and Kyuhyun could see his chin quivering…diminutive but still there. Eunhyuk was on the verge of tears right there in the midst of a blustering class…just like every day for the past month.


Kyuhyun wanted to take him into his arms and comfort him but he knew that if he did then Eunhyuk would break down all together and the pitying gazes that he had been receiving, the ones that he hated so much would be increased tenfold. Instead Kyuhyun reached for the hands clutching at each other on Eunhyuks lap and pulled one into his own, squeezing it tightly as he faced the front, feeling the small hand squeeze back tightly, nails digging into his skin painfully.


But Kyuhyun felt nothing except the warmth radiating from that hand.


He did not let go of the hand throughout the entire class, nor the one after that. He still held on the hand when it was lunch break, pulling the little distraught man with him, walking faster as he heard little sniffles come from Eunhyuk.


And again they were in that empty neglected classroom.


And once again he was hugging a crying Eunhyuk; gently moving his palm in a circular motion on his back while the other caressed his hair softly, letting Eunhyuk cry it out.


“Am I ugly Kyuhyun?” a small haltering voice came from his chest and Kyuhyun realized that Eunhyuk had asked him something.


How should he answer that?


Should he tell him that truth? 


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971 streak #1
Chapter 5: Beautiful it really is!
The love that Kyuhyun had for Eunhyuk had brought back the beautiful Eunhyuk.
They truly complete each other.
Thank you so much for sharing this sweet story.
Chapter 5: So beautiful that I wanted to cry. Now I need a Kyuhyun in my life, so gentle! I'm glad Kyu is back from the army, maybe I can find some Kyuhyuk moments in real life hhh
Thanks for sharing author~ Your words are warm.
KiwiPrincess #3
Chapter 5: Ah, such a beautiful story! :)
Chapter 5: i like this. no i love this. gentleman kyu. i love kyuhyuk even more after reading this. thanks for sharing this shiv.
leehyosonn #5
Chapter 5: And this story is beautiful..
Chapter 5: awww!! you always write the best stories ! <3
Chapter 5: Wow, you have a tendency to make Siwon a bad guy in your stories. Poor him hehe
I actually fall in love with this fic. It goes slowly but reasonably. You gave Eunhyuk the time to realize Kyuhyun's love and return it. And Kyuhyun here is such a sweet guy, always there, always waiting and finally is well paid for his love.
Thank you for your story and it is a pity that I found it this late :sad face:
Chapter 4: Damn I can feel Hyuk and Kyu's pain. Well written authornim. And one more thing... in your face Siwon! HAHAHAAHAH sorry I have to do that coz he's a total jerk in the story but I love you Masi :3
bemybaby_love #9
Chapter 5: read in one go..this story is so beautifull..the way they live each other,support each other makes them much stronger n higher..i'm glad siwon is so stupid to leave eunhyuk behind..hehehe..thanks for the beautiful stories..
hit0rigurashi #10
Chapter 5: Read everything in one go.
I loved it.
Thank you for this beautiful piece, authornim :-)