'Holding On' Series When the film reeled : The First Mistake


Title: When the Film Reeled ( A part of the 'Holding On' Series)

Genre: AU! Angst, Drama, Tragedy, Romance, slight!mpreg

Rating: R

Pairing: Kyuhyun/ Sungmin

Summary: When your love story started first but isn't allowed to be known, when you need to share the only person you loved, when you have lost everything that kept you sane... how long can you 'Hold On' to someone who's holding someone else's hands? Brace yourself, cause my story will kill you, as slow as it killed me.

A/N: The first part of this fic is dedicated to sweetsmirk137. I hope you could read this, good luck with your studies and stuff!!


When was love a mistake?

Is it when you give it to a person, who never loved you back?

Is it when you suffer, all for the sake of someone?

Is it when you choose to walk away?

Or is it when you choose to fight for it anyway?

My story started with a turning of the reels.

Wwhen I say the word everything will start, everytihing will play. But, what I can't control is my heart, the only damn thing that wouldn't listen.

I know for sure that loving him was the greatest mistake I made but at the same time it was worth it, and I never regretted anything though I know for sure that he will never stay.

That in every touch of his hand I will cringe, I will offer myself all over again.

We were just finding for an escape but it seems like this desire that brought us together is the same thing that will end the both of us, when love became to much, when everything was in disarray.

To be able to take care of someone, you have to choose which hand you will hold on

And which hand you should let go.


Unfortunately, it was my hand that he dropped.

And the broken pieces of my heart shattered beyond repair.

This is my story of 'holding on' to someone...






that is holding on someone else's hands.


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mingie101_ #1
Reading this for the 3rd time!
hi my chingoo
ohhhh it's unbelievable....this story is so sad but more beautiful.
i realy want to share it with my friend, l realy hope you let me, plz.
can I translate it ? I 'm sure more people will fall in love on it...
can i do that?!!! (@'-'@)
my friend will die by this..i'm sure
Kyumin_ninja #3
Chapter 11: very beautiful...
btw..i slightly hate kyu's character here,i know he is suffering too but..he is the seme,right??why he don't put a fight for all the people who against their relationship??i know his action just to protect sungmin.. but somehow it's really make me pissed off.and sunny.. i hate her..!!! how can she don't know anything about her cousin and so-called- boyfriend had a 'thing'?
and thumps up for hyukjae..!!!bestest friend ever...!!!!
i thought hyukjae will be the second lead on their drama and somehow will build a relationship with sungmin.
but i'm relieved that could'nt happen.as much as i hate (slightly) kyu's character here,i still kyumin shipper so in the end they should be together.
and baby mochi want to fight with evilkyu?i would like to see that...
iamishi #4
Chapter 11: Now, I don't feel anything... my mind and my heart felt so numb. And its all because of the unbearable pain..... and i really don't know what to feel... all i know is that this story broke me...
commonfanatic #5
Chapter 10: omg i literally flood my house T^T
they both are hurting so much it hurts my fragile fanheart:'(
but i love it nonetheless .. looking forward to whatever comes next^^
Chapter 11: This story so saaaaaadd yet so touching. I can't stop crying TT__TT
you wrote it beautifully, author-sshi.
Chapter 9: Ypu break my heart T_________T whyy whyy whyyyyyyyy
ilabya9 #8
Chapter 8: Before i continue on with the next chapter, omfg i am crying. I even spazzed about this on twitter. Sobrang sakit, tangina huhuhu.
kelly_kyu #10
Chapter 9: i feel my heart broken :( literally... I cry with Min's pain, it was too much... But the story is beautifully written. You did a really great job! looking forward to your updates! Please don't kill me one more time :(