A Shrill Call For Help

A Bloody Conclusion

You would think that camping would be a peaceful experience; that you would lose yourself in gazing at the stars or maybe even discover things about yourself under the forest’s keen gaze. I suppose you would submerge yourself in the company of those around you, tossing away every care you could have possibly clung onto. However, I knew this would not be the case when I heard that high pitched scream pierce through the serenity of my surroundings. It sliced through the care free atmosphere that myself and Luhan were bathing in, resonating, pounding against my ear drums. It really was impossible to ignore.

Snapping up in instant shock, I peeled myself away from Luhan’s comforting arms, not bothering to look back to discover the undeniable fear that would be etched onto his face. I already knew it was fighting for dominance over confusion for mine. A small tremor tickled its way along my spine almost playfully.

“What was that?”

I knew it was a pointless question and I knew that my voice gave way to my fear, but I couldn’t stop my lips from uttering it automatically.  The only response that my words received was a dumb founded shake of the head. I really should have expected nothing more. Lounging on the hard, grassy floor, the trees around us seemed to now emit a threatening aura; almost as if to intimate us. Calling forth any shred of courage that I could, I grabbed Luhan’s slender wrist and tugged him to his feet.

Wrapping my arm around my companions in a tight grip, I inclined my head towards the direction of the sound, knowing that no further explanation would be needed. It’s not like we could just sit still, in a bubble of complete ignorance and ignore the shrill call for help. It took us a few moments before we actually began moving forward, opting instead to look towards the seemingly black abyss looming before us. Why couldn’t this have occurred whilst the sun was shining in the sky? Why did everything have to happen when darkness enveloped everything? Was the sun leaving the sky some kind of bad omen, warning everyone, yet we were too dense to realize?

When our legs finally made the decision to move, the only sound that my ears were able to pick up was the aggressive thumping of my heart as adrenalin took over. After all, I had no clue as to what we were about to step into. For all i knew we was moments away from coming face to face with a gruesome scene resembling that of a horror movie. Taking several deep breaths, I attempted to mentally prepare myself for the worst possible scenario that could be thrown at me.  Even the fact that I was not alone did little to sedate my racing heart.

After a few seemingly endless moments, Luhan and I had finally come face to face with a line of rather large, old trees. Stepping past these, we would be severing ourselves from the openness of our chosen camping spot, literally dropping ourselves into the unknown. The dark, brittle bark stared back at me, waiting for my foot to pass its trunk. It was almost calling to me, asking me to break away its crumbling layers, which just added to the spine tingling feeling of this situation.

Opening my mouth to suggest any other option that would prevent us from shuffling forward, my lips failed to form the words in time as Luhan whispered in my ear,

“I guess there is no turning back now.”

Silently cursing, my mind raced to create some kind of excuse for retreat. Unfortunately none seemed to leap out at me nor did they seem to be persuading enough. Groaning, I squeezed my eyes shut tight, still clinging onto the arm beside me. It could be worse i suppose; I could have been all alone.

Reluctantly and slowly lifting my eye lids, I kept my gaze glued to the ground, straining my eyes as I attempted not to fall flat on my face. You would not believe how many hazards littered the floor. It was almost as if the woods noted our presence, took it as a challange, united and decided to be extra dangerous tonight. you too forest. you too.

Ripped out of my train of thought, my ears were barely able to pick up Luhan’s sharp intake of breath. Either he was trying to be extremely quiet or the picture before him had truly rendered him breathless and i knew instantly that something had gone astray. Despite the urge to spin around and run, I found myself lifting my head and looking in the same direction as my partner. God, you don’t know now how much I regret that stupid decision. Well, you can only really regret something when you are alive; corpses don't have feelings after all. The air around us seemed to drop several degrees and the leaves that were previously rustling in the small breeze, froze to witness the events unfolding before them.

My eyes were instantly drawn towards the numerous puddles of pooling blood strewn practically everywhere. Instantly bile began to rise in the back of my throat and I desperately struggled to keep it down. Next my eyes landed upon the pale body lying still, surrounded by a couple of rugged branches. It was quiet clear that this, now deceased person, was the source of the previous shrill scream. We had arrived too late. Only bothering to look at the emotionless face staring right at me for a few seconds, I reared back in utter disgust when I noticed that the broken branches that I had just seen, were not only scattered along the ground, but were also impaled deep into the , now brutalized flesh twisted only meters away from where I stood.

“I thought I would only have to kill one tonight. How annoying.”

Spinning around on the balls of my feet, I was welcomed with the shinning barrel of a gun, which just so happened to be pointed directly into my stunned face. I only had time to part my lips and in a breath, when the trigger was pulled. An instantaneous death was all that I could ask for and thankfully the last thing I was granted. I do wonder though, what outcome my partner Luhan received. Looks like my imagination will just have to come up with that one and I don't know if that's worse than reality.

Hey there.

This is a short drabble that I wrote the other day. I felt bad for my unexplained hiatus so I decided to upload this. 

Originally this did not actually contain any asian characters or idols, but i changed around the name so that the final copy did. If you do happen to come across any other names, i'm sorry ahah.

Look out for more stories in the future ccc:

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Chapter 1: I love the way you phrase your sentences and your choice of words! Nice story :))
Chapter 1: this is really great,
i wonder if this will have
a next chapter or a sequel