Fuzzy memory

My heart! Whats wrong??!
      " Why should you give in? You have to fight for your happiness Eunjung-ah." Ji Mi, Eunjung's good friend exclaimed. 
       "I- I don't know. I can see that he loves her. I saw how hurt he was when he found out that Hyo-Jin lost her memory of him." Eunjung said softly but loud enough for Ji Mi to hear. Eunjung took a sip of her cup of coffee and looked out the window. The scenery of the park was in sight. This was the reason why Eunjung loved coming to the cafe. She would be calm looking at the beautiful garden. Bright coloured flowers were in bloom. Couples were sitting on benches. How lonely Eunjung felt seeing those couples in bliss. She wished she could experience such bliss. Unfortunately, even at her age, she had never dated once before. 
       Eunjung looked back at her friend and sighed. "Ji Mi, I can't possibly be the bad person and ruin their relationship can I?" 
       Ji Mi shot her an evil smirk. "Why not?"
     Eunjung widened her eyes. "Are you serious? What happened to you? You used to be so nice. I was the one making trouble in class." 
       Ji Mi laughed. "Eunjung, people change. I used to think that the world was fair. Now that i've tasted life, I realised that it is not. So, you should fight with that girl to get him!" She raised her fist in the air.
       "Should I? I'll try confessing. If he says that he doesn't like me, th-then I will give up fully." Eunjung said. 
        Ji Mi nodded. "If thats what you've decided to do, then go ahead. Oh, and tell me if you've gotten over him. I'll introduce you to other men." Ji Mi grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.
       "Yah!" Eunjung slapped her playfully on the arm. "Are you cursing me bad luck? You're implying that he would reject me." 
        "No, of course not. Good luck." Ji Mi extended her hand. 
        "You're still as sarcastic as ever." Eunjung shook her head slightly and smiled. Even so, she still took Ji Mi's hand and shook it. Both friends laughed as they retracted their hands. 
      "But seriously Eunjung. You should get over him quickly if he rejects you. I want to introduce you to someone. Someone both us know." Ji Mi stated with her eyes wide. 
       "Fine." Eunjung rolled her eyes. 
       "Promise?" Ji Mi asked giving out her pinky to Eunjung.
       "Ya, ya. I promise I'll get over him quickly." Eunjung replied gleefully and wrapped her pinky with Ji Mi's.
       "Alright I have to go now. My boyfriend's waiting." Ji Mi sang a tune.
      Ji Mi stood up and left after waving goodbye to Eunjung. Eunjung simply smiled widely and sipped the remaining coffee in her cup. She got up and was about to leave when someone had bumped into her. Eunjung staggered back. The man was on the phone and bowed to her as a sign of his apology. Eunjung smiled and bowed in return. She turned and left the cafe. The man, wearing thick black spectacle frames with the lenses in shape of a rectangle, stared after her even when she was long gone. He snapped back to reality only when his companion on the phone screamed at him. He had seen her before but could not remember. He shaked the thought off and got back to his conversation.
     I sat up on my bed and grinned as AJ made his way into the ward. AJ took a sit on a chair on my right. 
     "You must be feeling better since you're grinning so widely. Well I got good news for you." AJ started. He seemed really friendly. I wonder if we were great friends but he seemed a little older than me. Whatever it was, I felt comfortable having him around me.
     "Yup. I'm feeling so much better today. Whats the good news?" I asked, eager to know.
      "You can be discharged today. Your sister told me when I was on my way to your ward. She was settling some administration stuff." AJ answered.
        "Omigosh! I'm so happy! Staying in the hospital ward has got to be the most boring thing for me! Do you know that I almost died of boredom here?" I blurted out. I just felt so relieved to finally get out of this place! 
         AJ gave a slight chuckle and looked at me. I found that situation awkward but what could I say? He looked suave at the moment that I couldn't bear to ruin the silence. Then AJ and I looked away from each other when the door opened. It was the nurse, Eunjung whom I had become chummy with during my stay here. Although she looked a little stuck up, she was definitely not! She was quite a joker. 
      Eunjung entered and stopped in her tracks. She was looking at AJ who was smiling at her. I noticed how she was mesmerised by AJ. She must have taken a liking of him. I giggled silently. I had to control my laughter so as not to disturb the moment. Eunjung looked so tense. Her shoulders had been thrown back as if in shock. Her eyes were wide open.
      "Ehem. Umm AJ my throat is dry. Could you help me get more water? The jug's empty. You have to get the water outside. Please?"  I asked sweetly. 
      " Okay. I'll be right back." AJ replied. I looked at him as he took the jug and left the room.
       Then I turned to face Eunjung." You like AJ don't you?" I smiled sneakily at her.
        I could see that she was taken by surprise. Her cheeks flushed bright red." N-no. Umm I don't have much time to talk. Let me give give you a check-up first." Eunjung looked uncomfortable but I couldn't help it! I just enjoyed teasing her.
         "Are you sure? Are you very sure?" I tilted my head from side to side.
          " I'm sorry Hyo-Jin but I have to go make my other rounds." Eunjng said and turned around to leave. Hmmph. Excuses, excuses.
           "It looks like she does like AJ..." I said to myself. I rubbed my chin with my thumb and index finger. I guess I would have to play cupid! I should help those two shouldn't I? Then I giggled to myself.
           As I was immersed in my self thought, I hadn't noticed that AJ had came back. "Why are you so happy? You've been smiling like a fool since I entered the room." AJ smirked and put the jug down, " anyway where is Eunjung? She's done with the check-up?" 
        At that point I realised that he must be interested in Eunjung too since he was concerned about her. Then, my plan should take place! 
         "Yup! I want to go home now" I answered, "so can you help me pack up?" I smiled the sweetest smile I had ever smiled.
       "Come on then!" AJ exclaimed. He got out the clothings my sister had brought for me previously and handed them to me. "Here, change out of that pyjamas." He suppressed a laugh. 
        "Yah! This is not a pyjamas! Its a hospital attire!" I could feel the heat on my cheeks. I didn't wait for a reply and went off to change in the toilet. 
         When I got out, my bag was all packed and AJ was sitting on a chair. Yu Bin had also arrived. 
        "Can we go now? I'm all ready!" I emphasised on the 'now'. I couldn't wait to get out of here. The hospital is like a fancy jail if you ask me. 
       "Grandma!" I rushed over to her to give her a big hug.
       "Hyo-Jin ah! I'm so happy you're back! Its been rather lonely without you. Oh I called Yoon-Ji over for dinner." Grandma smiled widely. 
        "Great! AJ's joining us for dinner too! Right AJ?" I turned away from grandma to face him. 
        "Huh? I am?" AJ looked confused. 
        I untangled myself from grandma and went over to AJ. I hooked my arm into his. "Don't be a spoiler! I just came back from hospital. And its something like a reward for you for always visiting me." I explained sincerely. I was really grateful to him for visiting me frequently. It seemed as though he was my second best friend! 
         AJ looked at our interwined arms and then looked up at me. "O-okay. I'll stay for dinner." 
         "Hyo-Jin, have you regained your memory of AJ?" Grandma asked, her face hopeful, her eyes twinkling with excitement. I couldn't bear to disappoint her but at the same time, I couldn't possibly lie to her. I hate lying. I shook my head slowly without meeting her gaze. I slid my arm out from AJ's. 
        "No, I still don't know how we met. Who he is to me." My voice trailed away. "Well, lets not let that ruin my celebration! Oh I think Yoon-Ji's arrived! I'll get the door!" I masked my disappointment with excitement. I walked to the door and turned the knob open. 
         I was greeted at the door with a warm hug from Yoon-Ji. I smiled and showed her the way to the dining room. 
        "Omg! I'm so happy that you're finally back! I'm sorry for not visiting you much though ..." Her voice trailed away. I could see that she was a little bit ashamed for being a bad friend. She was always like this. I've told her a million times that although we're best friends, it doesn't mean that she has to spend every minute with me. And she still doesn't get it. I laughed. 
      "Hey, I get it okay? You're busy with school and after school activities."
       Wow, dinner today was scrumptious! My stomach was so full that it felt like it could burst any moment. AJ and Yoon-Ji had already went off. I retired to my room. It has been months since i've seen the interior. I looked around, taking in all those small details. The dust on the walls, the marker ink on my study table. I grinned to myself. Oh! How much I have missed my room! I jumped onto my bed, my back lying on the soft mattress. I turned my head to the left. I saw an unfamiliar object sitting on my bed. It was so out of place. I sat up and reached out for it. I stared at it. The blood red colour, the ribbon on its neck. At the back of my mind, I found it familiar but at the same time, I didn't know where I got it. I went out to ask Yu Bin about it. 
        "Unnie. Do you know where I got this teddy bear? I don't remember having it in my room but I find it strangely familiar." I asked, holding out the soft toy to Yu Bin. 
         "This?" She reached out to touch the teddy bear. "I think you got it when you went to the amusement park with Chang-" Yu Bin stopped abruptly. Her eyes shot wide. 
      "Chang what? Do I know that person?" I urged her. 
       "Changjo." She said. Her voice was low. "Does that name ring a bell?" 
         "No, not really. I-I'll go back to my room then. I'm kind of tired now" I pressed  on my shoulder as a sign fatigue. 
       "Hmmm." Yu Bin nodded as she carried on reading her book.
       Actually it was a lie. That name did sound familiar but I didn't want her to overreact and get me to remember more. It was stressful enough that I couldn't remember things. I can't even remember AJ. I feel so sorry for him. He's like my next closest friend but I have no memory of him. I dragged my feet lazily to my room. I was indeed tired but I wasn't going to give up trying to remember who Changjo was. I sat on my bed and stared hard at the teddy bear. I thought hard. 
    There was a boy my age throwing darts and it hit the bull's eye. He received a blood red teddy bear from the game stall vendor. He took it and handed it to me. I looked so happy, so blissful. Then we were at a bus stop and we kissed...
     Who was that boy? Was it Changjo? Even though I think its him, I still can't remember his features. My memory of his face was blurred. I shook all that away and diverted my thoughts to AJ and Eunjung. How should I go about my plan? I smiled sneakily.

I am so so sorry for not writing consistently. Is this chapter long and boring? I have a feeling that it is. But I guess it's needed for the development?  

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Chapter 40: Noo how could A.J be so open abt it. I dint really ship her n changjo hahah
Well.. 'happy' ending
Wow unexpected ending .-.
wonremoo #3
Chapter 40: Ooh happy ending!^~^
wonremoo #4
Chapter 39: Long but filled with many good scenarios :D
wonremoo #5
Chapter 38: Chapter 38 is awesome! Nice depiction xD
Chapter 26: Gahh nooo short chapter:(
Chapter 7: LOL smiling :D heehee^^~ keep it up!! The story is very nice and interesting! So hurry up and post chapter 16 alr!! Hahahah XD