New Neighbors

Not According to Plan

Amber's frown deepened as she entered her new bedroom. She sighed for the nth time that day. Her room was horrific--blush pink walls and a bright lime green ceiling. She visibly shuddered as she sighed again. 

"Yiyun-ah," her mother scolded, "Would you stop sighing?" 

Amber rolled her eyes as she went out into the hall. "Mother, how can I not sigh when I've literally just moved all the way across the Pacific Ocean just to be greeted with this hideous mess of a room?" She asked, facing her twin as she extended her arms dramatically. 

"Oh, come on, Am." Victoria said, rolling her eyes. "Quit being so dramatic. I bet it looks fin--" she stepped into the room and looked around. "Okay, I was wrong. It's bad--really bad." She walked to the window. "But this view is amazing!" 

Amber folded her arms smugly. "I thought so. Let's go see your room." Victoria nodded and led her baby sister to her bedroom. Amber immediately smiled upon entering the fully purple room. She jumped on the bed. "Unnie, this room is amazing!" 

Victoria looked skeptical. "I don't know, Eunyoung." Amber looked at her weirdly. "I think I like yours better. The view is so beautiful!" 

Amber looked out the window. The only thing she saw was the neighbor's window that seemed so close she could jump from the ledge to get to the other. "Unnie, do you want to trade? I mean, you could just paint over the colors." 

Victoria smiled. "That's a great idea, Eunyoung! Let's go tell dad to take us to the store." Victoria said, pulling her sister off the bed and down to the couch. 

At the same time, Kris and Kai were sitting in Kai's basement, bored. Kai laid upside down on the couch and faced Kris. "Hyung, what do you want to do?" 

Kris shrugged. "Do you want to play some basketball?" Kai jumped up and nodded eagerly. Kris chuckled, "Alright, let's--" 

"Jongin-ah! Yifan-ah!" Kai's mother called. 

"Deh?" they called out. 

"Come up here. We're all going to the neighbor's house to introduce ourselves. Come on, boys!" 

"But, we're about to go play basketball!" Kai yelled. 

"Bring it with you! Maybe the neighbor's kids like basketball. From what I heard, they're your age." She said. They muttered in agreement and headed up the stairs to the living room. "There are my handsome boys!" she cooed. "Let's go." Kai and Kris trudged to the neighbor's house behind Mrs. Kim, basketball in hand. She knocked on the door and waited. 

Amber heard the knock and called out, "I'll get it!" as she headed to open the door. "Oh," she said, bowing. "Anneyeonghaeseyo, how can I help you?"

 "Oh, hello dear. Such a pretty girl," Mrs. Kim said, causing Amber to blush. Kris looked at her with wide eyes. She's cute, he thought. "May we come in? We're your neighbors." 

"Deh," she said, opening the door wide, "Come on in." 

Mrs. Kim smiled. "Thank you dear." Amber showed them to the living room, where the rest of her family sat. Now, it was Kai's turn to widen his eyes. The girl on the couch was beautiful. "Hello, neighbors. I'd like to welcome you to the neighborhood!" She introduced herself, and her husband while Mr. and Mrs. Liu introduced themselves. "These kids," Mrs. Kim gestured to the boys, "can introduce themselves." 

Kai smiled at Victoria. "Anneyeonghaeseyo, I'm Kim Jongin, but my friends call me Kai. I'm 18." 

Kris smiled at Amber, making her look away and blush. "Anneyeonghaeseyo, I'm Wu Yifan, but please, call me Kris. I'm 19." 

Mr. Liu raised an eyebrow. "Wu Yifan, huh? That doesn't sound very Korean." 

He nodded. "Deh, my mother is Korean, and my father is Chinese." 

Mr. Liu smiled. "Ah, just like our family. My daughters are also the same age as you!" he nudged Victoria. 

She smiled at the family. "Anneyeonghaeseyo, I'm Liu Songqian, but everyone just calls me Victoria, and this is my twin sister." 

Amber smiled slightly, and Kris' grin widened at her. "Anneyeonghaeseyo, I have a lot of names." she giggled to herself. Cute, Kris thought. "My Chinese name is Liu Yiyun, my Korean name is Eunyoung, and my English name is Amber. I prefer being called Amber, though." 

"Okay, Amber," Kris started, "Do you and your sister want to go play basketball with me and Jongin?" 

Amber's eyes sparkled. "I'd love to... but..." she turned to her mother, using puppy dog eyes. "Please, omma. Please!" 

"Yiyun..." she said threateningly. Amber frowned, but turned to her father. 

"Please, daddy." she said, pouting her lips. Kris laughed. 

"Alright fine!" Mr. Liu caved. Amber punched her fist in the air as Victoria rolled her eyes. Amber was always a daddy's girl. 

"Yay! Let's go Kris, Kai!" she said, walking next to Kris. She turned, "Unnie, you want to go?" 

Victoria sighed. "I can't play to save my life." 

Amber shrugged. "Come on, unnie. We're exploring our new neighborhood." Victoria shrugged, and agreed. The four of them walked down to the sidewalk. Amber smiled at the two boys. "So, what grade are you guys in?" 

Kris smiled back, "We're both seniors this year."

Amber looked confused as she looked at Kai. "Wait, you said you were 18?" 

He chuckled. "Yeah, I am. Noona,--I'm going to call you that from now on-- I skipped a grade." 

She looked amazed. "Whoa, you must be super smart then, Kai!" 

He smirked. "I am super smart. Not to mention handsome." 

Amber rolled her eyes as she jokingly punched his shoulder, "Yah, shut up." 

Kai and Kris laughed. Victoria looked at Amber, amazed that she could make friends so quickly. "So," Kris said as they arrived at the courts, "how about a little one-on-one, since we're an odd number." Amber nodded. "Alright, Yiyun. You and Jongin first, then." 

Amber scrunched up her nose in distaste. "Why are you calling me Yiyun?" 

"I like it, so I'm going to call you Yiyun." he shrugged. 

Amber rolled her eyes. Kai chuckled as he stood facing her. "Don't worry, shorty noona. I'll go easy." he teased, patting her head. 

Amber rolled her eyes again. "Stop being so arrogant, little boy." she teased back. 

"Noona, I'm pretty sure you're the little one." he said, patting her head again. 

"Yah, Kim Jongin, you better watch out." she threatened. "Let's start." she said, dribbling the ball. He smirked. This is going to be fun, he thought. 

Suddenly, Amber zoomed past him to the key and made a lay-up. Victoria cheered. "Yah! Good one, Eunyoungie! Show him who's boss!" she turned to Kris. "That's my sister! And she's awesome!!" she cheered. 

Kai was still in shock. Amber smirked as she tossed him the ball. "Your turn." Kai clenched his teeth. No way was he losing to a girl. He dribbled to the left, then got around her and shot a three point. Amber clenched her teeth. 

This continued until the both of them fell to the ground. "Good game, noona." Kai said, out of breath. 

"You too, Jongin." she said, ruffling his hair. Kris helped the two of them up and Victoria helped Amber dust off her pants. "Unnie," she whined, "I can do it myself!" 

Victoria sighed. Kris looked at Kai in amusement. "I was looking forward to playing, but it seems like you two have exhausted your energy levels." 

Amber's eye's widened. "Kris! I'm so sorry!" 

He laughed. "It's cool. But you owe me a game, now." 

She nodded. "Okay. What are you guys doing on Monday?" 

Kai smirked, "Why noona? Do you want to go on a date with me? I knew it was bound to happen." 

Amber punched his arm. "In your dreams, Jongin." 

"Let's make that dream a reality then, Eunyoung noona." he smirked. 

"Again with the names other than Amber!" she cried out, dramatically. 

Victoria smiled. "Don't be such a drama queen, Eunyoungie. All your names are cute. Now let's go home." Amber nodded and led the way, before turning around. 

"Um Jongin, which way is home?" she asked Kai. 

SOOOO, first chapter, done! what did you think? 

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Guys, i'm going on vacation for 10 days tomorrow, so i don't know if i can update. Sorry! I love you guys


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RecoveryEmailNow #1
Chapter 31: To be honest, I should have find out this story soon! You're an amazing author!
RecoveryEmailNow #2
Chapter 29: Heeyoung is crazy!
RecoveryEmailNow #3
Chapter 24: 1. f(x)
2. SHINee
4. EXO
5. Twice
Plz make more kaiber
justDelco #5
Chapter 30: This surprise chapter is so gorgeous, from the understanding people, the ship became dream come true, the marry me song, bravo!
Chapter 31: great job!! i love your story! i mean really like it!! just keep writing fanfic amber pls i'll wait!^^
sylvia2728 #7
Chapter 31: one word . amazing !
Chapter 31: Wow.... This story is killing me with its sweetness. Good job authornim! :D
Chapter 31: Gah. Emotions all over the place. Great story. And loved Amber in this fic.
Can't believe it's over though, what am I going to do now????
Kansamida for the great story and Hwaiting for the future♥
Chapter 31: Awww so adorable c: