
Something Sweet

A knock on the door broke Xiumin out of his much-needed nap. They had just had their first win after their much-awaited comeback, and all of Exo was ecstatic. After gaining permission from their manager, the boys decided to celebrate…all except for Xiumin. He wasn’t too big on the whole ‘party’ scene. Besides, his leg was feeling a bit weak and he didn’t want to re-injure it.


“Who is it?” Xiumin called as he opened the door. “Mi-Min Ji-ah! Wh-what are you doing here?” the older stuttered, not expecting to see his long time crush standing at the door.


“Ahh, Xiumin! I didn’t expect you to be here!” the girl blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I was expecting manager-oppa. I…wanted to congratulate you guys on your win…and he told me I could come bake a cake… If he’s not here, I can always come back—.”


“No! No!” Xiumin cut her off, ushering her inside. “He’s not here right now, but I can certainly help! I’ve watched Kyungsoo do it enough times, so it shouldn’t be so hard, right?”


He flashed her a huge grin as he tugged her into the kitchen.


“Are you sure? I don’t want you to have to help bake a cake that’s supposed to be for you!” Min Ji smiled nevertheless, rummaging through the cabinets to find the ingredients the manager had picked up earlier.


“Of course! Besides, I…love spending time with you.”




“I-I mean…you know, since we always have fun together, you know...friends…we’re friends…” Xiumin stuttered out. Min Ji blinked a few times before smiling warmly.


“Oppa? Did you just wake up from a nap?” she teased, crossing her arms, a devious smirk playing on her lips.




“Because you’re always this silly when you wake up…and you have awful bed hair.” She laughed, ruffling Xiumin’s tangled mess of hair. He could feel the blush burning his cheeks and he wanted to look away, but he couldn’t. She was just so beautiful. She was everything he ever wanted in a girl. Whenever he was interviewed and asked about his ideal type, he always had Min Ji in mind.


Min Ji was always there to comfort him and the other members, especially when times were tough. When the company said Xiumin needed to go on a diet, Min Ji was right there to support him and help him through it. Let’s not forget the endless compliments she flooded him with afterwards. He finally felt like he had a good reason to diet. the company; he wanted to look good for Min Ji-ah.


And don’t get him started on her hugs! Boy, if she wasn’t the best hugger Xiumin had ever met. She had this way of latching on and never letting go, without being clingy though. Xiumin had no idea how she did it. It was like her warm hugs embraced the heart and warmed every corner of his being. If it were up to him, he’d never let her go.


Her smile was perfect, like she never had a bad thought in her life. Her face was just so happy; it made Xiumin happy just looking at her. The way she would smile bright whenever her eyes locked on Xiumin’s, like he brought her the same amount of joy. The way her smile would reach her eyes when she watched Xiumin practice, how her gaze would stay trained on him for hours.


To Xiumin, she was literally his definition of perfect. Flaws? Who cares? Just as long as she was with Xiumin, he could accept anything about her.


He needed to tell her how he felt. He needed to say—


“Minnie? You okay?” Min Ji asked, snapping her fingers, effectively breaking Xiumin out of his daydream.


“Neh, neh, sorry… Just thinking,” he smiled briefly before she turned away to grab a large mixing bowl.


“Yah! Don’t think too long! We have a cake to bake! Wooo!” Min Ji cheered, hopping up and down. Xiumin couldn’t help but smile and stare as his favorite smile washed over her face.




“Alright, we have all the ingredients…now what?” Min Ji asked and Xiumin gave her an incredulous stare.


“What do you mean, ‘now what’? Aren’t you supposed to know how to bake?”


“Yah!” Min Ji began to protest but stopped before a loud laugh escaped her. “Neh, I guess you’re right. Manager-oppa was the one that knew how to bake so I was just hoping he’d help.”


Xiumin nodded and smiled, completely won over by her carefree attitude. Once her laughter had subsided, her gaze locked on Xiumin’s and a she donned a smirk, her delicate eyebrows rising in amusement and to provoke a challenge.




“You told me you knew how to do this too! What happened to the whole ‘Kyungsoo does it so I can do it,’ huh?”


“I-i…uhmm…” Xiumin stuttered, his cheeks lighting on fire. She laughed again, tapping his shoulder lightly.


“Kidding, Minnie, kidding!” She laughed again and the older pouted, puffing out his cheeks to the fullest extent.


She smiled before moving closer, poking one of Xiumin’s cheeks.


“You know, you still look like a baozi to me,” she giggled, still poking him. “Even though you lost some of your squishiness, you still look cute doing it!”


“Thanks…” he muttered, feeling like he was going to explode from happiness. Was this really happening right now? He had a sudden burst of confidence as he grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him.




“This shouldn’t be too hard to figure out! There’s even directions on the box! This will literally be a piece of cake!” Xiumin began, getting more excited as he went. Min Ji laughed along while pulling on an apron. “Besides! I’m a baozi! I am one with food! This will be easy!”


“Neh! Min Ji and Minnie, hwaiting!!” she cheered, pumping her fist.



They couldn’t have been more wrong.



Baking a cake was not as easy as they thought.


After several batches and failed attempts, they were exhausted. They had resigned to flinging mix at each other, laughing as they got it on each other’s faces and hair.


They were completely covered in flour and baking mix. So were the walls, the floor, the table, you name it. Everything was coated and still, they had no cake.


“Minnie…this is pointless,” Min Ji began, attempting to lean against the counter but ending up just sliding to the ground. She let out a startled laugh. “We can’t bake for anything; your baozi powers have failed us!”


“Yah! Don’t insult my baozi-ness!” he laughed, finding a place next to her on the ground before collapsing there. “We really tried, we’re just terrible at this…”


Deciding not to let everything go to waste, Xiumin pulled the bowl of fruit off the counter and started digging into it. After stuffing his cheeks with as much as he could, he turned and noticed Min Ji staring straight at him.


He took in the small smile on her face and the light blush gracing her cheeks. Not understanding the reasoning behind it, he picked up a strawberry from the bowl and offered it to her. Before he could react, she moved her head down and removed the strawberry with , her lips slightly ghosting over his fingers.


She smiled up at him upon seeing his shocked face and rested her head on his shoulder, a comfortable silence enveloping them.


“Min Ji, we should probably clean up,” Xiumin whispered, but stopped as Min Ji placed her hand on his.


“Can’t we just stay like this for a bit? I never get to see you much anymore, and I really do miss you.”


She missed him? Really? He asked himself, listening to her silent breathing. Should he just tell her how he felt? Was now the time?


“Min Ji-ah,” he began, turning to face her. She lifted her head and their eyes locked, neither one of them looking away. Her eyes lit up as the faintest of smiles touched her lips. He couldn’t hold back.


He leaned forward, their lips pressing against each other. He expected her to pull away or something, but she stayed there. However, she did not respond. Panic began to set in as he pulled back, searching her eyes for an answer.


At least she knows how I feel now…no regrets. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way, I tried.


“Xiu…” she began and he dropped his head. He didn’t like the tone of her voice. “W-what was that for?”


Her voice was quiet, so unlike her.


“You, uh…had icing on your face…I was just getting it off for you…” he mumbled, totally defeated. He couldn’t even bring himself to meet her gaze.


“Pabo…” she muttered, causing the older to look up.


The second he did, however…



She kissed him back.



She pulled the collar of his shirt close to her, bringing his lips against hers. They seemed to fit so perfectly together, melting and fusing, working diligently against each other.


It was…perfect.


She pulled back, her hands still grasping onto his shirt. She smiled; one of the brightest Xiumin was sure he’d ever seen.


“You really are a pabo…” she muttered, her gaze going back and forth between his eyes and lips. “Took you long enough.”


“Does…this mean you…like me too?”


“Pabo…” she smirked, placing another kiss on his lips.




They laughed and shared stories for the rest of the night, comfortable with sitting in each other’s arms. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.


Loud shouting could be heard from the door and soon it burst open, allowing eleven rambunctious boys back into the dorm.


“Hyung, we’re back!” Chanyeol shouted.


“Where are you?” Luhan added. He could hear all of the boys filtering into the living room.


“Are you still asleep?” Tao asked very loudly.


“Pabo, if he’s sleeping, you probably just woke him up…” Sehun responded.


Xiumin and Min Ji stood quickly, casually leaning on the counter.


“Noona!” Kai shouted as he spotted them. He ran over and pulled Min Ji into a hug, slightly slipping on floor in the process.


“Hey Jongin,” Min Ji cooed, ruffling Kai’s hair as he held her tight. She laughed as she spotted the daggers Xiumin was sending the young dancer.


“Hyung, I thought you were napping! You didn’t tell us Min Ji was coming over! We all could have celebrated together!” Baekhyun pouted, crossing his arms.


Chanyeol leaned down and whispered in Baekhyun’s ear and the latter’s eyes went wide before a knowing smirk crossed his face.


Xiumin and Min Ji blushed while exchanging glances.


“Sorry, I wanted to bake a cake to celebrate your win, but…” Min Ji laughed, gesturing to the mess in the kitchen.


“M-my…kitchen… what…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Kyungsoo shouted, finally seeing the mess. Lay patted his shoulder in comfort, prohibiting the younger from freaking out more.


“Sorry, Kyungsoo-sshi,” Min Ji apologized, detangling herself from Jongin to throw an arm behind Xiumin’s back. “Looks like neither of us can bake, sorry!”


“It’s fine, Min Ji-sshi, it’s the thought that counts! We’ll all help clean the mess.” Suho smiled warmly, gaining groans from the other boys.


“Gege,” Tao muttered to Kris, pouting as he tugged on the older’s sleeve. “I really wanted some cake.”


“Sorry panda, looks like none us are getting anything sweet tonight,” he responded, but returned his gaze to Xiumin and Min Ji before smirking. He observed the looks they were sending each other and turned back to Tao. “Well, maybe one of us.”






A/N: DONE!!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaah Juju, I really hope this satisfied your Baozi feels :)

It was alot of fun to write and even though its not sure long, i really hope you enjoyed it! The prompt was adorable, so thanks for the idea!!

This story was for MusicLover14 and I think all of you should go check out her writing! If you liked this story, its doesn't even compare to her writing! SHE IS THE QUEEN OF FLUFF!!! EMBRACE THE FEELS SHE WRITES!!



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Chapter 1: I hate you. It is too early, TOO. DAMN. EARLY. to have so much fluff/feelings. I can't feel my face I am cheesing so hard right now. Job well done, maknae, a job well done
You should make a sequel and have it be . Hehehehe
Chapter 1: BAOZI..M whyyy?!!! Soo cute... feels. Goodness. Ahhhhhhh
Chapter 1: This was literally like the cutest thing I've read in a while! Xiumin's relationship with Min Ji was to die for! I could just picture them giving up and then throwing cake batter and flour at each other. <3
Chapter 1: pejfPEQJFPDFJSpdsjfmpd;skfmcpda;fkm;kdsfm /uglywhalenoises
OH MY GOODNESS!! OH MY GOODNESS! This was PERFECTION!! So much precious fluff. I am smiling so hard that I can't feel my face anymore.
Where to begin?! Kyungsoo's reaction to the kitchen. I laughed so hard! I could see him being like that, lmao! Saw you snuck a little Taoris moment in there. I approve. And Kris' comment at the end. He knows what's up.
Xiumin is so precious!! Kim Minseok, why do you give me so many feelings? All of his thoughts about finding Min Ji flawless. awww, adorbz!!
And the failed attempts at making cake were perfect. That little strawberry moment...I approve. hehehehehe. The fluff made my heart swell!
And all of the baozi comments and he is a pabo and I am rambling because I love this so much.
THANK YOU, maknae author-nim! Thank you! <3