Where is Home?

I'm Just a Dancer...Right?

Where is Home?


[Normal POV]

Seyong grabbed her hand gently and guided her back down the path towards the SuJu dorms in silence, the moon high up in the sky and stars littering the dark blanket of the sky. Monique hesitated a moment before letting her hand intwine with Seyong's loosely, making an uneasy and unidentifiable feeling settle at the pit of her stomach that would sink even deeper the closure they got to the dorms. 

The trip back was silent, the only noises being their soft breathing and their footsteps, a lonely leaf being crunched beneath one of their feet occassionally. It seemed like forever to Monique until they finally reached their destination, the party that was supposed to be behind the door seemed unexistant, no noise escaped the enclosed home. Seyong opened the door to reveal that everyone who had accompanied the party had left and only the Super Junior and MyName members were left.

The only person missing being Donghae. 

The SuJu members were semi-huddled in the dining room, the MyName members occupying the couch. As the door opened, they all looked up to the missing people of the hour, making them all go towards them at once, surrounding the two and making sure they were okay. 

"Monique-ah, gwenchana? You guys were gone for a while. We were about to call the police," Eunhyuk said, both relief and stress drenched in his voice. 

Monique nodded slightly, "Ne, gwenchana. Seyong followed me."

Insoo crossed his arms over his chest before sighing, "Yah! Why were you acting so heroic, eh? It's not like she would've done anything stupid."

Seyong smiled nervously, "Molla, hyung. I really don't know, I just did.. I had lost her for so long, I guess I was just scared I'd lose her again." 

Insoo nodded slowly and sighed again, "Aigoo~ You youngsters nowadays." 

Chaejin squeezed his way through his hyungs and finally made it to Monique, throwing his arms around her and hugging her closely, "NOONA!!" 

Monique smiled, and chuckle coming from in a soft melody, "Ah~ Chaejie~. I've missed you, why haven't you contacted me, eh? I left my number with you. I was hoping to at least hear from you guys, I didn't think you'd forget about me so fast~," Her voice carried playfullness. Her caring for the younger member was obvious, considering she was more or less, silent the whole time. 

Donghae heard the commotion inside the dorm, opening the front door slowly to see Seyong's back. 

Chaejin's face went into a pout as the members of MyName looked towards him in disbelief,

"Yah! You had her number this entire time?!" Gunwoo snapped, his eyebrow twitching slightly from what he just heard.

Chaejin's pout deepened as he looked around at his hyungs, "Yah! She got a new phone, remember? That's why I didn't say anything because I had her old number, not her new one!" The member's eyes turned towards the only female in the group who just laughed softly,

"Mianhae, I forgot that I had to get a new phone so I could contact people in this country. So, Chaejie is right, mianhae," She said with a small smile. 

Donghae closed the door softly to make sure no one heard the lock go into place, standing straight back against the door , closing his eyes slowly as he continued to hear the muffled conversation and laughs behind the door. 

The conversation died down, the time for bed calling their time together short, making them depart to their own rooms, leaving Leeteuk, Monique, Insoo, Gunwoo, Chaejin and Seyong in the living room. Leeteuk smiled brightly, the previous gloomy mood now converted to that of light heartedness, 

"You are all more than welcome to stay the night here, if you'd like. Whoever's a friend of Monique-ah's is a friend of our's." 

Insoo nodded, a grateful smile on his lips, "Gomawayo, Leeteuk-ssi. We appreciate the offer, but we wouldn't want to be any trouble to all of you.. Especially with the scene Seyong had created.."

Leeteuk chuckled, " What scene? That was nobody's fault, and it's okay to call me hyung.. It would be our pleasure to house you for the night, considering the party didn't go as planned.." 

Monique looked down in shame, knowing she had ruined the party Leeteuk had worked so hard for her, earning herself a hand being rested on her shoulder, making her look up to the hand's owner, meeting Leeteuk's warm and understanding gaze and smile. 

"Well, I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to give Monique her gifts then," Gunwoo sighed softly. Chaejin pouted,

"B-But I wanted to give it to her today~!" Seyong reached out a hand to ruffle the younger's hair gently, smiling softly, calming the child.

"You'll get the chance first thing tomorrow, ne?" Chaejin nodded slowly, a pout still on his lips. 

"Arasso, hyung.." Seyong smiled at the response and nodded,

"Now.. since it's so dark out, I'd say we should just crash here for the night, especially when Leeteuk-hyung offered." Monique's eyes traveled up to Seyong's face, her eyes studying each feature, trying to get her mind off of the man she knew she'd be betraying. 

You can't turn back.. Seyong is right- it's time to go home..

Her eyes found their way to the carpeting beneath her feet, although it felt like a powerful magnet that made the sinking feeling in her stomach fall deeper in her body. 

"That's great! There are blankets in the hallway, along with pillows, so make yourselves comfortable anywhere you'd like!" Leeteuk smiled before making his way to his own bedroom. 

Insoo looked around to his fellow members as Chaejin then clung to Monique's arm with a bright smile, "I call sleeping with Noona!" Seyong laughed and shook his head, Monique growing a little uncomfortable,

"Well... Donghae and I sorta share a room..." 

Seyong eyes looked up at Monique's, slightly widened from what he just heard as he then looked at Chaejin with a smile,

"Go ahead and sleep with her, ne? Make sure she's safe."

Monique blinked at Seyong's words, making her rest a hand on her hip, "Excuse me?" 

Seyong looked into Monique's eyes, "I don't want you sleeping by yourself with a man without one of us with you."

"You're not my mother or my father. I can take good care of myself, and Donghae is not like that, Seyong. He's a kind and gentle man."

"From the performance I saw earlier, he doesn't seem compassionate or anything. So just let Chaejin-ah sleep with you. Besides, he's missed you."

Monique glared at Seyong before looking at the teenager beside her, making her expression soften at the other's widened, scared eyes of the fight he was witnessing between his two favorite people and role models. A soft smile painted over her frown as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder securely and pulled him into her side before looking back up at Seyong with her previous expression,

"I will.. but not for your comfort. I've missed sleeping with Chaejin and talking to him, so mehrong!" She stuck her tongue out at the man and turned Chaejin around and walking with him down the hallway, guiding him to her and Donghae's room. 

Seyong stood at his position for a moment, blinking at what just happened, his two hyungs snickering at what just happened, making Seyong annoyed and making him turn around quickly, "Yah!" 

Gunwoo breathed in, laughing harder, "Yah~! Wae are you blushing~?" Seyong blushed deeper at Gunwoo's question, making the oldest laugh.

She was cute... 

"Would you two shut up?!" 

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 

"Noona?" Chaejin sat up on the bed with his elbows, the oversized shirt he was wearing loosely draping over his shoulders, his head cocked to the side as he peared over at the slightly older woman who was pulling her hair up in a loose ponytail, the sound of the younger's voice made her turn around, her hands still messing with the mass of hair that was currently in a bun shape, about to pull it through the last hoop in the hair tie,


He placed a finger on his chin as he gently kicked his legs, "Are you in love with Donghae-ssi?"

Monique blinked at the question and finished the ponytail, tightening it at the top of her head gently, "I don't know. Wae?" 

Chaejin then rolled on his back, looking towards the ceiling with his arms crossed beneath his head, his legs propping up against the wall as Monique sat beside him, playing with his hair gently, "You've caught a lot of men's attention, Noona. But Seyong-hyung.. he's liked you this whole time.. Even before you became a dancer.. Do you like hyung too?" 

His eyes traveled from the ceiling to Monique's face. She sighed softly and laid back beside the younger man, her arms crossing over her eyes, "I don't know.. it's all confusing and ugh!" She grabbed a pillow and buried her face into the material. Chaejin chuckled softly and to his side, propping an arm up and resting his head on his hand.

"Well, are you going to come with us?" 

Monique removed the pillow, slowly pulling it down to her chest as she blew a strand of hair out of her face, not answering. Chaejin sat up and criss-crossed his legs on the bed, "Noona.. I really think you should come with us." Monique turned her head to the younger boy, noticing his facial features were serious, no aegyo, no pout, no nothing.. just pure seriousness. 

"It's crowded here with so many people living here, none the less all of them are all men... You can still dance with them, but living here.. I don't feel right with you being here by yourself. They seem like nice guys, but I still don't trust them." 

Chaejin looked down at his hands that were now playing with one another, his pointer fingers pushing against each other and his thumbs twirling slightly. Monique sighed softly and rested her head on Chaejin's left knee, looking up at the ceiling, "I know, Chaejin-ah.. I know. But, for some reason, it's a hard decision to make.." 

Chaejin let a hand run through the ponytail, removing the tangles gently, knowing the motion would sooth the woman. As expected, Monique relaxed into the touch as a tear rolled down her cheek slowly. Chaejin noticed and wiped the tear away gently, knowing the reason why the droplet was produced, letting his fingers to contine to gently go through her hair.

"Noona... think about Shane.." 

She blinked and looked up at Chaejin, "You know that would mean leaving Korea.." Chaejin stayed quiet for a moment before saying,

"You can always come back.. but you and I both know, along with the rest of MyName know that he's the only person on your mind since you got the news. We're heading back to America, and I think you should come along, ne?" 

Monique looked up into Chaejin's face and nodded slowly, "Ne.. It's what's best.."

Chaejin smiled gently and kissed the other's forehead, "Good. Now can I give you your gift?" 

Monique held back a chuckle, "Didn't Gunwoo-oppa tell you to wait?" 

Chaejin smiled widely, "Well~ He said 'first thing tomorrow,' and it's already 12:13am of the said 'tomorrow,' and it's first thing! So, technically, I did follow hyung's orders." 

Monique chuckled softly and nodded, "Well, you did validate it, so I don't see why not." 

Chaejin's smile widened as he went into the living room, being as quiet as possible, as he grabbed a small box. wrapped in midnight blue wrapping paper that rested on the coffee table. His eyes traveled up to the snoring image of the Gunwoo bear, his arm dangling off the side of the couch, his mouth somewhat open, making him grab a small jellybean that was left over from the party and placed it carefully in the oldest's mouth then running carefully back to the room, barely dodging Seyong's leg that was sprawled on the floor. 

Chaejin then walked back into the room, acting like nothing happened, the box tucked in his arms, snuggled against his chest as he smiled cutely at the older woman. He shot his arms forward, the gift laying in his palms, a smile brightly placed on his face,

"Saengil Chukahae, Noona~! I missed you very much while we were apart, and I love you just like a sister~. I hope you like it!" 

Monique blushed at Chaejin's words and looked down at the box that layed in the younger's hands and took the box slowly, using a thumb nail to lift up a piece of a tab to access and open the box, tearing off the dark blue wrapping paper and exposing a pure, black, thin box. She looked up and frowned at Chaejin,

"Yah~ How much did you spe-"

"Forget that~ I bought it for you especially~. I've had my eyes on it for you for a long time~!" He pouted, making her sigh and nod,

"Arasso, arasso~. Gomawo~." She slowly opened the box and peaked into the box, then lifting the lid completely to reveal a silver, dangly bracelet that had diamonds and tiny charms dangling from the bracelet. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she removed the bracelet from the confinement of the box then slipped it onto her wrist, having it fit perfectly around the limb. She held out her hand and studied the piece of jewelry, then looked up at Chaejin, getting up and throwing her arms around his neck. "T-Thank you.. So much. It's beautiful!" 

Chaejin smiled and hugged the girl close to his body, catching the familiar scent that he hadn't smelt in a long time, the mix of her perfume and shampoo blended together, giving the scent of cherry blossoms and one that didn't have a name, having a sweet and uplifting tingle to the nostrils. Chaejin nuzzled into Monique's hair, almost like a puppy, and whispered, "I missed you so much, Noona.." 

---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Donghae sat at a table by himself, a couple empty shot glasses surrounded him as he then turned to look at the clock against the peeling white wall of a shikdang, a short ahjussi made his way to the table and sat across Donghae, looking down at the shot glasses that littered the small table, entwining his hands together. Donghae's depressed and saddened eyes looked back at the older man. The other smiled gently,

"It's a girl, eh?" 

Donghae nodded slowly, looking down into his shot glass, bringing the shot glass to his lips and throwing his head back, he downed the substance completely. He then pulled his head forward to look back at the ahjussi sitting in front of him, bags evident beneath his eyes. He felt ashamed he had gotten as low as to drinking because of a girl, he never thought he'd be the type to stoop so low. 

"What do you want?" The usually kind and content Donghae was gone, the Donghae sitting in front of the smooth-faced ahjussi was one that was irritable and unhappy, finding himself to be on a short string of tolerance for almost nothing considering where he stood in his relationship with Monique. He knew he was going to lose her and knew that Seyong would win her over. Donghae didn't want to fight, especially against a dongsaeng. 

The ahjussi nodded, "What's wrong, hm? Drinking won't help anything."

Donghae shrugged it off, his vision slowly turning dizzy,the neurological sign signaling he had reached his limit of alcohol, "She's going to end up with him. I can tell already." His language was slurred and was interupted every now and then with small hiccups. "N-No matter what I do, I can't take back what I said. S-Seyong was there for her when s-she first started her career. There's no way I, a nobody, would win over someone like that." 

The ahjussi stayed quiet, listening to the slurrs the younger man would sputter out, nodding in understanding, "Ah~ You remind me of me when I was young and in love. Her name was WooJin. She was so beautiful and kind.. Then a man from her past came and took her away from me for a short time." 

Donghae blinked, semi-comprehending what the older man was saying, the dizziness subduing for a moment as he tried to understand the man's words, "Monique is different.. She knows she deserves better than me. I hurt her too deeply for her to forgive me so easily..." His voice trailed off, looking out the window beside him, a trace of the caring Donghae flashed as he whispered, "She needs to go home.. It's what's best for her.." 

The ahjussi nodded and placed a caring and comforting hand on Donghae's slumped shoulder, smiling a half-toothless smile, "As long as you support her and do what you know what's best for her and not for yourself, in time she'll come to realize that you are the one true love that she's been waiting for, arasso? Love is never easy, my young friend." 

Donghae's eyes looked up to find the man gone. He looked back out the window and pushed the last shot of soju away from him as he sat up, walking shakily out of the shikdang after leaving his payment on the table. Donghae drunkily walked down the street, leaning against the wall as a way to support himself and guide him back home safely.

He made sure he was quiet as he entered the dorms, knowing that his fellow members would be asleep at this hour. Donghae entered slowly, not noticing the sleeping men that were in the living room, even phasing out Gunwoo's and Insoo's awful snoring. He threw his keys into the glass bowl that was meant for the member's keys and clumsily made his way to his room, hoping to sleep in his warm bed beside his even warmer love. 

But as he creaked the door open, light fell from the crack of the door, pouring into the hallway. Donghae's sleepy eyes traveled to the bed to see Monique's head rested on Chaejin's chest, her arms rested around the younger man. Donghae's eyebrows knitted together as he studied the scene in front of his eyes. He stepped forward, yanking the covers from the sleeping youngers, revealing the two in their pajamas and making them cold. Donghae's intentions weren't met as the two continued to sleep.

His frown deepened as he squeezed the blanket tightly, "YAH!" 

Chaejin shot up along with Monique, their hair still neat with a couple strands misplaced from their slight rest. The two made the sinchrinized movement of rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, looking up at the person who disturbed their slumber, "What are you doing in our bed?" Donghae's voice was cold and bitter towards his younger as he sneared, "This is MY bed." 

And if Monique's ears heard correctly, there was a growl behind the words he spoke. She sat up and yanked the blankets towards herself from Donghae's grasp, "Yah, you're drunk. Leave us alone." Her voice was just as cold, if not colder. Chaejin's head looked from one to another as Monique nuzzled back into his chest.

"This is my room, and I don't want him in here," he sneared.

"If he's not allowed in here, then I'm not staying in here, then," she threatened, her eyes closed as she attempted to sleep.

"Then leave you ," he said coldly, "If you're willing to sleep so easily with almost any man, then that makes you a ." 

Her eyes snapped open at Donghae's words, Chaejin sitting up as Monique got up and walked up to the slightly taller man, his cold and drunken eyes looked down at her with little interest, tears  stinging the side of the girl's eyes as she shook her head, bringing her right hand back as she let it fly and come in contact harshly against it's victim's left cheek, making a loud slap echo through the dorms.

Chaejin's eyes widened at what he just witnessed, having a hand reach up to hover over his lips as he whispered, "Omo.."

Donghae's head moved in the direction the slap guided his head, having his eyes looking down at the floor, his eyes slightly widened, a stinging ache burned his cheek, almost being able to outline the handprint Monique probably would leave behind. Monique made her way out of the room, brushing past Donghae as she made her way out the door, noticing the comotion had woken up Seyong, who was past the threshold of the door, probably from worry about Monique, his mouth agaped slightly, and his eyes followed the girl out, Eunhyuk who hid in the hallway and Leeteuk who rested against the wall with a shaking motion moving his head from left to right in disappointment.

Seyong's eyes went from Monique's departing figure to Donghae's shaking body. Chaejin then quickly got up from the bed and followed Monique's lead, going out towards the living room. Seyong looked towards the ground as he left the room, turning the light off and closing the door, leaving Donghae in the room by himself as he returned to the living room to find Monique not in the living room, but Chaejin sitting on the love seat, pointing towards the front door. His eyes darted to the door and nodded at his younger before stepping outside in the cool night with a maroon blanket in hand.

"Monique-ah?" He whispered softly for the girl, his eyes looking around until he saw a familiar outline of the girl's body sitting on the steps with her head nuzzled into her knees. "Monique-ah.." He sat beside the girl, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest and wrapping the blanket around the both of them, "Gwenchana..?" 

Monique stayed quiet as she rested into Seyong's warm chest. A moment passed before she whispered, "Ne.." 

Seyong rubbed one of her arms to keep her warm, "You're not.. But don't be upset with Donghae-ssi's words.. He's drunk and isn't thinking straight." 

A sniffle was heard as Monique hid her face into the fabric of Seyong's dark blue shirt, "Just... take me home, Seyong.."

Seyong froze for a moment as he pulled her closer into him, comforting her by rubbing a hand in a circular moment gently, soothing her as he nodded, "Ne.. I'll take you home, where we both belong.. in America." The silence settled between the two as they both began to doze off in their positions beneath the dark red blanket wrapped securely around the two's bodies, keeping them warm against the cool wind, Seyong's arm protectively wrapped around Monique's waist, keeping her head rested on his chest as she slowly fell asleep with the distant memories of where she grew up.

Of seeing...



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U are finally back...
Wae she leave Super Junior!!?? >O<
Update soon... :) <3
Finally caught up with story... Update soon :)
wakaremichi #3
ANDWAE ! Monique can't live fishy ): <br />
Sigh, I rly hope she'll be okay, that poor girl ~ TT <br />
<br />
Oh, and shut up Seyong. HEH SORRY.<br />
Thanks for the update !! ♥
dear_mochi #4
Ani~~ Monique Unnie, you're suppose to be happy on your birthday, not cry :/<br />
I hope her Mom will be okay (:<br />
And that MyName boy group, haven't really heard of them but I dislike that Seyong guy in this story already [x *bias mode on* He didn't have to tell Donghae! Sheesh! Too much pride in himself...LOL, I'll stop now cause I'm afraid I'll just be ranting. xD<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
Aish poor Monique... I hope her mum is ok so that she can go back to Korea with the SJ members... Monique Hwaiting!!<br />
Love ur story!!! <3
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? monique will leave them? :O
dear_mochi #7
Omo! Haha! Oh Hae, you and your mind >< What a fish can think.(x<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
wakaremichi #8
Wah it's been a long time !!<br />
And it looks like things are getting heated up now o.o Honestly I'm hoping Hae 'wins' heheehehe.<br />
<br />
And that. Yes that. Hae's a man. He's manry. Kekekeke !
Woah, such a tease darling! Hahaha<br />
And congratulation!! Your first chapter! Haha.<br />
I haven been reading the fic for so long. But it's really nice! :) welldone! Hehehe! Update soon!
Congrats, honey~~ It was great, I actually didn't realize it was Hae's dream... You wrote great :D We now reremember Hae is a M-A-N X3