Chapter 15: It's My Birthday, I'll Cry if I Want To [1]

I'm Just a Dancer...Right?

Chapter 15: It's My Birthday, I'll Cry if I Want To [1]


[Normal POV]

Leeteuk instructed all the people he had invited to the dorms carefully about his plan, excitement coursing through his veins from the thought of pulling off such a big surprise for his dongsaeng.

He wasn't into organizing such big events by himself, considering his schedule and managing SuJu and such, he didn't have a lot of time to just hang around and play like he usually like to do, but this was special.

Monique was away from her family and probably felt lonely, so Leeteuk had put together this surprise party for her with all of Suju, her friends in the industry and some dancers and stars from other companies she had befriended during her stay so far.

Another knock came from the door as Leeteuk answered it, seeing the barely debuted members of MyName, flashing a smile. "This is for Monique-ah's birthday, right?" Asked Gunwoo, being the leader he was and speaking up first.

Leeteuk nodded in answer, a look of confusion on his face, "But... how do you know Monique-ah? You barely debuted..."

Seyong flashed a smile, his reddish hair covering a part of his left eye, "Monique-ah was with us while we were training. She originally was based in America with us while we were trainees, but was transferred to Korea before us to become a dancer for Super Junior. We've been looking for her ever since."

Chaejin, the maknae, stepped out and whispered, hiding behind Seyong's shoulder shyly, "Is Noona here, or no?"

Leeteuk nodded, "Makes sense, erm. This is a surprise birthday party for her, so she should be here soon, so come in, hurry, " Leeteuk instructed before letting the group file into the somewhat crowded apartment.

Donghae sat on the couch grumpily as he spotted the MyName members enter their dorm. The reason why he was grumpy? He knew that Monique wouldn't really like the surprise, plus she had just barely recovered from her stay at the hospital. He had other things planned for Monique, but Leeteuk had insisted that a surprise party was a good way to celebrate her stay properly, although she had been with them for almost 2months.

"Mind if I sit here?" Donghae looked up to see Seyong's smooth face with a smile on his lips, pointing at the empty seat beside him. Donghae nodded at the question, scooting over to make room for the newly debuted member.

Seyong smiled brightly, sitting beside the SuJu member, "How does it feel to live with Monique, Donghae-ssi?"

Donghae turned to the younger male with a confused face, but a smile taking it's place, "Drop the -ssi, just call me 'Hyung,' arasso? Makes me feel old," answered Donghae. "But how'd you know Monique lived with us?" Donghae eyed the younger male he had just met momentarily with caution.

Seyong let out a small chuckle, "I told Leeteuk-hyung about this already. We were originally based in the states, she was a trainee with the rest of us MyName members, but she had somehow, for some reason, was sent here before us to debut as a dancer for Super Junior. She helped us a lot with our dancing skills and always encouraged us to do our best, always cheering us on." The younger man reminisced for a moment before saying, "Naturally, since we had become such good friends, we exchanged numbers before she left, so we've kept in touch since she left." 

Donghae blinked in response to the story. "So, how does it feel to live with Monique-ah?"

Donghae locked eyes with the younger man, trying to be intimidating, "Do you and Monique-ah have a romantic history?"

Seyong chuckled in response, "I asked the first question, so answer that first before I answer yours." Donghae bit his lip, afraid that maybe the younger male had had some sort of romantic connection with the woman he loved, afraid if there was that she'd run to Seyong in an instant upon seeing his face.

"It's nice I suppose, she's helpful and kind, hardworking of course, and very caring to us," Donghae started, looking at the younger man beside him, "She's just Monique, an original... Now, answer my question."

Seyong leaned his head back, pressing his hand against his neck so that he could act nonchalant, "Hyung, I can tell just by talking to you that you like her," He let out a soft chuckle before raising his head from its laying position, "I knew something like this would happen if I let her go alone."

Donghae kept his eye on the younger man, "What do you mean? So what if I've found a liking to her?"

Seyong chuckled, "And the way Leeteuk looked, he obviously likes her. Think of all the time he had to put into this, he probably canceled some of his schedules..." Seyong looked around at the decorated apartment, light blue balloons inflated and littering the floor, curled purple and white streamers hanging from the ceiling above their heads, cut outs of light purple orchids taped to the wall, a pile of orchids on the center table.

"You two both fell for her," Seyong simply stated before looking at Donghae with pity, "To answer your question, we've been together since our trainee days, we made a promise to stay together and meet up again once I came to Seoul."

Donghae's eyes widened, but before he could say anything, Leeteuk shouted, "She's a few steps away, everyone, hide!"

Donghae followed instructions, hiding behind the table that was in the center of the room, not for a moment forgetting what Seyong had just laid on his conscience. Donghae's head attempted to wrap around the new information he was fed. How is that? Monique had somewhat shown some kind of liking to him, he was sure, no, positive, about it.

The way she blushed slightly from his small comments about her looking pretty or nice everyday, how he always cared for her and how when he hugged her, he could feel her heart pound harder and faster in her chest. Was he misinterpreting everything between him and Monique? Was it just a hopeful wish that she'd love him back the way he loved her?

Leeteuk whispered, "I hear her, ok, 3. 2. 1!" As everyone jumped out of everywhere in the dorm, they found Monique's usually clear and happy face with tears rolling down her cheeks.

As everyone took in the surprising image of the Birthday Girl crying, she quickly ran to her and Donghae's room, closing the door behind her, locking it.

Donghae, by instinct, ran after the girl, reaching the door right when it slammed shut in his face. He banged on the door, begging to be let in, "Monique-ah! What's wrong? Are you okay?!"

Upon hearing Donghae's voice, Monique opened the door after a few silent moments, pulling the older male directly into a hug, nuzzling and burying her head into his chest. Donghae, forgetting everything Seyong told him, putting it in the back of his head.

He pressed a hand softly behind Monique's head, filing his fingers through her long dark hair, letting her sob into his chest, "What's wrong, Monique-ah? Come on, you can tell Oppa..."

Monique sobbed, not able to let out an audible sentence. Donghae patiently waited, continuing to hold her, waiting for her to pull her words and thoughts together.

She breathed in a big breath of air, sobbing lightening up, "I-it's my b-brother, Donghae." Donghae nodded, resting his chin on her head.

"What about your brother, Monique-ah? What's wrong?" Donghae pressed, concerned and worried.

"H-He's dying, Hae," She whispered softly. "I need t-to go back to the s-states..."

Donghae could feel his heart stop at that very moment.


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Author's note:

So Sorry for the long wait ;-;

It's been such a long time, but you know how school goes >.>

Plus writer's block x-x =dies=

I hope you enjoyed this update, there'll be a part2, obviously ;D

I plan to update soon, I promise <3

So comment/subscribe please :3

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U are finally back...
Wae she leave Super Junior!!?? >O<
Update soon... :) <3
Finally caught up with story... Update soon :)
wakaremichi #3
ANDWAE ! Monique can't live fishy ): <br />
Sigh, I rly hope she'll be okay, that poor girl ~ TT <br />
<br />
Oh, and shut up Seyong. HEH SORRY.<br />
Thanks for the update !! ♥
dear_mochi #4
Ani~~ Monique Unnie, you're suppose to be happy on your birthday, not cry :/<br />
I hope her Mom will be okay (:<br />
And that MyName boy group, haven't really heard of them but I dislike that Seyong guy in this story already [x *bias mode on* He didn't have to tell Donghae! Sheesh! Too much pride in himself...LOL, I'll stop now cause I'm afraid I'll just be ranting. xD<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
Aish poor Monique... I hope her mum is ok so that she can go back to Korea with the SJ members... Monique Hwaiting!!<br />
Love ur story!!! <3
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? monique will leave them? :O
dear_mochi #7
Omo! Haha! Oh Hae, you and your mind >< What a fish can think.(x<br />
<br />
Thanks for the update^^
wakaremichi #8
Wah it's been a long time !!<br />
And it looks like things are getting heated up now o.o Honestly I'm hoping Hae 'wins' heheehehe.<br />
<br />
And that. Yes that. Hae's a man. He's manry. Kekekeke !
Woah, such a tease darling! Hahaha<br />
And congratulation!! Your first chapter! Haha.<br />
I haven been reading the fic for so long. But it's really nice! :) welldone! Hehehe! Update soon!
Congrats, honey~~ It was great, I actually didn't realize it was Hae's dream... You wrote great :D We now reremember Hae is a M-A-N X3