The Start of a Long Search

The Shadow of Love


-So that ... is ... jumping off the railing of the second floor of the mall-

I felt my forces threatened to instinctively flinch so hard to take the arm that was close to me to not fall and noticed that a man was

- C-which is the direccon? -

The lady gave me the address of the hospital and hung up. Wasting no longer leaving school Sali all present atonitos, take the first taxi I saw and arrives in minutes to the emergency room. I lose myself and went straight to reception and ask for my aunt told me to wait to Dr. Lei, who was the one who was attending. The minutes seemed like hours to wait until a red-haired young doctor approached me

- Are you the niece of the patient Oh Mi Jin? -

-Ne, ne, tell me How is she? -

-His condition is serious, the fall he suffered was very strong, I have lost a lot of blood and needs surgery to close the internal bleeding that presents, his ribs, his right leg and arm are broken and possibly ... stay, paralytic or blind-

That I collapse, my strength faltered and cai sitting on the same bench where he hoped a few minutes ago

-I know this is hard for you but I need blood for surgery do you could donate? -

-C-clear, but not if it is consistent-

-We'll see, then, come with me-

I stood up and I followed him to the laboratory. Missing blood Den and proceeded with the operation. The next few hours were the longest and full of uncertainty in my life. I received some messages from Angy, well, too, so many that filled my inbox but did not respond to any of them until I really saw the need for someone to accompany me. It contained what was happening and gave the address of the hospital where my aunt is hospitalized. I do not spend even half an hour when I saw Angy approached me, I went to him and hugged her with all my might, we split up and she asked

- How are you? -

-I do not know, are operating it for several hours ... look!!, There comes the doctor

The young doctor approached us still dressed in the clothes of the operation, full of blood, a sign that had just come out or that ... no, not possible.

-Doctor How is my aunt? -

-It .. -

-Please tell us, we can stand Angy said

-Estabien, it was difficult to operate since due to the shock that entered received an instant coma and lost a lot of blood, were about to lose but we stabilize and is now in his room is still severe and the following 72 hours will decide on-

- Can we go see her? Please-beg in the most tender I could at the moment

-Course, for coma patients is recommended to be read, they feel Discuss and company, but because this in intensive care can not enter more than 3 person-


The doctor took us to the room where he was. When we arrived the doctor opened the door and I was the first to enter. The scene I had before me was heartbreaking, she was connected to many devices, had a ventilator, her hair was lifeless and dull, the color had hido, now was pale and had a purple hue dark circles around his eyes, his arm and leg were completely plastered, had tubes in his arms and mouth, by one of the many needles stuck in their arms had stood one with a red liquid, must be my blood that they were giving him. I sat in the chair next to her bed and take one of her hands in mine. I heard the voice of the doctor who took leave

-I gotta go but I'll be aware of your aunt, if you need anything you can call or press the red button that is in the patient's bureau-

-Thanks doctor

The door closed and were only three of us. Angy put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle squeeze.

-Min, gotta go but anything call me, I'll be on the lookout, take care and do not go hungry-

-Arasso, thanks for coming-

Thank-no, that's what friends are for-

After I left Angy is off and only a few more hours until I felt like my tiredness came over I went home. Upon arrival take a long shower to relax my tense muscles, put on my pajamas and went to sleep, just beginning to stay asleep when I heard my cell phone was a message.


Annyeong! ;) Have you eaten well? I knew what happened to your aunt, mianhe Jongman, if you need to talk anytime ... we Texting rests dream of me


I could not help but smile at that tender message, let me see that he really had become my guardian. How ironic a guy who only had seen the eyes ... eyes in which I lost for a few seconds and that made ​​me feel a peace so immense to forget everything that happened to me years ago ... made ​​me feel so safe and had earned my trust. Gradually fell into the arms of Morpheus staying asleep. At dawn I woke with many energies, today would be a long day because he wanted to be with her ​​right now, she was the only family I had left and if she would be completely alone memory. I knew nothing of my father and really had no idea if we wanted to see as the abandonment to mom and leaving us with a great pain in the heart. The get out of bed went directly to the bathroom to get ready, take a shower in record time and I dressed casually, just a short black shorts, red polo shirt with silver and black vans, collected my hair into a high ponytail and left the house. We send a message to Angy saying I would not go to school and would be in the hospital taking care of my aunt. Take a taxi and within miutes was opposite the hospital. I were addressed to my aunt's room and heart a mile a minute I opened the door, I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes at that scene precenciar I crumbled. Slowly I approached her, I sat in the chair for visitors and take your hand being careful not to move the needles he had in his arm. Note the gaunt image of my aunt, she had become my second mother and though she did not say it, I knew I would like very much if I called mom but it was hard for me, I felt that would replace my beloved mother as if to that. The hours passed and I was still there, I found a book in a bureau in the room and I began to read it to my aunt, she loved books and classical music, especially the piano, violin and orchestra. Leia for her romantic comedy when I was interrupted by a soft knock at the door that gave a head peeked through the door and saw it was a stranger.

-Annyeong haseyo, what you want? - Ask politely

-Annyeong haseyo, I am the prosecutor Lee Woo Bin Seoul prosecutors' I'm in charge of the case of his aunt, may I speak with you a minute? - Kindly asked


Put the book on the bed and went out of the room closing the door behind me.

- I can help? - Ask curious

-Just came to ask you some questions about your aunt. Did she had any enemies or did not like someone? -

-Ani, she never mentioned anything like that-

- Did you have any problem? Do you fight with someone? Maybe your boyfriend? -

-Ani, she has no boyfriend nor fight with anyone. It is a good employee and not get in trouble, but ... Why do you ask all this -

-Is because I believe that what happened to her aunt was an accident-

- What! Wait, you think someone plan everything? -

-Ne, review the tapes of the security cameras and it seems that his aunt had an altercation with someone something strong few hours before the "accident" -

- And know how was that? -

-Ani, who has been well known hide her face

-Means that person is still out-

-Ne, but do not worry, I'm doing my best and I'll find the reason that his aunt suffered this accident, I gotta go, I have unfinished business. Anything suspicious, if you remember something or if you need me, here's my number-

He gave me a card where all your data came, bowed slightly and went from there leaving me with a lot of confusion and distress, does anyone want to kill my aunt? Why? Who was that person? Does she know something and so I did this? Would you still be behind it? Will there be more attempts to kill her? What's going on?. I went back into the room but my aunt was not alone, there was a man next to her and it seemed that he had no good intentions ommo! He had a syringe and was about to inject my aunt, I was in shock but I react first and left the room by jumping through a window, was lucky it was the second floor and the fall was lethal, without even thinking I was behind him. I ran as fast as he could as he dialed the number of tax


- Yeoboseyo? -

-Fiscal am the niece of Mrs.. Oh Mi Jin-

Ne-oh, but what happens? You hear agitated

-Ne, I'm chasing a man who entered the room of my aunt-

- What? That is very dangerous for you? Street is that? -

-Now I'm following up the main street-

-I am near there, do not lose sight-


Running behind someone in a crowd was difficult but still would not let escape. Segui chasing as people saw me strangely when he dodged, the man turned a corner and I followed but when turning someone collision causing him to fall to the ground was going so fast. I saw the person I stretched her hand and lifted his face to see his face, I must admit it was a pleasant surprise as the boy was quite handsome despite wearing very casual clothing (jeans straight cut, classic converse, white shirt collar "v" and a blue plaid shirt ed with white above) had a smile on his face and continued with his hand outstretched, he looked so perfect with that outfit, that sweet smile and blond hair, awoke from my reverie and take the hand offered me.


-Min is not it, 'said the boy with a deep voice

-N-ne And you are ...? - Answer trying to see his face right as the sun was strong today and the light half covered her face. I move a little angle and I could finally see her face well.

- Ommo! You ... -

-Luhan, we met yesterday at school, we took water-


- And why you ran so fast? Perhaps? Were following someone? -

- Huh?, To-ani-not for any reason want to know what happened, it could put you at risk

- Are you sure? You can trust me-

-Mmm ... -

- How about going for a refreshing drink? Already!, Ice cream, my treat, you calm down a bit and talked do you think? -

-Clear, let-

Evadíamos started walking while people when suddenly someone pushed me off balance doing and if it was not for that I felt that I took at the waist would have fallen. I had put my hands on than I had saved instinctively as I said from behind

- Are you okay? - I heard the voice of Luhan

It was he who had kept falling and hate the moment when I felt my cheeks turned a shade of scarlet. I pulled away a bit of the answer to your question and nodding causing my bangs cover my face What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I blush?. Lift your head otravez and saw the smiling sweetly. We kept walking and soon found a pretty cute ice cream. We went in and asked Snow, I chocolate pieces and almonds and Luhan our vanilla. We started to talk about various topics while eating ice cream and laughing. After a few minutes I saw the prosecutor was about to come at me so discreetly send a message


I could not go to the guy who entered the room of my aunt, I'm fine but please do not approach, do not want to put this guy in a dangerous situation to involve you in this, please


Were addressed to my face to the door where the prosecutor was even and saw how I looked and nodded with a slight smile. I felt relief came over me and talking to Luhan follow. It turned out he was a great guy, friendly, gentle, sweet, funny, something daring, charming and very gentlemanly.He wanted to know the reason why ran so fast so that I should think of something fast, really did not want to involve him in anything because if that guy finds could try something by him and did not want that, neither for or anyone else.

- And ... right? Are you going to tell me why you ran so fast and you were somewhat altered? - Asked curiously

- Hm? Oh that ... mmm ... that was ... um ... wanted ... wanted to buy ... this ... think fast-Min, are falling like a fool-a gift for my aunt!, Soon to be his birthday and wanted to surprise-answered a little nervous

-Oh, okay replied doubtfully and with a hint of ... disappointment?. Hell, why it was so weak? I sighed as I closed and opened my eyes, I lean on the back of the chair

-'s A lie, I confessed

-What is said with a small smile

-My aunt's birthday was a month ago, she's ... - sigh again and trying to swallow the lump that formed in my throat is in the hospital ... - I stood otravez and gave him a taste of my ice cream trying to contain my tears, suffered an accident yesterday and this very seriously ... I went back to eating my ice cream trying not to mourn, you know? She is the only family I have left and I think ran to vent-I went back to eating ice cream at the table looking at trying to tear any escape me but I could not, not wanting a tear rolled down my cheek.

Luhan was faster than me and clean my tears with his thumb my cheek, I stop and lift my face to put his hand gently on my chin. Looking at him I saw that he had a gentle smile on his face

-Do not cry, do not think your aunt would like to see those cute puffy eyes when I awake, I do smile inexplicably hiso me feel much better

-You're right- answered, repressed tears and smiled as best I could at the time. I set at the time and saw that it was late and had been left alone to my aunt so decide to return.

-Luhan, mianhe but I must go, my aunt is alone in the hospital and want to be with her, excuse me while I was standing
-okay, I'll walk, the way I have to go home-
and with that we went straight to the hospital. We came, we said goodbye and went to my aunt's room. Upon entering I could see there was something lying on the floor, was a small pin to tie I was familiar, I knew I'd seen it somewhere but hates remember where. I took it in my hands and contemplate a few seconds and decided to keep it, could servime to find who did this to my aunt.
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