Who Are You?

The Shadow of Love



My dream seemed to be a nightmare, a nightmare where reliving everything that happened that day. My mother was alone when my father abandoned us, I had only 9 years old but already understand quite well what we did. After a couple of years ago my mom remarried, at first everything was fine, Young Sung seemed to love mom and if she was happy then so was I ... but all that began to change as the years passed, my body started to become the a lady. First I was excited to finally start dating and I have fantasized the idea of falling in love. My stepfather also began to change, always staring at me mom left us alone, try to touch me several times but always came running to lock myself in my room. I repeated this action until one day he followed me, opened the door to the strength and cornered me, try to escape but reached me before leaving the room and started kissing me. Fight and scream for help desperately but it seemed that nobody listened to me, mom and the neighbors had worked out, I was alone. I was appalled by what was happening, I could only scream and struggle with him but it was useless, he was much stronger than me. My clothes were torn and was taking advantage of me, touching me and kissing me. A loud cry of pain escaped from my mouth and my tears increased, it was done, all my hopes of a rescue and my will to live is gone, vanished like the ashes that takes the air. I heard the cries of calling mom, apparently heard my cry, Young Sung left inside me, took off from on top of me and tried to get dressed again as I cried bitterly heartbroken and in my bed. Mom came and the scene looked surprised for a second and then react, began to beat and yell at Young Sung, calling and cursing.


Mom took him out of the room while still beating and shouting. I was too stunned and terrified by what had just happened. Even cried inconsolably on my bed completely torn clothes and hair a mess. Mom was fighting with Young Sung until he heard something slammed and heavily rolled down the stairs while everything was silent. I put the first thing I saw as I could, because even horribly hurt me. I left the room, terrified of what might happen, walk down the hall and saw the stairs, my heart jerked and started to hurt even more, I cared little physical pain and the stairs down in floods of tears . Get down and I knelt beside the lifeless body of my mother, the woman who gave me life, watched me grow and I am filled with love and attention.


He shook his body in an attempt to wake her, but it was late, around a pool of blood grew, she was dead ... no ... was murdered by the man she wanted as a father, the man who from then on would be my aim, an object of retaliation.

Woke up in one of those horror movies, sitting bolt upright in bed with his forehead drenched in sweat. I went to the kitchen for a glass of cold water and wet my face. I leaned on the bar while drinking water to try to calm down, I was so lost in my thoughts that scared me a little when I heard the voice of someone

- Are you okay honey? -

I looked up and saw it was my aunt talking softly as he always did. She had picked up on what happened to my mother, I had used as his daughter, care and love me, I realized at the time of deep sorrow and support me to overcome my trauma. When she did not answer he realized what was happening

-Had that nightmare again right? -

I took a long, deep sigh of exhaustion as he nodded his head slightly

-If Aunt, that memory haunts me these days and I can not sleep-

-Aww, baby come here-

He held out his arms and I take refuge there, she my hair as a sign of support. Even when she said hugging

-Min, honey, you should hurry or you'll be late for school-

- Hm? -

I saw the clock and he was right, if I hurried be late again. Quickly take a shower, put on my uniform, brush my hair, eat breakfast and left home. My way to school went smoothly, and I sang and danced the choreography of my groups favorite k-pop, Teen Top and EXO, both groups were very good, people looked at me strangely but not attention. Despite my bad dream, my mood seemed to be better than any day. Arrive at school and went straight to my room, luckily the bell when I took my seat and my best friend walked in the door with a few guys behind it, that was something "normal" as she was quite pretty, was slender , long hair, straight blond shades in different lights as if you throw in beauty salon but the truth was that her hair was so, his eyes and his lips emerald always had a reddish hue like mine, not lip gloss so we used it, our lips were so. I reach my hand and sat down beside me.

-Hi Min-

-Hi Angy-

- Min sleep well? -

-Ani, I had a nightmare, the same as ever-

-I see, and ... how are you? -

-I'm fine, in fact I'm in a great mood-

-I am glad-

The teacher came in and the school day began. Classes went by quickly and arrived lunchtime. We went to a cafe, we took our food and sat down to eat. We talked quietly while we ate different things until football guys came to sit with us. The football team was something like in American films, its members were the most popular school and we get along very well with them


-Hi Min Ha-

- How they spent their weekend? - Ask Dong Ho

-Well, Angy and I answered in unison

Comenzaos to talk about various topics and laughed while the others who were in the cafeteria eating were actually just got along with Min Ha and Dong Ho, to others they barely talked. The break happened quickly, so we all went to our classes. Time passed and the school day ended. As always went to the mall to eat with my aunt in her sleep. I arrived and went to the place. Take a seat at the table forever, for two in the window overlooking the mall stores and people passing by. Once I get my aunt got ready for dinner, we finished, my aunt back to work and I went home.On the way I put my headphones and put my music. The street that I had to take to get home, to my dismay, was full of dark alleys so it was always almost running. I did the same this time but something stopped me, I felt myself suddenly pulled into the alley through which it passed, I was scared to death and the guy said things that I could not understand how terrified I was, I was totally in shock, the memories returned, my cheeks were soaked through my tears and tried to kiss me such force, all I did was flip the face and grapple with the unsuccessfully to let me free. He took my hands in one of the the and with which I am free started my leg and started up under the skirt, my strength gradually depleted and helplessness, anger, rage and fear grew each passing second. When my forces threatened to falter felt like my body was released to the causing of callera to his knees, he could only hear a fight and everything was silent. I heard footsteps were getting closer to me, my body did not respond, I was totally in shock. I felt like someone took me in his arms, he did so sweetly, tender and delicate yet firm and secure. Maybe he was crazy, but I felt safe with this stranger who rescued me, I was so scared that when he spoke a little but exalt me cloaked as I could

-Quiet, I'll look after-

His voice was low, even a little hoarse, but it makes me feel so good ... so sure. The walk started taking me in his arms, shelter me in your warm chest and took me to his house. I had no idea how he knew where he lived but for some reason I felt I could trust him. I did not realize the time we arrived and the moment that left me on the couch and headed to the door react, I ran after him, was about to leave when I stopped taking his arm

- Q-Who are you? - Ask her voice a little shaky

The only letting me see his face turned in profile, but rather only his eyes because he wore one of those things that you get to breathe when you are sick, I look in a profound way, as if he knew me for years, I got lost in their eyes and let it out slowly, he turned again to just say something

-Your guardian-

And he departed, leaving me in the doorway with a mess in my head. I closed the door and went to my room with a single thought in my head repeating every second, "Who are guardian?" Because his image had been burned into my memory and his eyes made ​​my heart was beating a mile a minute. Gradually I staying asleep while thinking about and asking "Who are you really?"

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