A New Start

Remember Me

"Sica, you've been back for like, about 2 years now."

"I have?" Jessica tilted her head.

Apparently with all the stress revolving around Kris, the accident caused her to forget everything that happened the past two years and him. The doctor was suprised that Jessica woke up so quickly after the surgery. God must have answered my prayers last night. Thank you.

Jessica's POV

It's been about 5 weeks at the hospital and I finally get to go home! I'm so excited! There's just one thing that's bothering me... What happened the past two years? Why can't I remember anything? I keep having this weird feeling that someone should be by my side. I don't want to keep asking my family and Tiffany questions because I don't want to burdan them. What kind of a person was I during those two years? Fany told me not to worry about anything, so I guess that's what I'll do. Krystal drove us home. Mom and dad couldn't bring me home because they were busy at the company. Once we got home, I ran inside. It feels like I haven't been in this house in for ever. I walked to my room and closed the door behind me once I got in. My room still looked the same, but something about this room looks odd. I walked around my room to try and figure it out, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I gave up and decided to call Krystal into my room.

"Krys!!!" Wait, something about the Krystal's name... Something seems different. I held on to my head and it started to hurt badly.

"Unnie!" Krystal ran to me and embraced me. "Unnie! What's wrong!"

"Ah, nothing. My head just started to hurt."

"Unnie, remember what the doctor said, don't try too hard to remember something. It'll come back to you when it's ready. Don't force yourself, you'll just hurt your head if you do."

I nodded in respond to Krystal. I laid in my bed and I can't help, but notice a presence that once used to be here. Everything about my room is suffercating me and I needed to go out for some air. I'm not suppose to go anywhere, but I really need to get out of here. I quietly left my house without anyone noticing and walked to the Starbucks by my house... Well actually, it was like 10 minutes away, but I didn't mind. Starbucks is my favorite place to be at, it's so relaxing, and it gives me my space I need. I ordered my regular, a tall double chocolaty chip frappuccino. I was looking at the news paper stand and one of the head lines caught my eyes.

"JESSICA JUNG FILED A DIVORCE" My eyes widen and I grabbed the news paper and paid for it. I quickly found a table by the corner and sat down.

"A div-divorce? With who?" I whispered to myself. "That's impossible, my family and Fany never told me anything about this."

"So, you like talking to yourself?"

I looked up to see a man standing in front of me smiling like an angel. His hair was gelled up, he was a little bit on the short side, but his amazingly good looking face made up for it.

"Ah, I'm sorry... Can I help you, sir?"

"Well, you did kind of just steal my spot." He said smiling at me. I looked down and noticed I was sitting on his jacket and quickly got up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too! If you want, I can totally get that dry cleaned for you!"

"There's no need too." He said while chuckling at me.

"I'm sorry again! I'll move." I picked up my stuff and was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"No, please, stay." He motioned for me to sit down and I obeyed. "I'm sorry, I probably should introduce myself. Hello, I'm Kim Joonmhyun, but call me Suho." His smile is to die for, it's just amazing.

"Hello Suho, I'm Jes-"

"I know who you are. Who doesn't?" He said laughing. I'm well known here?

"Umm... Can I ask who you are? Besides the fact that your name is Suho?"

"Suho, the son of Chairman Kim or Kim Corp."

"Ahhhh, I see. Sorry, I don't really follow up on the business world."

"It's okay, I recently just came back from the States. I was studying there for a while, but now I'm back."

"I studied in the States too! I came back like two years ago."

"Yeah I know, that's when you marrie-"

"SICA! What are you doing out here! Didn't I tell you to not leave without anyone's permission?" I turned to look at Fany who was out of breath.

"Fany-ah, I'm sorry. I just couldn't stand being in my room anymore." I pouted.

"Tiffany?" Suho said.

"Suho oppa!? What are you doing back in Korea?! I thought you had another year in the States!?" Fany said excitely.

"Well, since the company jumped to the number 1 spot, dad wanted me to come home faster."

"Oppa! I missed you so much!" Fany quickly gave Suho a hug and then stared at me. "Wait, do you guys know each other?"

"No, we just met." I said with a confuse face.

"Oh, okay, awesome! Well, sorry oppa, but we have to go now! Bye!" Fany quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of Starbucks. She drove me home and kept asking me questions about Suho.

"Isn't he cute Sica? He's totally your style. Also, not to forget, he's the most wanted bachelor right now."

"Fany-ah, I have a question..." Fany turned to look at me. "How come I'm divorced?" Fany slammed on her breaks. Thankfully we were almost to my house already and there were no cars by us.

"What? Did Suho tell you that? What did he tell you?"

"No, Suho didn't tell me anything... I saw the newspaper... It said I filed for a divorce, but I don't remember ever doing that... Please just tell me the truth. I won't get mad." I looked at her with begging eyes.

"Okay... You did file a divorce, but you don't need to know who it's with. It's safer if you don't know him. Let's stop talking about this topic and bring you home. Your parents are worried sick."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. A divorce huh? I would have never guessed I got married in those two years.

Author's POV

The following day, Jung Corp. wiped out everything in the press about Jessica's and Kris's divorce. Jung Corp. is a powerful group and no one dares to go against them, even the public. The public has no clue that Jessica has amnesia. Tiffany informed Suho about Jessica's amnesia and told him not to talk about Kris around her. At the court hearing for the divorce of Jessica and Kris, Kris kept asking Tiffany about Jessica, but Tiffany would answer him harshly. Jessica didn't show up to the court hearing, but the judge excused her absent because of the accident she was in. Recently, the Jung and Kim Corp. have been making a lot of partnership deals with each other and also Suho and Jessica have been seeing each other a lot lately and have grown fawn of each other.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes and it's a boring chapter. :p


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<3 please make more stories
I love this story so much
Soso_56 #3
Chapter 15: Nice story I really like it and I enjoyed Reading the story this is really beautiful story thank you so much I love it.
Chapter 15: I'm crying!! Beautiful st0ry@
Chapter 15: Omg. This one made my KrisSica feels go uppp! Good job author-nim! *u*
Chapter 15: aishh why you already ended this story?:(
Make more please? But please be hunsica kk
Chapter 15: KRISSICA FTW BROTHER, cute way to end the stroy, after they had soo many ups and downs, sweet ending
hope you write another krissica fic soon :)
Chapter 15: Thank You for the AWESOME FIC!!!!!
Chapter 14: Don't leave her again Kris x0
Chapter 14: Suho is so kind~ :3