Leaving; Not Only Physically, But Mentally As Well

Remember Me

It was almost time for him to come home. I fixed dinner, decorated the house, and fixed my apperance, just for him to notice me again. I looked at the clock and it was 7pm. He should have been home at 6:30, but I guess the meeting must have taken a little longer. I sat down at the table to wait for him. I took out my phone and called his office. No one picked up. I tried convicing myself that the reason he wasn't picking up was because he was on his way home. I sat and waited patiently. One hour went past, another hour went past, and another went past. I ended up falling alseep and was awoken by him stumbling into the house. I stared at him with tears in my eyes. It's 11pm now.

"Jessica, I swear, I can explain." He saw me and all the effort I put in just for him.

"No Kris, don't explain. I already know." I walked past him and up the stairs toward our room. I heard him following me.

"Jessica! I can explain, listen to me." He swung me around so I can face him, I had tears running down my face and my make-up was smeared.

"Don't. I don't need to hear it Kris. I'm done. I'm leaving you. I can't play this game with you anymore Kris. I wasted a fricken year with you!" I pushed him aside and grabbed my luggage I packed earlier today just in case this would happen. I grabbed the hidden file from my drawer. "I'm sorry Kris, I can't do it anymore. I tried ignoring it, but this, I can't accept it anymore."

Kris stared back at me and then he out on our bed. I let out a laugh and rolled my eyes. I called Fany.

"Sica? Why are you calling me so early? Sica? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Fany-ah, I'm coming over. I'm leaving him... for good."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Be careful okay?"

"I'll see you in a few minutes." I hung up the phone.

I walked out of our room and stopped. I turned to look at Kris and saw how pitiful he looked. I walked back to him and sat down beside him. I reached down and touched his handsome face for one last time.

"Kris, you caused me so much pain, but you also brought me so much happiness. Our love was something once so special, but how could it change over night? Please, don't come looking for me anymore. I will no longer come to you like I use too. I will find someone else who will learn to love me like you use too, but someone who will always love me and won't forget me. But you, you need to eat and live well. Find someone you'll cherish and love more than me. Treat her better and make sure to never let her slip out of your hand. This will be the last time I say it Kris, but... I love you."

I gave him one last final kiss that he'll ever recieve from me, I took my hand off of his face, and wiped my tears away. I got up and walked towards my car. I looked at my dream house one last time before getting into my car. This will be the last time I come near this house. It's filled with so much of my sorrow now. I got in my car and drove away. The further I drove, the more my tears would fall out. I tried my best to hold them in, but I couldn't. So many memories and emotions kept popping into my head. Before I knew it, everything went black. I could hear many people screaming around me and the pain all around my body, but that was it.

Tiffany's POV

I was waiting and waiting for Sica. She should have been here an hour ago! It's currently 12:30am! We live like, not even 15 minutes away from each other. I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. I'm having this weird feeling something bad happened, but I just shurgged it off. My phone started ringing and I quickly picked it up.


"Excuse me, but are you Tiffany Hwang?" An unfimilar voice said.

"Yes? Can I ask who this is?"

"Hello Tiffany, I'm Nurse Kang at Seoul Hospital. Can you please come here quickly."

"Ye-Yes... I'll be there as fast as I can."

It felt like my heart stopped beating, but I ignored it and quickly dashed out of my house and into my car. Jessica... My Sica, is she hurt? I will kill Kris if anything happens to her. She's like my baby and it kills me to see her hurt. I had so much going through my head right now and tears just kept falling out. I arrived at the hospital and ran inside.

"Excuse me, Nurse Kang called me here a few minutes ago."

"Tiffany Hwang?" I nodded my head and the nurse got up from her seat. "Yes, follow me please." I followed her, but I couldn't hold in my questions anymore.

"Excuse me, but could you tell me why I'm here at this time in the morning?"

"There seemed to have been an accident with Jessica Wu and the doctor needs permission from a family member to go ahead with a surgery, but since none of her family members are picking up, we had no choice but to call you." (I know, it's illegal for a doctor to do an important surgery without a family consent, but just go along with the story XD).

"Can you please just tell me what happened to her? Why does she need to go in for surgery? Please tell me!" I was in tears and my voice kept cutting in and out.

"I'll let Doctor Choi tell you with details, please go in and have a seat, he'll be with you in just a moment."

I sat down and waited for this doctor. I want to know what the hell is going on with Sica. Why am I here, actually, WHY is Jessica here. Tears kept coming out of my face. If anything bad happens to Jessica, I'll never forgive Kris, ever.

"Ms. Hwang?" I quickly shot up from my seat and bowed at the doctor.

"Hello Doctor Choi."

"Please, have a seat. I know you're very close with Mrs. Wu, but none of her family members are picking up their phone so that's why I called you here today."

"Doctor, please tell me, what's wrong with Jessica?"

"Well... She was involved in a deadly car accident. We're not sure who was at fault here, but we just need permission to carry out a surgery to save her."

"Wh-what? A car accident?"

"Yes, the incoming car t-boned the driver side where she was sitting. There's serve damages to the four lobes in her brain. Also, there seems to be a lot of broken ribs and we're afraid that one of  her ribs may have pierced one of her lungs. This surgery gives her a 50/50 chance of living, if we don't do this surgery, she'll be a goner. Also, there's a good chance that she'll have amnesia."

"Okay. Do the surgery. If it gives her a 50/50 chance of living then do it. I don't care if she can't remember me, I can't lose her."

"I'll just need you to sign these papers then." I quickly took the pen out of his hand and signed the papers. I know if Mr. and Mrs. Jung were here, they would have done the same thing too. "Thank you Ms. Hwang, the surgery will take about 5 hours, please, make yourself at home. I'll have a nurse come get you."

I sat in complete silence until a nurse came to get me... 5 hours? Please God, I know you're watching right now, please save Jessica. She's already been through so much, please let her restart her life. The nurse took me to a room where Jessica will be transfered to after the surgery.

"Thank you." I said to the nurse.

"If you need anything, please, come ask me." The nurse left me.

I looked over at the table and noticed some of Jessica's stuff. I walked over to it and found her ring and the file. I stared at it for a while and then took out my phone. I must call Kris. I called and called, but he never picked up. What a bastard. He's the reason why Jessica is in the current state that she's in. I wanted to punch Kris in the face and I hated him. I sat in the room in silence, not playing with my phone nor watching TV. I stared at her ring and the divorce file. Finally, 5 long hours have past. I felt a relief when I saw the team of doctors roll Jessica into the room. I was so happy I started to cry.

"Thank you so much for saving her. She means the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I bowed to every single doctor that came into the room.

"Ms. Hwang, when she wakes up, please notify a nurse. A nurse will be coming in every hour to check on her. Have a good night... well, morning." Doctor Choi said smiling.

"Actually, Doctor Choi, I have a request..."


Sorry for any grammar mistakes!

Hope you're liking it so far!


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<3 please make more stories
I love this story so much
Soso_56 #3
Chapter 15: Nice story I really like it and I enjoyed Reading the story this is really beautiful story thank you so much I love it.
Chapter 15: I'm crying!! Beautiful st0ry@
Chapter 15: Omg. This one made my KrisSica feels go uppp! Good job author-nim! *u*
Chapter 15: aishh why you already ended this story?:(
Make more please? But please be hunsica kk
Chapter 15: KRISSICA FTW BROTHER, cute way to end the stroy, after they had soo many ups and downs, sweet ending
hope you write another krissica fic soon :)
Chapter 15: Thank You for the AWESOME FIC!!!!!
Chapter 14: Don't leave her again Kris x0
Chapter 14: Suho is so kind~ :3