
My Beautiful Hostage


Tiffany POV
Kwon isn't that bad, or to be exact, Yuri isn't that bad. It's been 3 days since the last i saw her. She doesn't come to my room again after the day when she took me to my boyfriend. I wonder why, and to be honest i kinda miss her. 
She's always come in rescue, everytime i'm in trouble. And yesterday, she didn't come. Mr.Kwon and Jaejoong came to ask me a lot of questions about my father's corp. I didn't answer to those questions, that's why they had to shout at me. I was really scared, and Yuri didn't come to save me like always. 
I know i'm here because they wants me to give them informations, they said i'm the key of Hwang Enterprises. I shouldn't have expected Yuri to come though, she's Kwon after all. 
"your breakfast, Miss.." 
"uh, thanks.." 
I'm in a deep thought till i don't even realize that a maid enter my room. It used to be Yuri who carrying breakfast for me, but not today and also 2 days ago. 
"anything you need, Miss?"
"alright, i excuse myself to go now.." 
"uh wait!"
"yes, Miss?"
"uhm, can you tell me where's Yuri?" 
"oh, Miss Yuri is in her room now, she's been locking herself for these past 3 days.."
"i'm sorry, Miss. I don't know.." 
I don't say anything anymore, and the maid leaves after bowing at me. I don't feel to eat right now. Yuri locking herself? Why? What's wrong? Wait, why do i care anyway? She's a Kwon after all, i shouldn't care for her. 
"stop thinking about her, Tiff.." i ruffle my hair in frustration
I hear a click sound coming from the door, and i sit up straight immadiately. What if it's Jaejoong? What should i do if he comes? There's no way to escape.
I sigh in relief knowing that it's Yuri instead of Jaejoong. I quickly turn to her, and as always, she's avoiding my gaze. She doesn't say anything for a minute, and so do i.
"c-come with m-me.." 
She doesn't reply, she takes my hand and pull me with her. We get into her car, and she drives off soon. I don't have a clue where is she taking me now. 
20 minutes passed, and we stop in front of a house, a pretty big house. Yuri step out from the car and open the door for me before we enter the house. 
"Yuri? Why didn't you tell me you're coming, buddy?" a tall woman hugs Yuri when she sees us
"s-sorry.." Yuri says, scratching her head 
"oh, who's this?" that woman notices me
"she's Ti-"
"wait, you're Tiffany Hwang of Hwang Enterprises, right?" 
"uh, yeah.." i reply nervously
"i'm Choi Sooyoung, Yuri's best buddy.." 
Sooyoung is a nice person. She introduces me to the others, they're Hyoyeon, Yoona, and a woman who seems so close to Yuri, her name is Victoria. 
Victoria had her eyes sparkling when she knew that Yuri came, she immadiately hugged Yuri and also kissed Yuri on the cheek. And now, they seem like having their own world. My presence is oblivious here. 
"are you two dating? But you're Hwang and she's Kwon.." Sooyoung asks, sitting next to me
"we're not dating.." i laugh
"then, how can you-"
"it's a long story.." i cut her off
"okay, i won't ask, but please just don't hurt her.." 
"Yuri is fragile, Fany.."
"what do you mean?" 
"she suffered from dyslexia since born.."
"since she can't read, it makes her can't write also.." 
"Mr.Kwon always thought that she's useless, that's why she's hidden. Only Boa unnie who patiently stay with her.."
"she rarely talks, and she barely meet people. It caused her to hate crowded place, and nervous whenever she's with people.."
Dyslexia? So, this is the reason why she acts like that around me? That's why she stutter everytime she speaks? Because she feels nervous? 
"She's always stuttering everytime she talks with strangers, that means she feels nervous with them.."
I sigh, "thank you for telling me, Sooyoung.." 
That's what i can say, i'm still processing the informations that Sooyoung gave me. I'm speechless. But, why do i care so much about her? I should stop worrying about this.
"Fany, lunch is ready. And Hyo is really good at cooking, you should try.." Sooyoung says, snapping me back to reality
"alright.." I smile 
It feels lovely to have lunch with these girls. They're so nice. It reminds me of my friends, Taeyeon, Sunny, Seohyun ans especially my bestfriend, Jessica. I miss them. 
After lunch, we're having some chit chat then go home at noon. Yuri seems brighter, i caught her smiling a little during our journey to Kwon mansion. 
"i'm l-leaving now.." Yuri says after sending me to my room
"wait, Yuri!" 
"thank you for today, i had fun.." i smile 
"i-i'm glad you had f-fun.."
She's blushing, and it's so cute. Her cheeks turned red in an instant, and i feel like wanting to pinch her cheeks anytime soon if she didn't leave quickly. 
"why do i feel this way, Yuri? What do you do to me?" 
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Muse_Lover #1
Chapter 15: Sweeeettt yulti~
Thank you~
GoddessKwon #2
Chapter 15: I am smiling like an idiot XD kya~ this is filled with sweetness!!!
Author, can I have a copy of the .pdf file so I can read it again and again offline? Thanks! :)
Chapter 1: please share more
Chapter 15: HShshsjshsishs (don't think that I'm crazy. I'm just fangirling) djdjsj.. anyways I looooooooved the story author ... can I do fangirling again?
PilotIsMyJob #6
Chapter 15: So damn good!!!
Chapter 15: Wooow was so cute *-*
I really love your YulTi historys *o*
You're really awesome, you know?!
Chapter 15: Wah, you're really good. I love your fic. Yeay for Yulti love till the end, very strong ^^
*i'm sorry just happen to read now. Thanks for the fic (:
Chapter 15: finally YulTi got married .. ahhhh i can stop smiling YulTi sweetness...

heyooo dar, i just read ur story today and to be honest its really nice story to read it yet im really enjoy dar... big applaud for u once again dar. well done buddy...

you're the best ;) i'll look forward for your next story dar ~
Totoro_lover #10
Yesssss YulTi is now married <3 lol Yuri wants to her Tiffany so badly XD Calm down Tiger haha