

the consecuenses of drug abuse and emotional abuse



"jongup was a nice guy and you ruined ruined him with your twisted ways" Junhong half screams half cries. Jongup's name seems to have an effect on the stranger because he punches junhong, it's not a very good punch but it's enough to throw him off guard.

"jongup wanted it.... he did..... jong...." pain and confusion runs through the stranger's face, he's trembling, he's moving uncontrollably all over the place.

"I told him to leave me ALONE.....he said..he said he'll make things better... he'll leave me alone for good....HE COULDN'T CONTROL IT.....I had to.....he was getting me in trouble" Then Junhong remembers why this guy was so familiar, his voice reminded him, he heard them arguing a lot from his apartment, he was only next door so naturally he could hear if they were loud enough. 


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