
Instead Of Mine



Chaejin smiled, “Noona you look so pretty today.” He whispered while submitting the whole class’ home works to the table of mine. I chuckled, “You won’t get A just because you praise your teacher, Chaejin.”


“I’m sure I will get A for my homework,” he said again.


I laughed, “If you don’t I will punish you.”


“If I do, I shall get a prize, right?” Chaejin sniffled, and I nodded instantly, “Of course, captain of the class, what prize do you want?”


Chaejin giggled, “Let me accompany you for a whole evening before you go home.”


I gasped, thinking about the entire things. He waited for my answer, and I puffed my cheeks. He looked disappointed, “You can’t? Already have an appointment with your fiancé?”


I shrugged, “Uhmm—actually he has something to do with his work. So I think I can spend today’s evening with you.”


“Really? Really? Really?” he was so excited. I nodded to say yes. He yay-ed all the way as I was checking his homework. Since the school just ended, and there were only two to three teachers, so it wasn’t a big deal if he stayed next to me in teacher office.


I smiled to him. He giggled, “I told you I will get A for that.”


“You don’t,” I corrected him. His expression changed into a sad one, and sneaked a peek to his book. Truthfully, he did it very well, he only forgot to put ‘s’ in one of his answer. He puffed his cheek, “I’m sorry.”


“Ready for your punishment, Chaejin?” I asked. He gave me a slight nod. I packed my stuff, put it into my bag and locked my drawers, “Accompany me this whole evening before I go home.”


His facial expression changed into the brighter one. I smiled, “But I can’t go anywhere, so I think park near the school is fine?”


“Everywhere with you is fine!” said Chaejin as we both were leaving the office for the nearest park.


We sat in the bench, side by side. Chaejin just bought me a hotdog and a bottle of mango juice. He was really cheerful, young and bright. He smiled, “Thank you for made English easier than it seems. I don’t think I would love English as much as this if you weren’t the teacher.”


“But Teacher Kang is going to back soon, I heard she will recharged from hospital in three days,” I said. Chaejin shook his head, “You should know how cruel Teacher Kang is. She always makes everything harder, give us bunch of homework we can’t handle.”


“Because she wants you to study harder,”


Chaejin grumbled, “But I don’t like her.”


“Chaejin if you like her, her husband will kick your ,” I laughed. As the laughter died down, he looked at me, “Noona, do you love your fiancé?”


I choked my juice, “W-what kind of question is that? Do I have to take that quiz so I can be your homeroom teacher sooner than the principal’s plan?” I put a joke on his word. I assumed he would smile but he didn’t, “Are you happy with him?”


“Chaejin, can we not talk about this?” I asked him.


Chaejin shrugged, “Noona, don’t you find it weird if a high school student asked his English teacher to spend the evening with him?” I lifted one of my eyebrows, “Sort of…”


“Noona, I—”


“Oh!” I jumped off shock. Chaejin hung his sentence, “What? What’s wrong?” I rubbed my neck, “I left my phone at office.”


“We should get it right now, shouldn’t we?” Chaejin got up from his seat. I bit my lips, “But I promised you to accompany you this evening. It’s okay, there is no one would call me anyway.”


“Your fiancé probably will.”


“I mean, he wouldn’t call me if he is busy with his work. I put it on the drawers, I will take it later. I still have tomorrow, right?” I replied. Chaejin shook his head, “No. Let’s take your phone right now. You don’t know if your fiancé is crazy looking for you or not, and worrying someone we love is killing,” Chaejin got up and grabbed my wrist with him.


“But Chaejin—”


“Noona I like you.” said Chaejin, we were walking through the lobby of the school. I glued in my state. He sighed, “I know I’m too young for you. I know it’s weird to know that I fall for someone who already has a fiancé. I know it will only hurt me because it’s obvious that you’re going to reject me. But Noona, I can’t think anything better than telling you this, I need you to know.”


I looked at those two pure eyes.




“What are you doing here? I told you to stop being too friendly to your juniors. They could misinterpret your kindness, and I’m sure you know what I’m going to do if there is someone messes up our relationship,” Seyong came, he glared that war in front of Chaejin—who just confessed what has been on his heart these months.


Seyong pulled my arms, dragged me from the lobby. I took a look at Chaejin who was staring at me blankly.


He mouthed, ‘Noona I really really like you.’


Seyong groaned, “Turn your head and face the front.”


I tried so hard to let my hand go off his, “Seyong it hurts…”


Seyong released my hand and he stomped his right feet harshly to the ground, “Get into the car.” I rubbed my wrist hand, “I need to take my phone, I left it on my drawers.”


He groaned again, “No. I said, get into the car.”


“But I—”


“Get into the car!” he yelled, opened the door and pushing me inside. He got himself into the driver seat and the machine. I stared at him, “How long are you going to treat me like this?”


“Like what?”


“Seyong you know like what—”


Seyong hissed. “I will send your resignation letter to that damned school, and I will buy you another phone.”


“Seyong you went too far,” I said. He pulled the brake all of sudden then he stopped the car and staring at me, “Too far? Isn’t it me who should say that?”


He grinned his teeth. I rubbed my face with my palm, letting another sigh out. I didn’t know since when Seyong became this possessive. He used to be a nice guy—he still was, but it wasn’t the same like the way before.


Was I falling out love? Was it because the love between us started to fade away? Was it because I couldn’t feel those butterflies that used to be sparkled on my stomach?


Kim Seyong, what happened to us?










“I want to see you in white glamorous wedding dress, Noona,” he rubbed the bridge of his nose and then looking at her. She lifted one of her eyebrows, “Why?”


He giggled, “You must be so beautiful.”


“I’m not that pretty, though,” she whimpered and pulled back her bang, “Look at my forehead, it’s so wide and you know that I don’t like my flat nose.”


He laughed, “But at the same time, I don’t to see you in wedding dress.”




He let a deep sigh out, “Because it means you are going to be someone’s wife.”


There was a heavy silent between them. No one seemed could get the good mood back, as the boy cleared his throat and rubbed his neck which wasn’t itchy at all, “I should get going.” She nodded instantly, “Oh, sure.”






“I wish I met you earlier.”





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chaejin and seyong drive me crazy


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