Kim Seyong

Instead Of Mine


“Our grandparents arranged something for us, do you have any idea about it?” a long haired girl asked a guy who playfully busy with the ballpoint on his fingers. He smiled, “Don’t they make it obvious? They keep bragging about marriage in front of us.”




He smiled, “I don’t mind though. You are a triumph card, after all.” She hit his shoulder slightly, “What do you mean by triumph card, jerk.” He giggled, patted her head gently, “It means, you’ve got everything on you.”






Seyong and I had been in the relationship for two years, and this year was probably our last year as a lover because as our grandfather’s arrangement, this year we should held our marriage. Yes, our relationship was arranged by our grandparents and it wasn’t a big deal since Seyong and I had known each other even before the arrangement. He was a popular guy—with a natural smile and puppy eyes. He was so good to me so I didn’t mind about the arrangement, since Seyong also didn’t refuse it.


We fell for each other after second month of our trial. Yeah, we decided to have a trial first before really into relationship. We both agreed if we didn’t find and sparkle and chemistry, we had to tell our grandparents and cancel the arrangement. Seyong was a sweet, caring and loving boyfriend.


“Why are you still in your pajama? We have an appointment with grandpa, remember?” Seyong’s words choked me who was eating rice cake peacefully. Seyong chuckled, wiped the sauce on my lips with his thumb, “Oh my baby is a baby.”


I smiled, as he took a sit next to me, “You came so early.”


“Because I know you won’t take a shower at this time. Looking at your bare face in the morning such a blissful feeling to me,” said Seyong.


I hit his forehead, “Greasy Seyong.”


Seyong smiled again, “Finish your rice cake and go take a short shower. We have to drop a visit on Insoo’s place first.” I blinked twice, “Insoo’s place?”


“You keep forgetting things, darling. He is the one who is going to organize our wedding,” answered Seyong. I nodded, “Oh, but we haven’t even talked about the wedding…”


“Then why do you think grandpa asked us to meet him if he isn’t going to talk about this?” Seyong my hair and pulled some of it into the back of my ear, and I said, “But I—”


Seyong looked at me. I bit my bottom lips. He got up and facing the window. He sighed, “Should we postpone it, again?”


“Seyong I don’t mean like that, I just…”


Seyong shrugged, “Do you have some juice on fridge? I’m thirsty.” He walked to the kitchen and leaving the living room. My apartment wasn’t huge so I still could see him even if he was in kitchen.




“Does it has something to do with that kid?” asked Seyong—leaning his back on the counter and opened the can of soda he took from fridge.


I walked toward him, “No, Seyong. It has nothing to do with Chaejin…”


“Oh so his name is Chaejin,” he groaned. “Maybe you should really stop teaching English on that high school and start to focus on us.”


“But I love my job…”


“And I love you more,” Seyong cut me and he left me nothing to say. “Your job is only your excuse to meet him every day, right?” he accused me. I shook my head, “My job is my excuse to escape the boredom I have every day. It’s the only way out to keep myself sane.”


“So my existence means nothing to you?”


“It does,”


“Then resign,”


“I can’t,”


“Why?!!” he yelled. He threw the can to the floor after squished it hardly, staring at me with those angry eyes.






She got her uniform all wet. She hugged her knees and buried her face in between. She had tired of crying looking for a help but no one seemed care about her. The bell which ended the lunch break just rang ten minutes ago and the hallway became quiet in a minute.


She was still crying without any sound when a guy stopped his footstep, “Eh why are you still here? Didn’t you hear the bell?”


She looked up to see him.


“Crap. They did it again,” he hissed.


She didn’t know what to reply. He bended his body down, looking around at her and he asked, “What class do you attend?” She shivered, “Class D.”


“Do you bring jacket or anything?”


She shook her head. He knew that her body was soaked—he could see her bra’s wire on her shoulder sight, and if she didn’t bring jacket there was nothing he could but to ed his uniform and asked her to wear it.




“Don’t worry about me. See, I wear a t-shirt,” he smiled, reassuring her. She nodded in doubt, and blinked twice. He covered his eyes with his palms and whispered, “Go change your uniform. I won’t peek on you, I swear.”


She got up and walked to the nearest toilet. After he couldn’t hear any footstep, he opened his eyes and got up. He was looking at the water stain on the wall where she has leaned her back for unknown time, but he bet it was for a pretty long time because the stain was spread quite wide.




Hearing the soft voice, he turned his head to see her. She stood there, wearing his uniform—which was oversized for her. He smiled, “It’s better than wet uniform, right?”


She nodded, “T-thank you.”


“Come on, I will take you to your class.”


“I can walk by myself,” she said.


He shook his head, “But I don’t think your homeroom teacher will accept your excuse right away. You are late by twenty minutes, wearing a boy uniform and wet hair. Don’t you think people will think about ‘that’ stuff?”


“W-what stuff?” she asked, softly.


He chuckled, “Oh my God. Don’t ask, just let me walk you to the class I will explain everything to your homeroom teacher.”






“Don’t you also have class to attend?”


He patted his own chest, “Don’t worry about me. No one is allowed to mess with Kim Seyong after all.”


“Oh, okay…” and let him walk next to her. They were heading to class D, which was located in the third floor.


He bit his upper lip, “So, who did it?”


“Did what?”




“It’s okay. They didn’t mean it.”


He giggled, “Are you kidding me? They poured water and made you all wet and you said they didn’t mean it? They did it on purpose. They wanted to see your bra, for your information.”


She stopped walking.


He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry. It doesn’t mean that I….”


“I know they wanted to see it. I just keep telling myself that they didn’t mean it, to stop myself for hating on them. It was also my fault. I should wear something like shirt or bring jacket,” she said. It was soft but he still could hear her.


“They always do that since last month. They went too much, and it counted as ual harassment. I promise this would never happen again,” he said, “If I report them earlier, you shouldn’t have to experience this stuff. I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be.”


Teacher Lee stared at both of them, as soon as they arrived in front of class D’s door. Class became so awkward and all eyes were looking at them.


“What is on your mind, Kim Seyong? Where is your uniform? And why are you here, isn’t your class at the second floor?” Teacher Lee pointed the index finger on him.


“Actually it was—” she tried to explain, but Teacher Lee cut her, “I’m not asking you, Miss.”


He smiled a bit, “I’m sorry to disturb your class, Teacher Lee. First, yes my class in on second floor and I’m here to take this girl to her class. Why? Because no one of your student or anyone in this school is care enough to help her when she needed it after bunch of stupid and ert students bullied her. Second, I don’t think I need my uniform if there is someone needs it more. Pardon me but I’m going to report your son and his gang to the principal for this case.”


“Eh?” she gasped. She didn’t have any idea that he knew who did it to her—people who poured the water to her.


Teacher Lee’s face became pale.


“And… if I happened to know someone hurt her, I would never hesitate to break their legs with my own hands,” added him.


She whispered, “But I’m okay.” He smiled, waving at her before left the class, “See you after school!”






“I’m sorry.”


I heard him, but I didn’t want to see his face. Not right now. We were in the car, heading to his grandfather’s mansion at Busan. We should’ve arrived an hour ago if only we didn’t spend a time to fight.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he repeated his word.


I still refused to look at him—not with these teary eyes and reddish cheek after he slapped me—accidentally or not, it still a slap.


“Does it hurt so much?” he asked.


“It’s fine.”


Seyong drove the car slower, his right hand grabbed mine and he held it, “I’m sorry, okay?”


“I said, I’m fine, Seyong,” I pulled back my hand, and facing the window from my seat. It wasn’t like I didn’t know he never mean to hurt me but he could kill me with his rate of jealousy—or kill someone else.


We arrived. I let another sigh and Seyong loosened his safety belt, when he was about do the same to mine, I stopped him, “I’ll do myself.”


He groaned, getting back to his seat and leaned his body, “If you say to grandpa that you want to postpone the marriage, you will make him sad, and you know that.”


“I know.”


“So don’t.”


“Then let me work.”

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chaejin and seyong drive me crazy


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