Chapter 8

Eclipse of the Night

As sleep reclaimed her, a new dream appeared where she stood in a large ballroom it seemed with hundreds of people before her. Looking around in shock, she soon felt as well as heard the soft wisps of fabric rubbing together. She soon gazed upon herself to see that she wore a silver ball gown with chiffon and black lace. With a sweetheart neckline, the black lace intertwined underneath her chest to form an intricate belt with the chiffon billowing toward the floor. Running her hands against the material, she marveled at how soft it was before she realized she also wore a silver medallion necklace around . From touch alone it felt like a double crescent moon back to back to represent two moons. Her hands rising further she felt fabric upon her face and realized quickly that she wore a mask. Looking around again, her conclusion was right as she came upon a large mirror and she gazed in wonder at herself as her hand touched the soft curls of her tresses as they billowed down her back.

“Priestess,” she heard the soft murmur of a gentle voice behind her. Jumping slightly she looked up into the eyes of a male also wearing a mask, but instead of a silvery-white like hers was, his was a dark sapphire blue that seemed to enhance his serene brown eyes. Why am I constantly being called priestess? She wondered to herself before turning around and facing the male who immediately bowed toward her with his right fist upon his heart. “May I have the pleasure of having this dance?” he asked as he offered her his hand, palm up. Just as she was about to answer, the dream took a turn for the worse as a loud explosion resonated throughout the room as on the other side, black smoke billowed into the room while screams rang throughout. Shaking, she took a step back as eleven other men surrounded her and each of them ripping the mask from their face. Recognizing similarities between them and the men who now lived with her, she wondered what was going on before a hand took one of her own. She looked over to see a male with similar features to Luhan, but not quite him gazing calmly at her. “We need to get you out of here,” he said as he tugged her hand making her follow him as he ran out the opposite side of the smoke.

As they ran, she looked over her shoulder to see the grimace filled faces of the other men behind her before a scream ripped out of . “Look out behind you!” she cried out as several of the men whirled around and a rock barrier appeared that protected them from the blast that suddenly hit the wall. As the rock lowered, she felt a whimper escape her lips upon the sight of Yanluo striding toward them. She was then pushed behind several backs as they blocked her from his view. “Give the priestess to me now and I’ll spare you by giving you a quick death.” He said with a smirk upon his pale face and his red luminous eyes filled with lust. “There’s no way in hell she is going with you,” a deep voice resonated as the male let a ball of fire fill his hand. “Ah, ever the protective one aren’t you Chanhyeok? I’ll make sure you die first,” he said as he sent a wave of dark energy toward them again. Seeing this, the Luhan lookalike took his free hand and held it out as a shield shimmered around the thirteen of them. He then turned to the Kai look alike, “Jongok, take her to the tree, we will be right behind you,” he said before pulling her closer into a hug as his lips lightly touched her forehead. “But,” she started only to get pushed into Jongok’s arms as black smoke encircled them and the duo teleported away.

Seeing the girl disappear, Yanluo roared in anger. “She is MINE!” he yelled out before turning and running around to try and locate the female that he lusted over. Seeing him leave, the eleven men looked at each other in worry. “She’s no longer safe here if he continues this,” a soft voice said in worry. “You’re right, Minyeong, I think we need to send her away from here and when the time comes, our sons will protect her,” the Luhan lookalike said with a sad face that the woman they protected and cared for would be leaving them. But they knew she would be protected this way, as well as knew the prophecy about her and their sons. He felt a hand grip his shoulder in comfort. “She will be safe with them, but we will need to block her memories until the right time comes and she is strong enough to remember her past, Lujian.” The male said as she squeezed his best friends shoulder in comfort. “You’re right Sehyeon,” Lujian responded before looking back up as his brethren.

Nodding at each of them they made their way to field where the tree of life stood with her branches waving gently in the breeze and trinkets making their own symphony of music. Coming to a stop, they watched as their beloved priestess was pacing back and forth wringing her hands in nervousness. They chuckled softly as they noticed that the mask she had been wearing was lying upon the grass while Jongok gazed upon her tenderly. Hearing the chuckles she whirled around to see other men walking toward her. Seeing them unhurt, she felt relief fill her and a huge weight lifted from her shoulders. “Priestess, I’m sorry to say this, but you are no longer safe here on EXO,” the Suho lookalike said as he came and clasped her hands in his. “What do you mean by that?” she asked with worry and a frown caressing her features. “What Junyeong means, is that we need to send you away in order to protect you from Yanluo’s clutches,” Lujian said as he came closer to her. Just as she was about to say something, she felt his hand placed upon her forehead and the last thing she remembered as she passed out was his murmur of, “Forgive us.” As she collapsed, Junyeong caught her in his arms and lifted her bridal style with her head resting upon his shoulder.

Looking at his brothers and seeing the saddened looks, Junyeong placed her down upon the grass with her arms resting upon her stomach before joining his brothers in a circle around her unconscious form. They soon began to chant in Latin and watched as her body disappeared before them. Turning toward the tree of life, Lujian bowed with his fist upon his heart as his brothers followed in suit. “Protect her where we cannot, and one day, our children will come for her so that the prophecy will be realized,” he said before the lighting turned dark and the men disappeared.

Waking up with a gasp as tears poured down her eyes, Hyerin looked around her seeing that she was in her room again, but the thing she noticed the most was the necklace lying just below her collar bones. It was the same necklace from her dream. Was that a dream, or memory? How did this necklace get here? She wondered to herself as she turned toward her clock that showed her that it was just past 2 in the morning. Rubbing her face of the tears, she soon heard the whisper of fabric, and turned to see Kai once again in her bed. Chuckling softly, she reached down and threaded her fingers through his hair and heard his content sigh as he leaned more into her touch. As she tried to take her hand away, she felt another hand grab onto her own, reminding her of what happened with Sehun when she first met the boy. “Don’t stop noona,” a groggy voice sounded as she saw Kai open one of his eyes. With a gentle smile, she maneuvered herself to lie back down and face the sleepy male next to her. “Decided to sleep in my bed again huh?” she asked him as he gave her a sheepish grin. “You slept all day and I was worried so I came in to check on you but got tired too, so yeah, I wanted to sleep beside you again,” he said looking away while trying to hide the faint blush that graced his cheek bones.

Feeling a hand rub against the top of his head, he turned to look at her to see that she wasn’t upset. “I’m sorry to have worried you Kai. Forgive me?” she asked the male. However, as soon as she said forgive me, she felt pain hit her as she grasped her head and a slight whimper escaped her lips. Seeing this, his eyes widened in worry. “Noona!” he cried out before grabbing her hands to pull them away. “Lay hyung!” he screamed out as he sat up pulling Hyerin into the circle of his arms. Soon, the sound of feet pounding against the floor resounded as the door leading into the hall slammed open and several of his brothers appeared taking in the scene of tears falling down Hyerin’s face and worry on Kai’s. Lay immediately rushed over to sit beside them with his hands hovering over her body. “What happened Kai?” his unicorn brother asked with concern when he found no injury. “I don’t know! We were talking and all of a sudden she grabbed her head and started to cry,” hearing this, Lay immediately placed his palms upon her own and she felt soothing warmth fill her as the pain dissipated and she relaxed in Kai’s arms feeling worn out again.

“Thank you Lay,” she murmured softly before sitting upright to stare at the two boys sitting before her. She then looked past them to see both the leaders as well as Luhan standing there. Seeing Luhan she started to scrutinize him and seeing the resemblance to him and Lujian, she wondered if by chance that’s who his father was. “Are you alright Hyerin?” Suho asked while walking closer. Looking toward the male, she saw the resemblance between him and Junyeong. “I think so, I had a really weird dream, but at the same time it felt like a memory, but that’s not possible,” she said while looking down at her hands before her hand grasped her necklace feeling a wave of comfort fill her. Seeing the necklace, Luhan and Kris looked at each other before coming closer. “Kai, go back to your room and before you do ask Xiumin to come over,” Kris ordered. As the boy started to protest, Kris glared at him making him wince and nod before teleporting away.

A few minutes later, Xiumin walked through the door looking drowsy as he rubbed his eyes in annoyance. Seeing the situation however, he woke up fully and closed the door before standing beside Luhan. With the oldest brother there, Luhan created a shield around the room to prevent any sound escaping from there. “Hyerin,” Kris started, “Where did you get that necklace?” he asked. Hearing the question the other three males whirled their head to her and then the necklace. “I…” she started as she looked at them.

Authors Note:

Hi everyone after two long years!!! Oh wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I've last updated here! Like I explained in the previous chapter, I've been super swamped with everything going on. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update this story! I'm not as busy right now so hopefully I can find more time to write and update. I do appreciate everyone being so patient with me over the years and I'm hoping to update again soon. Please do comment below!



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Chapter 9: Please update soon
Its been over a year
Chapter 9: Dayum... you write good harem fics XD
Chapter 7: holy flip don't stress yourself too much okay if they're abusing you in one way or another, be it not giving you pay, making you work overtime etc., don't hesitate to quit the job if you think it's too much okay
Chapter 6: aighhh she better be okay
Chapter 4: LET HER DOWN
Chapter 3: yeeks is she okay though
xiaoML97 #7
Chapter 7: Will u update again? T T
xiaoML97 #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for updating~~ XD
YAY just wanted to tell you that i was really happy when i saw you had updated :)! i can't read the new update RIGHT now but i will read it soon! <3 so happy :D
Wow ~ nice story! - Yuki