
Queen of Hearts

He was attractive. His face features sculpted nicely, those dark brown eyes that could catch every girl’s attention, but…

To say simply she was not interested. This past years she saw many handsome guys around her and this one was no different.

Sitting on those luxurious armchairs with his friends, he belonged to the same group that she had to deal many times already. “Eating “every pretty girl near the table. To put simply they were looking for someone to spend this night. It may be a good opportunity for her to play few tricks on those gullible fools, but this time she needed better bait and no fun involved, so the girl broke the contact with the guy and averted her gaze to the dancing floor.

The club was already full, but somehow it made her feel uneasy, maybe because this time they took the youngest one of their group with them. The girl felt responsible for Luna, that it made her search for the youngest one in the see of many people. It was the first time for the youngest to see how everything worked in this business… But still no matter how hard she searched for the young girl, she couldn’t see her. It seemed like she disappeared with no trace. She has to look for her, because uneasy feeling was already creeping on her skin.

As soon as the girl stepped few steps from the table, a sudden hold on her wrist stopped her from moving any further and she wasn’t pleased with that. Her eyes traveled from the hand that was holding her to the face of smirking guy. It looked like he already thought what he will do with this night.

She hated guys like that. They always thought that they are already winners when even the game didn’t start yet. This one was an for sure.

Her other hand slowly touched his one, that was holding onto her. Her slim fingers yanked his hand away from her and all this time a nice smile decorated her face. He should get the idea by now…

But It seemed, that the guy was just not smart enough and when she stepped the second time away from the bar and him, he still yanked her back. She was getting pissed already by his behavior…

“I am not interested “

The words that left her lips didn’t sound very nice and there was a dark tone that warned him to stay away from her.

“Oh come on beautiful, I know that you want me. “

His cheesy smile made her cringe. This guy for sure was an …

The girl was already ready to spill ugly truth to the guys face, but a sudden noise stole her attention. It looked like something was happening at one of the corners of the club. That was the same corner where Luna went. It meant only one thing: the youngest girl was in trouble. She needed to act quickly or all of them will be caught.


The guy was still holding her even, if he tried to escape his hold. The situation was getting more serious and she could already hear Luna’s voices coming from the far corner of the club.

She was to do something that will pray this guy from her as soon as she can and there was only one situation that was possible at that moment, even if she will be banned and chased from this club for the rest of her life.

Grabbing the nearest full glass from the bars, the girl threw the entire contest at the guys face. It worked and his hold loosened. That was all she needed to slip away, even if she could hear him cursing and shouting at her, but that was the last thing on her mind as she rushed with hope to save the poor girl.

As the older girl brushed trough the already formed crowd, she could see that almost everybody was standing from their seats and watching the situation.

With much effort she was able to reach the center, when her eyes met the scene that was happening. In the middle of the formed crowd, she could see a guy standing and smirking at the poor girl. Luna’s dress was almost ripped from and the poor girl looked so miserable crouching on the ground that it made her feel sick.

Pushing few girls away she stepped in the middle of the scene with her eyes not leaving the jerk, who was feeling like some kind of hero. She was ready to deal with him in the most hurtful way she could…

But to her surprise other few figures stepped in the scene also. It was the same handsome guy, who she saw at the beginning of the night and the rest of his friends that were sitting at the same table. To her surprise one of the guys took the jacket from his shoulder and enveloped with it trembling Luna’s shoulders. He whispered something in Luna’s ear and with sweet smile took her away from the curious eyes.

As soon as Luna was away from the crowd, a fist smashed to the guys face and the silence enveloped the club. The girl couldn’t believe her eyes: the handsome guy just used force on that guy, which she was ready to beat up for making the poor girl miserable.

The crowd was silent, as they watched the guy spitting blood at the luxurious club’s ground.

“What the f… “

The guy even didn’t finished the sentence when he was pushed to the ground by a sudden hit, but this time to crowds surprise it was not the same boy who strike first, but by a beautiful girl in little black dress.

“Have a good night “

Were her last words when she left the guy holding on his most private area and the stunned crowd, which included the saviors behind her.

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iannamin #1
Chapter 3: Oooo, feisty, I like this girl :) Thank you for this chapter. ;)
tinado58 #2
Chapter 2: Ohhh good good :) please update when ur ready! I'll be waiting.
Looking forward to it. :)