I Told You!

I'm Babysitting Park Chanyeol [Editing]

Jiyeon's POV


*K R I N G!* 


"Finally lunch! I am sooo~  hungry" Kris said while stretching his arm. We both laugh at his expression. I pack my things up then stood up to stretch. The class gets very boring everyday I don't know why? LOL maybe they are tired. You know they should get a break so we do nothing hahahaha


"Jiyeonnie! Let's Go! I am hungry.. Even Kis is hungry I heard his stomach growl awhile ago hahahah" Areum said while laughing 


"My stomach didn't growl!!" He said whiletouching his stomach. I just laugh. Then we went to the cafeteria with Kris and Areum as expected all of the members of T-ara and EXO are there. Yes 3rd year students and 4th year students has shares the cafeteria at the same time. The three of us sat down until my boss ordered me to buy him food AGAIN! 


"Why can't you just do it yourself.. For crying out loud I am not a slave and your mother didn't told me to buy you food, carry your bag or do you homework for you" I said while seriously staring at him but he was just staring at me too while holding out money.. 


"Arggh! Fine!" I said then I grab the money from him. I went to the counter to buy food for him since Eun Jung eonnie already bought food for me. I ordered the food then went back to our table but somebody bump on me, making the food fall on my clothes. I looked up and it was Yoomin laughing then all the people started laughing 



Third Person's POV


Jiyeon grab the money from Chanyeol then went to the counter to buy food. Chanyeol got scolded by his friends for making Jiyeon buy his food again but he just rolled his eyes then put on earphones to block the sound *Blah blah blah! They always nag me! What the problem I just ordered Jiyeon to buy me food besides she is my slave* 


Yoomin who was watching Jiyeon buy food suddenly had a good idea. She made an evil smile making her friends smile too cause they know when Yoomin made that smile she has an evil idea 


"Hey I know that smile.. So what evil plan are you gonna do?" Hyemi, one of her friends, asked Yoomin.


"Watch this" Yoomin said then quickly stood up from her seat then started walking on Jiyeon's direction. She purposely bump on Jiyeon.. All the food fell on Jiyeon. Yoomin kept on laughing then the other students started laughing 


"Hahahaha I am very very sorry! Not really hahahahaha I told you I wil make your life miserable b*tch!! hahaha" Yoomin said while laughing his off. She then made a high five with her friends.. Eun Jung and the others saw what happen and their smiles turn into a scarey expressions. T-ara along with Kris quickly stood up then went to Jiyeon.


Chanyeol stood up too but he didn't went with the others because he already saw Kris helping Jiyeon. He felt something in the inside what do you call it? Oh yeah jelousy *Why am I am feeling jelous? Maybe I didn't really get anysleep that's why I am feeling something* 


"Hyung! Why are you standing? Are you gonna help Jiyeon" Sehun asked 


"Hello no! *yeah I was supposed to*  I was just stretching! My feet hurts" He said while acting that he was stretching 


"Oh.. I thought you were gonna help her that would be weird since you don't clrearly help anybody in this world" Sehun said then then ate his food.. Back to Jiyeon.. Eun Jung purposely bump Yoomin too making her fall on the ground 


"OUCH! What did you do that for?!!" Yoomin asked while trying to stand up


"I don't know revenge? You desereve it anyway you b*tch!!" Eun Jung shouted making everybody hush in silence but some boys were admiring her. Yes some boys loves Eun Jung because she is fierce. Anyway T-ara and Kris took Jiyeon outside of the cafeteria so she can her extra uniform on her locker. Yes she has a locker (sorry if I am not mentioning lockers on the previous chapters hehehe) 


"Jiyeon are you seriously okay? The food was hot" Hyomin asked 


"Yeah.. Did it hurt well I know it hurts but why didn't you react or something" Soyeon asked too 


"Nah.. I got used to it since my aunt does that to me when I first tried cooking for her" Jiyeon said while akwardly laughing 


"Oh you must have a tough childhood" Qri said while patting Jiyeon's back. 


"Not really..I met a friend, he taught me a lot of things and even her mom taught me too" Jiyeon said whiel smiling the other smiled at her too because atleast someone took care of her when she was young. They reach to Jiyeon's locker then she started putting on the combination. She took out her uniform then they went to the restroom leaving Kris outside


"I can't believe that Yoomin did this to you! Aissh who raised her to be like that?!" Areum said while fixing her hair infront of the mirror 


"Yeah.. I heard somepeople say she was nice back then but what happen know?" Soyeon said while walking around the restroom 


"Tch nice? Since when? She treated us like this when we first came here. But thanks to Eun Jung's scary personality she didn't bother us hahaha" Hyomin kept on laughing but she stop when Eun Jung shot a glare at her.. 


Kris was waiting outside walking in circles.. He was really worried maybe Jiyeon got burned by the food since it was steaming hot.. *What if she got a burn on her body? Maybe she has but she didn't tell us* 


"Argghhh!!!" Kris shouted and he ruffled his hair in frustration. Suddenly EXO came they saw Kris shouting like his love one was in the hospital because it was his fault.. 


"Dude what happen?" Kai asked while his arm is around D.O's neck 


"Yeah why are you so frustrated? And Kai get your arms off my neck!" D.O said while taking off Kai's arms


"Ahh nothing my head hurts that's all" he said while showing them a smile 


"Suure? So How's Jiyeon did she get any bruise or something?" Suho asked while smiling like an angel. Kris just shrugged then waited for the girls to come out. Soon the girls came out laughing like nothing happen. The boys look at them with a confuse expression well except for Mr. Expressionless PPark Chanyeol. 


"What are you guys looking at?" Soyeon asked 


"Umm because you are laughing like something didn't happen. Like I don't know Yoomin bump on Jiyeon and the food spilled all over her uniform something like that" Baekhyun said still looking at them with a confuse look..


"Hahahaha past is past! Oh were laughing because of Eun Jung eonnie's admirers.. hahaha" Jiyeon said while the others kept on laughing. Eun Jung shot a glare at them but they didn't stop laughing 


"Tch.. You guys are weird. Anyway gret thing nothing really happened to you Jiyeon! C'mon the bell just rang lets go! We wouldn't want to be late right?" Suho said.. They all nodded then went back to their classrooms 




Boring? LOL Anyway That's Just The Beginning

There are more things that Yoomin will do.

And ooh! Someone is jelous!! LOL XD 







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ShainaloveTara #1
Authornimmm I love Your Story Your amazing. I just read it now but I like it.
mehmeh984 #2
Chapter 9:
Bts_army13 #3
Chapter 53: Awwww. Such a good story. Love it ❤
76 streak #4
Chapter 53: You're jjang !!!
76 streak #5
Chapter 53: Awww happy ending love this ff sooo much
76 streak #6
Chapter 51: I knew it!!!! Baekhyun and Areum will be married together
76 streak #7
Chapter 50: Aww cute hehe
76 streak #8
Chapter 49: Chanyeol !!! Don't be like that
76 streak #9
Chapter 48: Omg I want to be suho boyfriend haha
76 streak #10
Chapter 47: The name Dino reminds me dino from seventeen hehe