Chapter 1

When The Clock Strikes 12
falling in love 
-Min Ah-
Is he... awake? 
As soon as i asked that to myself. He slowly opened his eyes while asking, "Who are you? And... where am I?" I don't know if i really need to tell him, becaue if I do... he'll know my true identity for sure... But, it won't be bad if only he knows right?
"You... fell off the building."
"So it didn't work..." he mumbled. I can see disappointment in his eyes. Was he... actually planning to commit suicide? "Why didn't I die?" he asked. I took a deep breath while thinking of something to say. "Because I saved you."  He widened his eyes in shock, he looked like he couldn't believe it. "How did you? A skinny girl like you can barely carry me, how could you possibly save me?" 
So in the end, i do have to tell him... But what will he do if i tell him what i really am? Will he run away to tell everyone? Or will he stay and keep it a secret? Again, i took a deep breath.
"I gave you... my bead."
He brushed his hands through his hair, obviously not understanding what i mean. "What bead are you talking about? How did it prevent me from dying?" He sounded really desperate to know.
"You... do you really want to know?" I asked, making sure. "Of course I do. I can't just miraculously stay alive after that fall. Please tell me how you saved me..." "I, Shin Min Ah, am a demon. And i gave you my bead, which can prevent you from dying. And it needs to stay in your body for 200 days for you to still be alive when i take it back. Don't worry, because even though that bead is my source of power, i will still be alive." 
He froze in his spot. That's it. He's gonna go tell everyone.
But what shocked me is, he didn't run away, instead, he scolded me. "Why did you do that?? Why did you want to lose your source of power just to save me??" I lowered my head. "WHY??" He's mad at me. "I... I..." "I what, Shin Min Ah?"
"I just can't take seeing a human being die okay??"
There's only silence. When i started speaking again, "I... I'm sorry if i'm really a bother to you and your life... I didn't know that you really didn't want anyone to save you..." I turned around to walk away, but after a few steps, I turned around again just to say...
"But just so you know, even if i know you didn't want anyone to save you...
I'll still save you."
And then i ran away while he just stood there.
This is it. I, Shin Min Ah, is officially out of his life...
I feel... guilty.
She saved me, but i treated her like she was nothing. It was my fault... I guess commiting suicide isn't the best idea after all. 
But... she is... a demon? And she just gave me her source of power which I has to be inside my body for a long time. Won't something bad happen to her if she doesn't have the bead for 200 days? Doesn't demons have weaknesses too? Usually, i would run away from demons and stuff like that. But her, she's... different. I don't feel like running away. I feel like i should protect her, now that her source of power is inside me...
I guess she was pretty sad. I was mad at her for basically nothing and tears started welling up my eyes. No, Luhan. You must not keep thinking about that... It's over. It's the past. It's time for you to move on.  
And for now... the bead is the same as my heart.
"I'm sorry, Shin Min Ah..." I said to myself as I ran to follow her. 
-Min Ah
As kids were running around the breezy park and having fun playing together, i'm here, not able to feel the what those kids feel...
I stared at them, trying to smile... But I can't...
That guy, he must have had so many problems in life that he wanted to suicide. You know what... I also have a lot of problems in my life. And never have I been able to solve them. None. Why is my demon heart like this? Demons aren't suppose to save people, they're suppose to kill people. It's my fault... if only i didn't have this kind of heart, i wouldn't help him and none of this would have happen.
You know, even if you're not here beside me, even if i'm nothing to you... I'm still thinking about you.
I sighed and stood up to leave when i heard someone calling my name...
"Min Ah! Min Ah!"
I turned around to see who it was and i saw a guy with blonde hair and sparkly doe eyes. It's... him. Why is he here? If he's here, there's no way i'm going to forget about him. I caeme to my senses when the sound of my name was getting closer. "Min Ah!"
"Y-You... Why are you here?" I asked. It's not like i don't want him to be here, I just... need to forget him.
"Don't call me 'you', i'm Luhan." I still stood on my spot, nodding.
"I came here... to apologize." I was shocked. What is there to apologize? 
"When you gave me the most important part of yourself, i wasn't even grateful, and instead, i treated you like rubbish. And i am deeply sorry for that, Min Ah..." I shook my head. "Why are you apologizing when it's clearly me and my heart's fault? I'm a demon, and i shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't help you. Instead, I should have killed you. But because of my heart, i don't know what i am anymore... If I didn't help you, none of this would've happened. But still, there's nothing i can do to stop myself from saving you."
I was really touched. Even if she was created to kill and harm, she decided to save lives. What more could a human being want from a supposed-to-be-evil demon?
I clenched my fists as tears threatened to fall. Suddenly, Min Ah spoke.
"Luhan... i know it's none of my business, but may i ask?" "Go on." i replied. 
"Why did you try to commit suicide?" 
I know it's weird but please comment? Please please please? T.T
PLEASE with cherry on top! T.T Even if i love cherry and i'd never want to give it to anyone ;;.-;;
Okay well, at least comment? Comments really do inspire me, and how can i ever post the next chapter without inspiration??
If you subscribe to this fic, i really appreciate it,
and if you upvote, idk what to say anymore ;;-:: *tears of joy*
GOODBYE! ;;-;;


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I'm updating this one next weekend if i'm able to okay :D or i may be asking co-author to update XP


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