Meeting EXO, the sunbaes.


"Kai...Sehun, what are you two doing here? I thought you guys left with Jae and the rest of the guys," Jin asked. Sehun pushed Kai into the room and kept the door open with his foot, "We came to see if Jae hyung was in here since one of the trainees said that he saw Jae hyung entering this room earlier today," Kai explained.

"Weren't you two with the rest of them?" Jin asked, "when they came in earlier and then left with Jae."

Kai shook his head, "No, Sehun and I just got here," he answered, "so Jae hyung left already with the other hyungs?"

Jin nodded his head, "Yeah, like a good 5 minutes ago," he said, "they should be in the practice room upstairs, the one you guys usually practice in."

"Ah, thanks hyung," Kai said and bowed to him, "come on Sehun, we better get going before Jae hyung scolds us for being late," he grabbed Sehun by the right wrist and yanked the boy towards the door but stopped, "Sehun," he called, turning his head slightly to the side to check why the younger one wasn't budging, "what is wrong with you, come on," Kai said, struggling to yank the boy out the room. Sehun wriggled his wrist out of Kai's grasps and walked away from the older to Jin, Taeyeon and Yoona, "Sehun?"

"Are you two Jae hyung's nieces?" Sehun asked, ignoring Kai's call and Jin's confused stare. 

"Nieces?" Jin asked, not quite getting what was going on. 

" yeah," Taeyeon answered quickly before Jin got the chance to ask anymore question and blowing their cover, "did you need something?"

Sehun smiled at Taeyeon and shook his head, "No," he answered.


"But I do have to say that there is a pretty angel standing before my eyes right now," Sehun said. Yoona cracked up laughing while Taeyeon widen her eyes and pointed at herself, "" she asked and Sehun nodded.

"I'm Oh Sehun," he introduced himself.


"Enough Sehun," Jin cut Taeyeon off before she got the chance to say anything. He grabbed Sehun the by shoulders and pushed him towards the opened door, "Time for you two to go to practice and quit bothering us," he said.

"Sorry about that hyung," Kai apologized for the both of them and dragged the still dreamy Sehun out of the room. Jin shut the door behind them and rubbed his forehead, "Gosh, such a trouble maker," he mumbled while making his way over to Taeyeon and Yoona, "by the way, what was that all about?" he asked. Yoona laughed and patted Taeyeon's head, "Unnie, your face is red," she pointed out. Taeyeon pouted at Yoona and pushed the younger one away from her, "Go away Yoona, you're not helping here," she complained. Yoona laughed even louder and leaned against the wall, "You're flustered unnie, I can't believe that you're blushing just from that kid's compliment."

Taeyeon shot Yoona a glare before stomping towards the door, "If we're done here, we might as well get going," she said angrily.

"Wait wait," Jin shouted, "answer my question, what was that all about? You and Yoona as Jae's nieces?"

Taeyeon let out a sigh, "It's nothing Jin oppa, it was just that when that Luhan guy came in earlier today he wanted to know who Yoona and I was, Jae oppa couldn't come up with an excuse so I told him that Yoona and I were Jae oppa's nieces," she explained. Jin nodded his head while rubbing his chin, "I see...stupid Jae for not coming up with a story fast."

"Well it didn't help that you left him hanging too oppa," Yoona said from behind Jin and picked up her bags of clothes, "right unnie?" Taeyeon nodded her head as well and went back to pick up her bags of clothes, "Is it okay for us go home now?" she asked. 

"Ah right right, I will drive the both of you home," Jin said, snapping out of his trance and leading the girls towards the exit of the room.


"Come on Sehun," Kai gritted between his teeth and yanked the younger one into the practice room.

"You two are late," Jae said sternly, crossing his arms across his chest and tapping his foot against the wooden floor.

"I'm sorry hyung," Kai apologized and gave Jae a bow, "but Sehun and I and things to take care of first before coming here, and plus we went to look for you in the practice room downstairs but rain into Jin and your two nieces instead," he explained. Jae's eyes widen from hearing 'two nieces'," Um..."

"Sehun!" Luhan shouted from behind Jae and ran up to the younger one, "Sehun?"

"Don't mind him Luhan hyung, Sehun has been like this after he met Jae hyung's niece," Kai explained.

"Which one?" Luhan asked, his face turning serious.

"I don't know, the shorter one I guess," Kai answered. Luhan snapped his head towards Sehun and punched the younger in the stomach, snapping him out of his dreamland, "Ow what the heck hyung," Sehun yelped in pain while clutching to his stomach, "that hurts."

"It better," Luhan said, grabbing the younger one by his right shoulder, "that girl that you're dreaming about, you better stop dreaming about her right now," he threatened.

"Why?" Sehun asked, shrugging Luhan's hand off of his shoulder and making his way towards his hyungs.

"That's because she's the one for me," Luhan shouted after the younger one. Sehun rolled his eyes and spun back around to face Luhan, "You already have a girlfriend," he said.

"And you're getting services from other girl group members," Luhan argued.

"So? At least I don't have a girlfriend and plus I can stop getting heads from other girls once I get Jae hyung's niece," Sehun stated. Luhan's eyebrows furrowed together and he grabbed the younger one by collar of his shirt, "You better stay away from her and not taint her with your...your.."

"Alright you two stop it," Kris said, walking over to break up the twin looking like members, "enough with this childish crap and lets get to practicing." Sehun gave Luhan a smirk while Luhan returned it with a glare before marching over to his position, "Sehun you need to quit it,"Kris said, pushing the younger to his spot.

"What? I'm not doing anything though hyung," he said, "and it's true that he's dating Seohyun."

"I know I know but not right now okay," Kris patted Sehun on the head before going back to his position.


"They've already moved in your belongings, the only thing left to do is to set your belongings up," Jin told the two girls while unlocking the place for them. He flicked on the lights and enter while the two girls followed behind, "Are you two hungry?" he asked.

"Very," Yoona answered, patting her flat stomach.

"Go ahead and get settled while I order food," Jin told the both of them. Yoona and Taeyeon both nodded their heads and entered the hallway towards their rooms while Jin got down to ordering dinner for them. Taeyeon entered her room and the lights before shutting the door shut. She walked into the middle of the cluttered bedroom and dropped her bags of clothes onto the floor, "Time to get settled," she huffed out while examining the mess.

Yoona entered her room as well and flickered on the lights before closing the door. Instead of getting down to business, she drops her bags of clothes by the door and ran over to her bed and dived ontop of it, "Ah...home sweet home," she mewled out.


"Alright boys, you guys all did a great job, time to pack up and go home," Jae loudly announced. The members of EXO all groaned and grabbed their belongings before heading towards the door. They all bow to Jae as they each passed him by, "Good night and have a good rest," he told them. He let out a sigh of exhaustion and grabbed his phone out from his pocket, "Hyung called me," he thought outloud and pressed the green button to call back, "hey you called? Huh? Oh yeah practice just ended...dinner? Oh you already bought dinner...and the girls' place? Yeah okay I'll be there in a bit, yeah bye," Jae then hung up his phone and left the practice room as well. 


"Yeah and then...," Chen stopped talking and walking midway once he saw that they weren't alone in their dorm.

"Dude what's the matter?" Chanyeol asked as he almost ran into Chen's back. "We're not alone," Chen answered in a whisper.

"What?" Chanyeol asked again and glanced up to see that the door to their front door was slightly opened and sound was coming through the small crack, "you guys shhhhh," he signaled for the rest of the boys to shut their mouths and everyone did. Slowly and quietly, Chen opened the door to their dorm and stuck his head inside, "I smell food," he whispered to Chanyeol.

"If you smelled food then that means Seohyun is here you dimwit," Chanyeol told Chen and smacked him on the head, "move," he pushed Chen inside and opened the door widely, "We're home!!" he shouted and just like that, Seohyun stuck her head out from the kitchen, "Oh you guys are home early," she greeted them with a smile, "dinner is almost ready so just go and relax," she said before disappearing back into the kitchen.

The boys entered the dorm one by one and slowly dispersed to their rooms or to the bathrooms to take a shower, "Hey Luhan," Seohyun greeted Luhan once he entered the kitchen. Luhan walked up to Seohyun and backed hugged her, "Sorry about earlier," he apologized, resting his chin on her shoulder. Seohyun shook her head and patted his head, "It's okay," she replied then got back to cutting the vegetables into pieces. Sehun walks out of his room and sees Luhan hugging Seohyun and then smirked, "That idiot, talks as if he is so damn sure he can leave Seohyun," he muttered before making his way into the living room to join the group of guys watching tv.


"I'll have Jae come pick you two up by 8 tomorrow morning," Jin said while drying his hands on the towel, "you two better be in your wigs and boy clothes by the time Jae gets here, you got that?" he asked and they both nodded, "good, now go get some sleep because you two will be training hard tomorrow and are going to greet your seniors as well." Taeyeon and Yoona both bid Jae and Jin a good night before retreating to their bedrooms. Once the place was quiet and the only sound were cars passing by, Jin and Jae both sat on the sofa in the living room, "I'll have to say, those two girls are very polite," Jin said, hanging his head backwards on the sofa.

Jae let out a chuckle and does the same thing, "Hyung, I know you think I'm crazy for going through with this but...don't worry, I have everything under control," he said while shutting his eyes. Jin replies to Jae with a 'mm' before letting out a long sigh, "Today was a long day," he said, lifting his head up and rubbing the back of his neck, "I'll need to get a massage by the end of this weekend."

"Yeah me too," Jae chimed in and got up from the sofa, "I think it's about time for the both of us to go home," he said, helping Jin up on his feet. The two men made sure that every windows and doors were locked first before turning off all the lights and exiting the apartment then locking it up and leaving the place. 


"Alright, are you two ready?" Jae asked, eyeing Taeyeon and Yoona both in their boy outfits and wigs, "wow...okay sorry, I still can't get over the fact that you two...okay okay I'll stop," he cleared his throat and opened the door, "come on now," he said, motioning for the two of them exit. Taeyeon grabbed Yoona's hand and lead her out of the door then waited for Jae to lock up the place, "So...what are we going to do first when we get there?" Taeyeon asked, scratching under wig since she's not used to wearing a wig.

"First, you two will go and greet EXO, your sunbaenims," he answered, opening the door for the both of them. Taeyeon and Yoona both slide into the back seat and Jae shut the door then ran over to the driver side, "then afterwards, you two are to practice practice practice until I say stop," he told them and backed out from the driveway. 

"Sounds...harsh," Yoona said.

"It is," Jae answered with a chuckle, "this is the trainee life my dear, welcome to my world."


"Gosh why are we here so early in the morning?" Baekhyun complained and yawned, "I should still be sleeping by now."

"Quit complaining you rascals," Jin shouted at them, "in a few minutes you guys are going to meet two new trainees and please be nice to them," he said.

"Trainees?" Chen chimed in, fully awake now, "trainees you say?" 

"No Chen, you may not troll the two new trainees," Jin scolded him. Chen pouted and sunk back into the chair he was sitting in, "No fun hyung."

"Of course," Jin pulled out his phone and glanced at the time, "why is Jae taking so long," he muttered, tapping his foot against the cold floor. Sehun opened his eyes and lifted his head from Suho's shoulder. With a smirk plastered on his face, he made his way over to Luhan and sat down beside the older Chinese boy, "So hyung," he began. Luhan pulled his head out from his hands and yawned, "What do you want Sehun?" he asked, rubbing his eyes from sleep.

"I see that you and Seohyun both made up yesterday," he said, nudging Luhan in the shoulder.

Luhan rolled his eyes at the younger one and stuffed his head back into his hands, "Go away Sehun, it's still too early to argue with you," he mumbled. Sehun chuckled and leaned back against the wall, "I guess that means I can go for the girl, right?" he asked.

"Don't even think about it," Luhan hissed, pulling his face out from his hands.

"You can't be two timing Seohyun and that girl hyung, that's just unfair to Seohyun," Sehun simply stated.

"He does have a point," Lay chimed in from behind Luhan.

Luhan opened his mouth to argue with Lay when the door to the room opens and Jae walked in with two person following behind him, "Jae," Jin called, walking quickly over to the younger one, "what took you so long?" he asked between clenched teeth and quietly too.

"Sorry hyung but traffic was pretty bad this morning," Jae answered, "plus it doesn't matter, we're here and that's all that matters." Jin rolled his eyes before facing EXO with a smile, "Guys please come over here and gather around," he called. All the members got up from where they were sitting and lazily dragged their feet over to Jin and Jae, "everyone, I will be introducing to you guys all our two new trainees," Jin looked back to Taeyeon and Yoona and motioned for them to come out. Taeyeon gulped and slowly walked her way over to Jin with Yoona following closely behind, "Guys, this is Kim Tae and Im Daeho," he announced.

"You two, look up," Jae whispered to them. Yoona and Taeyeon both glanced up at the boys and bowed to them, "Good morning," they both said at the same time. Taeyeon's eyes scanned the group of boys until it landed on Sehun who tilted his head slightly to the side and eyebrows furrowed together. Her eyes met with Sehun and she quickly glanced away to another member of the group, "Guys, this is EXO, your sunabenims," Jin said, "I know that there are a lot of them here but you'll get to know them slowly."

"Hyung," Sehun called out, making his way over to the front.

"Yes Sehun?" Jin asked.

"Those two," he began, eyeing Taeyeon intentively, "have I seen them somewhere before?" he asked. 

", of course not," Jin said with a chuckle, "why do you say that?"

Sehun rubbed his chin and made his way over to Taeyeon and grabbed her by the jaw so that she was facing him, "Hm...," he pondered, "pretty boys," he said and let go of Taeyeon's face, "I'm Oh Sehun, your sunbae so I expect you two to be respectful to me and my group when we're around," he said sternly. 

"O...of course," Taeyeon stuttered. 

This of a kid, who does he think he is being bossy Taeyeon gave Sehun a smile while thinking in her head and cursing him out. 


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Farahaisyah_ #1
Chapter 4: Please updateeeee
Chapter 4: Now is 2017 and I'm still here reread every single chapter. And waiting for you to come back :(
Such an insteresting story to be dropped.
Plz come back and update!!!!!
lutae_exoshidae #3
Please make it Luhan x Taeyeon!!!!!!!
exotaeng_ss #4
Chapter 4: Update soon! It's interesting~
Smile3107 #5
Chapter 4: update soon plz :(((
stlove #6
Chapter 4: hahaha sehun and taeyeon i love then...update soon thor ^^
Chapter 4: Update soon please!I like your story and reread everyday.I'll waiting for next chapter.
erahmaliati21 #8
Chapter 4: ahahah aigoo~ so funny :DD
ck! sehun so bossy --'
aarrrrrggghh good fanfic, i love it :333
update soon :))
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON.. :D
wow, great job..this fanfic is awesome... i always reread this everyday.. nice storyline.. :))