I missed you!

More than friends, Less than lovers

Ever since that dino boy called Jonghyun saved me from the jerks in the boy’s room. We became really close and started hanging out. He also told me that he saved me because he is that stupid boy who accidentally spat gum in my hair. And he felt like he owed me. It had been Christmas vacation, and Jonghyun’s family went to Seoul, and would be back today. I was sitting in the livening room playing on my grandma’s piano.  I spent most of my time doing so because halmoni claims that that watching TV is a waste of time so she never bothered buying one. I have no other friends than Jonghyun so I couldn’t go out either. Yeah I was stuck here.

“Hey, Bummie. I’m back” Jonghyun’s voice echoed in the livening room. I forgot that he never knock before entering the house anymore. I run towards Jonghyun and pulled him into a warm embrace hugging him tightly and said «I missed you, Jjong". I really did. My vacation was completely boring and halmoni was never home. What she does when she is not home is a mystery. “I got something to give you” Jonghyun said bringing me back to reality. “Really Jjong. What did you get me?” I grabbed Jonghyun’s wrist and led him to the couch. Excited to see what he bought me.

He gave me a whit plastic bag and said “This…is for your halmoni” my mouth dropped and a low chuckle fell off his lips. I pouted “I thought you said you bought me something” I said and crossed my arms over my chest. “If you want it then take this” he was holding a folded piece of paper in his hand. I took the paper from him and unfolded it. It was a map, at least that’s what I thought it was. So he went to Seoul and bought me a map? “Jjong what’s this?” He took the paper and looked at it. “Well isn’t it obvious? It a treasure hunt bummie” he said and gave me back the paper. A treasure hunt. “Really Jjong? Just give me the present already" I whined.  “But there’s no fun in that Bummie.”  He’s right I was never bored whenever I was with Jonghyun. “Alright where do I start”? I said defeated. “Come with me “ he said dragging me out to the park.


 “Little sweet palm?” I read form the map, or  the oh so called treasure hunt.” What does that even mean Jjong?” he just smiled and said “behind you” I did as I was told and turned around. I saw a palm tree and there was something wrapped like a present under it. I unwrapped it and tried to figure out what it was. It looks like a piece from a wooden doll?

“When did you do this?” I asked Jonghyun. “ I bought the gift  and hid the pieces before I left to Seoul”. Oh so he didn’t buy it Seoul.” Wait, you did this before you left? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? Do you know how bored I was without you? His smile grew even wider if that’s possible. I realized that I said the last part loud. “Okay Jjong where is the next pieces” I asked avoiding the awkward moment.  “Bummie?


“ You know that you have to actually look for it right?” . “Fine” I said walking away from Jonghyun. I continued finding different pieces. They were all hidden under different trees. And Jonghyun just followed along and chuckled at how excited I got each time I found a piece. I finally found almost all the pieces. I was just missing the nose. I reached my final destination but there was no tree to be seen. I looked back at Jonghyun. He was just as confused as I was. “Jjong…um..Where is the last piece, or tree?” Jonghyun was looking around before answering “I guess the tree was cut down”. “Why don’t we just buy a new piece?” I asked, but he just looked at me as if it was the stupidest thing to say. “We can’t Bummie. That was the last wooden doll they had”

We were now sitting on a bench beside the fountain at the park like we always did when we were upset, or just needed to think. I looked over at Jonghyun who had his gaze on the wooden doll in his hands. "It’s okay Jjong.  I’m happy enough because you bought this for me. Jonghyun just nodded and looked back at the doll. I was actually happy at least I got a Christmas present from someone. nad not just someone but from Jjong.  Jonghyun said it was getting late so we both headed home.

Jonghyun’s POV:

Too bad Kibum didn’t get the last piece. I just wanted to give him something since he was told that he never gets any presents when it’s Christmas. That’s like the best part about it openning the presents and spending time with the familiy. My parents were on the phone again probably talking to Sodam. She begged my parents to stay a little longer in Seoul  with her friends.


They hang up the phone started talking or arguing about something, but not loud enough for me to hear. They both turned their head to look me and then they continued talking again. I’m sure it’s nothing, right?

Dad walked towards me and sat beside me on the couch. He just sat there saying nothing, but he leaned his head back trying to keep the tears from falling. Ok now I know there something wrong


[A/N] The wooden doll looks like this. and kibum is missing the red nose.  It's kind of weird but that  also why they only had one of these and Jonghyun couldn't buy a new one.

santa wooden doll

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Just did a spelling check. wow am i blind?


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Chapter 6: update soon.
Good luck with the story ^^
Hwaiting author-nim