Get away from him

More than friends, Less than lovers

Jonghyun's POV

"Jonghyun... Jonghyun-ah." I heard an annoying voice floating into my ears.

“ off” I mumbled with a smile.  It got quiet and I sighed in content as I got more comfortable in bed. I never wanted to leave my bed ever again. It was so soft and warm, and cold…. really cold. Wait, why was my bed cold? I shot upright with a yelp when the ice slipped down my pants. "Y-yah,  Noona." My teeth were clattering and I glared at Sodam.
She was returning the glare with as much power as me, eventually making me back down. I had to, that chick could be ing terrifying when she wanted to. "That's what you get for telling your own sister to off" she smirked. "Now get your pathetic excuse for an out of bed before I smack you upside the head."
"No, you’re getting out of bed now, Kim Jonghyun, and that is final. You have to go to school, remember?" I groaned. Why did she have to remind me of that? "Come on, up, up!"
"I don't want to~," I whined as I buried myself under my covers.

Kibum’s POV:

The sun was shining softly through a crack in my curtains and hit my face, which was what woke me up. I stretched and arched my back with a long yawn. Then I threw the covers aside and got out of bed, headed for the bathroom to shower and get ready for the new day.
I hate that they make us were these ugly uniforms, but that doesn't mean I have to were them like everybody else, right? I was starting at a new school and I wanted to make a great first impression, so of course my appearance had to be flawless. Maybe, just maybe I could get friends this time?

I was almost done when there was a soft knock on the door and halmoni stuck her head through the crack. "Oh, you're already up," she commented.
"You know me." I smiled at her
"Breakfast is ready for you in the kitchen." she opened the door fully and walked towards me. "Let me look at you." I turned to her and allowed her to look me over. She nodded her head in approval and smiled. "I tough you well" Then she pulled me into a hug. "It will be fine, Kibummie"
"I'm still not calling you that stupid name, Kibummie," she chuckled. Stupid?…. I can’t see anything wrong with the name key. I thought to myself. "No, it's not that," I sighed. "You're... messing up my clothes." she pulled away immediately and straightened the fabric with a timid expression. It made me reach out a caress her cheek. "I hope so, halmoni, I really hope so," I said. Oh God, Key, you promised yourself you wouldn't cry. Calm, Key. You're calm. I breathed out before sending her a smile. The tears were still threatening to spill over, though.

Jonghyun's POV:

Unfortunately my sister managed to wake me up, and drive me to school. I was playing soccer with my friends when I noticed a boy sitting all alone. I studied him from head to toe.

He had pink lips, black soft hair and flawless skin. Everybody wore the same uniform but they seemed to look so much better on that boy. Oh he’s looking this way, look away Jonghyun look away. but my eyes didn’t seem to work with me, because they kept starring at the boy with flawless skin. The boy probably got freaked out, since he run to the boy’s room. I continued to play soccer, but stopped when two boys followed the boy with flawless skin. Yeah I don’t know his name so I’m going to keep calling him that.

Kibum's POV:

I went to the boy’s room after I noticed that dino like kid staring at me. I was looking in mirror checking if I had something on my face, which I didn’t, so why was he staring at me like that? I decided to wash my hands while I’m there. I was ready to go out, when two boys came in. One short and one tall

“Well, well, well “the tall boy said.

“Isn’t that the sissy boy, Kibum?” the short boy asked

“It’s key” I said looking for a way to get through them.

“Aren’t you in the wrong room, sissy boy” The taller boy asked coming closer towards me. I shook my head and tried to walk away." I’m a boy too, you stupid air whole"  I said and started running away, but the taller boy was fast and grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the door  slamming his fist into the door behind me gripping my collar with his other hand.

 "Let me go" I said angry. It was my first day. What did they have against me, when they don’t even know me? I tried squeezing between them.  When the short boy said "Hyung maybe you should punch some sense into him, maybe it will make him less sissy. They tall boy smirked and said “let’s find out shall we?”

 “Let me g-” before I could finish my sentence the taller boy had already punched me making me release my air with a huff. I fell to my knees on the floor, lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. I couldn't breathe. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach; I bit my teeth together and closed my eyes waiting for the pain to go away. But it didn’t I felt short burst of pain. One behind the other as the punches kept raining down on me making me. The punching stopped the next moment the light poured into the room, only obstructed by the black shadow of my savior who stood by the doorway and growled: "Get away from him, you bastards."




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Just did a spelling check. wow am i blind?


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Chapter 6: update soon.
Good luck with the story ^^
Hwaiting author-nim