I Like you

My Little Rubber Ducky

 I Like You 


- Crystal Pov -

It's been almost a week already... Today was my last day at the hospital.

"Yah!! You cheater!!!" I told Jiminnie.

"Hahahahaha You're going to lose!!" He said chuckling. " I WON!!! Mwhahaha"

Me and Jiminnie were playing a car race game on my Ipad. It was 9 pm. And he was lying on the hospital bed next to me.

"You keep winning! You are definifly cheating!" I said pouting. I pocked him.

"Yah! Stop pouting, you ducky" He said poking me back chuckling.

I poked him back again. And then he smirked.

Oh no.

He started tickling me.

"AHAHAHAHA OMG STOP PLEASE !!!!" I couldn't stop laughing, it tickled to much.

"JIMIN STOP OMG !!!!!" He was now on top of me smirking, while still tikling me.


Then, slowly, he stopped, he wasn't laughing anymore, his expression turned serious.

He was looking deeply into my eyes. Then his eyes travelled to my lips.

I became so nervous and my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

He was slolwy but carefuly leaning closer and closer.

I could already fell his breath on my face.

Is he going to kiss me?

- - - - -


- Jimin Pov -

We were playing a car race game, but I cheated.

She pouted. 

She's so cute.

Then she poked me.

I poked her back.

Then she poked me again. I smirked.

I started tickling her, while she asked me to stop.


Suddenly, I stoped.


I didn't even pay attention that is was on top of her. I was just starring at how beautiful she was, her sparkling eyes, her eye smile when she laughed...her soft small cherry colored lips...

I couldn't control myself anymore, I've been in love with her for 5 years. 5 years of growing love. I loved her more and more everyday. And now I comes to the point that I would even risk making 17 years of friendship come to an end, just for a kiss.

I slowly leaned in, I took my time just to make the moment last.

But when our lips were so close to touch, BTS (without Taehyung) came in the room.

"Hey Crys--" Said J-hope. The others gasped. 

*Seriously?!? I was so close!* I thought disapointed and frustrated.

Suddenly Ducky pushed me off her, and I fell on the other side of the bed, almost falling on the ground.

"Were you two about to--" Said Suga shocked.

"Hi guys! What are you doing here!? haha" She cut what Suga was going to say. Sitting on the edge off the bed, with an akward smile.

Since I was behind her I made a sign to the guys to shut up, and I mouth to them 'I will tell you later'.

Suddenly, all of them acted like nothing happened.

"Oh! Yeah, we are here to pick you up from the hospital!!" Said Jin acting normal.

"All of you??" 

"It's because we brough you a present!!" Said Jung kookie exited.

"A present?" She got exited.

"Yup! Here you go!" Suga gave her a dark blue box, with holes.

WITH HOLES!?!?!? Wait...Don't tell me it's a...

"Omg!! A cat?!?!?" She said her hand covering .

She must be so happy. I smiled. She always wanted a cat. But she never had the time to really plan on getting one.

"Omg! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"I'm glad you like it !" Said Suga, while she was hugging him. She hugged all of them one by one. And when she came to J-hope, he said.

"We made sure to buy you a scottish fold breed, your favorite."

(A/N : A scottish fold is a cat with small folded ears, and big round eyes, like you can see above)

"How will I ever repay you?" She said giving the cat a treat from the box.

"Being our friend is more than enough" Said J-hope hugging her.

"Group hug!" Said Jung kook, hugging them."

"Come on Jimin" Said Crystal handing me her hand. I gladly took it and joined in the hug.

- - - - -


 - Nobody Pov -

For the past two weeks, Taehyung and Crystal have become really close.

Taehyung will sometimes walk her home, he would do school projects with her, he would always wait for her at her locker... He has been really nice to her.

Because since the day Crystal was saved by Jimin, he didn't back off. He was determined to win over Crystal's heart.

So today he was going to confess. Even though he had already kissed her twice. Yes twice...2 days ago, when he walked Crystal home, he cupped her face and kissed her. But she imediatly pulled away, and told him she didn't liked Teahyung in a lover's way..just as a friend. 

But he was still determined.

He send her a texte message after school to meet up with him at the school's gate.

She hesitated at first, because she knew what Taehyung was planning to do. But the thing is, she loved Jimin, but 3 days ago she saw him with a girl at the school's gate once. They looked pretty close. They were even laughing together. It mad her sad. And she knew that the girl liked him.

Since that day, Jimin seemed to be happier, so she knew that the feeling wasn't mutual. He already loved someone else.

So she decided to go meet Taehyung.

He was waiting for her.

But when he saw her he smiled.

She smiled back.


They were at the park.

"Crystal...you might already know it.."


"And it might be a bit obvious but..."

He turned to her holding her hands in his.

He came closer. 

*I am not going to back off...I will make you mine* he mentally told her.

Their lips were so close.

"I really like you Crystal, would you be my gilfriend..."

He said pressing his lips against hers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Next Chapter Preview :

"I need to get over him.."



OMG Jimin was about to kiss her...there will always forever be Cockblokers *Facepalm* xDDD

Taehyung confessed~ He is determined to be with Crystal. He really likes her.

Here is a Suga gif (because i wanted to put one)

Honestly, in my opinion, even thought Jimin's my Bias.. SUGA HAS THE MOST GORGEOUS SMILE IN BTS!!! TT____TT I mean, look at the way he smiles!!!! well that is my opinion.

Hey guys ! Because "I'm sooo cuuuuurioouse Yeaaaaaahhh !" I would like to know who are you're bias in each group you like! :D

For me : Well It's written in my name xD : Henry (Suju), Leo (VIXX), Soohyun (U-Kiss) and many others like :

Daehyun (B.A.P), Minho (SHINee), Jimin (BTS), TOP (Big bang), Chanyeol (EXO), Minhyun (BTOB), Dongwoo (Infinite), E.den (LC9), P.O. (Block B) etc...


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Up10tion4LIFE #1
Great story, keep up the good work!
Plz update this story soon! I really want to read the new chapter! ><
Aurasyqa #3
o0Love0o #4
Chapter 28: I'm still waiting for the update... I love this story! Please update soon! ^^
creepychannie #5
Chapter 28: oh my...I just saw that the story has not been updated for months... >.< it's too bad .. its a really nice story ... I hope you will consider updating soon~ thank you ~
Chapter 28: oh my gawwdd update soon puhleassee! i am so loving this and i got addicted to this! REALLY i even re-read this until midnight for a hundred times! and oh i also love you too author-nim <3
by the way, i just want to ask are you trying to kill us with your gifs and adorable pics at the end of the chaps?? cause you succeed.
one more thing, do you hav a twitter acc? if you do, please tell me your un so i can follow you! please!
Chapter 17: /drags suga away from you/ ; u ; there. SUGA-free /?
bangtan_love #8
Chapter 28: P.L.E.A.S.E UPDATE *0* ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡